Fighter Ability/Skill Glossary for Ashes of Creation

Last updated on Jan 30, 2025 at 00:00 by Savvvo

Welcome to the Ashes of Creation skill glossary for Fighter! This page is great for people new to the Fighter Archetype, as it contains the basic information players need to know to excel at both PvE and PvP.


Fighter Skills

Below is a full list of all available skills for the Fighter archetype. Each skill includes a brief description, along with important information regarding its casting and cooldown times, mana costs, range, and more.



Action Name Timers Cost Range & Radius Description
Overpower Skill Icon
Cast: 1s

Cooldown: 8s
55 Mana Range: 4m Deal (150%🢆) Physical damage to target enemy. This ability shared a cooldown with Brutal Cleave, and hitting an enemy with a weapon combo finisher refreshes its cooldown. +10 Combat Momentum.


Action Name Timers Cost Range & Radius Description
Blitz Skill Icon
Cast: 0.9s

Cooldown: 20s
82 Mana Range: 30m Charge directly toward target enemy, dealing (100%🢆) Physical damage to the target on arrival.
Upgrade Description
Raging Blitz Blitz generates 20 Combat Momentum.
Reinvigorating Lethal Blow Killing an enemy with Lethal Blow resets the cooldown of Blitz.

Crippling Blow

Action Name Timers Cost Range & Radius Description
Crippling Blow
Crippling Blow Skill Icon
Cast: 0.8s

Cooldown: 10s
100 Mana Range: 4m Deal (75%🢆) Physical damage and apply Snared to target enemy. If the target is Staggered, apply another stack of Snared to the target.

Brutal Cleave

Action Name Timers Cost Range & Radius Description
Brutal Cleave
Brutal Cleave Skill Icon
Cast: 1.1s

Cooldown: 12s
133 Mana Range: N/A Perform a wide sweeping attack, dealing (175%🢆) Physical damage to all enemies in front of you. This ability shares a cooldown with Overpower, and hitting an enemy with a weapon combo finisher refreshes its cooldown. +10-20 Combat Momentum (based on number of targets hit).

Lethal Blow

Action Name Timers Cost Range & Radius Description
Lethal Blow
Lethal Blow Skill Icon
Cast: 1.1s

Cooldown: 12s
100 Mana Range: 4m Deal (125%🢆) Physical damage to target enemy, plus additional damage based on target's missing health, up to a maximum total of (375%🢆) Physical damage. Chance to critically hit increased by 15% against Bleeding targets. This bonus is doubled against Hemorraging targets.
Upgrade Description
Consuming Lethal Blow Lethal Blow returns 50% of overkill damage dealt as health and mana.


Action Name Timers Cost Range & Radius Description
Whirlwind Skill Icon
Cast: 2.5s

Cooldown: 30s
200 Mana Range: 3m Channeled ability: Deal (45%🢆) Physical damage to all enemies around the caster with each spin while channeled, increasing the spin rate the longer it is channeled. The caster is immune to hard disabling effects while spinning. Activate the ability again to end channeling early. Deals 20% additional damage to Weakened targets.
Upgrade Description
Whirlwind Overdrive After completing the final spin, you may continue spinning at maximum speed while rapidly repleting your Momentum. Ends after Momentum is fully depleted or after stopping the channel.
Climactic Whirlwind Perform a final swing in an area in front of you after ending Whirlwind's channel, dealing (175%🢆) Physical damage and applying Staggered to targets in front of the caster, while generating 5-10 Combat Momentum based on number of targets hit.

Lunging Assault

Action Name Timers Cost Range & Radius Description
Lunging Assault
Lunging Assault Skill Icon
Cast: 0.5s

Cooldown: 5s
15 Combat Momentum Range: N/A Spend 15 Combat Momentum to lunge in a direction a short distance and perform an upward swing upon arrival, dealing (125%🢆) Physical damage and applying Snared to enemies in front of you. You are immune to hard crowd control effects while performing this ability.
Upgrade Description
Recharging Lunging Assault Lunging Assault gains an additional charge and generates 5 additional Combat Momentum when dealing damage to one or more enemies.


Action Name Timers Cost Range & Radius Description
Rupture Skill Icon
Cast: 1.2s

Cooldown: 15s
133 Mana Range: 4m Deal (50%🢆) Physical damage and apply a debuff to the target. While the debuff is active, the target acquires 1 Wounded stack per second while moving. After 5 seconds, the target takes another (150%🢆) Physical damage, plus 10% additional damage for each stack of Wounded it has, up to a maximum total of of (300%🢆) Physical damage. On the initial hit, if the target is Bleeding, 1 stack is consumed and that target becomes Hemorraging.


Action Name Timers Cost Range & Radius Description
Maim Skill Icon
Cast: 1.3s

Cooldown: 15s
166 Mana Range: N/A Perform a powerful melee strike in a short forward cone, dealing (250%🢆) Physical damage to all targets hit. Deals 20% additional damage to recently Tripped targets.
Upgrade Description
Slicing Maim Maim launches a piercing projectile that deals (100%🢆) physical damage, plus 20% additional damage to recently tripped targets, to enemies in its path.

Knock Out

Action Name Timers Cost Range & Radius Description
Knock Out
Knock Out Skill Icon
Cast: 0.8s

Cooldown: 15s
100 Mana Range: 4m Apply Incapacitated and Shaken to target enemy.

Battle Cry

Action Name Timers Cost Range & Radius Description
Battle Cry
Battle Cry Skill Icon
Cast: 0.6s

Cooldown: 30s
166 Mana Range: N/A Apply Weakened and Demoralized to all nearby enemies and Riled to the caster and all nearby party members. Gain 5 Combat Momentum for each target Riled and each enemy target that was Shaken.
Upgrade Description
Unyielding Battle Cry Battle Cry breaks all disabling effects on the caster.


