Alysrazor Encounter Guide: Strategy, Abilities, Loot

Last updated on Oct 08, 2024 at 00:00 by Abide

Alysrazor is the fourth boss that players will typically encounter inside the Firelands, and is found on the far North-Eastern platform. Players will want to clear as much trash in the area as possible to avoid engaging them during this intense battle.


Role-Specific Tips for Alysrazor


DPS Tips

  • Do your best to kill adds efficiently and not waste damage on overkilling or padding.
  • Keeping your Blazing Power Icon Blazing Power stacks up is a huge part of killing this boss quickly.

Healer Tips

  • Be mindful of your tanks positioning during phase one as they will likely need to move around from frequently.
  • Tanks will take massive damage from Alysrazor during phaes four, be ready with defensive cooldowns.

Tank Tips

  • Be mindful of your healers positioning during phase one and do not run out of their range.
  • Keep the Voracious Hatchlings faced away from the raid at all times to prevent Gushing Wound Icon Gushing Wound from hitting anyone else.
  • Rotate defensive cooldowns during phase four to survive the Blazing Claw Icon Blazing Claw.

Alysrazor Abilities

  • On Pull
    • Firestorm Icon Firestorm
    • Volcanic Fire Icon Volcanic Fire
  • Phase One
    • Blazing Claw Icon Blazing Claw
    • Blazing Talon Initiate
      • Brushfire Icon Brushfire
      • Fieroblast Icon Fieroblast
      • Fire It Up! Icon Fire It Up!
    • Voracious Hatchling
      • Gushing Wound Icon Gushing Wound
      • Imprinted Icon Imprinted
      • Hungry Icon Hungry
      • Satiated Icon Satiated
      • Tantrum Icon Tantrum
    • Plump Lava Worm
      • Lava Spew Icon Lava Spew
    • Flying Players
      • Molten Feather
        • Molten Feather Icon Molten Feather
          • Wings of Flame Icon Wings of Flame
      • Incendiary Cloud Icon Incendiary Cloud
      • Blazing Power Icon Blazing Power
        • Alysra's Razor Icon Alysra's Razor
  • Phase Two
    • Harsh Winds Icon Harsh Winds
    • Fiery Tornado Icon Fiery Tornado
      • Fiery Vortex
      • Fiery Tornado
  • Phase Three
    • Burnout Icon Burnout
      • Essence of the Green Icon Essence of the Green
    • Spark Icon Spark
    • Blazing Talon Clawshaper
      • Ignition Icon Ignition
  • Phase Four
    • Ignited Icon Ignited
    • Blazing Buffet Icon Blazing Buffet
    • Blazing Claw Icon Blazing Claw
    • Full Power Icon Full Power

Strategy for Alysrazor

Alysrazor is a 4 phase fight where players will face-off against numerous adds, deadly flames, and even gravity itself as players take flight to engage the fire-bird herself in the air.

Alysrazor Strategy Phase one can seem very chaotic as there is plenty going on, but most of the mechanics in this phase can be easily avoided, making thing much simpler overall. Phase one will last for a total for 3-minutes (4-minutes 10-seconds on Heroic) and is where you will be spending the majority of your time on this fight. When engaged, Alysrazor will blast the raid with Firestorm Icon Firestorm, cover the entrance and exits with Volcanic Fire Icon Volcanic Fire, and take flight above the battlefield. While in the air, Alysrazor will do a strafe-run across the field every minute, attacking anyone in the area with Blazing Claw Icon Blazing Claw. While flying over, she will also drop multiple Molten Feathers, which can be picked up to gain a buff, up to 3 feathers total. The first Molten Feather picked up will allow you to cast your spells while moving, the second feather increases movement speed by 30%, and the final feather allows your character to fly (more on the flying mechanic later). Everyone in the raid should aim to pick-up at least 1 Molten Feather as this fight has tons of movement involved throughout it, ideally 2 for the 30% increased movement speed if you have extra feathers available nearby.

