Windwalker Monk DPS Gear and Best in Slot — The War Within (11.1.0)

Last updated on Feb 24, 2025 at 21:57 by Babylonius 47 comments
General Information

On this page, you will find the best gear and best in slot items for your Windwalker Monk in World of Warcraft The War Within (11.1.0).


BiS Gear Guide for Windwalker Monk

Welcome to our Gear and BiS Page for Windwalker Monk for The War Within Season 2. Check this page to learn everything you need to know about gearing a Windwalker Monk, including the BiS Gear from all sources, Raiding, and Mythic+, information on the best Trinkets, Tier Sets, and much more.

For discussion and information on Stats specifically, check out our Stats page below.


BiS Gear for Windwalker Monk

Overall BiS List Raid Gear BiS List Mythic+ Gear BiS List

BiS List for Windwalker Monk

This list contains the highest DPS setup from most sources for Windwalker Monk.

In most non-Tier slots, a maximum iLvl Craft is technically optimal since you can customize the secondary stats to your liking. A few higher iLvl Slots from Mythic Raid are the exception.

Slot Item Source/Note
HeadAgeless Serpent's Mane Icon Ageless Serpent's ManeMatrix Catalyst
NeckGobfather's Gifted Bling Icon Gobfather's Gifted BlingMug'Zee
ShouldersAgeless Serpent's Shoulderpads Icon Ageless Serpent's ShoulderpadsMatrix Catalyst
CloakConsecrated Cloak Icon Consecrated CloakTailoring
ChestAgeless Serpent's Inked Coils Icon Ageless Serpent's Inked CoilsMatrix Catalyst
WristRune-Branded Armbands Icon Rune-Branded ArmbandsLeatherworking
GlovesAgeless Serpent's Handguards Icon Ageless Serpent's HandguardsMatrix Catalyst
BeltMekgineer's Championship Belt Icon Mekgineer's Championship BeltOperation: Mechagon
LegsFlame-Seared Leggings Icon Flame-Seared LeggingsOperation: Mechagon
BootsBackbreaking Bootstrappers Icon Backbreaking BootstrappersCinderbrew Meadery
RingCyrce's Circlet Icon Cyrce's CircletSiren Isle
RingThe Jastor Diamond Icon The Jastor DiamondChrome King Gallywix
2H WeaponGlorious Defender's Poleaxe Icon Glorious Defender's PoleaxePriory of the Sacred Flame
1H WeaponCapo's Molten Knuckles Icon Capo's Molten KnucklesMug'Zee
1H WeaponGallywix's Iron Thumb Icon Gallywix's Iron ThumbChrome King Gallywix
TrinketHouse of Cards Icon House of CardsOne-Armed Bandit
TrinketMechano-Core Amplifier Icon Mechano-Core AmplifierDelves

Raid Gear BiS List for Windwalker Monk

This list contains the highest DPS setup, only using gear from the Season 2 Raids.

This list is mostly useful for informing your organized guild of what loot is optimal for you for loot distribution purposes.

Slot Item Source
HeadAgeless Serpent's Mane Icon Ageless Serpent's ManeMatrix Catalyst
NeckGobfather's Gifted Bling Icon Gobfather's Gifted BlingMug'Zee
ShouldersAgeless Serpent's Shoulderpads Icon Ageless Serpent's ShoulderpadsMatrix Catalyst
CloakTest Pilot's Go-Pack Icon Test Pilot's Go-PackSprocketmonger Lockenstock
ChestAgeless Serpent's Inked Coils Icon Ageless Serpent's Inked CoilsMatrix Catalyst
WristAgeless Serpent's Cuffs Icon Ageless Serpent's CuffsMatrix Catalyst
GlovesAgeless Serpent's Handguards Icon Ageless Serpent's HandguardsMatrix Catalyst
BeltCompetitor's Battle Cord Icon Competitor's Battle CordCauldron of Carnage
LegsBilgerat's Discarded Slacks Icon Bilgerat's Discarded SlacksStix Bunkjunker
BootsRushed Beta Launchers Icon Rushed Beta LaunchersSprocketmonger Lockenstock
RingCyrce's Circlet Icon Cyrce's CircletSiren Isle
RingThe Jastor Diamond Icon The Jastor DiamondChrome King Gallywix
2H WeaponGiga Bank-Breaker Icon Giga Bank-BreakerOne-Armed Bandit
1H WeaponCapo's Molten Knuckles Icon Capo's Molten KnucklesMug'Zee
1H WeaponGallywix's Iron Thumb Icon Gallywix's Iron ThumbChrome King Gallywix
TrinketEye of Kezan Icon Eye of KezanChrome King Gallywix
TrinketHouse of Cards Icon House of CardsOne-Armed Bandit

Mythic+ Gear BiS List for Windwalker Monk

This list contains the highest DPS setup, with farmable gear from Mythic+ Dungeons. This is a great place to start on a relatively new character, as you can infinitely grind out these items from Mythic+.

