Ashes of Creation Mage Leveling Guide
Learn everything you need to know to level your Mage the fastest and most efficient way imaginable! This guide will show you all that you need in order to get to the max level and begin your end game in Ashes of Creation. This includes talent builds, group comps, leveling tips annd more!
The Mage Leveling Experience
Welcome to the ultimate leveling guide for Mages! Inside this guide, we'll cover everything you need to know while you level
your Mage to level 25. Note that the level cap upon release of the game is 50, however currenlty during this testing period
the level cap is LV 25, which can take over 100 hours! As your character progresses, there are many things you can do while
leveling to make your journey go much smoother, regardless if you're leveling solo or in a group. Here are a few of the best
ways to be most efficient with your time, and maximize the overall experience gained.
This guide includes separate tips and tricks for every single level dependant on if you're in a group or not. As a Mage, your leveling experience will be quite drastically different than other the other archetypes in the game. This is because Mages are the undisputed kings (or queens) of AoE. No other archetype comes even remotely close to the devasting power of a Mage. For this reason, you'll never have troubles finding a group due to your highly sought after AoE damage in a game where the best way to level currently is AoE mob grinding.
While this game is made to play with friends and not really tailored for the solo adventurer, Mages actually are one of the best solo levelers in the game. This is due in large part to being able to pull countless mobs at once, kite them around one of your many slows you have and then AoE them down. Not only that, but Mages also excel in solo'ing higher tiered mobs, due to being able to kite. This not only can be life saving, but also can still be good exp/hour gains if you don't want to deal with leveling in a party.
Leveling Tips
Regardless of if you're in a group while leveling, or solo, there are a handful of tips and tricks that will make your leveling process more fun and efficient. These best practices can be found below.
There many types of scrolls in the game that give you a variety of different types of buffs. Some
give a minor amount of experience (such as the Novice Scroll of Adventuring Experience giving you an additional 1% exp
on all kills) or
Novice Scroll of Intelligence which gives you some Intellect, boosting your damage.) Make sure to
pick up some scrolls and use them often!
It's always a good idea to carry along consumables with you as you level, such as Rations
(HP/Mana regen if you sit and eat it)and
Fruit Salad (gives you 20 Magical Power for an hour.) Make sure to have these on
you at all times! >Health and/or Mana Potions share cooldown with each other, so you can only use one at a time!
Positioning as a Mage is crucial! With our great power, comes great responsibilty and ours is to
control our damage and not accidentally pull extra mobs. This may sound easy and obvious, but in Ashes some Mage spells are
not bound by our 4 walls. For example, Ball Lightning is our main AoE spell and this can go through walls. This means
that if you're not paying attention to where you're throwing your
Ball Lightning, this will not only grab the mobs in
the next room, but also from the floor underneath you if there are enemies there. Always be careful when you cast this spell and
make sure you're facing a direction that will send the
Ball Lightning through the mobs, but not to additional enemies.
Group Composition
While you're free to play the game how you want, with whoever you want, there will be a best comp for Mages that players should abide by if they want to play effeciently. For the perfect mix, you will want to aim to have one tank, two clerics, one or two Bards (one is enough to give Mana back to your party, the second one is extra if you want), and then four DPS archetypes. In a perfect world you have four Mages with you and the packs die instantly, but if not, just make sure there's a tank, two clerics and at least one Bard. The rest is up to you.
Skill Points
It's important to know that as your character progresses, you don't only unlock points to be used for your class skill tree, but also points towards separate skill trees for each of your melee and ranged weapon and your passive stamina tree. Be sure to invest points into these areas to enhance your overall leveling experience! This means taking the AoE skills more often than not.
Flagging for PvP
You should always be aware of your PvP status while leveling, and how exactly it works. Players can manually turn on their PvP mode by clicking Alt + F, allowing them to attack other player. You must be careful though, because if you kill a player that does not fight back, you will then become corrupted, which not only gives you a horrible debuff that reduces your Health, Mana, damage and more, but also will cause you to drop your equipped gear upon death that you can lose forever. Flag up and PvP at your own risk. I'm not going to tell you to not PvP, because that's what this game is about! Kill those enemies that are in your leveling spot and take their loot! However be aware that if you pick up the loot of a dead player, you will automatically be flagged for PvP and other players can attack you back. Keep this in mind, as death will lead to XP debt and a severe loss in money, since you lose Glint when you die, making your leveling process a even more tedious and difficult than it already is.
Glint in money in this game and extrememly important. You need it to sell for gold which is then used to purchase commodities. As you kill more mobs and players, you'll obtain quite a bit of Glint and it's easy to forget about. After a few hours of leveling, you might find yourself sitting on a ton of glint. Make sure to take a break from leveling every so often and hit the closest town and put all your Glint in the storage so you won't lose it! A note about selling it, it's always good to sell your glint if you need gold to repair. That's it though. Glint is a major end game currency since the best way to get gold is to run Caravans, which you need Glint and only Glint to purchase the commodities that you'll be transporting for Gold. So don't hastily vendor all your Glint; instead save it and only vendor when you truly need gold and cannot wait. The gold return on selling Glint is atrocious.
Group Leveling
Learn more about the most efficient way to level as a Mage within a group in Ashes of Creation! Using the scrolling feature below, select your level and unlock a list of best practices on how to level, including recommended skills, leveling locations, tips and more.
The slider has been set up to work most efficiently across 5 level increments. Set the slider to your level, but expect information from the previous level bracket to disappear at specific thresholds. This is done to make the information on the page more condensed and easier to read.
Important note: While this guide only has a section for group leveling, the solo leveling advice would be the same. However, it's highly suggested to level in a group, since solo leveling in the current iteration of the game is a miserable experience for most classes, and even the classes that can do it, level significantly slower than if they were grouped. While Mages are capable of solo leveling if you are a pro at managing your slows, kiting and dimenishing returns, they're also the squishiest archetype in the game, making it very easy to die, resulting in more exp debt and losing more Glint.
Move the slider below to make the guide update to your level!
As you log in for your first time, directly in front of you is a guard that will give you a quest called "Welcome to Verra". This is just a breadcrumb quest that will lead to some free, easy experience in a bit, just by talking to a few NPC's. Scattered all along the floor and walls by that entrance next to that quest you picked up is a bunch of starter weapons. You want to look for the Great Spellsword. You already start with a wand, so you're good to start off on your journey! As you level you will find gear or buy gear that will be better, but for now this is what you got! Just walk out the door and kill some goblins as you make your way to Lionhold. Once you've arrived, start "The Sweat of your Brow" which will reward you with a free horse as a mount. This quest is very easy to do and is all done in the town, he just asks you to go around gathering and crafting some stuff. Here is a great video you can use as a reference on how to get your first mount for free.
Once you hit level 2 you get your first skill point and can get your first new Spell! There's
a few really good options to choose from for your first choice. Firebolt, this is an instant cast spell that does
mediocre damage, but has three stacks on a 8 second cooldown. This is great for just some additional damage, but also casting
this spell will attune your
Elemental Empowerment to fire, making your wand finishers apply a deadly Burn to the target.
This is just nice damage to help quickly eliminate enemies at that early level.
Frostbolt is a little bit more damage
than the
Firebolt, but has a cast time, as well as a 12 second cooldown. However this is still a good choice if you
prefer the slow that
Frostbolt provides over the damage from
Firebolt. Lastly another strong pick is
Shell. This provides you with a large absorb shield that will soak all damage until it breaks or 15 seconds has gone.
This skill can help keep you alive at those early levels, since those goblins and skeletons you'll be fighting do an insane
amount of damage.
The next three skills you should take should be the other two that you didn't take from your level
2 talent, then I pick up Lightning Strike. For example, I typically chooose
Firebolt at LV 2, then next I pick
Frostbolt and then
Shell and then
Lightning Strike. This is because I prefer the great damage from not
Firebolt, but also from the Burning damage it attunes my wand to. I then pick up
Frostbolt for some more
damage, but more importantly to keep the enemy slowed, allowing me to deal significantly more damage before the enemy reaches me.