The first add we'll look at are the Blazing Talon Initiates. These will constantly be spawning in on each side of the room, have very little health and will try to cast very dangerous spells. The Blazing Talon Initiates will frequently cast Brushfire Icon Brushfire, summoning a fiery orb that will damage nearby players; these orbs will remain for 1-minute and must be avoided. After each cast of Brushfire Icon Brushfire, the Blazing Talon Initiate will attempt to cast Fieroblast Icon Fieroblast; if Fieroblast Icon Fieroblast is not interrupted, the Blazing Talon Initiate will gain a stack of Fire It Up! Icon Fire It Up! and hit a random raid member for very-high Fire damage. You will need interrupts assigned to both sides of the room to guarantee neither Blazing Talon Initiate can ever cast Fieroblast Icon Fieroblast. Aside from the interrupting required, the Blazing Talon Initiates have no aggro table and have very low health, so be sure to kill them quickly every 40 seconds.

The next set of adds that we will mention briefly are the Plump Lava Worms. Shortly after phase one starts, 4 Plump Lava Worms will spawn around the center of the room; these worms don't move, can not be attacked, and will simply spray Lava Spew Icon Lava Spew around them to anyone within 18 yards. This essentially means the middle of the room is off-limits while the Plump Lava Worms are still alive. With the worms not being attackable, the only way to kill one is to feed it to a Voracious Hatchling, the next add we will go over.

20 seconds after phase one starts, 2 Voracious Hatchling eggs will be dropped off on both sides of the battlefield. After a short-while, the eggs will break open and a Voracious Hatchling will come out of each. Both Voracious Hatchling will then become Imprinted Icon Imprinted on the first person they see (nearest person to their egg), only attacking and following that player, and taking 1000% more damage from them. The Imprinted Icon Imprinted needs to be on the tank for each egg, if it lands on someone besides the tank that player must be sacrificed to allow the Voracious Hatchling to use Imprinted Icon Imprinted again, hopefully on the tank this time. Make sure to keep the Voracious Hatchlings faced away from the raid as they have a frontal-cleave called Gushing Wound Icon Gushing Wound, which applies a bleed to all targets hit.

Once activated, the Voracious Hatchlings will begin to deal with their new-found hunger, which will quickly begin to change their mood. Very quickly they will become Hungry Icon Hungry, which gives their auto-attacks a 20% chance to send them into a Tantrum Icon Tantrum, increasing their attack speed and damage dealt by 50%. The only way to stop a Tantrum Icon Tantrum and reduce the Voracious Hatchlings damage dealt is by feeding it one of the nearby Plump Lava Worms; simply drag the Voracious Hatchling that is in a Tantrum Icon Tantrum near a Plump Lava Worm and it will eat it, becoming Satiated Icon Satiated in the process and removing Tantrum Icon Tantrum. Satiated Icon Satiated will prevent Tantrum Icon Tantrum from being able to trigger again for 15 seconds, allowing you more time to burn-down the massive health pool each Voracious Hatchling has. You will need to repeatadly feed each Voracious Hatchling a Plump Lava Worm every time they throw a Tantrum Icon Tantrum to remove the damage buffs.

On heroic difficulty, the raid will need to deal with 6 Voracious Hatchlings instead of 4, but they have reduced health to compensate for the increased amount of spawns. There will also only be 2 Plump Lava Worms rather than 4 for each set of Voracious Hatchlings, but with their reduced health this should not be an issue.

Alysrazor Strategy With all of the adds out of the way, the last part of phase one is dealing with the Molten Feathers and sending players to fly in the air. As mentioned earlier, collecting 2 Molten Feathers grants you the Molten Feather Icon Molten Feather buff, allowing you to cast while moving and granting 30% movement speed. Picking up a 3rd Molten Feather will grant players the Wings of Flame Icon Wings of Flame buff, allowing them to fly in the air; this will allow them to chase Alysrazor around in the sky and chip away at her health bar.

While flying through the sky, players will have the chance to fly through floating rings of fire, gaining a stack of Blazing Power Icon Blazing Power; be sure to avoid the Incendiary Cloud Icon Incendiary Clouds, the exploding rings as these will remove your Wings of Flame Icon Wings of Flame buff. Blazing Power Icon Blazing Power grants 8% haste per stack, and restores resources whenever a stack is gained. At 25 stacks of Blazing Power Icon Blazing Power, that player will also gain Alysra's Razor Icon Alysra's Razor for 40 seconds. Balance your raids DPS out as much as possible to keep the adds in check, and send any extra ranged DPS available to fly in the air and damage Alysrazor as much as possible during phase one. Damage-over-time classes are ideal here as they can keep most of their damage up while flying around gathering stacks of Blazing Power Icon Blazing Power.

