Maliwan Manufacturer: Pistols, Shotguns, SMGs, and Sniper Rifles
Maliwan are the flashiest weapons around, featuring two elemental options in each gun and the higest elemental damage anywhere. Check out how they work, what guns they offer and more.

Is shooting bullets just not cool enough for you? Buy a Maliwan and light some people on fire!
Maliwan Manufacturer Overview
Maliwan weapons are THE elemental weapons of Borderlands 3. Offering the best elemental damage among all manufacturers, their weapons pack a punch but are somewhat limited by either charging time or slow projectile speed, making them not well suited for long range engagements. Despite these shortcomings, the sheer elemental damage and the versatility of dual elements make Maliwan weapons extremely desirable in any loadout.
Maliwan Weapon Traits
- High elemental damage
- Above average bullet damage
- Average accuracy
- Average/below average fire rate
- Average handling
- Longer than Average reload time
- Below average mag size
- Alternate fire mode changes weapon element type
Notable Maliwan Guns
Maliwan has legendary pistols, SMGs, shotguns and snipers, with their shotguns and SMGs being particularly powerful.
- Hellshock — See our list of builds with this weapon immediately below
- Sellout — See our list of builds with this weapon immediately below
- Kill o' the Wisp
- Projectile Recursion — See our list of builds with this weapon immediately below
- Trevonator — See our list of builds with this weapon immediately below
- Cloud Kill
- Cutsman — See our list of builds with this weapon immediately below
- Devoted — See our list of builds with this weapon immediately below
- Tsunami
- Westergun — See our list of builds with this weapon immediately below
All Maliwan Guns
- Hellshock
- Hyper-Hydrator
- Sellout
- Superball
- Thunderball Fists
- Kill o' the Wisp
- Mind-Killer
- Projectile Recursion
- Trevonator
- Cloud Kill
- Destructo Spinner
- Devoted
- Tsunami
- Vault Hero
- Westergun
Sniper Rifles
- Firestorm
- Krakatoa
- Storm
Maliwan Lore
Maliwan did not feature much in the Borderlands lore until the third installment, other than various commercials for their guns, but came to the forefront when their CEO, Katagawa Jr., allied with the Children of the Vault and attacked Atlas in a literal corporate merger attempt.
- 19 Nov. 2019: Build lists updated.
- 31 Oct. 2019: Manufacturer page added.
Starym has been playing the Borderlands franchise since the very beginning, with all possible Vault Hunters under his belt. He covers all the BL news and dabbles in some light-guide writing behavior now and then.
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