Tyrant Velhari Detailed Strategy Guide (Heroic+Mythic Modes included)
Table of Contents

This guide is intended to provide a comprehensive description of the encounter with Tyrant Velhari in Hellfire Citadel. It is targeted at anyone who desires to understand the fight mechanics.
This guide is updated for World of Warcraft WoD 6.2.
Tyrant Velhari is a boss encounter in the Hellfire Citadel raid instance. The most strenuous parts of the fight will test your raid's ability to correctly handle several large adds, with the rest of the mechanics in the encounter being quite straightforward.
This guide is written and maintained by Azortharion, a top Hunter with 6 years of raiding experience, who currently raids in Ðanish Terrace, a world top 20 guild.
General Information
LFR Difficulty
For the Looking for Raid version of the fight, we provide you with a special LFR guide. This will tell you everything you need to know in order to complete the encounter, in a quick and concise way.
Normal, Heroic, and Mythic Difficulty
This main part of this guide covers both the Normal and Heroic versions of the encounter, as far as mechanics and general strategy is concerned. The only difference between these two modes is found in the tuning, with Heroic being more difficult.
When we speak of extreme situations (such as the difficulty of a soft enrage timer, or damage from a certain source being too high to survive), we mostly refer to Heroic mode.
In addition to this, we have a specific Mythic mode section, where we present all the differences between Normal/Heroic and Mythic, as well as the strategy to defeat the Mythic encounter.
Enrage Timer
We do not know what the hard enrage timer for this encounter is, if there even is one. In any case, it does not ever seem to come into play, as groups are much more likely to wipe to other mechanics first.
Overview of the Fight
Tyrant Velhari is a 3-phase encounter during which your raid contends with Tyrant Velhari herself and with a number of large adds.
- Phase One lasts from the start of the fight until the boss reaches 70% health.
- Phase Two lasts from the end of Phase One until the boss reaches 40% health.
- Phase Three lasts from the end of Phase Two until the boss dies.
In each of the three phases, once the boss has lost 10% of her health (but only once per phase, so at 90%, 60, and 30% health), she will summon a specific add that plays an important role in the phase.
Summing Things Up
In this section, we will very briefly summarise what the players belonging to each of the three roles have to do during this fight. This is by no means meant to provide sufficient information to master the encounter, and it is only supposed to give you a very rough idea of what to watch out for.
In each phase, have one tank tank the boss, and the other tank the add that
spawns in that phase, and perform a tank switch when the Seal of Decay debuff
stacks too high.
- During Phase One, use healing cooldowns when
Infernal Tempest is used.
- During Phase Two, use healing cooldowns when raid members struck
Font of Corruption stack up, mostly towards the end of this phase.
- During Phase Three, use healing cooldowns towards the end of the phase, when damage taken becomes insurmountable otherwise.
- Throughout the fight, outheal the
Touch of Harm healing absorb shield. If its wearer is about to die, dispel it and outheal the rest of it on the target that it jumps to.
- In Mythic mode, beware of the increased damage during Phase Two,
and also pay special attention to players affected by
Touch of Harm.
- During Phase One, the Ancient Enforcer is a lower DPS priority than the boss, though it should still die around the end of the phase to incidental damage.
- During Phase Two and Phase Three, the Ancient Harbinger and Ancient Sovereign are the highest priority, followed by the boss.
- High DPS is important, as Tyrant Velhari's own debuffs can quickly run out of control if she stays in any phase for too long.
- In Mythic mode, maximise DPS during Phase Two in order to push the boss to 40% as quickly as possible. Ignore the Ancient Harbinger until this time, unless your class can make use of the additional target to increase its DPS.
- During Phase One
- Spread out in groups of 4-5 players.
- Move out of
Searing Blaze void zones, moving as little as possible.
- Dodge the
Enforcer's Onslaught orb that floats around.
- Use a defensive cooldown if targeted by
Annihilating Strike, while other raid members move away.
- During Phase Two
- Interrupt the
Harbinger's Mending as much as possible, and dispel the HoT it applies if it goes through.
- Stack up somewhere close to the boss. All players affected by
Font of Corruption must stack together elsewhere.
- Interrupt the
- During Phase Three, move out of
Despoiled Ground void zones that appear.
- In all phases, players affected by
Edict of Condemnation should run into the melee group in order to have its damage split.
- In Mythic mode
- Beware of the fact that
Aura of Oppression and
Aura of Contempt last until the end of the fight, but with reduced potency.
