The Ultimate PvP Mage Guide for Ashes of Creation
Mastering the Mage in PvP requires elite crowd control, optimized burst rotations, managing your Mana efficiently and mastering multiple magical elements, while weaving them all to burst down your enemies. This guide was made to help you get a better grasp of the Mage in Ashes of Creation by covering essential builds, strategies and spell interactions to ensure that you'll dominate in all PvP content.
Introduction to Mage (PvP)
Mages are the kings of big burst, AoE and crowd control when it comes to
PvP in Ashes. Mage is a powerhouse in 1v1 duels and a mandatory archetype to bring
into any scaled group PvP content. On top of this, Mage comes with the ability to
provide an unparrelled amount of support via damage and flanking. You
have multiple get out of jail cards with sleeps, freezes, blinks and more.
If you're looking to be feared on the battleground, then you chose the right
For those of you looking for a PvP specific guide, please click the link below.
Mage Strengths and Weaknesses
Phenomenal flankers.
Extremely high single target damage.
The best AoE damage in the game.
Unique and needed debuffs.
Fun and fluid rotation.
Mages hard cast a lot of spells, greatly minimizing your movement.
Mana can become an issue in grouped PvP goes long.
Extremely squishy without
The Mage's Role in PvP
A Mages has a few jobs when it comes to PvP and it depends on what kind
of PvP that you're doing. There's Node Wars, Guild Wars, Caravans or just
good ole World PvP. Luckily for Mages, our build remains the same no matter
what we choose to do and our core gameplay also remains the same; use any of
your crowd control abilites to set up your enemies, then hit them with
devastating Shatter combos.
Your main job as a mage is to do as much AoE damage as possible in the
targetting area that all of the enemies are in. There's a couple ways to do
this, with the first one being as simple as sitting as far back in the ranged
camp as you can and spam Magma Field,
Ball Lightning,
Chain Lightning
and whatever other spell you want. Mages do the most AoE damage by a long shot
and being able to sit back and freely cast their AoE spells will wreck
any enemy dumb enough to stand in it.
Another very popular tactic for Mages is flanking. This means while your
raid is clashing in the middle, you are slowly and sneakily going around the
fight and trying to wrap all the way around the enemy force. This allows you
to use Shell to protect yourself with that juicy absorb shield, then
Blink in,
set up your
Shatter combo with
Hoarfrost and
Cone of Cold, then unleash a
Ball Lightning that will do not only a ton of damage, but also put
up the Volatile debuff on all enemies hit, making your entire raid do 15% more
magical damage.
Another huge perk to PvPing as a Mage is that you're pretty safe. You have
a massive absorb shield with Shell, you can
Blink to instantly get out of any
situation, and you have a couple really strong crowd controls with
Slumber putting
anyone that's within 5 yards of your target to sleep for 10 seconds and of course
you can freeze anyone you want, although it's suggested to only freeze for safety
and emergencies, since you will need your freezes to set up your game-breaking
For a full list of all Mage Spells, passives, and any other skills, please visit the Mage Skill Glossary
Mage Gear Options
Mage, much like every class in Ashes, can wear any gear in the game, regardless of if it's Light, Medium or Heavy Armor. Each armor type has it's own set bonus depending on how many pieces of the set you have, however for PvP you'll find most Mage players decked out in a mix of Light Armor for the casting bonuses, and Heavy Armor for the Constitution, which is Health, and a huge chunk of armor, making you much more difficult to kill for certain archetypes.
As for weapons, much like the gear, you can use any weapon you find. There are a ton of different types of weapons; from one handers, to two handers, to spellbows, wands, spellbooks and much more. The goal is to just use whatever gives you the most Magical Power. And be careful that it is magical power by the way, because all weapons can be either magical power or physical power.