Then I pick up
Shell to protect me if and when the enemy gets to me. My rotation here bis opening with
for the slow, then
Firebolt 2-3 times after so my wand is attuned to Fire and then a few wand strikes and the enemy is
typically dead. The
Lightning Strike choice is for when we get our next talent
Shatter, but still on it's own,
Lightning Strike does more damage than
Firebolt and
Frostbolt if you hold the keybind down all the way
to fully charge it up.
Once you reach level 5 or so, it's highly suggested to head out to the Laboratory and the Cookhouse to buy some
gear and consumables. If you're hurting on money, then just spend 10-15 minutes cutting down every tree and picking every
plant you see and just go vendor them. There's also some quick and easy World events that happen all over the place that you
should do if you they happen to be live when you pass by. These are shared progress with every player who's doing the event,
which makes the events go by pretty fast, but also providing you with a large chunk of experience, as well as a chunk of
much needed Glint. As for what to buy, at the Laboratory pick up a Wand and a Focus. These will be copper ones that you can
buy for almost half the price of all the other vendors! This is huge since money is pretty hard to find that early. Also pick
up some scrolls while at the lab. Either the Novice Scroll of Adventuring Experience giving you an additional 1% exp
on all kills or the
Novice Scroll of Intelligence which gives you some Intellect, making you do more damage. At the cookhouse
pick up some food called
Fruit Salad, which gives you 20 Magical Power for an hour.
Upon reaching Level 6, you should have the following skills unlocked.
Upon reaching Level 6, This is where your second tier of talent open up and we get the bread and
butter of the Mage toolkit, Shatter. This is an extremely hard hitting passive spell that will proc whenver you deal
Lightning damage to a frozen enemy. This typically starts with a
Frostbolt opener, then a few wand strikes to prob
chill again, thus freezing the target. After that you cast
Lightning Strike, which will do high damage on it's own,
but also prob
Shatter, hitting the target for an additional 225% Ice damage. As mentioned, this is the bread and
butter of the Mage. You'll be looking to do as many
Shatters as humanly possible, bearing in mind that you can only
Shatter a target once every 4 seconds.
From Level 7 to 9, you just want to pick up spells that will compliment your toolkit and anything that will buff up your
Ball Lightning is the suggested pick at LV 7 and some even swap this around with
in the previous level. This spell does an insane amount of both AoE and single target damage, but also puts a debuff on any
enemy hit with your ball that reduces their magical mitigation by 15%, meaning those enemies take 15% more damage from all
spells, thus making your Shatters do even more damage. What's great about this is as of right now,
Shatter procs
off ANY Lightning damage and will ALWAYS hit for that 225% Ice damage, regardless of how hard you hit the enemy. This means
that one single tick of the
Ball Lightning will proc that
Shatter and it will hit just as hard as if you
proc'd the
Shatter off of your fully casted
Lightning Strike.
For the other two points pick up Hoarfrost and
Cone of Cold. These will help you get quicker
out since both of those spells are instant cast, eliminating the need to cast
Frostbolt to set up. These are also
close ranged spells that you need to be 5 or so yards away to hit the mobs. These are also very important spells, since
this is one of the only ways to do AoE
Note that it's typically around this level that you can head over to Church of the Seven Stars, which is West of Lionhold. This place is great for group leveling, but what makes it even better is that you can pick up a quest from Lorik of the Seven who's standing right next to the Herbalism Vendor at the Agricultral Supply right at the bottom of the hill by Church of the Seven Stars. It's always suggested to look in World Chat for a group or start one, pick up that quest and complete it while grinding those mobs.
Upon reaching Level 10, you should have the following skills unlocked.
Upon reaching Level 10, you should now have these talents as well as what we talked
about. Enchant Weapon, which allows you to enchant someones weapon to match your elemental empowerment.
Example, if you have your wand attuned to Fire, so will your friend now, meaning he will now apply that same Burn
you do. This works great to Lightning to ensure the Volatile debuff is up as often as possible and good for Frost
to help set you up for more
Shatters. Next up is
Blink. This teleport will save your often,
while also allowing you to distance yourself from the enemies.