Alysrazor Strategy When phase one ends, any players flying in the air will need to land as they will lose their Wings of Flame Icon Wings of Flame buff when phase two begins. Alysrazor will summon a deadly Fiery Vortex in the middle of the room, and cover the outer circle of the room with Harsh Winds Icon Harsh Winds. Lastly, the entire room will be covered in Fiery Tornados, moving in opposite directions from each other and dealing deadly Fire damage to anyone they touch. Rings of Fire will also spawn during this phase, allowing players to continue gaining Blazing Power Icon Blazing Power stacks.

If you have the Molten Feather Icon Molten Feather 30% movement speed buff, all you need to do is simply follow a single tornado around for the entire 30-seconds that phase two lasts; the additional 30% is enough here to make you barely slower than the tornado. Without the Molten Feather Icon Molten Feather buff, you simply need to follow a tornado, waiting until another tornado passes by on either your left or right side. Once a tornado passes by on either side, simply turn around, get behind that new tornado, and follow that one; repeat this pattern over and over, following a new tornado every time it passes by until phase two ends.

Alysrazor Strategy Phase three starts with all of the tornadoes from phase two despawning as Alysrazors suffers from Burnout Icon Burnout, causing her to crash into the floor, becoming stunned and taking increased damage while her fires re-ignite. While debuffed by Burnout Icon Burnout, players attacks against Alysrazor will benefit from Essence of the Green Icon Essence of the Green, restoring 10% mana for each spell used; make sure your healers get full mana here. During this phase Alysrazor will have Molten Energy, which starts out empty and quickly fills up over time. During this phase, 2 Blazing Talon Clawshapers will spawn in and attempt to help aid Alysrazor recovery with Ignition Icon Ignition, increasing the rate at which she gains Molten Energy. Have your tanks interrupt and stun these adds whenever they attempt to cast to prevent Alysrazor from gaining any additional Molten Energy, allowing you to stay in phase three with the Burnout Icon Burnout debuff for as long as possible.

Phase three will last a maximum of 34 seconds if both Blazing Talon Clawshapers are not allowed to cast Ignition Icon Ignition at all, and should be the goal for anyone looking to kill this boss. After 34 seconds, Alysrazor will awaken, losing the Burnout Icon Burnout debuff and attacking the raid again.

Alysrazor Strategy Once Alysrazor wakes up from Burnout Icon Burnout she will need to be tanked and quickly faced away from the raid as she uses Blazing Claw Icon Blazing Claw as a cleave-like attack here; have your tanks rotate defensive cooldowns here as needed and perform a tank swap every couple stacks of Blazing Claw Icon Blazing Claw. In addition to the deadly tank damage during this phase, the raid will also be blasted constantly by Blazing Buffet Icon Blazing Buffet. This puts extra pressure on the healer to balance healing and cooldowns between the both the tank and the raid overall; rotating defensive cooldowns here is a must to survive the 25 seconds of phase four until Alysrazor reaches 100 Molten Energy and the phase ends. After reaching 100 Molten Energy, Alysrazor will cast Full Power Icon Full Power and phase one will start again; After a total of 3 Burnout Icon Burnouts, Alysrazor will permanently stay on the ground and no longer fly up.

Alysrazor Strategy The main mechanic added on heroic difficulty are the Molten Meteors that spawn in during phase one, avoid their swirling landing locations. After landing, the Molten Meteors will activate and begin to slowly roll across the room. If they run into a wall, the Molten Meteor will break apart into 3 smaller meteors, shooting out into a random direction; when the smaller meteors touch a wall again they will despawn. While at least one of the Molten Meteors will need to be avoided, one of them will need to be killed to survive Alysrazors new ability, Firestorm Icon Firestorm. Killing a Molten Meteor before it reaches a wall will stop it in place, allowing the raid to hide behind it before each Firestorm Icon Firestorm cast to avoid the damage. Ranged DPS will need to kill the Molten Meteor as it will kill any nearby players in its path.