- Players affected by
Edict of Condemnation must use a
Demonic Gateway to get away from the rest of the raid and either die to the detonation, or survive it with an immunity.
- Beware of the fact that
Abilities Used in All Phases and Corrupt Power
In addition to a number of different abilities that the boss uses in each phase, she has 3 abilities that she uses throughout the entire encounter.
Edict of Condemnation is an ability that Velhari occasionally uses. It places a debuff on a random raid member that deals lethal Shadow damage to them every 3 seconds for 9 seconds. Each tick of this lethal damage is split between all allies in a radius around the affected player. The radius is very large for the first tick, smaller for the second tick, and very small for the final tick. The size of the radius is indicated visually by a purple ring around the player.
Seal of Decay is a stacking debuff that is applied to Velhari's current tank through her melee attacks. It reduces healing and absorbs received by 10% for 18 seconds. This ability requires a tank switch.
Touch of Harm is an ability that Velhari regularly uses on a random raid member. It places a large healing absorb shield on the target, which can be dispelled. When dispelled, it jumps to another random raid member while inheriting its remaining absorption. When the shield is absorbed entirely, it disappears.
In addition to these 3 abilities, Tyrant Velhari uses a resource called Corrupt Power. This resource has a maximum capacity of 3, and it starts at 0 at the start of the fight. In each phase, one ability generates Corrupt Power (at a rate of 1 per cast), and Tyrant Velhari has one ability that costs 3 Corrupt Power to use (which she uses as soon as she reaches 3 Corrupt Power).
The only purpose of Corrupt Power is to inform the raid of when to expect the next cast of the ability that costs Corrupt Power. Velhari's gains of this ability cannot be influenced in any way.
Phase One: Oppression
Phase One lasts from the start of the fight until Tyrant Velhari reaches 70% health.
Tyrant Velhari
Aura of Oppression is immediately applied to all raid members when the fight begins, and it persists for the duration of Phase One. It causes all raid members to take Shadow damage every 0.5 seconds while moving. The longer Phase One goes on, the more damage each tick does (the damage increases by 10% every 5 seconds). If it goes on for too long, any bit of movement may instantly kill a raid member.
Annihilating Strike is an ability that Velhari regularly uses during Phase One. The boss fires a frontal cone attack at a random raid member (the target is indicated by a visual effect above their head shortly before the attack is made). The player who is targeted by this ability cannot avoid it. The cone attack deals massive Fire damage to anyone standing in it, and players who are hit create a
Searing Blaze void zone at their location. Annihilating Strike generates one Corrupt Power for Velhari.
Searing Blaze is a void zone that explodes a few seconds after it appears (we are not yet sure after exactly how much time), dealing high Fire damage to anyone standing in it, and knocking them into the air. Time spent traveling in the air counts as movement, and causes players to take damage via
Aura of Oppression.
Infernal Tempest is an ability that Velhari uses when she has generated 3 Corrupt Power (by using
Annihilating Strike 3 times). It causes all raid members to burst into flame, dealing moderate Fire damage to all players within 2 yards of them, and it creates 4
Searing Blaze void zones under each player, approximately one second apart.
Ancient Enforcer
When Velhari reaches 90% health, she summons an Ancient Enforcer
add. When the add spawns, all raid members are knocked back and they take
moderate Nature damage. The Ancient Enforcer can be tanked, and it has a single
ability, called Enforcer's Onslaught, which it regularly uses. It
creates a fiery orb in front of the Ancient Enforcer, which travels in a
straight line. When the orb reaches an edge of the room, it returns to the
Ancient Enforcer and disappears. Anyone who is struck by this orb takes
moderate Fire damage, and leaves a
Searing Blaze at their location.
The strategy during Phase One focuses on bringing Tyrant Velhari to 70%
health, pushing her into Phase Two, as quickly as possible. This is because the
Aura of Oppression, which increases in power, will otherwise cause your raid
to wipe if the phase goes on for too long.
Tanking and Positioning
During this phase, you will have to tank both Velhari and the Ancient
Enforcer (which spawns when Velhari reaches 90% health). Each tank should take
one of the two, and the tanks should perform a tank switch when Seal of Decay
stacks too high.
To avoid Aura of Oppression dealing more damage than necessary, we recommend
having a spread around the room with clusters of approximately 5 players
standing close together, although no closer than roughly 6 yards apart. This is
to prevent more than one player having to move in order to avoid a
Searing Blaze
void zone. This positioning allows the raid to effortlessly stack
together for
Edict of Condemnation, as we will explain below, while
minimising the movement required to do so.
