Full Guide to the Woodcutter Profession in Brighter Shores

Last updated on Feb 11, 2025 at 00:00 by Teloril

Welcome to our Woodcutter Profession guide! This page will provide you with any relevant information on the Profession including the best ways to level it and any items or quests related to it.


Woodcutter Introduction

The Woodcutter profession is one of the two resource extraction professions in Hopeforest, and is essential for the Carpenter profession as well as all weapon crafting professions in the Mine of Mantuban.


Locations & Map

This Hopeforest Woodcutter Map shows the location of all Woodcutter tree nodes, the location of the Lumber Shop and Lumber Bank, and where all Storage Stones in Hopeforest are. Each type of log is color-coded, and there is an information paragraph that points towards the most efficient route for each and their timings (more details in section 4 below).

Map of Woodcutter Profession locations, trees and routes

Getting Started

To start being a Woodcutter, you need to get your first tool from Morauce's Pointy Implements, located on Timberwell Green in Timberwell Village. It's the Hand Saw, and you'll need 36 to purchase it.

Woodcutter Tool shop location

Your first stop should be the Ash Trees in and around Timberwell Village, and there are a number of locations you can get them from.

Tree Type Tool Locations
Ash Tree Hand Saw Timberwell Road, Timberwell Green, Timberwell Side Road, Mr McGrish's Garden
Oak Tree Hand Saw Stump Clearing, Stumped Path, Canopy Junction, Treeway Trail, Canopy Lane, Berry Glade, Treeway Clearing, Cutters Clearing
Pine Tree Hatchet Ivy Junction, Ivy Trail, Fern Junction, Cliffside Shortcut, Lumber Clearing, Cliffside Junction, Mine Road East, Path of Good Intentions, Barricades, Cliffside Path
Hickory Tree Hatchet North Central Path, Secluded Junction, Secluded Path, Secluded Dead End, Luscious Glade
Brambles Hatchet Bramble Path, Cliffside Shortcut, Shortcut
Juniper Tree Hatchet Tree Lined Trail, Small Clearing, Tree Lined Track, Pool of Rainbows, Hopeforest Ferry, Ferry South Shore, Himatik Ruins
Poplar Tree Hatchet Central Crossroad, Central Junction, Logging Area, Snakes Clearing, Snakes Path
Suave Tree Hand Saw Shortcut, Crystal Clearing, Overgrown Trail, Twisted Road, Bramble Path, Gnarled Path, Mushroom Grove, Wolves' Den
Yew Tree Two Person Saw Narrow Path, Two Headed Bear Clearing, Leafy Lane, Thin Trail, Leafy Junction, Bear Behind, Bear Clearing

It is always ideal to chop the highest available type of log, and they will cycle through higher quality variants in this order as you level up.


Passive Activities

Beginning at level 20, passive Woodcutter nodes become available to use, so that you can train the skill while the game is closed. They do not require any reagents to harvest, except baskets, you will need to invest a Knowledge Point into the skill to unlock each one.

Passive nodes do require Tree Loppers, however, and the basic model can be purchased at Morauce's Pointy Implements for 72 . The gathered branches can be sold to the Lumber Shop or crafted using the Carpenter skill for a larger profit.


Banks, Shops, and Tool Upgrades

The Lumber Bank is located in the Carpenter's Workshop, south of Timberwell Green. Until 20 Woodcutter, you will need to manually walk to this location to bank logs, but after that - and provided you have 32 Carpenter - you will be able to complete the Spider's Nest quest and unlock the Storage Stones scattered across the world. This will enable you to deposit into this bank remotely from any one of those stones.

Lumber bank found in the Carpenter's Workshop

If you instead wish to sell your logs for an easy profit, Gwen's Lumber is west of Timberwell Green.

Tools and upgrades to tools periodically become available from Mourace's Pointy Implements, just outside of Gwen's Lumber, and it is ideal to purchase them as soon as you can use them.

Level Tool Type Tool Grade Price
0 Hand Saw 1 36 0
4 Hatchet 1 43 200
16 Two Person Saw 1 64 800
20 Tree Loppers 1 72 0
33 Hatchet 2 190 0
67 Tree Loppers 2 313 0
72 Hand Saw 2 331 0
90 Hatchet 3 594 0
111 Tree Loppers 3 707 0
142 Hatchet 4 1 160 0
156 Tree Loppers 4 1 260 0
185 Hand Saw 3 1 100 0
198 Hatchet 5 1 960 0
205 Tree Loppers 5 2 20 0
350 Tree Loppers 6 3 990 0
375 Hatchet 6 4 260 0

Brambles and Semi-AFK Methods

Starting at Woodcutter level 8, Brambles become available to chop, in three different locations - Shortcut, Cliffside Shortcut, and Bramble Path. All locations have eight spawns of brambles, do not drop any items, and the respawn time is very fast. It is comparable to ivy training in RuneScape in that regard. The three locations are pretty much the same, but the optimal place is probably Bramble Path, starting at Woodcutter level 14 - you can chop and drop one Suave Log every cycle to increase your EXP gains.