Alysrazor Loot

Normal Heroic

Below you will find all of the loot available for this boss encounter. Use the different buttons to view the different loot between both Normal and Heroic difficulties.


Normal Difficulty Loot

Leggings of Billowing Fire Icon Leggings of Billowing Fire
Flickering Wristbands Icon Flickering Wristbands
Phoenix-Down Treads Icon Phoenix-Down Treads
Clawshaper Gauntlets Icon Clawshaper Gauntlets
Craterflame Spaulders Icon Craterflame Spaulders
Moltenfeather Leggings Icon Moltenfeather Leggings
Clutch of the Firemother Icon Clutch of the Firemother
Greathelm of the Voracious Maw Icon Greathelm of the Voracious Maw
Lavaworm Legplates Icon Lavaworm Legplates
Spaulders of Recurring Flame Icon Spaulders of Recurring Flame
Wings of Flame Icon Wings of Flame
Alysrazor's Band Icon Alysrazor's Band
Eye of Blazing Power Icon Eye of Blazing Power
Alysra's Razor Icon Alysra's Razor
Avool's Incendiary Shanker Icon Avool's Incendiary Shanker
Entrail Disgorger Icon Entrail Disgorger
Eye of Purification Icon Eye of Purification
Shatterskull Bonecrusher Icon Shatterskull Bonecrusher
Firethorn Mindslicer Icon Firethorn Mindslicer
Zoid's Firelit Greatsword Icon Zoid's Firelit Greatsword
Smoldering Censer of Purity Icon Smoldering Censer of Purity
Living Ember Icon Living Ember

Below you will find all of the loot available for this boss encounter. Use the different buttons to view the different loot between both Normal and Heroic difficulties.


Heroic Difficulty Loot

Leggings of Billowing Fire Icon Leggings of Billowing Fire
Flickering Wristbands Icon Flickering Wristbands
Phoenix-Down Treads Icon Phoenix-Down Treads
Clawshaper Gauntlets Icon Clawshaper Gauntlets
Craterflame Spaulders Icon Craterflame Spaulders
Moltenfeather Leggings Icon Moltenfeather Leggings
Clutch of the Firemother Icon Clutch of the Firemother
Greathelm of the Voracious Maw Icon Greathelm of the Voracious Maw
Lavaworm Legplates Icon Lavaworm Legplates
Spaulders of Recurring Flame Icon Spaulders of Recurring Flame
Wings of Flame Icon Wings of Flame
Alysrazor's Band Icon Alysrazor's Band
Eye of Blazing Power Icon Eye of Blazing Power
Alysra's Razor Icon Alysra's Razor
Avool's Incendiary Shanker Icon Avool's Incendiary Shanker
Entrail Disgorger Icon Entrail Disgorger
Eye of Purification Icon Eye of Purification
Shatterskull Bonecrusher Icon Shatterskull Bonecrusher
Firethorn Mindslicer Icon Firethorn Mindslicer
Zoid's Firelit Greatsword Icon Zoid's Firelit Greatsword
Smoldering Censer of Purity Icon Smoldering Censer of Purity
Living Ember Icon Living Ember
Chest of the Fiery Conqueror Icon Chest of the Fiery Conqueror
Chest of the Fiery Protector Icon Chest of the Fiery Protector
Chest of the Fiery Vanquisher Icon Chest of the Fiery Vanquisher
Crystallized Firestone Icon Crystallized Firestone

Alysrazor Achievements

Achievement Description
Firelands Icon Firelands Defeat the bosses in Firelands.
Firelands Guild Run Icon Firelands Guild Run Defeat the bosses in Firelands while in a guild group.
Heroic: Alysrazor Icon Heroic: Alysrazor Defeat Alysrazor in Firelands on Heroic Difficulty.
Do a Barrel Roll! Icon Do a Barrel Roll! Defeat Alysrazor in the Firelands without any raid member getting hit by the following attacks.

Further Reading

Alysrazor is just one of the seven encounters present in the Firelands raid of Cataclysm. If you would like to learn more about the others, please see our other pages for the raid below.



  • 01 Oct. 2024: Page added.
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