Ashes of Creation Fighter Leveling Guide
Learn more about the fastest and most efficient strategies to level your Fighter in Ashes of Creation. This guide provides everything you need to know in order to hit the maximimum level in Ashes of Creation, and includes leveling tips and tricks for both solo and group gameplay.
The Fighter Leveling Experience
Welcome to the ultimate leveling guide for Fighters! Within this guide, we'll cover everything you need to know while you level
your Fighter to level 25. As you progress your character, regardless if you're leveling solo or in a group, there are a few best practices to be
most efficient with your time, and maximize the overall experience gained.
This guide includes separate tips and tricks for every single level dependant on if you're in a group or not. As a Fighter, your leveling experience will be quite different than other archetypes, and honestly, many groups seem to prefer other DPS classes over Fighters within their groups at this point. However, by utilizing the best practices shared in our Fighter PvE guide, you will be able to provide a wide range of benefits to any leveling group.
Please note: The overall leveling experience tends to be most efficient when you are in a full 8-man group. If it's possible to be within a full group, you should take advantage of the opportunity and captalize on it to gather as much experience as possible.
Leveling Tips
Regardless of if you're in a group while leveling, or solo, there are a handful of tips and tricks that will make your leveling process more enjoyable and efficient. These best practices can be found below.
Experience Scrolls
There are certain types of scrolls (such as the Novice Scroll of Adventuring Experience)
that will provide an increase in overall adventuring experience, making your leveling
process even faster. It's best practice to use these when grinding mobs while leveling.
It's always a good idea to carry along consumables with you as you level, such as Rations
Fresh Salad. These will provide you with additional attribute points and/or health
If you're playing in a group, you want to make sure you are on the back of the enemy (while it's hitting your tank). This is the prime position for you, as it will allow you to avoid most of the enemy's attacks. If you are playing solo, you will want to open up your battles with your Longbow, allowing you to apply maximimum amount of debuffs on the target before switching to your melee weapon.
Group Composition
If you are planning on leveling in a group (which is the fastest, most efficient way), you will want to make sure your group has the best possible composition. For the perfect mix, you will want to aim to have one tank, two clerics, two bards, and then three DPS archetypes. Depending on where you are leveling you can move things around, such as replacing a cleric and/or bard with additional DPS archetypes, but this is the general group composition that tends to be the most effective.
Skill Points
It's important to know that as your character progresses, you don't only unlock points to be used for your class skill tree, but also points towards separate skill trees for each of your weapons and stamina. Be sure to invest points into these areas to enhance your overall leveling experience!
Flagging for PvP
It's important to be aware of your PvP status while leveling, and how exactly it works. Players can manually turn on their PvP mode by clicking Alt + F, allowing them to attack other player. Be cautious though - if you end up killing a player that isn't also flagged, you will become corrupted, which not only gives you a drastic debuff, but also will cause you to drop your equipped gear upon death. It's best practice to NOT flag for PvP while leveling, unless you come across another flagged player that you want to defeat. Also - be aware that if you pick up the loot of a dead player, you will automatically be flagged for PvP for 90 seconds, opening you up for others to attack you. Keep this in mind, as death will lead to XP debt, making your leveling process a little bit more tedious and difficult.
Glint Awareness
As you kill more and more mobs, the chances of mobs dropping Glint gets higher and higher. After a few hours of leveling, you might find yourself sitting on a ton of Glint. It's best practice to make sure you stop at a town every now and then to store your Glint away to keep it safe, since if you accidently die while leveling, you'll lose a portion of your collected items in your inventory (including the Glint in your pocket)!
Group Leveling
Learn more about the most efficient way to level as a Fighter within a group in Ashes of Creation! Using the scrolling feature below, select your level and unlock a list of best practices on how to level, including recommended skills, leveling locations, and more.
The slider has been set up to work most efficiently across 5 level increments. Set the slider to your level, but expect information from the previous level bracket to disappear at specific thresholds. This is done to make the information on the page more condensed and easier to read.
Move the slider below to make the guide update to your level!
As you begin your leveling journey, you should instantly start with a Greatsword, and will be able to pick up a Longbow from the ground just outside the starting location. These are the primary two weapons that you'll need, so you can ignore the others that you see scattered around you. Once you grab these weapons, claim the "Welcome to Verra" quest by talking to the NPC in the starting area, then start killing some goblins to familarize yourself with the combat system. Please note: You will eventually want to replace your Longbow with a Shortbow if you are leveling in a group, but you will come across one of these naturally as you continue to level and defeat mobs.
