Ashes of Creation Bans Over 100 Cheaters in Alpha Two!

Intrepid Studios has been quick in taking action against players who were exploiting systems during Alpha Two testing. Creative Director Steven Sharif has confirmed that over 100 accounts have been banned for item duplication, unfair leveling, PvP and PvE exploits, war manipulation, and reward abuse.

What Actions Were Taken?

To restore fairness, Steven Sharif and the dev team did the following:

  • Removal of duplicated materials from affected accounts
  • Rollback of compromised content to undo unfair advantages
  • Banned over 100 accounts involved in cheating

Hundreds of accounts were hit with a mix of character deletions, rollbacks, and item removals, with permanent bans issued in more serious cases. Some of the banned accounts reportedly belonged to players who had spent hundreds, if not thousands of dollars.

Sharif also made it clear that cheating, real-money trading (RMT), and exploits will result in immediate bans, without exceptions, as the devs are very committed to keeping Ashes of Creation a fair and competitive experience for everyone.

If you want to hear more about this topic, check out Nyce Gaming‘s interview with Steven Sharif, where he discusses the recent bans and how the team is going to handle these things in the future: