Mage Ability/Spell Glossary for Ashes of Creation

Last updated on Jan 13, 2025 at 00:00 by Crix

Welcome to the Ashes of Creation skill glossary for Mage! This page is great for people new to the Mage Archetype, as it contains the basic information players need to know to excel at both PvE and PvP.


List of All Mage Spells

Below is a list of all the spells available to Mages in Ashes of Creation. Each spell includes a short breakdown of important information regarding it's cast time, cooldown and much more.


Arcane Volley

Action Name Timers Cost Range & Radius Description
Arcane Volley
Arcane Volley Skill Icon
Cast: 1.2s

Cooldown: 10s
67 Mana Range: 30m

Radius: 5m
Fire a volley of 7 arcane missiles at your target, dealing (35%🢆) Arcane damage each.


Action Name Timers Cost Range & Radius Description
Frostbolt Skill Icon
Cast: 1.5s

Cooldown: 12s
100 Mana Range: 30m

Radius: N/A
Launch a bolt of frost towards your target, dealing (250%🢆) Ice damage and applying Chilled.
Upgrade Description
Shattering Shards If Frostbolt hits a Shocked target, frost shards will splinter off, hitting the original target and up to 3 additional nearby enemies for (150%🢆) Ice damage.

Lightning Strike

Action Name Timers Cost Range & Radius Description
Lightning Strike
Lightning Strike Skill Icon
Cast: 2.2s

Cooldown: 12s
100 Mana Range: 30m

Radius: N/A
Held ability: Charge up a bolt of lightning to unleash upon your target, dealing (100%🢆) Lightning damage based on how long it was charged. Applies 15 stacks of Shocked to target.
Upgrade Description
Amplified Lightning Strike Lightning Strike applies up to 10 additional stacks of Shocked based on its charge level when cast. Additionally, if cast at full charge, Lightning Strike will also hit other nearby targets at base power.

Elemental Empowerment

Action Name Timers Cost Range & Radius Description
Elemental Empowerment
Elemental Empowerment Skill Icon
Cast: 0s

Cooldown: 1s
0 Range: N/A

Radius: N/A
You become empowered by the element of your last cast elemental ability, gaining an empowerment buff based upon whichever magical element you casted last, applying the appropriate debuff depending on your Element.


Action Name Timers Cost Range & Radius Description
Firebolt Skill Icon
Cast: 0s

Cooldown: 6s
54 Mana Range: 30m

Radius: N/A
Hurl a bolt of fire toward your target, dealing (150%🢆) Fire damage and applying Burning for (75%🢆) Fire damage. 3 charges.
Upgrade Description
Bombardment Fireball and Firebolt now also apply Staggered. Firebolt gains bonus 25% direct damage. Fireball gains bonus 100% Burning damage.


Action Name Timers Cost Range & Radius Description
Fireball Skill Icon
Cast: 2.2s

Cooldown: 12s
100 Mana Range: 30m

Radius: N/A
Hurl a ball of fire toward your target, dealing (350%🢆) Fire damage and applying Burning for (200%🢆) Fire damage.
Upgrade Description
Bombardment Fireball and Firebolt now also apply Staggered. Firebolt gains bonus 25% direct damage. Fireball gains bonus 100% Burning damage.


Action Name Timers Cost Range & Radius Description
Combustion Skill Icon
Cast: 0s

Cooldown: 10s
100 Mana Range: 30m

Radius: N/A
Instantly combust your target, dealing (125%🢆) Fire damage and applying Conflagrating if they are Burning.

Cone of Cold

Action Name Timers Cost Range & Radius Description
Cone of Cold
Cone of Cold Skill Icon
Cast: 0s

Cooldown: 20s
133 Mana Range: N/A

Radius: 10m
Blast a vortex of freezing wind in a cone in front of you, dealing (125%🢆) Ice damage and applying Frozen to targets with Chilled.
Upgrade Description
Tempestuous Cone of Cold Cone of Cold pushes back enemies.


Action Name Timers Cost Range & Radius Description
Shell Skill Icon
Cast: 0s

Cooldown: 45s
67 Mana Range: 30m

Radius: N/A
Applies Shell: A protective Magical shell surrounds you. Absorbs 500% Magical Power worth of damage before breaking. Last 8 seconds.
Action Name Timers Cost Range & Radius Description
Blink Skill Icon
Cast: 0s

Cooldown: 30s
67 Mana Range: 30m

Radius: N/A
Instantly teleport 20 meters in the direction you are moving. Breaks all rooting effects.
Upgrade Description
Accelerative Blink After casting Blink, your next Fireball, Frostbolt, or Lightning Strike cast within 3 seconds casts instantly.
Unyielding Blink Blink breaks all disabling effects on the caster.


Action Name Timers Cost Range & Radius Description
Slumber Skill Icon
Cast: 2s

Cooldown: 30s
166 Mana Range: 30m

Radius: 5m
Applies Incapacitated to targets in a small area around the primary target. Lasts 10.5 seconds.