At Level 2, unlock the Blitz skill (this will make killing mobs faster, and more fun).
At this point, you should now head over to Lionhold and start "The Sweat of your Brow"
quest. After killing some goblins along the way and completing the quest, you should easily hit level 3,
and also unlock your mount and pick up some free tools for
gathering resources.
The next three skills you should unlock between Levels 3 to 5 should be Brutal Cleave,
Whirlwind, and
Climactic Whirlwind,
which makes your Whirlwind skill hit even harder. The best mobs to defeat while gaining these early levels
would be Goblins, Grems, Ravens, and Wolves, all which can be found west and north of Lionhold. Be sure to utilize your Brutal Cleave and Whirlwind
skills to take down large clumps of enemies, making your leveling experience even easier.
Upon reaching Level 6, you should have the following skills unlocked.
From Level 6 to Level 9, prioritize getting the skills Maim,
Battle Cry,
Slicing Maim (to make your Maim skill hit harder), and
Rupture. At this point in your
leveling experience, you will start getting a better understanding of some of the different skills Fighters have at their disposal.
One of the most effective areas to level at this point is the Baneswood Cemetery, just southeast of Lionhold. Be sure to be in a full group of 8, and to not stand directly in front of the mobs to enhance your chance of survivability (your tank should be taking all the damage). This area is best during the daytime, as you'll be able to find large clumps of bears and 2-star mobs. If this spot is too contested, you can also try leveling near Titan's Ring, which has a handful of mobs that will grant you decent experience, and multiple events that will trigger over time, granting you additional experience and even some Glint. Regardless of which area you choose to level, you should try to take down as many 2 and 3-star mobs as possible for the most amount of experience (as long as your group can handle them).
Upon reaching Level 10, you should have the following skills unlocked.
The next area you and your group should move to level is
known as the Church of the Seven Stars, which is just southwest of Lionhold. Be sure to be in a full group of
8, and to not stand directly in front of the mobs to enhance your chance of survivability (your tank should be taking all the damage). It's best practice to find an area
within this location for your tank to pull starred mobs to the group, where you can rinse and repeat taking down
mobs to maximize experience. If you find this area to be too competitive, another area you can go
to level would be The Hall of Judication or Highwaymen Hill. If you find your
group being very effective and taking down mobs easily, you can try Oakenbane Keep (which is east of Miraleth).
Oakenbane has some very powerful mobs, but also will drop some great gear for you and your group members if you
can handle the mobs. Once you hit level 10 and 11, you should pick up the
Knock Out skill, allowing you to help your tank even more by knocking down mobs before they land their
abilities, and then
Lethal Blow, which comes in handy when burning down single targets with a lot of health.
Once you hit level 12, it is extremely important that you pick up the
Blood Fusion skill, which is one of the most important skills for Fighters. This skill will allow you to
regain Mana and Health very rapidly, and is best used right before using Whirlwing or Maim.
At level 13 you can choose to continue leveling at Oakenbane Keep, or swap to Highwayman Hill.
Your next skill pick up should be Cataclysm, which is a very large AoE ability that will help you burn down clumps even faster.
By the time you hit level 15, you should unlock both
Leap Strike and
Berserk; the choice is up to you on which one you'd like first.
Upon reaching Level 16, you should have the following skills unlocked.
Brutal Cleave
Climactic Whirlwind
Battle Cry
Slicing Maim
Knock Out
Lethal Blow
Leap Strike
You and your group should now head over to the Remnants of Sephillion,
which is located southwest of Lionhold. This may be one of the most competitive leveling areas in this
level range, but it is by far the most effective. You can continue to
farm at this location up until level 20. The skills you should pick-up from level 16 to 20 include
Reinvigorating Berserk,
Unyielding Berserk,
Preservative Blood Fusion,
Brutality, and
Upon reaching Level 21, you should have the following skills unlocked.
