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Quick answer about LFR loot.

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I'm new about LFR loot mechanics (i restarted wow at Cataclysm end) so i'm asking some clarifications.

Let's say i run Mogu'Shan LFR mode on Wednesday (at the reset). I kill stone guard and drop nothin but gold. I kill Feng and i get the chance to re-roll with the gold coins, but i lose. I kill finally also Gara'jal and drop a pair of boots.

So, if i re-queue for another MSV LFR first wing, can i still try to get loot from stone guard and also from feng (even if in the last try i rerolled with no success)? Or i'll get more loots only at the next reset (and i must wait another week, or i'll run MSV without having a chance to see a drop)?

Sorry for noobness, but i'm not so familiar about loot mechanincs of LFR :|

Thanks for help Posted Image

Edited by Panzer

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You only have one chance at loot from each boss in LFR once per lockout. Whether you win anything or not makes no difference, and no other successive kills of the boss have any chance to give you loot. So in your example, going for Mogu'shan Vaults LFR a second time, there is no chance whatsoever that The Stone Guard will drop anything for you. You need to wait until the next reset to get another chance at loot from The Stone Guard.

Now, all of that does not account for the Elder Charms of Good Fortune. An Elder Charm of Good Fortune is basically a second chance at getting loot from a boss you killed. The chance, according to Blizzard, is exactly the same that you have the first time around. For example, you have a 15% chance to get an item from The Stone Guard the first time you kill them in a lockout. So it's Wednesday night, you go in and kill The Stone Guard, and nothing drops. You had (roughly) a 15% chance to get an item, but you didn't. Now you use an Elder Charm of Good Fortune, and you get another chance to win an item from them. The chance is again roughly 15%, and you could end up getting an item, or not getting one.

Finally, it is my understanding (and if someone has a blue post to contradict me, please go ahead) that the Elder Charms of Good Fortune are not subject to the limitation of one chance at loot from each boss in LFR once per lockout. That means that each time you use a Charm, you always have that 15% chance to get an item, no matter how many times in the week you've already killed that boss before. > see Peelyon's reply.

The Elder Charm of Good Fortune is usable once per lockout per boss. So, if you kill The Stone Guard (first time in the week), and use a Charm, you won't be able to use another Charm on The Stone Guard if you kill it again the same week. However, if you kill it the first time, don't use a Charm, you will still have the option to use a Charm on subsequent kills of it in the same lockout (until you actually use it).

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Just to add my own experiences.

In the first week of LFR (Stone Guard wing) I went through the entire raid and didnt get any loot from the bosses. I passed using the bonus coin on Stone Guard, used a bonus coin for Feng, and passed on the option of using a coin on Garajal.

Later in the same week I got asked to heal LFR again for a friend and so yet again killed all three bosses. I still had an option to roll on both Stone Guard and Garajal with the bonus coin only, as I had not previously used a coin. However for Feng I didnt have the option as I had already used the bonus coin first time round.

Im not 100% sure if this is still the case though as I havent been into LFR twice since the first week.

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Just to add my own experiences.

In the first week of LFR (Stone Guard wing) I went through the entire raid and didnt get any loot from the bosses. I passed using the bonus coin on Stone Guard, used a bonus coin for Feng, and passed on the option of using a coin on Garajal.

Later in the same week I got asked to heal LFR again for a friend and so yet again killed all three bosses. I still had an option to roll on both Stone Guard and Garajal with the bonus coin only, as I had not previously used a coin. However for Feng I didnt have the option as I had already used the bonus coin first time round.

Im not 100% sure if this is still the case though as I havent been into LFR twice since the first week.

This could very well be true! I'll edit my post accordingly. I've personally never used a coin in LFR so I never had the option of killing a boss a second time after having used a coin the first.

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You can use an Elder token without limit. I used 5 tokens on Elegon, 1 on the normal kill and 4 on LFR kills. I got gold each time (major rage on my part) because that is literally the only piece of gear I have that isn't 489...that stupid wand. But trust me, you can use as many tokens as you want. I know because I did it.

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You can use an Elder token without limit. I used 5 tokens on Elegon, 1 on the normal kill and 4 on LFR kills. I got gold each time (major rage on my part) because that is literally the only piece of gear I have that isn't 489...that stupid wand. But trust me, you can use as many tokens as you want. I know because I did it.

Just to make sure - in the same lockout?

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Absolutely 100% positive. I did them back to back to back to back in 2 hours.

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I did it this current lockout...as in Wednesday after the butthole didn't drop my wand.

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