Enchant Weapon

Action Name Timers Cost Range & Radius Description
Enchant Weapon
Enchant Weapon Skill Icon
Cast: 0s

Cooldown: 0s
34 Mana Range: 30m

Radius: N/A
Enchant up to one ally's weapon to match your current set of elemental empowerments. The enchantment will favor the greater of their magical or physical power stat. The enchantment will last one hour with a single empowerment or 30 seconds if multiple are applied.


Action Name Timers Cost Range & Radius Description
Hoarfrost Skill Icon
Cast: 0s

Cooldown: 20s
133 Mana Range: 30m

Radius: N/A
Unleash a blast of icy wind at target location, dealing (125%🢆) Ice damage and applying Chilled.


Action Name Timers Cost Range & Radius Description
Shatter Skill Icon
Cast: 0s

Cooldown: 0s
0 Mana Range: 30m

Radius: N/A
When you deal Lightning damage to a recently Frozen target, they are dealt a bonus (300%🢆) Ice damage. Shattered can only be triggered once every 4 seconds per caster against the same target.

Ball Lightning

Action Name Timers Cost Range & Radius Description
Ball Lightning
Ball Lightning Skill Icon
Cast: 2.4s

Cooldown: 12s
7.5 Mana Range: 30m

Radius: N/A
Create a large ball of charged electricity that travels slowly forward, rapidly dealing (50%🢆) Lightning damage and applying Volatile to enemies it overlaps with.

Magma Field

Action Name Timers Cost Range & Radius Description
Magma Field
Magma Field Skill Icon
Cast: 1.1s

Cooldown: 30s
166 Mana Range: 30m

Radius: 5m
Erupts the earth at target location, forming a boiling pool of lava that deals (50%🢆) Fire damage and applies Burning at (50%🢆) Fire damage power every second to enemies within the area. Lasts 7 seconds.
Upgrade Description
Pyromania Magma Field casts faster and ticks two additional times.

Chain Lightning

Action Name Timers Cost Range & Radius Description
Chain Lightning
Chain Lightning Skill Icon
Cast: 2.4s

Cooldown: 12s
7.5 Mana Range: 30m

Radius: N/A
Release a powerful streak of lightning that hits your primary target and then chains outward to up to 5 nearby enemies from that target, dealing (225%🢆) Lightning damage to each and applies 10 stacks of Shocked to targets with Volatile.
Upgrade Description
Aftershock Casting Chain Lightning on a primary target with Staggered causes the attack to trigger twice..


Action Name Timers Cost Range & Radius Description
Fuse Skill Icon
Cast: 2.4s

Cooldown: 12s
7.5 Mana Range: 30m

Radius: N/A
Your applied Burning statuses are 50% more powerful when applied to targets with Shocked.

Arcane Circle

Action Name Timers Cost Range & Radius Description
Arcane Circle
Arcane Circle Skill Icon
Cast: 0s

Cooldown: 60s
133 Mana Range: N/A

Radius: 5m
Place a powerful rune of magic upon the ground beneath you that grants you Arcane Might while standing within. Lasts 15 seconds.

Prismatic Beam

Action Name Timers Cost Range & Radius Description
Prismatic Beam
Prismatic Beam Skill Icon
Cast: 2.4s

Cooldown: 12s
7.5 Mana Range: 30m

Radius: N/A
Channel a powerful beam in front of you that periodically deals (50%🢆) Magical damage and has additional effects based on your Elemental Empowerment: Fire: 25% chance to apply Burning per hit. Ice: Applies Chilled for 1 second per hit. Lightning: 33% chance to trigger an arcing bolt that bounces up to 2 times, dealing (35%🢆) Lightning damage and applying Volatile to each hit target for 1.5 seconds. Arcane (no empowerment): Each hit drains 13 Mana per target, returning up to 66 Mana to the caster.


Action Name Timers Cost Range & Radius Description
Blizzard Skill Icon
Channel 7.8s

Cooldown: 90s
332 Mana Range: N/A

Radius: 10m
Channel a massive blizzard around you, raining a barrage of hail shards upon your enemies while channeling. Periodically pulses Chilled to targets within the area. Each shard impact deals (50%🢆) Ice damage in a small area around it and applies Frozen to targets with Chilled.

Thermal Equilibrium

Action Name Timers Cost Range & Radius Description
Thermal Equilibrium
Thermal Equilibrium Skill Icon
Cast: 2.4s

Cooldown: 12s
7.5 Mana Range: 30m

Radius: N/A
Whenever you apply Frozen to a target, refresh the duration of your applied Conflagrating statuses on that target.

Arcane Eye

Action Name Timers Cost Range & Radius Description
Arcane Eye
Arcane Eye Skill Icon
Cast: 0s

Cooldown: 45s
166 Mana Range:

Radius: 20m
Conjure a magical eye above you, that reveals any camouflaged enemies within a 20 meter radius to you and your party. Lasts 10 seconds.


Action Name Timers Cost Range & Radius Description
Illuminate Skill Icon
Cast: 0s

Cooldown: 0s
34 Mana Range: N/A

Radius: N/A
Conjure a circle of light around you that lights up your surroundings.


  • 13 Jan. 2025: Guide created.
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