Brutal Cleave
Climactic Whirlwind
Battle Cry
Slicing Maim
Knock Out
Lethal Blow
Leap Strike
Reinvigorating Berserk
Unyielding Berserk
Preservative Blood Fusion
Luckily, for the last few levels you have until you're at max level (25), you can farm
at the same place - The Tower of Carphin, which is just north of Miraleth. The most efficient areas in the tower to farm is on the third
or fourth floor. This is a great place to farm, as you will also have a chance at picking up some great gear, such as the Carphin Stonewatcher's Greatsword and the
Crystalized Blood Shortbow. If the Tower of Carphin is too crowded, you can also consider going to the Befallen Forge, but be warned,
this open-world dungeon is one of the most dangerous places currently in the game. Be sure to have a full group if you enter, or even a larger raid with more than 8
players to ensure you stay alive. The last few skills you'll want to pick up as you finish off your leveling is
Raging Blitz,
Whirlwind: Overdrive,
Consuming Lethal Blow,
Wallop, and
Regenerative Form of Celerity.
Hitting Level 25
Congragulations on hitting the current max level in the Ashes of Creation Alpha! Going forward, it is in your best interest to read up on end game guides to better adjust your build for the new options available. Continue on to either our PvE or PvP guide to learn how to best excel with a max level character in Verra.
Solo Leveling
Learn more about the most efficient way to level as a Fighter solo in Ashes of Creation! Using the scrolling feature below, select your level and unlock a list of best practices on how to level, including recommended skills, leveling locations, and more.
The slider has been set up to work most efficiently across 5 level increments. Set the slider to your level, but expect information from the previous level bracket to disappear at specific thresholds. This is done to make the information on the page more condensed and easier to read.
Please note: If you are leveling your character solo, it's best practice to use a Longbow instead of a Shortbow. You'll be using your Longbow to start your encounter with mobs, with the ultimate goal of stacking the Wounded and Staggered debuffs on your opponent before switching over to your melee weapon when they get close to you.
Move the slider below to make the guide update to your level!
As you begin your leveling journey, you should instantly start with a Greatsword, and will be able to pick up a Longbow from the ground just outside the starting location. These are the primary two weapons that you'll need, so you can ignore the others that you see scattered around you. Once you grab these weapons, claim the "Welcome to Verra" quest by talking to the NPC in the starting area, then start killing some goblins to familarize yourself with the combat system. Once you kill a few goblins, complete the quest and pick up an initial boost of experience, pushing you to level 2.
At Level 2, unlock the Blitz skill (this will make killing mobs faster, and more fun).
At this point, you should now head over to Lionhold and start "The Sweat of your Brow"
quest. After killing some goblins along the way and completing the quest, you should easily hit level 3,
and also unlock your mount and pick up some free tools for
gathering resources.
The next three skills you should unlock between Levels 3 to 5 should be Brutal Cleave,
Lethal Blow. The goal for these earlier levels when playing solo is to unlock as many skills as possible, to provide you with more
options on taking down these mobs as an individual. The best mobs to defeat while gaining these early levels would be Goblins, Grems, Ravens, and
Wolves, all which can be found west and north of Lionhold. Be sure to utilize your Brutal Cleave and Whirlwind skills to take down large clumps of
enemies, making your leveling experience even easier.
Upon reaching Level 6, you should have the following skills unlocked.
From Level 6 to Level 10, prioritize getting the skills Maim,
Climactic Whirlwind,
Battle Cry,
Slicing Maim (to make your Maim skill hit harder), and
Knock Out (which can be used
to stun a single mob for several seconds). At this point in your leveling experience, you will start getting a better understanding of some of the different
skills Fighters have at their disposal.
There are two unique areas that seem to be very effective when it comes to leveling solo in this level range. The first location is focused on taking
down a single enemy one at a time, while the second location is focused on more of an AOE approach. For this first area, you will want to go to Korra'Loch, which is located Northeast of
the starting area. Once you're here, you will see 2-star mobs named "Gravehide Flayer". These pack a bit of a punch, but the idea for this leveling strategy is that they won't even touch you.
Using the bridge in this location, you can use your Longbow to initiate the battle with the Gravehide Flayer, and then bring it near the bridge, where you will jump on and off of the bridge when it gets
close to you. The idea here is that you will only be using your Longbow to slowly defeat this mob on repeat. It's a bit of a tedious process, but it's very effective. If you find yourself in a situation where
this mob gets a little too close to you, use your Knock Out skill to stun it, providing you with enough time to make more distance between you and the mob.