Brambles are excellent for semi-afking this skill, but every other tree type has a route that is optimized for that style of gameplay, explored in the Efficient Routing section below.


Efficient Routing

Woodcutter is unique among all the resource extraction skills in Brighter Shores in that there are multiple possible routes to take to fill up your inventory. Instead of being limited to one or two rooms, each type of woodcutting tree can appear in groups of between two to seven trees, spread across as many as eight different rooms.

As a result, timing experiments have determined the most efficient routes to use for each wood type. Different routes can be preferred for specific reasons: a super-efficient active route where full attention is required; a semi-afk route usually confined to one room with a long respawn but very limited attention required; or a selling-only route where the only consideration is getting the logs to the lumber shop as fast as possible at the end of a full inventory.

All bank timings assume that the Hopeforest quest Spider's Nest (20 Woodcutter/32 Carpenter) is completed so that Storage Stones can be used. Some shop teleport timings require Forgotten Things (45 Woodcutter/50 Carpenter) to be complete in order to unlock the Hopeforest North teleport circle.


Ash Trees

Ash trees become available to chop at level 0, with higher quality variants also appearing at levels 18, 71, 125, 184, and 336.

Route Rooms Trees Full Inv/Drop Bank/Return Shop/Return
Timberwell Road 6 3m32s +22s +32s
Timberwell Green 6 4m01s +37s +18s
Mr McGrish's Garden
Timberwell Side Road
6 4m36s +59s +40s

These routes have the following characteristics:

  • Timberwell Road is the most effective active route as well as the most effective semi-afk route. All trees are in a single room and have a quick respawn.
  • Timberwell Green is slightly less effective than the above but may be useful for a selling-only route. In addition, the tree next to the carpentry workshop is not counted as part of the route due to added distance.
  • Mr McGrish's Garden + Timberwell Side Road have none of the advantages of the other two.

Oak Trees

Oak trees start at level 2, with higher quality variants appearing at levels 22, 76, 133, 189, and 353.

Route Rooms Trees Full Inv/Drop Bank/Return Shop/Return
Canopy Junction
Stump Clearing
4 4m45s +22s +32s w/teleport
Berry Glade
Treeway Trail
4 5m02s +37s w/teleport +18s w/teleport
Cutters Clearing
Treeway Trail
5 4m02s +59s +40s w/teleport
Treeway Trail 3 6m15s +45s +1m18s w/teleport

These routes have the following characteristics:

  • Canopy Junction + Stump Clearing is the most effective active route, spread across four trees in two rooms. Five trees is possible by going to a third room, but the disruption to the pattern offers negligible improvements and lengthens the bank run.
  • Berry Glade + Treeway Trail is advantageous for a sell-only route because of its closeness to the Hopeforest North Portal Stone, but it requires Forgotten Things to be complete to be effective.
  • Cutters Clearing + Treeway Trailis very similar to Canopy Junction/Stump Clearing, and it is slightly slower, but it may be easier to queue actions.
  • Treeway Trail alone provides the best semi-afk route despite a long respawn time - the trees are easy enough to queue and the bank is fairly close.

Pine Trees

Pine Trees become eligible to chop at level 4, with higher quality variants appearing at levels 27, 84, 139, 197, and 370.

Route Rooms Trees Full Inv/Drop Bank/Return Shop/Return
Path of Good Intentions 6 3m29s +38-50s +1m12s w/teleport
Mine Road East 7 3m59s +1m08s +50s
Lumber Clearing
Pine Junction
7 4m31s +32-45s +1m12s

These routes have the following characteristics:

  • Path of Good Intentions is so efficient that it offers the best active route and the best semi-afk route for pine trees. All six trees in the room respawn quickly and they are easy to queue.
  • Mine Route East is similar to the above route but it may be better for a sell-only route as no teleport to the shop is required.
  • Lumber Clearing + Pine Junction can be used for any purpose but it does not have any special advantages.

Hickory Trees

Hickory Trees are open to woodcutters at level 6, with higher quality variants appearing at levels 32, 89, 147, 208, and 396.

Route Rooms Trees Full Inv/Drop Bank/Return Shop/Return
Secluded Path
Secluded Junction
6 3m44s +40s +1m30s w/teleport
Luscious Glade
Secluded Junction
6 3m54s +40s +1m30s w/teleport
Secluded Junction 3 6m54s +30s +1m15s w/teleport

These routes have the following characteristics:

  • Secluded Path + Secluded Junction is spread across two rooms but it is quick enough and is the best active route and sell-only route.
  • Luscious Glade + Secluded Junction is only slightly less effective than the Secluded Path route.
  • Secluded Junction alone is the best semi-afk route.

Juniper Trees

Juniper Trees are available to be chopped at level 10, with higher quality variants appearing at levels 45, 102, 157, 251, and 438.