Handling Tyrant Velhari's Abilities
For Aura of Oppression, the positioning strategy suggested above should
help reduce unnecessary damage taken by movement. In general, though, all raid
members should try to minimise any movement, especially towards the end of the
phase. Additionally, the raid should focus on pushing Velhari under 70% and
into the next phase rather quickly.
For Edict of Condemnation, the affected players should simply run
into the melee group, where the damage of Edict of Condemnation can be safely
For Touch of Harm, it is recommended to heal the absorb shields until they
disappear, instead of dispelling them, because this simply causes the shield to
jump to another player. That said, if a raid member is about to die because
they cannot receive healing, dispel the debuff and heal the raid member to
full. Touch of Harm still needs to be outhealed on the second target that it
jumps to, however.
In order to deal with Annihilating Strike, the targeted raid member should
stand still and use/receive a defensive cooldown, while everyone else moves away from
them to avoid being hit by the cone.
Players should move out of Searing Blaze void zones, regardless of which
ability triggered them, while moving as little as possible.
Finally, your raid has to manage Velhari's Infernal Tempest. Your healers
should use a healing cooldown, and all raid members should remain at least 2
yards apart, while constantly moving out of the 4 consecutive
Searing Blazes
that spawn for each player. The Tempest damage itself is not high, but coupled
with everyone constantly moving to avoid Searing Blaze (and thus taking damage
Aura of Oppression), a very large amount of damage is dealt in a
short period of time.
It is worth mentioning, regarding the Searing Blaze void zones created by
Infernal Tempest, that you can theoretically stand still until two void zones
have appeared under you, before the first one has exploded. By doing so, you
can halve the number of times you need to move during Infernal Tempest, but it
requires excellent timing, as there is only a fraction of time between when the
second void zone appears and when the first explodes.
Handling the Ancient Enforcer
When the Ancient Enforcer add spawns, it must be picked up by one of the tanks, and tanked close to Velhari. Killing the Ancient Enforcer is not a priority, so it should mostly die to cleave damage and multi DoTs. That said, since the add does not despawn when Velhari goes into Phase Two, you do not want to ignore it completely, and you should aim to have it die around the time when the boss transitions to the next phase.
When the Ancient Enforcer spawns, it will damage and knock back all raid
members, and players must be very careful not to be knocked back into
Searing Blaze void zones.
While the Ancient Enforcer is alive, the raid should simply avoid the ball
of Fire created by its Enforcer's Onslaught ability. Damage taken from
Aura of Oppression caused by moving out of the ball's way is less damaging than
being hit and also having to dodge the
Searing Blaze that spawns
Phase Two: Contempt
Phase Two starts when Tyrant Velhari reaches 70% health, and it lasts until she reaches 40% health.
The boss continues using the Touch of Harm,
Edict of Condemnation, and
Seal of Decay abilities during this phase. In addition to these,
she gains new abilities.
Aura of Contempt is placed on all raid members the moment that Velhari reaches 70% health, and it lasts until the end of Phase Two. It prevents all raid members from being healed above 80% health, but this amount is reduced the longer the phase goes on (it is reduced by 5% every 13 seconds).
Tainted Shadows is an ability that Velhari regularly uses. It targets a random raid member, inflicting heavy Shadow damage in a single strike, and triggering a
Corrupted Blast. It generates one Corrupt Power.
Corrupted Blast deals moderate Shadow damage to anyone in a 5-yard radius around raid members targeted with
Tainted Shadows.
Font of Corruption is an ability that Velhari uses when she has acquired 3 Corrupt Power (from using
Tainted Shadows 3 times). It targets a random, high number of raid members and curses them, so that subsequent casts of
Tainted Shadows also target them (in addition to the targeted player). Cursed raid members are immune to the splash damage of
Corrupted Blast.
Ancient Harbinger
When Velhari reaches 60% health, she summons an Ancient Harbinger add. When the add spawns, all raid members are knocked back and they take moderate Nature damage. The Ancient Harbinger can be tanked, and it has two abilities.
Harbinger's Mending is an interruptible ability that the Harbinger almost constantly casts on Velhari. If the cast goes through, it instantly heals Velhari (the amount differs based on difficulty, but it seems to be 2% in Normal and 5% in Heroic), and also places a HoT on her (the HoT heals for 1% every 3 seconds over 9 seconds in Normal mode, and for 2% every 2 seconds for 10 seconds in Heroic mode). The HoT can be dispelled.