The second leveling location is just north of The Hall of Judication, where you'll see a large amount of level 12-14 Giant Bullyfrogs. Although these
are at a much higher level than you, these specific types of mobs barely deal any damage. Start by defeating one at a time, and then eventually add more and more mobs as you
level up and get a bit stronger. You should be using your Longbow when starting these fights, and then transition to your Greatsword once they get close to you. As you approach
closer and closer to level 10, you should find yourself being able to start pulling a larger amount of them at the same time, and using your Whirlwind and
abilities to deal massive AOE damage, and taking down several at the same time (leading to even more experience).
Important Note: Once you hit level 10, it's worth going back to a main town and purchasing level 10 gear, either from an NPC or from the marketplace. Your overall damage output will greatly increase with these new weapons, and your overall survivability will sky-rocket when you replace your existing gear with level 10 gear.
Upon reaching Level 11, you should have the following skills unlocked.
The next area you can level at would be the small island just west of the Tower of Carphin. On this island, you will
find level 13-15 Ashen Haunt mobs and Minotaurs. Similar to the previous leveling spot with Giant Bullyfrogs, the idea here is to start by defeating one at a time, and then eventually add
more and more mobs as you level up and get a bit stronger. You should be using your Longbow when starting these fights, and then transition to your Greatsword once they get close to you (where you'll
be using Brutal Cleave,
Whirlwind and
Maim on repeat). Once you reach level 11, you should unlock the
Rupture skill (which helps you burn down single targets easier).
Once you hit level 12, it is extremely important that you pick up the Blood Fusion skill, which is one of the most important skills for Fighters.
This skill will allow you to regain Mana and Health very rapidly, and is best used right before using Whirlwing or Maim. When activating this skill at the right time,
it will allow you to take on even more of these mobs at the same time.
Once you hit level 13, you may want to consider stopping by Miraleth and unloading some of the Glint and items you've gathered thus far. These mobs that you
are leveling on tend to have frequent drops, so it's important to not be too risky with holding too many items, and to store them when you have a lot stocked up. Also, this would be a good opportunity
to repair your gear. From levels 13 to 15, you will want to unlock Cataclysm, which is a very large AoE ability that will help you burn down clumps even faster, and then
Leap Strike and
Berserk; the choice is up to you on which one you'd like first.
Helpful Tip: If you ever find yourself in a situation where you are fighting a single mob, consider using Knock Out and then
Cataclysm to deal a massive amount of damage.
This combo is useful, as the casting time of Cataclyms is quite long, but if you stun them with Knock Out right before, the enemy won't be moving away from your attack, or hitting you during the casting time.
Upon reaching Level 16, you should have the following skills unlocked.
Brutal Cleave
Lethal Blow
Climactic Whirlwind
Battle Cry
Slicing Maim
Blood Fusion
Leap Strike
At this point, you can
move to a new location to continue your solo leveling journey. One of the best areas to level at this point is just north of Ursine Caves (along the river), where you'll come across a large amount of level 19 Webweavers. These
mobs may be high-leveled, but they don't deal much damage and also don't have a high amount of health, making them perfect for your Fighter's AoE skills. Be sure to use your Blood Fusion ability prior to using your AoE skills
to help maintain your health and mana.
If this area is too contested, you can also solo farm Sighted Seekers and Invokers located outside of The Tower of Carphin with your Longbow. If you farm these, be sure to only kill one at a time,
and to not get too close, as they can deal massive amounts of damage. It's best practice to just use your Longbow for these, and to be prepared to dodge any of their ranged spitting abilities. These battles could be a bit long, but
it's worth the experience and drops. The skills you should pick-up from level 16 to 21 include Reinvigorating Berserk,
Unyielding Berserk,
Preservative Blood Fusion,
Savagery, and
Regenerative Form of Celerity.
Important Note:Once you hit level 20, it's worth going back to a main town and purchasing level 20 gear, either from an NPC or from the marketplace. Your overall damage output will greatly increase with these new weapons, and your overall survivability will sky-rocket when you replace your level 10 gear with level 20 gear.
Upon reaching Level 22, you should have the following skills unlocked.
Brutal Cleave
Lethal Blow
Climactic Whirlwind
Battle Cry
Slicing Maim
Blood Fusion
Leap Strike
Reinvigorating Berserk
Unyielding Berserk
Preservative Blood Fusion
Regenerative Form of Celerity
Luckily, for the last few levels you have until you're at max level (25), you can farm the same type of mobs, Overcharged Shardlings, which are southeast of Miraleth
(within the lawless zone). These shardlings deal very, very little damage, and also tend to frequently drop glint, making it not only a great place to level, but also to make some gold in the process.
