Cleric Ability/Skill Glossary for Ashes of Creation

Last updated on Jan 25, 2025 at 00:00 by Yokai Theater

Welcome to the Ashes of Creation skill glossary for Cleric! This page is great for people new to the Cleric Archetype, as it contains the basic information players need to know to excel at both PvE and PvP.


Cleric Skills

Below is a full list of all available skills for the Cleric archetype. Each skill includes a brief description, along with important information regarding its casting and cooldown times, mana costs, range, and more.


Divine Power

Action Name Timers Cost Range & Radius Description
Divine Power
Divine Power Skill Icon
N/A N/A N/A Healing and damage dealt build up your Divine Power resource, which increases chance to critical hit with heals by up to 10% at full resource. Can spemd Divine Power with Divine Infusion, to instantly complese the cast of any spell currently being cast. Can spend Divine Power by toggling on Essence Infusion, which allows ability costs to be satisfied by Divine Power instead of mana or health.

Divine Infusion

Action Name Timers Cost Range & Radius Description
Divine Infusion
Divine Infusion Skill Icon
N/A 20 Mana N/A Consume Divine Power to instantly complete the remaining cast time of any spell currently being cast. The amount of Divine Power consumed is proportional to the amount of cast time remaining upon activation.

Essence Infusion

Action Name Timers Cost Range & Radius Description
Essence Infusion
Essence Infusion Skill Icon
N/A 20 Mana N/A Toggled ability: While active, your spells consume Divine Power instead of Mana or Health. Uses normal resource cost if insufficient Divine Power to cast.


Action Name Timers Cost Range & Radius Description
Smite Skill Icon
Cast: 0.9s

Cooldown: 10s
67 Mana Range: 30m Smite your target, dealing (150%🢆) Radiant damage. If activated wile in melee range of the target, this has no cast time. If the target is Burning, it becomes Conflagrating.


Action Name Timers Cost Range & Radius Description
Mend Skill Icon
Cast: 0.5s

Cooldown: 3s
34 Mana Range: 30m Instantly launch a healing projectile toward target ally. Restores (150%🢆) Healing in health upon arrival.
3 Charges
Upgrade Description
Plentiful Mend Mend has two additional charges.
Escalating Mend Mend's healing is increased each time it is used in quick succession.


Action Name Timers Cost Range & Radius Description
Resurrect Skill Icon
Cast: 8s

Cooldown: 30s
664 Mana Range: 30m Resurrect target ally with 25% of their max Health and Mana.


Action Name Timers Cost Range & Radius Description
Judgment Skill Icon
Cast: 3.1s

Cooldown: 18s
100 Mana Range: 30m If cast on an ally, restore health equal to (1,500%🢆) Healing to the target. If cast on an enemy, deal (280%🢆) Radiant damage and apply Burning for (150%🢆) Fire damage to the target. If the enemy target is Shaken, the caster is healed for the damage dealt.

Resplendent Beam

Action Name Timers Cost Range & Radius Description
Resplendent Beam
Resplendent Beam Skill Icon
Cast: 3.1s

Cooldown: 20s
133 Mana Range: 30m Held ability: Fire a beam of healing energy toward a target ally. Charging this spell allows the beam to bounce to up to 4 additional friendly targets closest to the original taget, based on how long it was charged. The initial hit heals for (300%🢆) Healing and reduces with each subsequent bounce.

Healing Touch

Action Name Timers Cost Range & Radius Description
Healing Touch
Healing Touch Skill Icon
Cast: 0.6s

Cooldown: 25s
67 Mana Range: 4m Heal Target ally in melee range for (500%🢆) Healing.

Flash Cure

Action Name Timers Cost Range & Radius Description
Flash Cure
Flash Cure Skill Icon
Cast: Instant

Cooldown: 6s
133 Mana Range: 30m Instantly heal target ally for (175%🢆) Healing. This may be used during other ability activations.
3 Charges.


Action Name Timers Cost Range & Radius Description
Deliverance Skill Icon
Cast: 3.2s 80 Mana Range: 30m Held ability: Charge up healing energy that heals a target ally upon release, scaling in power the longer it is charged, up to (1,000%🢆) Healing.
Upgrade Description
Redemptive Deliverance Deliverance heals more based on the missing health percentage of the target.

Soothing Glow

Action Name Timers Cost Range & Radius Description
Soothing Glow
Soothing Glow Skill Icon
Cast: 0.8s

Cooldown: 8s
100 Mana Range: 30m Apply Soothing Glow to target ally. 3 Charges.
Soothing Glow: Healing for (60%🢆) Healing every second. Lasts 8 seconds.
Upgrade Description
Abundant Soothing Glow Soothing Glow has an additional charge. Casting Soothing Glow on a target already under its effects extends its duration on that tartget by its base duration.