Impatient Mind causes the Ancient Harbinger to increase its casting speed by 10% for every time it is interrupted. This effect stacks.
The strategy during Phase Two is to kill the Ancient Harbinger as quickly as possible while keeping it interrupted, and to then push Velhari to 40% in order to trigger Phase Three.
Tanking and Positioning
As during Phase One, both the boss and the add (the Ancient Harbinger
that spawns at 60% health) will have to be tanked. Continue
performing a tank switch on the add and Velhari, when Seal of Decay stacks
too high. In the event that the Ancient Enforcer from Phase One is still
alive when you transition into Phase Two, this add must also be tanked until it
dies (which should, in any case, happen before Velhari reaches 60% health).
Regarding positioning, we recommend stacking up somewhere close to the boss.
However, we
recommend that raid members cursed with Font of Corruption all stack together somewhere else. Since
they are immune to the splash damage from
Corrupted Blast, they can safely
stack and be collectively healed with AoE heals. It is best to assign a place
in the room where Font of Corruption players should gather, and from which all
other players should stay away.
Handling Tyrant Velhari's Abilities
Touch of Harm,
Edict of Condemnation, as well as the tank-only
Seal of Decay must be dealt with in the same way as in Phase One. In short, Touch of
Harm should be ideally healed and only dispelled in emergencies, while players affected by Edict of
Condemnation should move into the melee group.
As outlined in the previous section, in order to deal with Tainted Shadows
you should not stand within 5 yards of other players.
Players affected by Font of Corruption should stack together at a designated
location in order to receive AoE heals, and all other raid members should stay
away in order not to be hit by the AoE damage that
Tainted Shadows triggers
from these players.
Handling the Ancient Harbinger
When the Ancient Harbinger add spawns, it must be picked up by one of the
tanks, and tanked close to Velhari. The knockback and damage that it deals when
it spawns is less problematic than in Phase One, since Aura of Oppression is
no longer present to damage players who move or are moved.
Harbinger's Mending must be interrupted as much as possible. Quicker and
quicker reaction times will be needed to interrupt it in time, since its
Impatient Mind will cause its cast speed to increase with each interrupted
cast. Should a cast go through, the HoT must quickly be dispelled from the
The Ancient Harbinger is a top DPS priority, and your goal should be to kill it as quickly as possible. Once it is dead, you can push Velhari into Phase Three.
Phase Three: Malice
Phase Three starts when Tyrant Velhari reaches 40% health, and it lasts until the end of the fight.
Tyrant Velhari
The boss continues using Touch of Harm,
Edict of Condemnation,
Seal of Decay during this phase. In addition to these, she
gains new abilities.
Aura of Malice is placed on all raid members the moment that Velhari reaches 40% health, and it lasts until the end of the fight. It increases the damage done of all players by 20%, but also increases their damage taken by 10%. The potency of this effect increases the longer Phase Three lasts, but it caps out at 200% damage done and 100% damage taken.
Bulwark of the Tyrant is an ability that Velhari regularly uses. She deals moderate Shadow damage to the main tank, and a random number of raid members. When struck, all raid members leave a
Despoiled Ground void zone beneath them. Bulwark of the Tyrant generates 1 Corrupt Power.
Despoiled Ground is a void zone that deals low Shadow damage every second to anyone standing in them. They last either indefinitely or for a very long time (in any case, they last longer than your raid can survive in Phase Three).
Gavel of the Tyrant is an ability that Velhari uses when she has acquired 3 Corrupt Power (from using
Bulwark of the Tyrant 3 times). It deals moderate Fire damage to all raid members and knocks them back. Additionally, it applies an 8-second DoT that deals a low amount of Fire damage to all players every 2 seconds.
Ancient Sovereign
When Velhari reaches 30% health, she summons an Ancient Sovereign add. When
the add spawns, all raid members are knocked back. The Ancient Sovereign can be
tanked, and it has a single ability, called Sovereign's Ward, which it
occasionally uses. Sovereign's Ward places a damage reduction shield on Velhari
that reduces her damage taken by 90% for 20 seconds. This debuff is
removed if the Ancient Sovereign dies.
Phase Three is an intense phase during which the raid will not only deal
increasing damage, but also take increasing damage. Since Velhari regularly
uses an ability that deals raid-wide damage during this phase
( Gavel of the Tyrant), you will race to kill Velhari before she kills the raid.
