Alizabal Encounter Guide: Strategy, Abilities, Loot

Last updated on Feb 28, 2025 at 00:00 by Abide

Alizabal is the third boss that players can fight inside Baradin Hold in phase 4 of Cataclysm. Similar to Argaloth and Occu'thar before, Alizabal acts as a catch-up gearing boss to help players get into raiding easier.


Role-Specific Tips for Alizabal


DPS Tips

  • Stack quickly after each Blade Dance Icon Blade Dance.

Healer Tips

  • Be ready with quick heals and cooldowns during Blade Dance Icon Blade Dance.

Tank Tips

  • Be ready to taunt after Skewer Icon Skewer.
  • Re-position the boss quickly after Blade Dance Icon Blade Dance ends.

Alizabal Abilities

  • Skewer Icon Skewer
  • Seething Hate Icon Seething Hate
  • Blade Dance Icon Blade Dance

Strategy for Alizabal

Alizabal Strategy Alizabal is a very basic fight with only three abilities to worry about: Skewer Icon Skewer, Seething Hate Icon Seething Hate, and Blade Dance Icon Blade Dance. Begin the fight by stacking up together behind Alizabal in the center of the room. Tanks will need to perform a tank swap whenever they are hit by Skewer Icon Skewer as they will be stunned, as well as taking increased damage.

Seething Hate Icon Seething Hate will target a random player and deal AoE damage around them, split between all players in range. This is lethal to a single-player and must be split between the raid, thus the reason we are choosing to stack behind the boss; Blade Dance Icon Blade Dance will begin after the 2nd Seething Hate Icon Seething Hate expires. Blade Dance Icon Blade Dance will cause Alizabal to deflect all attacks for 15 seconds and deals damage to all nearby enemies. For the 15 seconds that this is active, Alizabal will move around the room, changing her target every couple of seconds; if you see her coming towards you, run away from her.


Alizabal Loot

Alizabal has a very large loot table with over 150 items she can possibly drop. The most desired gear will be the item level 397 PvE set piece gloves and legs she can drop for all classes, such as Colossal Dragonplate Handguards Icon Colossal Dragonplate Handguards and Colossal Dragonplate Legguards Icon Colossal Dragonplate Legguards. Alizabal can also drop Season 11 PvP set piece gloves and legs, as well as various PvP off-pieces (boots, belts, trinkets, etc.).


Alizabal Achievements

Achievement Description
Alizabal Icon Alizabal Defeat Alizabal.

Further Reading

Alizabal is just one of the three encounters present in the Baradin Hold raid of Cataclysm. If you would like to learn more about the others, please see our other pages for the raid below.



  • 17 Feb. 2025: Page added.
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