Route Rooms Trees Full Inv/Drop Bank/Return Shop/Return
Pool of Rainbows 5 4m45s +06s +1m35s
Tree Lined Trail 4 5m15s +1m05s +43s

These routes have the following characteristics:

  • Pool of Rainbows is the obvious choice for the best active route and best semi-afk route, because the bank is right there. Completion of Spider's Nest is of course required, and partial completion is required to get into the area in the first place.
  • Tree Lined Trail is closer to the shop on foot so it is the best sell-only route, and the best option for no quest completion.

Poplar Trees

Poplar Trees can be chopped starting at level 12, with higher quality variants appearing at levels 53, 107, 165, 268, and 455.

Route Rooms Trees Full Inv/Drop Bank/Return Shop/Return
Central Junction
Central Crossroads
4 5m07s +47s +1m34s
Logging Area 4 5m01s +1m03s +1m20-30s w/teleport

These routes have the following characteristics:

  • Central Junction + Central Crossroads is the most efficient active route location, with two trees each in two rooms.
  • Logging Area is further from a bank, but it is better for a semi-afk route or a sell-only route, because the trees are in one location and it is slightly closer to a shop teleport

Suave Trees

Suave trees start at level 14, with higher quality variants appearing at levels 58, 115, 170, 293, and 472.

Route Rooms Trees Full Inv/Drop Bank/Return Shop/Return
Wolves Junction
Gnarled Path
5 4m04s +46s +1m50s
Wolves Junction 4 5m09s +46s +1m50s
Overgrown Trail
Crystal Clearing
6 5m13s +19s +2m05s w/teleport

These routes have the following characteristics:

  • Wolves Junction + Gnarled Path is the most efficient active route location - four suave trees are in Wolves Junction and the route can be ended on the final suave tree outside in Gnarled Path. It is also the best for a sell-only route.
  • Wolves Junction alone is perfect for a semi-afk route, as the respawns are not that slow.
  • Overgrown Trail + Crystal Clearing is a popular spot due to its extreme closeness to a bank, but the trees in Crystal Clearing are too far apart to overcome the other spot's advantages.

Yew Trees

Yew Trees are slightly different in that they are the sole tree to use the two-person saw. You can still cut them solo, but get increased experience when using co-op. They start at level 16, with higher quality variants appearing at levels 63, 120, 178, 310 and 490.

Route Rooms Trees Full Inv/Drop Bank/Return Shop/Return
Narrow Path
Thin Trail
4 5m38s +46s +1m50s
Narrow Path 3 7m32s +25s +1m42s

These routes have the following characteristics:

  • Narrow Path + Thin Trail is started by cutting the closest yews in Thin Trail before crossing over to Narrow Path and cutting the remaining three. Respawns are slow so the extra time taken to walk to the second room helps with this and makes it the best active route and sell-only route.
  • Narrow Path alone is the best choice for the semi-afk route, though the respawn time is considerable.

Gatherer Combo

There are a lot of nodes used by the Gatherer skill around common Woodcutter routes, and they can be combined to train two skills at once. For example:

  • Timberwell Side Road/Mr McGrish's Garden: Ash Log (0 Woodcutter) and Apple (6 Gatherer)
  • Timberwell Green/Mine Road West: Ash Log (0 Woodcutter) and Catkin (25 Gatherer)
  • Berry Glade/Treeway Trail: Oak Log (2 Woodcutter) and Haleberries (10 Gatherer)
  • Lumber Clearing/Fern Junction: Pine Log (4 Woodcutter) and Clover (35 Gatherer)
  • Path of Good Intentions/Cliffside Path: Pine Log (4 Woodcutter) and Bitterfruit (14 Gatherer)
  • Dryad Glade/Secluded Path: Hickory Log (6 Woodcutter) and Tangfruit (22 Gatherer)
  • Secluded Junction/Luscious Glade: Hickory Log (6 Woodcutter) and Orchid (71 Gatherer)
  • Ferry South Shore/Himatik Ruins: Juniper Log (10 Woodcutter) and Sage (143 Gatherer)
  • Central Junction/Snakes Clearing/Snakes Path: Poplar Log (12 Woodcutter), Chestnut (16 Gatherer) and Snake Scale (61 Gatherer) - note, hostile enemies requiring Fear Potion
  • Logging Area: Poplar Log (12 Woodcutter), Thistle (48 Gatherer)
  • Overgrown Trail/Crystal Clearing: Suave Log (14 Woodcutter), Bone Spike (18 Gatherer)
  • Gnarled Path/Wolves Den: Suave Log (14 Woodcutter), Femur Shard (30 Gatherer)
  • Narrow Path/Thin Trail: Yew Log (16 Woodcutter), Leek (8 Gatherer)
  • Bear Clearing/Two Headed Bear Clearing: Yew Log (16 Woodcutter), Goat Horn (4 Gatherer)

Enchantment Levels

Enchantment is expensive, but considering that all Woodcutter nodes use tools, enchanting even one of them can significantly increase your EXP gain while training. Hatchet should be your priority because it is used on five types of nodes, more than any other, followed by Hand Saw at three. Two Person Saw is only used for one, so it can be skipped if you're out of cash.

More information on Enchanting can be found here:



  • 10 Feb. 2025: Profession Guide added.
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