Bless Weapon

Action Name Timers Cost Range & Radius Description
Bless Weapon
Bless Weapon Skill Icon
Cast: 0.9s 67 Mana Range: 30m Imbue your target's weapon with radiant light, granting Bless Weapon: Weapon combo finishes deal an additional (5%🢆) Radiant damage and apply Bless Weapon: Mana Regen.
Bless Weapon: Mana Regen – Regenerate 20 mana every 1.5 seconds. Lasts 6 seconds per application, Up to a maximum of 15 seconds.
Upgrade Description
Bountiful Blessed Weapon Whenever an ally attacks whose weapon you have blessed, you also gain Bless Weapon: Mana Regen
Righteous Blessed Weapon While Bless Weapon is active, weapon attacks have a 20% chance to proc additional (20%🢆) Radiant damage and apply (30%🢆) Fire damage Burning.

Defiant Light

Action Name Timers Cost Range & Radius Description
Defiant Light
Defiant Light Skill Icon
Cast: 0.7s

Cooldown: 30s
200 Mana Range: 30m Grants target ally Defiant Light: Heal for 5% of maximum health, up to (300%🢆) Healing, each second over 10 seconds. If fatal damage is received while under this effect, the effect is consumed to prevent death and heal for 25% of maximum health, up to (1,500%🢆) Healing.


Action Name Timers Cost Range & Radius Description
Purify Skill Icon
Cast: 1.1s 67 Mana Range: 30m Remove up to 3 dispellable debuffs from an ally.


Action Name Timers Cost Range & Radius Description
Barrier Skill Icon
Cast: 0.5s

Cooldown: 10s
1,044 Health Range: 30m Sacrifice 25% of your maximum health and apply that much temporary health to target ally for 10 seconds. Does not stack.


Action Name Timers Cost Range & Radius Description
Condemn Skill Icon
Cast: 1.5s

Cooldown: 30s
133 Mana Range: 30m Apply Incapacitated (10.8 seconds) to target enemy. If the Target is Conflagrating, the target becomes Stunned (3.2 seconds) instead.

Divine Flare

Action Name Timers Cost Range & Radius Description
Divine Flare
Divine Flare Skill Icon
Cast: 0.8s

Cooldown: 15s
120 Mana Range: 30m Place a targeted area on the ground that heals all targets after several seconds. Heals for (1,000%🢆) Healing divided amongst each target hit.
Upgrade Description
Divine Protection Divine Flare applies Divine Protection to allies inside its area of effect before detonation.
Divine Protection: Magical mitigation increased by 50%. Last 5 seconds.
Divine Retribution Divine Flare deals (250%🢆) Radiant damage and applies Silenced to enemies within its area of effect when it detonates. Damage is divided amongst each target hit.

Consecrating Wave

Action Name Timers Cost Description
Consecrating Wave
Consecrating Wave Skill Icon
Cast: 1.1s

Cooldown: 18s
133 Mana Send forth a wave of radiance that deals (150%🢆) Radiant damage and applies Volatile to all enemies in front of you. Dispel 1 buff from each target hit that is Silenced.
Upgrade Description
Restorative Consecrating Wave Consecrating Wave additionally heals you and up to 10 allies for 250%🢆 Healing

Communal Restoration

Action Name Timers Cost Description
Communal Restoration
Communal Restoration Skill Icon
Cast: 2s

Cooldown: 10s
166 Mana Restore health equal to 150%🢆 Healing to all party members in range and apply Communal Restoration.

Wings of Salvation

Action Name Timers Cost Range & Radius Description
Wings of Salvation
Wings of Salvation Skill Icon
Cast: 1.1s

Cooldown: 30s
120 Mana Range: 30m Sprout phoenix-like wings and dash to target ally, granting Wings of Salvation to the caster and target on arrival.
Wings of Salvation: Gain temporary health equal to (250%🢆) Magical Power. Lasts 5 seconds.
Upgrade Description
Unyielding Wings of Salvation Wings of Salvation breaks all disabling effects on the caster.

Chains of Restraint

Action Name Timers Cost Range & Radius Description
Chains of Restraint
Chains of Restraint Skill Icon
Cast: 1.8s

Cooldown: 30s
200 Mana Range: 30m Conjure a circle of radiant chains at target location for 8 seconds that deals (40%🢆) Radiant damage every second and applies Snared to targests within the area of effect. Each Weakened Target hit by the intital pulse becomes Rooted.
Upgrade Description
Binding Chains Chains of Restraint's tick applies Stunned.


  • 25 Jan. 2025: Guide added.
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