Slot Item Source
HeadAgeless Serpent's Mane Icon Ageless Serpent's ManeMatrix Catalyst
NeckStrapped Rescue-Keg Icon Strapped Rescue-KegCinderbrew Meadery
ShouldersAgeless Serpent's Shoulderpads Icon Ageless Serpent's ShoulderpadsMatrix Catalyst
CloakElectrician's Siphoning Filter Icon Electrician's Siphoning FilterOperation: Floodgate
ChestAgeless Serpent's Inked Coils Icon Ageless Serpent's Inked CoilsMatrix Catalyst
WristBattle-Scarred Fisticuffs Icon Battle-Scarred FisticuffsCinderbrew Meadery
GlovesAgeless Serpent's Handguards Icon Ageless Serpent's HandguardsMatrix Catalyst
BeltMekgineer's Championship Belt Icon Mekgineer's Championship BeltOperation: Mechagon
LegsFlame-Seared Leggings Icon Flame-Seared LeggingsOperation: Mechagon
BootsBackbreaking Bootstrappers Icon Backbreaking BootstrappersCinderbrew Meadery
RingCyrce's Circlet Icon Cyrce's CircletSiren Isle
RingFleshfused Circle Icon Fleshfused CircleTheater of Pain
2H WeaponGlorious Defender's Poleaxe Icon Glorious Defender's PoleaxePriory of the Sacred Flame
1H WeaponCrusher of the Unsettled Icon Crusher of the UnsettledCinderbrew Meadery
1H WeaponCrusher of the Unsettled Icon Crusher of the UnsettledCinderbrew Meadery
TrinketAzerokk's Resonating Heart Icon Azerokk's Resonating HeartThe MOTHERLODE!!
TrinketSignet of the Priory Icon Signet of the PrioryPriory of the Sacred Flame

Best Cyrce's Circlet Gems for Windwalker Monk

Patch 11.0.7 introduced Cyrce's Circlet, is a new ring that you can acquire by completing several activities on Siren Isle. The ring has 3 sockets, each with a different gem type. There are four different gems available for each of the three slots, for a total of 12 gems, so there is quite a bit of choice on what to socket.

After the significant increase in the ring's maximum item level, it is worthwhile for everyone to do what they can to maximize the ring every week. You should then sim what you have access to so that you know when it is time for you to switch.

These are generally considered to be the best gems, but it is highly recommended to sim yourself to figure out the best choices and combinations for your specific gear and the specific gems and other rings you already own:

  • For raid, you will want to play Stormbringer's Runed Citrine Icon Stormbringer's Runed Citrine, Fathomdweller's Runed Citrine Icon Fathomdweller's Runed Citrine and Windsinger's Runed Citrine Icon Windsinger's Runed Citrine
  • For Mythic+/AoE, you will also want to play Stormbringer's Runed Citrine Icon Stormbringer's Runed Citrine, Fathomdweller's Runed Citrine Icon Fathomdweller's Runed Citrine and Windsinger's Runed Citrine Icon Windsinger's Runed Citrine

For more information on how to get the ring, as well as acquiring all of the different gems that you can possibly socket into it, check out our Cyrce's Circlet guide below!


Best Trinkets for Windwalker Monk in The War Within Season 2

Raiding Trinket Tier List Mythic+ Trinket Tier List

Mythic+ Trinket Tier List for Windwalker Monk

This Trinket Tier List is AoE-biased for Mythic+, as this tends to be the most important aspect of Mythic+.

A "Tier" as defined by this list is around 0.5% DPS, meaning that S-Tier Trinkets are around 0.5% better than A-Tier Trinkets, and so on.



  • House of Cards Icon House of Cards — Huge Agility and a massively, enormously, gigantic Mastery buff that lines up with our cooldowns. A trinket could not get any better for Windwalker.
  • Funhouse Lens Icon Funhouse Lens — Yes, you're reading that correctly. This Delve trinket with a max of 665 is our 2nd best on-use Trinket. It gives a lot of stats and is on a 90-second cooldown.