As for which weapon a Mage prefers, in a perfect world Mages will use a Great Spellsword in their primary weapon slot, which is a two hander, and in the secondary weapon slot you'll use a Wand in their main hand and a Focus in the offhand. Books and Spellbows aren't bad to use in PvP, since they do hit harder on their auto attack damage, but you'll always want to choose whichever gives you the most Magical Power.
One of the best places to get gear is crafted gear, which can take some time to farm and craft, however The Citadel of the Steelbloom is one of the best places to farm for gear when it comes to PvP. There is multiple sets of gear in there that you can use to tailor to your needs. The Bloom Warden and Rosethorn set will give you the most Intellect and Wisdom you can get, but the Rosarium set is the heavy armor set that has a ton of Constitution, Health and Armor on it.
Best Consumables Options
There are a plethora of consumables ranging from potions, to food buffs, to scrolls and much more. All of which can drastically boost your damage, all for a relatively low price. It's highly suggested that you pick yourself up some of these consumables listd below.
- Rations – Provides health regeneration over a period of 20s.
- Scroll of Intellect – Increases Intellect (your main stat) for 2 hours. If you use a higher rarity scroll, used increases, so does the amount of Strength gained. You can only have one scroll buff active at a time.
- Fruit Salad – Gives you 20 Magical Power Rating for an hour.
- Health Potions – These give you Health or Mana, depending on which you consume. These share cooldown with each other, so you can only use one at a time!
Mage Passives and Skill Trees
Single Target Mage Skill Tree
Click on the Skill Tree image to make it bigger.
While it's true there are many ways to play Mage in Ashes of Creation, there isn't too many different ways to to build your Mage since by the time Mages hit level 18 or so, you'll have enough points to cover all your bases when it comes to your desired content.
With the current level cap being 25 (it will be 50 in the live game) we have more than enough
skill points, with only TWO skills left unpicked once you hit level 25. We've choose to
leave out Tempestuous Cone Of Cold and
Thermal Equilibrium because the knockback from Tempestuous
doesn't help much, and also does not interrupt casts. Additionally, with Tempestuous it's too difficult to
control the timings of your Combustion and Freezes for Thermal Equilibrium, since you'll be looking
to set up your foes with
Shatter combos, which you must use your Freezes for.
Single Target Great Spellsword Passives
Click on the Skill Tree image to make it bigger.
The goal of this tree is to take any and all nodes that buff the trigger chance and duration of your main nodes, with any extra node points used to buff the damage of your deadly finishers. As for the main nodes, the first one is always set to Wound for all PvP content, as this lessens the healing they recieve. The second node choice is between Keen Edge for the Crit or Refreshing Followthrough for the mana.
The four matching Weapon Training choice nodes are between either Critical Damage for the 5% increased critical strike damage and Penetration. Penetration is the best option to maximize your damage, however note that you need the Great Spellsword out in order to gain benefit of this tree.
Single Target Wand/Book Passives
Click on the Skill Tree image to make it bigger.
The goal of this tree is to rush to the end of the tree to pick up Essence Harvest as soon as the skill tree allows. This makes it so every time you trigger a deadly finisher or deadly finisher you have a 50% chance to increase your magical power by 3% for 10 seconds and stacks 5 times, for a total of 15% increased Magical Power, which is massive!
Along the way to the top of the tree, take any and all nodes that buff the trigger chance and duration of your main nodes, with any extra node points used to buff the damage of your deadly finishers. As for the main nodes, the first one is set to Chilled for PvP. The second node choice is between Keen Edge for the Crit or Refreshing Followthrough for the Mana. You won't typically don't have too many mana issues in PvP, although occasionally there are some super long Guild VS Guilds wars that last awhile without breaking combat. As for the third choice node, both Echo and Perfect Timing are great to choose and completely up to you. Echo gives you a little bit of free damage as it occasionally echoes your finisher, whereas Perfect Timing will occasionally reduce your cooldowns.
Area of Effect Mage Skill Tree
Click on the Skill Tree image to make it bigger.