The next two skills are Arcane Circle and
Prismatic Beam. These are you two MAJOR cooldowns.
Arcane Circle puts down a purple circle under you that gives you 120% increased Magical Power for 10 seconds.
You can also stack multiple elemental empowerments on you weapon if you cast them while you're in the circle.
Prismatic Beam is a VERY HARD HITTING spell that channels a beam that is based on whatever element you're
attuned to. For example, if you're fire, then you're beam with be a stream of fire that does fire damage as well as
applies the Burn. However to make this even more fun and engaging, you can triple stack your elemental empowerments
if you're in your
Arcane Circle and then your
Prismatic Beam will hit for all three of the elements
and apply all three debuffs!!! You can also click your keybind for elemental empowerment and it will take off any
empowerments you have and leaving it as attuned to Arcane. If you're attuned to Arcane, your
Prismatic Beam
will give you mana back based on the damage your beam did. Always nice to keep in mind when you're on the long AoE
grinds and hurting on mana.
After that pick up Bombardment, which will make your
Firebolt do 25% more direct damage, as well
as apply the Staggered debuff. Staggered in itself isn't amazing, but it's important because many other archetypes
have combos and stuns that require the enemy to be Staggered. This allows you to quickly cast
Firebolt to
apply Stagger. The next pick up is
Chain Lightning. This chains lightning to 5 nearby enemies and doesn't do
that much damage, but we'll pair it with an insanely good passive when we level one more time.
>As for where to level, once Level 10 you can do one of two things, depending on if I'm solo or in a group. If in a group, aim for Halls of Judication, or Oakenbane Keep. These will be much more experience and drops much more Glint and gear than if solo, with the downside of finding a group and dealing with other human beings. However it is 100% worth it! Even when solo grinding, make the time to go spend an hour or so in Halls to get gear upgrades.
Upon reaching Level 16, you should have the following skills unlocked.
Lightning Strike
Ball Lightning
Cone of Cold
Enchant Weapon
Arcane Circle
Prismatic Beam
The next handful of points will be spent adding more to your already robust toolkit and buffing
the spells you've already got. The first is Aftershock. This is a passive that is linked to
Chain Lightning.
Aftershock makes your
Chain Lightning hit everyone twice only if the enemy is Staggered (one of the reasons
we picked up
Bombardment), and this can be
Shattered. Make sure to cast
Firebolt before you
Chain Lightning. This, casted after a powerful
Ball Lightning, while inside of your
Arcane Circle
and followed up with a juicy triple stacked
Prismatic Beam will do the highest amount of AoE damage in the entire game.
Amplified Lightning Strike turns your
Lightning Strike into an AoE, rather than just single target, but
only if you cast a fully held down
Lightning Strike. If you do, that
Lightning Strike will hit every nearby enemy,
with no target cap. This also applies 10 more stacks of Shocked, bringing the total to 20 stacks for some pretty
crazy damage. After that pick up
Combust. This will conflagrate your enemy, dealing some slight damage, but most
importantly, this means it will take all of your Burns that are on the target and convert them into one huge accelerated
Burn DoT that deals an additional 30% damage. This hits like a truck and scales excellently.
The last two in this bracket to pick up is both Magma Field and
Magma Field by itself is a
horrible spell and should never be used... unless you also have the
Pyromania talent. This is a passive talent that not
reduces the cast time of
Magma Field, but also makes it tick two more times! These two talents together synerize beautifully
on any AoE packs that have 5 or more. You can use it on packs with less enemies, just be warned that your mana will become an issue
if you've been AoE grinding for a bit. If you're dealing with Mana issues, this should be the first thing removed.
As for where to level in that range, either Citadel of Steel Bloom or Remnants of Sephillion are the choices. Both of these places are fantastic for gear, while giving you the best exp per hour. This of course requires a party and you can expect both of these dungeons to be extremely contested. The Tower of Carphin is another great place for gear and experience, however it's preferred to go here once you're Level 20. Even though solo leveling is an option around this point, it's at this bracket of levels that you should be looking for a group, or even forming your own. Too much great experience and the gear and weapons are out of this world and will hold you over until end game crafting!