This is one of the most effective areas to level, but if you find this place to be too contested, you may want to consider going into global chat and finding a group of 8 to farm the Tower of Carphin,
which is recommended as it's one of the fastest ways to level, and also is a prime location for great gear drops. The last few skills you will want to add to your arsenal of skills would be Raging Blitz,
Whirlwind: Overdrive,
Consuming Lethal Blow, and
Hitting Level 25
Congragulations on hitting the current max level in the Ashes of Creation Alpha! Going forward, it is in your best interest to read up on end game guides to better adjust your build for the new options available. Continue on to either our PvE or PvP guide to learn how to best excel with a max level character in Verra.
Gear Suggestions
As you continue to level your Fighter, you will reach certain level requirements that unlock the ability to equip more powerful gear. It is critically important to ensure you have the proper gear in Ashes of Creation, as your overall power output is almost entirely based on your attributes and overall Physical Damage, which drastically can be increased with the right gear. Below is a quick overview of some of the quick and easy gear you can pick-up while leveling to be as efficient as possible.
Best Fighter Gear (Level 1-9)
Some of the best gear to pick up as you start your adventure can actually be purchased directly at the NPCs named "Smithy Vendor" and "Hideworks Vendor", located near the Avons End emberspring, which is just west of Lionhold (image reference above). It's best practice to purchase your gear from this location, as it will be overall cheaper than purchasing it within a main city due to no taxes being added to the purchases. Below is a list of these items that you can purchase at this NPC. If you're low on gold, consider cutting down some trees and mining some ore in this area, and quickly selling it to the NPC for some fast gold to pick up some initial gear.
Item Name | Location | Level Requirement |
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Smithy Vendor (Avons End) | Level 1 |
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Hideworks Vendor (Avons End) | Level 1 |
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Hideworks Vendor (Avons End) | Level 1 |
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Hideworks Vendor (Avons End) | Level 1 |
The items listed above are some quick and easy items to pick up to help kick-start your leveling journey. You will pick-up additional gear naturally as you start progressing towards level 10. If you're luck enough, you can also come across cheap gear at the Marketplace in different towns that players may have posted.
Please note: You can also pick up some artisan clothing from the NPCs listed above, such as
the Novice Leatherworker's Shirt, which will grant you a small buff. For example, this Novice Leatherworkers Shirt provides an additional
13 max health.
Best Fighter Gear (Level 10-19)
As you continue to level, you may come across certain weapons and gear that could maximize your overall damage potential. There are a few specific items that drop from certain locations that may be worth grinding for to make your leveling experience a bit easier (especially if you are leveling solo). The list of items below are considered some of the best options you can pick up once you hit level 10.
Important note: The higher quality a piece of gear or weapon is, the more stats you will receive from it. Additionally, once an item reaches a certain quality, it sometimes unlocks additional stats. The gear listed below are some of the best options you can pick up at level 10. It's okay if you don't reach the recommended quality of each item below, but it's best practice to try to get the quality listed below for additional benefits towards your build. If you can gather and/or craft these items at a higher quality listed below, even better!
If you are able to craft (or have a friend that can craft these items), it is highly recommended to go that route rather than trying to get lucky with picking up these items from mobs. There's still a chance of getting a majority of these items from mobs, but if you want to gurantee certain qualities, crafting is the best approach.
Please note: It is highly recommended that you also use Apprentice Enchanting Scrolls to "upgrade"
this gear to boost your stats even further. The more you enchant a specific item, the
more expensive it gets as you upgrade it.
