Full Guide to the Gatherer Profession in Brighter Shores

Last updated on Feb 26, 2025 at 00:00 by Teloril

Welcome to our Gatherer Profession guide! This page will provide you with all relevant information on the Profession including the best ways to level and the most efficient routes and methods of banking (or not banking) any items gained from it


Gatherer Introduction

The Gatherer profession is one of the two resource extraction professions in Hopeforest, and its items are useful in three crafting professions: Alchemist, Chef, and perhaps most importantly, Bonewright.


Locations & Map

This Hopeforest Gatherer map shows the location of all Gatherer nodes, the location of the Timberwell Shop and Bone Bank, and where all Storage Stones in Hopeforest are. Each type of node is color-coded, and there is an information paragraph that points towards the most efficient active route for each and their timings (more details in section 4 below).


Getting Started

Unlike Woodcutter, you do not need to purchase any tools to get started as a Gatherer, but it is helpful to know where you can purchase them for future nodes that require them.

Timberwell Supplies is just west of Timberwell Green, in Timberwell Side Road, and it is also where you can sell the Gatherer items Tangfruit and Bitterfruit.

Timberwell Supplies for Gatherer

The first node you can harvest is the Globeplant, which is conveniently in the two rooms right outside the gate to Hopeport. You do not need any tool to pick them.

There are nineteen different types of Gatherer node, and you will be rotating through them as you level, harvesting a number of variants as you go.

For a balanced leveling experience, it is always recommended to switch to the highest available node for your level, though XP rates may fluctuate slightly.


Passive Activities

Beginning at level 20, passive Gatherer nodes become available to use, so that you can train the skill while the game is closed. They do not require any reagents to harvest (except containers such as baskets, bottles, buckets and sacks), and you will need to invest a Knowledge Point into the skill to unlock each one.

Passive nodes do not require any tools to harvest, and their yields are used for passive Alchemist, Chef and Bonewright recipes.


Banks and Shops

Map of Gatherer Profession locations, nodes and routes Unlike Woodcutter, which has a handy Lumber Bank in Hopeport, banking and selling your hard-gathered items can take a little while when you are first new to the game

Alchemist reagents - Globeplants, Dandelions, Apples, Haleberries, Chestnuts, Catkins, Clovers, Thistles, Snake Scales, Orchids, Dock Leaves, and Sage - can initially only be banked in the Potion Reagent Bank, which is located in the Apothecary on Stone Street in Hopeport.

If you don't want to hang on to them, they can only be sold at the Potion Reagents stall just south of there in Hopeport Town Square.

The fastest way to get there from Hopeforest is to teleport to the Hopeport Portal Stone and run east then south to Stone Street to bank, or further south to Town Square to sell.

Leeks are the only active Gatherer item used for Chef recipes, and they must be banked in the Ingredients Bank in the Delectable Dab Kitchen, just opposite the Apothecary. They can be sold to Kevin at Kevin's Ingredients just out front.

All types of Bones - Goat Horns, Rams Horns, Bone Spikes, and Femur Shards - can actually be banked in Hopeforest, in the Bone Bank in Cutter's Clearing. However, if you want to sell your bones immediately, you will need to travel all the way into the Mine of Mantuban.

The easiest way to do this is to teleport to the Mine Southwest Portal Stone and travel north to Jangle's Bone Shop, located in Bridge Cavern.

Before you proceed too far into Gathering, however, it is highly recommended to complete the Spider's Nest quest in Hopeforest and unlock the Storage Stones scattered across the world. This requires 20 Woodcutter and 32 Carpenter, but it will enable you to deposit into any of the three banks mentioned by going to a Storage Stone.


Tool Upgrades

Tools and upgrades to tools periodically become available from Timberwell Supplies, and it is ideal to purchase them as soon as you can use them.

Level Tool Type Tool Grade Price
4 Hand Rake 1 43 200
48 Sickle 1 122 0
111 Hand Rake 2 471 0
144 Sickle 2 590 0
221 Hand Rake 3 1 300 0
454 Sickle 3 2 550 0

Efficient Routing

Gatherer is simple in terms of routing, in that each type only has from between six to eight nodes, and they are usually spread across two connected rooms. This means that the most efficient path is usually gained from starting a loop at the room furthest away from the path to the bank and finishing the closest to it.

There are two types of routes mentioned below: active routes which use all six or eight nodes, and semi-afk routes which just use half of the available nodes in one room, to minimize clicking and movement.

All bank timings assume that the Hopeforest quests Spider's Nest (20 Woodcutter/32 Carpenter) is completed so that Storage Stones can be used. Some bank and shop teleport timings require Forgotten Things (45 Woodcutter/50 Carpenter) to be complete in order to unlock the Hopeforest North Portal Stone.


Active Routes

Active routes use all possible nodes.