Tanking and Positioning
As during the previous two phases, both Velhari and the add she spawns (at
30% health) must be tanked, and a tank switch must be performed when
Seal of Decay stacks too high.
As far as positioning is concerned, we recommend stacking up under the boss
(where the add should also be tanked), and traveling around the edge of the
room as a group. Your goal is to move this way in order to leave behind the
void zones created by raid members (due to the Bulwark of the Tyrant
ability, as we will explain below). When knocked back, simply run back
together again. This ensures the most healing as damage taken ramps higher.
Handling Tyrant Velhari's Abilities
Touch of Harm,
Edict of Condemnation, and the tank-only
Seal of Decay
must be dealt with in the same way as in the previous phases. In short, Touch
of Harm should be ideally healed and only dispelled in emergencies, while players affected by Edict
of Condemnation should move into the melee group.
As the phase goes on, raid members will deal and take increasing damage, due to
Aura of Malice. There is nothing in particular for you to do in order to
handle this, but healers must be careful of the increased damage taken towards
the end of the phase.
In order to deal with Bulwark of the Tyrant, have the entire raid move
together as a group to avoid the void zones left behind. We advise moving
around the outer edges of the room first, and then moving around the inside of
the room when you begin running out of space.
For Gavel of the Tyrant, run back into a stacked position at the location
of the boss, after being knocked back. Aside from this, the damage must be healed
through, ideally using healing cooldowns as the damage taken increases.
Handling the Ancient Sovereign
Just as with the add from Phase Two, the Ancient Sovereign must be picked
up, tanked, and killed as quickly as possible. Its Sovereign's Ward will make
it practically impossible to damage Velhari, and since you cannot interrupt it,
your only choice is to kill the add quickly. With the damage bonus that all
raid members receive from
Aura of Malice, this should be fairly simple.
When to use Heroism/Bloodlust/Time Warp
We recommend using Heroism/
Time Warp when Tyrant Velhari
enters her third phase, as damage will be increased during this phase,
increasing the potency of these effects.
When to use the Legendary Ring
We recommend that DPS players use the Legendary Ring roughly on cooldown, as there are no particularly tight DPS checks during the encounter. A usage should be saved for the final phase, however.
We recommend that healers use their Legendary Ring for Infernal Tempests during
Phase One, as well as towards the end of Phase Two when the maximum health of
all raid members is drastically reduced, and finally towards the end of Phase
Three, where damage taken skyrockets.
Finally, the tank Legendary Ring can be used mostly as the tanks please. We do recommend using it towards the end of Phase Two, when maximum health is limited, as well as when damage taken is increased towards the end of Phase Three.
Learning the Fight
Tyrant Velhari is a rather long fight where efficient execution of mechanics
plays a central role. As a general rule, Velhari's mechanics are low-damaging
on their own, with the Auras of each phase making those rather weak attacks
extremely damaging, or difficult, such as the movement penalty for constantly
dodging void zones in Phase One. So, it is very important that players
understand what is expected of them, especially for abilities that require
coordination ( Edict of Condemnation,
Font of Corruption, etc.)
Healers in particular will need to be constantly aware of what players are about to take damage, while constantly managing the Touch of Harm debuff throughout all phases of the encounter.
Edict of Condemnation will constantly challenge your raiders with something to do,
even when Velhari is not using any abilities unique to her current phase.
Mythic Mode
The Mythic mode of the Tyrant Velhari encounter is similar to the Normal/Heroic mode of the encounter, and the basic strategy remains the same.
Differences From Normal/Heroic Mode
Aside from everything dealing more damage and all mobs having more health, the Mythic version of this encounter introduces a number of changes to the way the encounter works, some of them quite taxing.
The first change is that the auras applied in Phases One and Two persist for
the entire length of the fight, but become progressively weaker after their
respective phase ends. So, Aura of Oppression continues to damage
players when they move (with the damage it deals decreasing once Phase One
ends), and
Aura of Contempt continues to prevent raid members to be
healed above a certain amount of health (which increases over time after Phase
Two ends).
Another important change is that Touch of Harm now also deals damages
affect players for 15% of their current health in Shadow damage every 2
The Edict of Condemnation debuff is also changed, causing affected
players to have their movement speed reduced by 70%, making it significantly
harder for the targeted player to adjust their position in a timely
Finally, the Ancient Enforcer and Ancient Harbinger adds are more dangerous, as follows.