Upon reaching Level 21, you should have the following skills unlocked.
Lightning Strike
Ball Lightning
Cone of Cold
Enchant Weapon
Arcane Circle
Prismatic Beam
Chain Lightning
Amplified Lightning Strike
Magma Field
- Fuse
Now that you've got all of your hard hitting spells, with the powerful passives to go along with them,
we'll use the rest of the points for some utility and passive damage. Starting with Fuse, this is a passive skill that simply
makes all Burns 50% more powerful if you applied the Burn while they enemy is Shocked. This is very easy to do, since your rotation
revolves around Shatter which requires the casting of Lightning spells, thus you'll naturally apply the Shocked debuff frequently.
Just make a mental note not to cast
Firebolt unless the target is Shocked and you'll see a nice jump in damage on all of your Burns.
After that, pick up
Shattering Shards as this will make your
Frostbolt splinter off and do som extra damage to the main target
and three nearby targets, but only if the target is Shocked! Once again for the reasons listed above, you'll find this easy to accomplish.
It's at this point where you can put the last few points wherever and it won't matter much. We've opted to go with utility picks,
starting with Slumber. This will put your target
and any other enemies within 5 yards of that target to sleep for 10 seconds. This is one of our main ways to crowd control and can save
you in both PvE and PvP scenarios. Be careful though, as any damage done will break the sleep! After that,
Accelerative Blink
can be really helpful since this allows you to have an instant cast
Frostbolt or
Lightning Strike after you
Blink. You'll be blinking a lot, so might as well get a free instant cast after.
With your final point, this can be flexed between Blizzard and
Thermal Equilibrium. More often than not,
Thermal Equilibrium
will end up being more useful, but on the rare occasion that there are three Mages in my party,
Blizzard takes preference; not for the slight damage it does, but because each tick
Blizzard applies chilled, meaning the mobs will be frozen and all the Mages can be in Shatter heaven.
Hitting Level 25
Congragulations on hitting the current max level in the Ashes of Creation Alpha! Going forward, it is in your best interest to read up on end game guides to better adjust your build for the new options available. Continue on to either our PvE or PvP guide to learn how to best excel with a max level character in Verra.
Gear Suggestions
While on your leveling journey, you will be wanting to keep a look out for all types of gear. These can drop off mobs, bougth off vendors and even crafted throughout all levels. While armor is important, sicne it makes you less squishy on an already really squishy archetype, it also proves stats that will help you do some more damage. But the most important part of your gear is your weapons. They carry an extraordinarily high percentage of you Magical Power. Like 90% of your Magical Power comes from the weapons, making it vitally important to get new weapons as you reach new gearing leveling brackets. Below is a brief overview of some of the quick and easy gear you can pick-up while leveling to be as efficient as possible.
The gearing itself isn't confusing, but the weapon system can be, since we have so many options and different trees for the weapons. To keep this super simple, just equip whatever gives you the most Magical Power. Care about nothing else but that. Now when it comes down to you have say a Book and a Wand/Focus set up with the same Magical Power, that's when you have to choose based on your playstyle. You have three choices for ranged weapons: Book(2 hander), Wand(1 Hander, so you use a Focus in your offhand with it) and a Spellbow(2 hander). Each of them fire differently. The Book is AoE and attacks slower, whereas the Wand attacks much faster. For this reason I personally will use a Wand whenever available because the more your wand is autoing, then more finisher procs from your weapon tree you'll get.
Best Mage Gear (Level 1-9)
Once you reach level 5 or so, it's highly suggested to head out to the Laboratory top buy your weapons. If you're hurting on money, then just spend 10-15 minutes cutting down every tree and picking every plant you see and just go vendor them. There's also some quick and easy World events that happen all over the place that you should do if you they happen to be live when you pass by. These are shared progress with every player who's doing the event, which makes the events go by pretty fast, but also providing you with a large chunk of experience, as well as a chunk of much needed Glint. This is the first place I start heading toward when I start a character. Here you can buy a Wand and a Focus. These will be copper ones that you can buy for almost half the price of all the other vendors! This is HUGE since money is pretty hard to find that early. Any extra gear you can get from the Textile Mill Vendor on the west side of Lionhold.