The tree is the same for single target and AoE, taking all but two talents of your choosing. We've chosen to
forgo Thermal Equilibrium, as it's harder to control your Freezes and Combusts since you use them off tilted, unlike
in PvE. The other one left out here is
Tempestuous Cone Of Cold, simply because the knockback is more annoying than
helpful, because it knocks the enemies out of other players AoE or out of melee range.
Area of Effect Great Spellsword Passives
Click on the Skill Tree image to make it bigger.
The goal of this tree is to take any and all nodes that buff the trigger chance and duration of your main nodes, with any extra node points used to buff the damage of your deadly finishers. As for the main nodes, the first one is always set to Wound for all PvP content, as this lessens the healing they recieve. The second node choice is between Keen Edge for the Crit or Refreshing Followthrough for the mana. Use the latter if you need mana, or the former if you don't need mana. I typically use Refreshing Followthrough for big grouped PvP only if the encounters have been lasting a long time.
The four matching Weapon Training choice nodes are between either Critical Damage for the 5% increased critical strike damage and Penetration. Penetration is the best option to maximize your damage, however note that you need the Great Spellsword out in order to gain benefit of this tree.
Area of Effect Wand/Book Passives
Click on the Skill Tree image to make it bigger.
The goal of this tree is to rush to the end of the tree to pick up Essence Harvest as soon as the skill tree allows. This makes it so every time you trigger a deadly finisher or deadly finisher you have a 50% chance to increase your magical power by 3% for 10 seconds and stacks 5 times, for a total of 15% increased magical power, which is massive!
Along the way to the top of the tree, take any and all nodes that buff the trigger chance and duration of your main nodes, with any extra node points used to buff the damage of your deadly finishers. As for the main nodes, the first one I set to Chilled for PvP. The second node choice is between Keen Edge for the Crit or Refreshing Followthrough for the mana. Use the latter if you need mana, or the former if you don't need mana. I typically don't have too many mana issues in PvP, although occasionally there are some super long Guild VS Guilds wars that last awhile without breaking combat. As for the third choice node, both Echo and Perfect Timing are great to choose and completely up to you. Echo gives you a little bit of free damage as it occasionally echoes your finisher. Whereas Perfect Timing will occasionally reduces your cooldowns.
Patch Updates
Below is a list of all major Mages changes. Intrepid does many patch updates, however they don't always effect Mages, or if they did, they were really minor like visual changes or bug fixes.
Shatter: Reduced damage from from 300% to 225%
Ball Lightning hit frequency has been reduced by 50%.
Magma Field damage per tick has been increased by 20%.
Shell duration has been reduced from 15 seconds to 8 seconds.
Prismatic Beam: Fire Empowerment burn reduced from 100% to 25% per tick and increased burn apply chance from 33% to 100%.
Prismatic Beam: Ice Empowerment chill reduced from 6 seconds to 1 second per tick and increased chill apply chance from 33% to 100%.
Prismatic Beam: Lightning Empowerment volatile debuff duration reducedfrom 6 seconds to 1.5 seconds per tick application
Arcane Circle: Reduced duration from 15 seconds to 10 seconds. Reduced the cooldown from 90 seconds to 60 seconds and the bonus damage has been reduced from 30% to 20%
Chain Lightning increased damage by 30%.
Aftershock passive’s damage bonus has been reduced, to offset this increase. Aftershock now triggers for half of the original damage, down from full.
Blink: Fixed a bug preventing the
Unyielding Blink passive skill from enabling the ability to break disabling effects.
Chain Lightning,
Arcane Circle, and
Ball Lightning have updated visual effects.
- 25 Jan. 2025: Guide created.
This Guide has been written by Crix, a long time tester for Ashes of Creation, with over 1,000 hours playing the game, and a majority of the time being spent on Mages. He is in the guild Enveus and hosts multiple PvP Tournaments. You can find his Ashes of Creation guides on YouTube and his stream on Twitch.
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