Action Name Timers Cost Range & Radius Description
Wallop Skill Icon
Cast: 1.1s

Cooldown: 8s
100 Mana Range: N/A Spend 25% of current Combat Momentum to deal (150%🢆) Physical damage plus additional damage depending on how much Combat Momentum was spent, up to a maximum total of (300%🢆) Physical damage. If the target is Staggered, the effect is consumed and the target becomes Tripped.
Upgrade Description
Rejuvenating Wallop Wallop restores a percentage of maximum health equal to 30% of Combat Momentum spent over 6 seconds.

Blood Fusion

Action Name Timers Cost Range & Radius Description
Blood Fusion
Blood Fusion Skill Icon

Cooldown: 45s
0 Mana Range: N/A Return 100% of damage dealt as health and 35% of damage dealt as mana over the next 6 seconds. Resource replenished is diminished for each target hit beyond the first. 25% additional damage returned as health from Bleeding targets. This bonus is doubled against Hemorraging targets.
Upgrade Description
Preservative Blood Fusion When Blood Fusion is activated while below 50% health, gain 25% increased damage mitigation and healing received over the duration.


Action Name Timers Cost Range & Radius Description
Cataclysm Skill Icon
Cast: 1.9s

Cooldown: 30s
200 Mana Range: N/A Deal (275%🢆) Physical damage and apply Shaken to all enemies in a large area in front of you. If the target is Staggered, the effect is consumed and the target becomes Tripped. Deals 15% additional damage to Chilled targets. This bonus is doubled against Frozen targets.

Leap Strike

Action Name Timers Cost Range & Radius Description
Leap Strike
Leap Strike Skill Icon
Cast: 1.6s

Cooldown: 45s
166 Mana Range: 30m Leap to target location and deal (225%🢆) Physical damage around you while applying Staggered to all targets hit. Apply 3 stacks of Snared to targets hit that were Shaken.


Action Name Timers Cost Range & Radius Description
Berserk Skill Icon
Cast: 0.2s

Cooldown: 30s
0 Mana Range: N/A Consume your Combat Momentum rapidly, gaining 30% more physical power and movement speed and immunity to disabling effects while active. Must have at least 20 Combat Momentum to activate, and the effect ends when all Combat Momentum is fully depleted.
Upgrade Description
Reinvigorating Berserk Berserk refreshes other ability cooldowns by 0.25 second per point of Combat Momentum the caster has upon activation.

Fighter Passives

Below is a full list of all available passives for the Fighter archetype. Each passive includes a brief description, along with important information regarding its casting and cooldown times, mana costs, range, and more.



Action Name Timers Cost Range & Radius Description
Savagery Skill Icon
Cast: N/A

Cooldown: N/A
0 Mana Range: N/A Weapon combo finishers apply 1 Wounded stack to targets hit.

Art of War

Action Name Timers Cost Range & Radius Description
Art of War
Art of War Skill Icon
Cast: N/A

Cooldown: N/A
N/A Range: N/A Switching forms no longer triggers cooldowns or costs Combat Momentum.


Action Name Timers Cost Range & Radius Description
Brutality Skill Icon
Cast: N/A

Cooldown: N/A
0 Mana Range: N/A Overpower and Brutal Cleave apply 1 Wounded stack to enemies hit.

Fighter Forms

Below is a full list of all available forms for the Fighter archetype. As a Fighter, players have the ability to shift into unique forms which provide specific buffs based on the current form that is active. Each form listed below includes a brief description, along with additional information on the associated buffs.


Form of Ferocity

Action Name Timers Cost Range & Radius Description
Form of Ferocity
Form of Ferocity Skill Icon
Cast: 0.7s

Cooldown: 5s
0 Mana Range: N/A While in this form, the caster receives 1.5% Attack Speed per 10 Combat Momentum, up to a maximum of 15%. Overpower and Brutal Cleave apply Bleeding to targets hit. Shifting form costs 20% of current Combat Momentum and triggers cooldown for all Combat Forms. Triggers cooldown for 10 seconds when deactivated.

Form of Celerity

Action Name Timers Cost Range & Radius Description
Form of Celerity
Form of Celerity Skill Icon
Cast: 0.7s

Cooldown: 5s
0 Mana Range: N/A While in this form, the caster receives +2% Movement Speed per 10 Combat Momentum, up to a maximum of +20%. Overpower and Brutal Cleave apply Staggered to targets hit. Shifting form costs 20% of current Combat Momentum and triggers cooldown for all Combat Forms. Triggers cooldown for 10 seconds when deactivated.
Upgrade Description
Meditative Form of Celerity Form of Celerity regenerates 0.01% of your maximum mana per second and per weapon finisher for each point of Combat Momentum you have.

Form of Fluidity

Action Name Timers Cost Range & Radius Description
Form of Fluidity
Form of Fluidity Skill Icon
Cast: 0.7s

Cooldown: 5s
0 Mana Range: N/A While in this form, the caster receives +1.5% Evasion and +2.5% Disable Evasion per 10 Combat Momentum, up to a maximum of +15% and 25%, respectively. Overpower and Brutal Cleave apply Shaken to targets hit. Shifting form costs 20% of current Combat Momentum and triggers cooldown for all Combat Forms. Triggers cooldown for 10 seconds when deactivated.
Upgrade Description
Regenerative Form of Fluidity Form of Fluidity regenerates 0.01% of your maximum health per second and per weapon finisher for each point of Combat Momentum you have.


  • 30 Jan. 2025: Guide updated with recent skill changes.
  • 13 Jan. 2025: Guide added.
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