  • Mechano-Core Amplifier Icon Mechano-Core Amplifier — This is the best equip trinket to pair with House of Cards. Although we'd prefer it to give us more Mastery, even if it gives Crit or Vers, they're strong enough to make this trinket very good.
  • Signet of the Priory Icon Signet of the Priory — The best of the dungeon trinkets because it gives you a lot of Agility and your highest secondary stat. The only drawback is that its a 2 minute cooldown instead of a 90-second one, but if you're playing Shado-Pan and/or using your cooldowns every 2-minutes, this is stronger.
  • Improvised Seaforium Pacemaker Icon Improvised Seaforium Pacemaker — Critical Strike isn't our best stat, but its a strong one still, and the uptime is good enough to give it some consideration.
  • Eye of Kezan Icon Eye of Kezan — This trinket increases in value as the fight goes longer, so it can become very strong on long raid fights. It loses value very quickly when combat drops, making it potentially weak in Mythic+.


  • Concoction: Kiss of Death Icon Concoction: Kiss of Death
  • Imperfect Ascendancy Serum Icon Imperfect Ascendancy Serum
  • Junkmaestro's Mega Magnet Icon Junkmaestro's Mega Magnet
  • Quickwick Candlestick Icon Quickwick Candlestick
  • Suspicious Energy Drink Icon Suspicious Energy Drink


  • Reverb Radio Icon Reverb Radio
  • Shadow-Binding Ritual Knife Icon Shadow-Binding Ritual Knife
  • Azerokk's Resonating Heart Icon Azerokk's Resonating Heart
  • Zee's Thug Hotline Icon Zee's Thug Hotline
  • Geargrinder's Spare Keys Icon Geargrinder's Spare Keys
  • Ravenous Honey Buzzer Icon Ravenous Honey Buzzer
  • Spelunker's Waning Candle Icon Spelunker's Waning Candle
  • Conductor's Wax Whistle Icon Conductor's Wax Whistle
  • Turbo-Drain 5000 Icon Turbo-Drain 5000
  • Grim Codex Icon Grim Codex
  • Sigil of Algari Concordance Icon Sigil of Algari Concordance


  • Detachable Fang Icon Detachable Fang
  • Scroll of Momentum Icon Scroll of Momentum
  • Ratfang Toxin Icon Ratfang Toxin
  • Mister Lock-N-Stalk Icon Mister Lock-N-Stalk
  • Remnant of Darkness Icon Remnant of Darkness
  • Charged Stormrook Plume Icon Charged Stormrook Plume
  • Garbagemancer's Last Resort Icon Garbagemancer's Last Resort
  • Papa's Prized Putter Icon Papa's Prized Putter
  • K.U.-J.0.'s Flame Vents Icon K.U.-J.0.'s Flame Vents


  • Abyssal Trap Icon Abyssal Trap
  • Blastmaster3000 Icon Blastmaster3000
  • Noggenfogger Ultimate Deluxe Icon Noggenfogger Ultimate Deluxe
  • Wildfire Wick Icon Wildfire Wick
  • Amorphous Relic Icon Amorphous Relic

Raiding Trinket Tier List for Windwalker Monk

This Trinket Tier List is single-target biased, as this tends to be the most important aspect of Raiding. When Trinkets are equal on single-target, I will "break the tie" by looking into which Trinket performs better in AoE/mixed scenarios.

A "Tier" as defined by this list is around 0.5% DPS, meaning that S-Tier Trinkets are around 0.5% better than A-Tier Trinkets, and so on.



  • House of Cards Icon House of Cards — Huge Agility and a massively, enormously, gigantic Mastery buff that lines up with our cooldowns. A trinket could not get any better for Windwalker.
  • Funhouse Lens Icon Funhouse Lens — Yes, you're reading that correctly. This Delve trinket with a max of 665 is our 2nd best on-use Trinket. It gives a lot of stats and is on a 90-second cooldown.