Item Name | Location | Level Requirement |
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Laboratory Vendor (Flame and Formula) | Level 1 |
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Laboratory Vendor (Flame and Formula) | Level 1 |
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Smithy Vendor (Avons End) | Level 1 |
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Laboratory Vendor (Avons End) | Level 1 |
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Hideworks Vendor (Avons End) | Level 1 |
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Hideworks Vendor (Avons End) | Level 1 |
The items listed above are some quick and easy items to pick up to help kick-start your leveling journey. You will pick-up additional gear naturally as you start progressing towards level 10. If you're lucky, you'll get some lucky armor or wand and book drops! Also if you have the gold, make sure to check out the Marketplace located in different towns that players may have posted that you can buy for cheap.
Best Mage Gear (Level 10-19)
As you continue to level, you may come across certain weapons and gear that could maximize your overall damage potential. There are a few specific items that drop from certain locations that may be worth grinding for to make your leveling experience a bit easier (especially if you are leveling solo). The list of items below are considered some of the best options you can pick up once you hit level 10. You can find these things out in the world, or to make it even easier you can just farm the materials up and have someone craft it. The higher quality materials, the higher quality the piece of gear or weapon will be, the more stats you will receive from it. Additionally, once an item reaches a certain quality, it will sometimes unlocks additional stats. The gear listed below is some of the best options you can pick up at level 10. It's set to rare quality, which is blue gear. It goes goes without saying that you want to aim for the highest quality, so if you're getting anything crafted, make sure to get the high quality gear!
If you are able to craft (or have a friend that can craft these items), it is highly recommended to go that route rather than trying to get lucky with picking up these items from mobs. There's still a chance of getting a majority of these items from mobs, but if you want to guarantee certain qualities, crafting is the best approach.
Please note: If you can afford to, it's highly suggested that you also use Apprentice Enchanting Scrolls
to enchant your LV 10 gear, which will GREATLY boost your stats even further. The more you enchant a specific item, the
more expensive it gets as you upgrade it.
Item Name | Location | Level Requirement |
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Crafting or Mob Drop (Ashen Flame Humanoids, Goblins) | Level 10 |
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Crafting or Mob Drop (Ashen Flame Humanoids, Goblins) | Level 10 |
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Crafting or Mob Drop (Blister) | Level 10 |
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Crafting or Mob Drop (Ashen Flame Humanoids, Goblins) | Level 10 |
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Crafting and/or dropped from named mob "The Hornhexer" (near Ursine Caves) | Level 10 |
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Purchased from NPC at Aithanahr | Level 10 |
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Crafting and/or dropped from named mob "Wailing Widow" (Tower of Carphin) | Level 10 |
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Crafting or Mob Drop (Most humanoids) | Level 10 |
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Crafting and/or dropped from named mob "Nangolith the Spinner" (Briarmoor Farm) | Level 10 |
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Crafting or Mob Drop (Most humanoids) | Level 10 |
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Crafting or Mob Drop (Most humanoids) | Level 10 |
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Crafting and/or dropped from named mob "Wailing Widow" (Tower of Carphin) | Level 10 |
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Crafting and/or dropped from named mob "Hoodwinx and Hoarder" (The Desert) | Level 10 |
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Crafting and/or dropped from named mob "Slaznug" (Daragal Estates) | Level 10 |
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Crafting and/or dropped from named mob "Doomed Researcher" (Near Tower of Carphin) | Level 10 |
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Crafting or Mob Drop (Most humanoids) | Level 10 |
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Crafting and/or dropped from named mob "Wormwig" (Near Tower of Carphin) | Level 10 |
As a friendly reminder, it is best practice to craft these items at the highest quality possible in order to maximize your damage output. If you are struggling crafting these items, consider killing mobs in the recommended areas listed above for a chance at receiving these items. The locations listed above are the best areas to farm these, but there are other mobs scattered throughout the world that haver a small chance at dropping these as well.