Node Type # Full/Drop Bank/Return Shop/Return Shop
Globeplant 8 3m20s +43s +1m23s Hopeport Reagent Shop
Dandelion 8 3m17s +25s +1m38s Hopeport Reagent Shop
Goat Horn 8 4m02s +54s +2m22s Mantuban Bone Shop
Apple 6 4m03s +1m03s +2m00s Hopeport Reagent Shop
Leek 8 2m56s +46s +1m35s Kevin's Ingredients
Haleberries 8 3m01s +53s +54s Hopeport Reagent Shop
Rams Horn 8 3m20s +1m05s +1m19s Mantuban Bone Shop
Bitterfruit 8 3m40s N/A +1m18s Timberwell Supplies
Chestnut 6 4m07s +42s +1m08s Hopeport Reagent Shop
Bone Spike 8 3m20s +17s +1m41s Mantuban Bone Shop
Tangfruit 8 3m08s N/A +1m35s Timberwell Supplies
Catkin 6 4m18s +48s +1m29s Hopeport Reagent Shop
Femur Shard 8 3m08s +46s +2m25s Mantuban Bone Shop
Clover 8 3m02s +46s +1m15s Hopeport Reagent Shop
Thistle 6 2m28s +1m01s +1m10s Hopeport Reagent Shop
Snake Scale 8 3m28s +1m02s +1m20s Hopeport Reagent Shop
Orchid 8 3m08s +36s +1m18s Hopeport Reagent Shop
Dock Leaf 8 3m06s +57s +1m01s Hopeport Reagent Shop
Sage 8 3m08s +1m17s +2m10s Hopeport Reagent Shop

The bank and shop timings assume that the closest teleport is always used, so it is important to have Hopeforest North unlocked as soon as possible.


Semi-AFK Routes

The semi-afk route only uses one room and half the nodes, with the exception of Thistle since it is already in only one room.

Node Type # Room Full/Drop Bank/Return Shop/Return
Globeplant 4 Road to Hopeport 6m51s +51s +1m23s
Dandelion 4 Mushroom Glade 6m20s +25s +1m38s
Goat Horn 4 Two Headed Bear Clearing 6m30s +1m02s +2m22s
Apple 3 Timberwell Side Road 8m08s +0m50s +1m35s
Leek 4 Narrow Path 5m56s +25s +1m19s
Haleberries 4 Berry Glade 5m58s +51s +54s
Rams Horn 4 Quiet Grove 6m02s +58s +1m12s
Bitterfruit 4 Path of Good Intentions 6m50s N/A +1m18s
Chestnut 3 Central Junction 8m55s +42s +1m08s
Bone Spike 4 Overgrown Trial 6m10s +13s +1m41s
Tangfruit 4 Secluded Path 6m11s N/A +1m39s
Catkin 3 Mine Road West 9m18s +48s +1m29s
Femur Shard 4 Gnarled Path 6m09s +46s +2m25s
Clover 4 Fern Junction 5m51s +34s +1m06s
Thistle 6 Logging Area 2m28s +1m01s +1m10s
Snake Scale 4 Snakes Clearing 6m24s +1m02s +1m20s
Orchid 4 Secluded Junction 6m20s +40s +1m18s
Dock Leaf 4 Peat Bog 6m08s +57s +0m56s
Sage 5 Himatik Ruins 4m50s +1m17s +2m10s

The bank and shop timings assume that the closest teleport is always used, so it is important to have Hopeforest North unlocked as soon as possible.


Woodcutter Combo

There are a lot of nodes used by the Gatherer skill around common Woodcutter routes, and they can be combined to train two skills at once. For example:

  • Timberwell Side Road/Mr McGrish's Garden: Ash Log (0 Woodcutter) and Apple (6 Gatherer)
  • Timberwell Green/Mine Road West: Ash Log (0 Woodcutter) and Catkin (25 Gatherer)
  • Berry Glade/Treeway Trail: Oak Log (2 Woodcutter) and Haleberries (10 Gatherer)
  • Lumber Clearing/Fern Junction: Pine Log (4 Woodcutter) and Clover (35 Gatherer)
  • Path of Good Intentions/Cliffside Path: Pine Log (4 Woodcutter) and Bitterfruit (14 Gatherer)
  • Dryad Glade/Secluded Path: Hickory Log (6 Woodcutter) and Tangfruit (22 Gatherer)
  • Secluded Junction/Luscious Glade: Hickory Log (6 Woodcutter) and Orchid (71 Gatherer)
  • Ferry South Shore/Himatik Ruins: Juniper Log (10 Woodcutter) and Sage (143 Gatherer)
  • Central Junction/Snakes Clearing/Snakes Path: Poplar Log (12 Woodcutter), Chestnut (16 Gatherer) and Snake Scale (61 Gatherer) - note, hostile enemies requiring Fear Potion
  • Logging Area: Poplar Log (12 Woodcutter), Thistle (48 Gatherer)
  • Overgrown Trail/Crystal Clearing: Suave Log (14 Woodcutter), Bone Spike (18 Gatherer)
  • Gnarled Path/Wolves Den: Suave Log (14 Woodcutter), Femur Shard (30 Gatherer)
  • Narrow Path/Thin Trail: Yew Log (16 Woodcutter), Leek (8 Gatherer)
  • Bear Clearing/Two Headed Bear Clearing: Yew Log (16 Woodcutter), Goat Horn (4 Gatherer)

Enchantment Levels

Enchantment is expensive, but Gathering only has two tools that you can enchant - the Hand Rake (for bones), and the Sickle (for Thistles, Dock Leaves, and Sage).

Hand Rake should be your priority because it is used on four types of nodes, all of them bones, which are vital for the Bonewright profession. You can hold off on enchanting the Sickle until at least level 135 or 143, when you first begin to be able to gather Dock Leaves and Sage.

More information on Enchanting can be found here:



  • 21 Feb. 2025: Profession Guide added.
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