  • Mechano-Core Amplifier Icon Mechano-Core Amplifier — This is the best equip trinket to pair with House of Cards. Although we'd prefer it to give us more Mastery, even if it gives Crit or Vers, they're strong enough to make this trinket very good.
  • Signet of the Priory Icon Signet of the Priory — The best of the dungeon trinkets because it gives you a lot of Agility and your highest secondary stat. The only drawback is that its a 2 minute cooldown instead of a 90-second one, but if you're playing Shado-Pan and/or using your cooldowns every 2-minutes, this is stronger.
  • Improvised Seaforium Pacemaker Icon Improvised Seaforium Pacemaker — Critical Strike isn't our best stat, but its a strong one still, and the uptime is good enough to give it some consideration.
  • Eye of Kezan Icon Eye of Kezan — This trinket increases in value as the fight goes longer, so it can become very strong on long raid fights. It loses value very quickly when combat drops, making it potentially weak in Mythic+.


  • Concoction: Kiss of Death Icon Concoction: Kiss of Death
  • Imperfect Ascendancy Serum Icon Imperfect Ascendancy Serum
  • Junkmaestro's Mega Magnet Icon Junkmaestro's Mega Magnet
  • Quickwick Candlestick Icon Quickwick Candlestick
  • Suspicious Energy Drink Icon Suspicious Energy Drink


  • Reverb Radio Icon Reverb Radio
  • Shadow-Binding Ritual Knife Icon Shadow-Binding Ritual Knife
  • Azerokk's Resonating Heart Icon Azerokk's Resonating Heart
  • Zee's Thug Hotline Icon Zee's Thug Hotline
  • Geargrinder's Spare Keys Icon Geargrinder's Spare Keys
  • Ravenous Honey Buzzer Icon Ravenous Honey Buzzer
  • Spelunker's Waning Candle Icon Spelunker's Waning Candle
  • Conductor's Wax Whistle Icon Conductor's Wax Whistle
  • Turbo-Drain 5000 Icon Turbo-Drain 5000
  • Grim Codex Icon Grim Codex
  • Sigil of Algari Concordance Icon Sigil of Algari Concordance


  • Detachable Fang Icon Detachable Fang
  • Scroll of Momentum Icon Scroll of Momentum
  • Ratfang Toxin Icon Ratfang Toxin
  • Mister Lock-N-Stalk Icon Mister Lock-N-Stalk
  • Remnant of Darkness Icon Remnant of Darkness
  • Charged Stormrook Plume Icon Charged Stormrook Plume
  • Garbagemancer's Last Resort Icon Garbagemancer's Last Resort
  • Papa's Prized Putter Icon Papa's Prized Putter
  • K.U.-J.0.'s Flame Vents Icon K.U.-J.0.'s Flame Vents


  • Abyssal Trap Icon Abyssal Trap
  • Blastmaster3000 Icon Blastmaster3000
  • Noggenfogger Ultimate Deluxe Icon Noggenfogger Ultimate Deluxe
  • Wildfire Wick Icon Wildfire Wick
  • Amorphous Relic Icon Amorphous Relic

"Simming" Yourself as a Windwalker Monk

Throughout this page, we regularly refer to the importance of simming yourself on Raidbots, as it is an indispensable aspect of optimizing your character.

While we do offer generic sim charts for Trinkets, this should not be a replacement for simming yourself, at least not if you want to minmax sub-1%!

If you are new to simming and Raidbots, check out our detailed guide below.


Best Crafted Items for Windwalker Monk

Our Crafting choices are currently unknown but will be determined and updated as soon as the information is available.

You should ideally sim the optimal stats to craft for your particular character, but Haste/Versatility is generally a very safe choice.


Best Embellishments and Crafting Order for Windwalker Monk

  1. If you're only interested in single target damage then craft two items made with Elemental Focusing Lens Icon Elemental Focusing Lens.
  2. If you're interested in more than just single target damage then craft two items with Duskthread Lining Icon Duskthread Lining or Dawnthread Lining Icon Dawnthread Lining. They're practically equal, so which one is largely irrelevant and what's "best" will change based on your other gear, but never so much that it matters.
  3. If you, for some reason, cannot get a 2H weapon at 678 item level, then you can craft one with Darkmoon Sigil: Ascension Icon Darkmoon Sigil: Ascension and another piece with Writhing Armor Banding Icon Writhing Armor Banding. This does require 3 Crests instead of 2, so it should be an absolute worst-case-scenario option.
  4. Your lowest item level slot.

Best Gear Crest Upgrades for Windwalker Monk

You will be able to upgrade your items via Crests, such as Gilded Harbinger Crest Icon Gilded Harbinger Crest. Once you have upgraded a slot to a certain item level, upgrading other items of that slot to that item level is free.

When you upgrade with Crests, you should think of it as upgrading slots and not items.