- The Ancient Enforcer's
Enforcer's Onslaught ability now creates two fireballs instead of one.
- The Ancient Harbinger's
Impatient Mind causes his cast time to be reduced by 20% per stack, up from 10%.
The strategy for the Tyrant Velhari encounter remains very similar, with the exception of Phase Three. The primary difficulty lies in the extremely high healing and DPS checks that must be met in order to defeat the encounter, as it is mechanically relatively straightforward.
During Phase One, the group should be spread out as usual, and everyone
should move for the appropriate mechanics, with an emphasis on minimising
movement due to the increased damage from Aura of Oppression.
A very important part of the fight revolves around maximising DPS during
Phase Two, which is arguably the most difficult part of the fight.
Specifically, the raid has to keep up the Ancient Enforcer all
throughout Phase One and into Phase Two, so that classes that gain
single-target damage from hitting multiple targets can use the Enforcer to
achieve increased damage on Velhari. Moreover,
Time Warp should be used together
with 3-minute cooldowns shortly after the start of Phase Two (3-minute
cooldowns used on the pull should become available again around this time).
Once the raid is ready to kill the Ancient Enforcer and use all
cooldowns, the Ancient Harbinger that spawns during Phase Two should be
ignored completely by DPS players until Velhari reaches 40% health.
Additionally, all available healing cooldowns should be rotated for when
Aura of Contempt reaches its climax, preventing players from being
healed past a certain health threshold, and for when
Tainted Shadows
ticks come close to one-shotting raid members.
Once the boss reaches 40% health, the raid should stack together around her.
Additionally, Warlock Demonic Gateways should be placed close to the raid (when the
raid reaches the leftmost wall, assuming the kiting of the boss is being done
counter-clockwise), with the start point being close to the raid, and the exit
being far away from the raid. When a raid member is targeted by
Edict of Condemnation, they must be extremely quick to use a gateway,
move out of the raid, and either kill themselves or use an immunity to survive
taking its full damage alone.
This will only need to be done about 2 or 3 times in Phase Three, after which the boss should be dead. Because of this, multiple Warlocks are preferred so that multiple Demonic Gateways can be placed, instead of a single one being moved around.
It is also worth talking about the 3 other changes that Mythic mode introduces, although these have relatively little impact on the strategy of the fight.
The fact that Touch of Harm now deals damage every 2 seconds makes it
all the more dangerous. Healers should scramble to heal through the healing
absorption effect, but if players get low on health, they should be
Both fireballs created by the Ancient Enforcer's
Enforcer's Onslaught move in roughly the same direction, so raid members
will simply have to be careful in order to avoid them.
Finally, the increased potency of the Ancient Harbinger's
Impatient Mind buff simply makes him more dangerous.
In this section, you will find the loot table for Tyrant Velhari. The section is divided in 3 subsections: armor, weapons, and the rest (neck, back, finger, and trinket items).
Item Name | Armor | Slot | Secondary Stats |
![]() |
Cloth | Shoulders |
![]() |
Cloth | Wrists |
![]() |
Cloth | Hands |
![]() |
Cloth | Hands |
![]() |
Leather | Hands |
![]() |
Leather | Feet |
![]() |
Shoulders |
![]() |
Chest |
![]() |
Hands |
![]() |
Legs |
![]() |
Feet |
![]() |
Plate | Hands |
![]() |
Plate | Hands |
Item Name | Type | Main Stats | Secondary Stats |
![]() |
Shield | Intellect |
![]() |
2H Mace | Intellect |
![]() |
2H Mace | Strength |
![]() |
2H Mace | Strength |
Amulets, Cloaks, Rings, and Trinkets
Item Name | Type | Main Stats | Secondary Stats |
![]() |
Amulet | Intellect |
![]() |
Amulet | Agility |
![]() |
Amulet | Strength |
![]() |
Cloak | Intellect |
![]() |
Ring | Intellect |
![]() |
Ring | Intellect |
![]() |
Trinket | Agility on proc | Multistrike |
![]() |
Trinket | Bonus Armor | Stamina on proc |
![]() |
Trinket |
Critical Strike |
Concluding Remarks
This concludes our raid guide for Tyrant Velhari. We hope you have found it helpful. Please do not hesitate to post any feedback you may have on our forums.
- 17 Aug. 2015: Added Mythic mode strategy.
- 29 Jul. 2015: Added link to LFR guide.
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