Item Name | Location | Level Requirement |
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Dropped from named mobs "Gnashgut of Hearthsong" and "Boss Naknak" | Level 10 |
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Crafting or Mob Drop (Highwaymen Hill) | Level 10 |
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Crafting and/or dropped from named mob "Growler" (near Highwaymen Hill) | Level 10 |
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Purchased from NPC at Sunhaven | Level 10 |
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Crafting or Mob Drop (Remnants of Sephillion) | Level 10 |
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Crafting or Mob Drop (Highwaymen Hill or Remnants of Sephillion) | Level 10 |
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Crafting or Mob Drop (Remnants of Sephillion) | Level 10 |
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Crafting or Mob Drop (Highwaymen Hill or Remnants of Sephillion) | Level 10 |
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Crafting or Mob Drop (Highwaymen Hill or Remnants of Sephillion) | Level 10 |
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Crafting or Mob Drop (Highwaymen Hill) | Level 10 |
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Crafting or Mob Drop (Highwaymen Hill or Remnants of Sephillion) | Level 10 |
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Crafting and/or dropped from named mob "Everlasting Sower" | Level 10 |
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Crafting or Mob Drop (Highwaymen Hill or Remnants of Sephillion) | Level 10 |
As a friendly reminder, it is best practice to craft these items at the highest quality possible in order to maximize your damage output. If you are struggling crafting these items, consider killing mobs in the recommended areas listed above for a chance at receiving these items. The locations listed above are the best areas to farm these, but there are other mobs scattered throughout the world that haver a small chance at dropping these as well.
Best Fighter Gear (Level 20-25)
Once you hit level 20, you can gain access to some of the most powerful weapons and gear that is currently available in the game. As soon as you hit level 20, it's highly recommended to replace your level 10 gear with as many of the items listed below as possible. If you don't have any of the items listed below already, consider checking out the Marketplace in different towns to potentially pick up a quick and easy upgrade.
Important note: The higher quality a piece of gear or weapon is, the more stats you will receive from it. Additionally, once an item reaches a certain quality, it sometimes unlocks additional stats. The gear listed below are some of the best options you can pick up at level 20. It's okay if you don't reach the recommended quality of each item below, but it's best practice to try to get the quality listed below for additional benefits towards your build. If you can gather and/or craft these items at a higher quality listed below, even better!
If you are able to craft (or have a friend that can craft these items), it is highly recommended to go that route rather than trying to get lucky with picking up these items from mobs. There's still a chance of getting a majority of these items from mobs, but if you want to gurantee certain qualities, crafting is the best approach.
Please note: It is highly recommended that you also use Journeyman Enchanting Scrolls to "upgrade"
this gear to boost your stats even further. The more you enchant a specific item, the
more expensive it gets as you upgrade it.
Item Name | Location | Level Requirement |
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Dropped from named mobs "Tapmaster Percheh" and "Undead Dunir Berserker" | Level 20 |
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Crafting or Mob Drop (Tower of Carphin or Befallen Forge) | Level 20 |
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Crafting and/or dropped from named mob "Growler" (near Highwaymen Hill) | Level 10 |
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Purchased from NPC at Sunhaven | Level 20 |
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Crafting and/or dropped from named mob "Corax" | Level 20 |
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Crafting or Mob Drop (Tower of Carphin) | Level 20 |
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Crafting or Mob Drop (Remnants of Sephillion) | Level 10 |
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Crafting or Mob Drop (Befallen Forge) | Level 20 |
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Crafting and/or dropped from named mob "The Monitor" | Level 20 |
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Crafting or Mob Drop (Befallen Forge or Tower of Carphin) | Level 20 |
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Crafting or Mob Drop (Gravepeak or Tower of Carphin) | Level 20 |
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Crafting and/or dropped from named mob "The Bloodied" | Level 20 |
The items listed above showcases some of the best gear options for the general Fighter. However, based on your overall gameplay, there may be other items that you may prefer. For example, if you prefer to be a little bit tankier, you may want to consider collecting items from the Rosarium Guard set (farmed at the Citadel of the Steel Bloom). If you tend to use your bow quite often and prefer a build with higher Dexterity, you can consider the Bloodrunner set (farmed at the Tower of Carphin).
Please note: There are technically more powerful weapons available, but they are extremely difficult to get
as it requires defeating the open-world boss Tumok the Wretched. These weapons include
the Greatsword of Briarhome and the Shortbow of Briarhome. The recipes for these weapons
also drop from this boss.
Once you hit level 25, the grind doesn't stop! Start working on gathering some of these best-in-slot items, and start enchanting your high-quality gear!
- 09 Feb. 2025: Guide created.
Savvvo is a New World Aeternum content creator with over 5,000 hours of gameplay. He specializes in developing leveling and gold-making guides, PvP builds, and discovering fun, new ways to enhance your New World experience. If you can not find him in Aeternum, he is probably somewhere on YouTube.
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