Additionally, since Crests are a limited resource, you will want to obtain the highest item-level possible before upgrading a given slot, as this means you will spend fewer Crests on that slot in total. If you are at all capable of doing a +9 Dungeon, for example, it would be a VERY bad idea to upgrade an item from a +8 Dungeon, as those are wasted Crests you may not get back for a very long time.

We see a ton of players, even at a high level, mess up their upgrade priorities and upgrade prematurely. Getting this right will put you far ahead of most players.

Below is the slot priority you should upgrade your items in. If you ever want to deviate from this, you should have a very good reason.

  1. Weapons
  2. Trinkets
  3. Helm/Chest/Legs
  4. Shoulders/Gloves/Belt/Boots
  5. Rings and Necks
  6. Cloaks and Bracers

Note that exceptions are possible, such as special items that have more Item Level scaling than their slot would imply.


Season 2 Tier Set for Windwalker Monk

The Tier Set is comprised of 5 items, all carrying the Ageless Serpent's moniker. Unique DPS bonuses are unlocked when wearing 2 or 4 pieces from the set:

  • Monk Windwalker 11.1 Class Set 2pc Icon Monk Windwalker 11.1 Class Set 2pc — Your spells and abilities have a chance to activate a Winning Streak! Icon Winning Streak! increasing the damage of your Rising Sun Kick Icon Rising Sun Kick and Spinning Crane Kick Icon Spinning Crane Kick by 3% stacking up to 10 times. Rising Sun Kick Icon Rising Sun Kick and Spinning Crane Kick Icon Spinning Crane Kick have a 15% chance to remove Winning Streak! Icon Winning Streak!.
  • Monk Windwalker 11.1 Class Set 4pc Icon Monk Windwalker 11.1 Class Set 4pcFists of Fury Icon Fists of Fury applies 1 stack of Winning Streak! Icon Winning Streak! when cast and when finished channeling completely. The damage of your next Fists of Fury Icon Fists of Fury is increased by 8% per stack when Winning Streak! Icon Winning Streak! is removed. Your Winning Streak! Icon Winning Streak! is always removed once it reaches max stacks.

The Tier Set Bonus is decent, and noticably stronger than the Season 1 set bonuses. You can use the Matrix Catalyst to convert regular items (from Mythic+, for example) into Tier Items.

You only need 4 pieces out of 5 to get both set bonuses. We recommend you get all items except for the Legs due to their lack of Haste or Mastery. Check out the BiS List for more information.



  • 06 Mar. 2025: Updated Circlet gem recommendation.
  • 24 Feb. 2025: Updated for Patch 11.1.0.
  • 15 Dec. 2024: Updated for Patch 11.0.7.
  • 22 Oct. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 11.0.5.
  • 09 Oct. 2024: Reviewed and updated trinket recommendations.
  • 09 Sep. 2024: Updated for The War Within Season 1, added Embellishment recommendations.
  • 21 Aug. 2024: Reviewed and updated for The War Within Launch, totally redone.
  • 23 Jul. 2024: Reviewed and updated for The War Within Prepatch.
  • 07 May 2024: Updated for 10.2.7.
  • 22 Apr. 2024: Reviewed for Season 4, updated BiS lists, tier information, and added Bullion.
  • 19 Mar. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 10.2.6, no changes necessary.
  • 14 Feb. 2024: Swapped Blue Silken Lining in for best embellishment recommendations.
  • 15 Jan. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 10.2.5.
  • 30 Nov. 2023: Updated BiS Lists
  • 19 Nov. 2023: Fixed link problem with Borrowed Time weapon.
  • 11 Nov. 2023: Updated for Sporecloak nerf, embellishment recommendations have been redone.
  • 06 Nov. 2023: Updated and Reviewed for Patch 10.2, updated tier information, BiS lists, and embellishment recommendations.
  • 04 Sep. 2023: Updated and Reviewed for Patch 10.1.7, no changes necessary.
  • 10 Jul. 2023: Updated and Reviewed for Patch 10.1.5, added information on unique items in Dawn of the Infinites dungeon.
  • 01 May 2023: Reviewed and Updated for Patch 10.1, formatting changes, updated BiS gearsets, and more.
  • 20 Mar. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.0.7.
  • 24 Jan. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.0.5.
  • 11 Dec. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight Season 1, added gear from Vault of the Incarnates.
  • 28 Nov. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight launch, added initial dungeon gear.
  • 25 Oct. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight pre-patch.
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