Best Mage Gear (Level 20-25)
Once you hit level 20, you can gain access to some of the most powerful gear and weapons in the game. As soon as you hit level 20, it's suggested to replace your level 10 gear with as many of the items listed below as possible. These can be farmed by killing the mobs that drop them, or you can get them crafted. It's suggested to get as high as quality materials as you can and get this list crafted as soon as you can. Make sure to check out the Marketplace if you got some gold, as it can be exrememly easy and sometimes cheap to buy some of the materials needed to craft your end game gear.
Important note: The higher quality a piece of gear or weapon is, the more stats you will receive from it. Additionally, once an item reaches a certain quality, it sometimes unlocks additional stats. The gear listed below is some of the best options you can pick up at level 20. It's all set to Heroic Gear, which is a strong breakpoint in this game. It's okay if you can't get the Heroic quality crafted, just try to get as close as you can to it, or even higher if you can! Epic and Legendary gear is far superior to the Heroic and lower qualities.
If you are able to craft (or have a friend that can craft these items), it is highly recommended to go that route rather than trying to get lucky with picking up these items from mobs. There's still a chance of getting a majority of these items from mobs, but if you want to gurantee certain qualities, crafting is the best approach.
Please note: If you can afford to, it's highly suggested that you also use Journeyman Enchanting Scrolls
to enchant your Level 20 gear, which will greatly boost your stats even further. The more you enchant a specific item, the
more expensive it gets as you upgrade it.
Item Name | Location | Level Requirement |
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Crafting or Mob Drop (Most humanoids) | Level 20 |
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Crafting or Mob Drop (From inside Tower of Carphin) | Level 20 |
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Crafting or Mob Drop (From inside Tower of Carphin) or Tumok the Wretched | Level 20 |
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Crafting and/or dropped from named mob Undertaker Zon (near Highwaymen Hill) | Level 10 |
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Crafting and/or dropped from named mob "Corvus" (near Gravepeak) | Level 20 |
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Crafting or Mob Drop (From inside Tower of Carphin) | Level 20 |
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Crafting or Mob Drop (Citadel of the Steel Bloom) | Level 20 |
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Crafting or Mob Drop (From inside Tower of Carphin) | Level 20 |
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Crafting or Mob Drop (From inside Tower of Carphin) | Level 20 |
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Crafting or Mob Drop (Citadel of the Steel Bloom) | Level 20 |
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Crafting and/or dropped from named mob "Eternal Sweeper" (Tower of Carphin) | Level 20 |
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Crafting and/or dropped from named mob "Slaznug" (Daragal Estates) | Level 10 |
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Crafting or Mob Drop (Citadel of the Steel Bloom) | Level 20 |
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Crafting or Mob Drop (Tower of Carphin) | Level 20 |
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Crafting and/or dropped from named mob "The Corvid Lord" (Gravepeak) | Level 20 |
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Crafting and/or dropped from named mob "The Corvid Lord" (Gravepeak) | Level 20 |
The items listed above showcases some of the best gear options for the general Mages starting at Level 20 and end game. However, based on your overall gameplay, there may be other items that you may prefer. For example, if you PvP a lot, instead of wearing the light armor pieces with Intellect, you can sacrifice that Magical Power to put some heavy gear on. It comes with much more armor and even some Constitution, which gives you a bigger health pool. If so, you may want to consider collecting items from the Rosarium Guard set (farmed at the Citadel of the Steel Bloom). As for the weapons, as mentioned at the start of this page, equip whatever gives you the most Magical Power. When it comes to crafting your weapon, it is importnant to do anything you can to get it crafted at Legenedary quality as your weapon will carry your damage much more than anything else you can wear.
Once you hit Level 25, the grind doesn't stop! Start working on gathering some of these best-in-slot items, and start enchanting your high-quality gear! Make sure to check out the in depth PvE and PvP guide to learn what to do once you hit 25!
- 02 Mar. 2025: Guide created.
This Guide has been written by Crix, a long time tester for Ashes of Creation, with over 1,000 hours playing the game, and a majority of the time being spent on Mages. He is in the guild Enveus and hosts multiple PvP Tournaments. You can find his Ashes of Creation guides on YouTube and his stream on Twitch.
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