Cataclysm Classic Arcane Mage Pre-Raid Gear

Last updated on Feb 19, 2025 at 12:00 by Wrdlbrmpft

On this page, you will find the best pre-raid gear for Arcane Mage in Cataclysm Classic.


Arcane Mage Pre-Raid Gear Set

Welcome to our guide on the Best-in-Slot (BiS) gear for ArcaneArcane Mage! Here, you will find recommendations to help you optimize your gear for maximum damage and performance in raids and dungeons.

This is the stat priority for Arcane Mage, which this guide follows:

  1. Intellect
  2. Hit Rating (17% Hit Cap!)
  3. Haste Rating (until soft cap)
  4. Mastery Rating
  5. Haste Rating (after soft cap)
  6. Critical Strike Rating

For more information on the best available gems and enchants, check out our Enchants and Gems Guide.


Pre-raid Best in Slot

Phase Four Phase Three Phase Two Phase One

Phase 4 Pre-Raid Best in Slot. Most of the items are bought with Valor Points Icon Valor Points and Obsidian Fragment Icon Obsidian Fragments, which can both be obtained through running Twilight Protocol Heroic Dungeons. Each final boss of a Twilight Protocol dungeon can also drop drops LFR weapons, cloaks, necklaces, trinkets, rings, tier tokens. Crystallized Firestone Icon Crystallized Firestone for the weapon upgrades can be bought with Obsidian Fragment Icon Obsidian Fragments as well. Focus on the Valor Points Icon Valor Points Cloak first, since it is Best in Slot for the game.

This list is - as always - still subject to changes, due to changes in the sim/new findings in the Mage Discord.

Slot Item Reforging Source
Helm Time Lord's Hood Icon Time Lord's Hood Haste
Final Twilight Protocol Boss
or 55 Obsidian Fragment Icon Obsidian Fragment
Neck Opal of the Secret Order Icon Opal of the Secret Order
1250 Valor Points Icon Valor Points
Sold by Jamus'Vaz/Faldren Tillsdale
Shoulder Time Lord's Mantle Icon Time Lord's Mantle Crit
Final Twilight Protocol Boss
or 45 Obsidian Fragment Icon Obsidian Fragment
Cloak Nanoprecise Cape Icon Nanoprecise Cape
1650 Valor Points Icon Valor Points
Sold by Jamus'Vaz/Faldren Tillsdale
Chest Time Lord's Robes Icon Time Lord's Robes Haste
Final Twilight Protocol Boss
or 55 Obsidian Fragment Icon Obsidian Fragment
Bracer Bracers of Unconquered Power Icon Bracers of Unconquered Power Haste
Tailoring Icon Tailoring
Gloves Gloves of Liquid Smoke Icon Gloves of Liquid Smoke Crit
45 Obsidian Fragment Icon Obsidian Fragment
Belt Tentacular Belt Icon Tentacular Belt Crit
1650 Valor Points Icon Valor Points
Sold by Jamus'Vaz/Faldren Tillsdale
Legs Time Lord's Leggings Icon Time Lord's Leggings Mastery
Final Twilight Protocol Boss
or 55 Obsidian Fragment Icon Obsidian Fragment
Boots Janglespur Jackboots Icon Janglespur Jackboots Crit
45 Obsidian Fragment Icon Obsidian Fragment
Ring 1 Ring of the Riven Icon Ring of the Riven Mastery
Final Twilight Protocol Boss
or 30 Obsidian Fragment Icon Obsidian Fragment
Ring 2 Seal of the Grand Architect Icon Seal of the Grand Architect Haste
1250 Valor Points Icon Valor Points
Sold by Jamus'Vaz/Faldren Tillsdale
Trinket 1 Will of Unbinding Icon Will of Unbinding
Final Twilight Protocol Boss
or 65 Obsidian Fragment Icon Obsidian Fragment
Trinket 1 Shard of Woe Icon Shard of Woe
Final Twilight Protocol Boss
or 45 Obsidian Fragment Icon Obsidian Fragment
Weapon Spire of Scarlet Pain Icon Spire of Scarlet Pain Crit
BOE from Firelands, buy from Auction House
Upgrade at Lurah Wrathvine with Crystallized Firestone Icon Crystallized Firestone
Ranged Trail of Embers Icon Trail of Embers
700 Valor Points Icon Valor Points, sold by Jamus'Vaz/Faldren Tillsdale
Upgrade at Lurah Wrathvine with Crystallized Firestone Icon Crystallized Firestone

Phase 3 Pre-Raid Best in Slot. Most of the items are bought with Valor Points Icon Valor Points and Fissure Stone Fragment Icon Fissure Stone Fragments, which can both be obtained through running Inferno Protocol Heroic Dungeons. This list is - as always - still subject to changes, due to changes in the sim/new findings in the Mage Discord.

Slot Item Reforging Source
Head Crown of the Twilight Queen Icon Crown of the Twilight Queen Crit
80 Fissure Stone Fragment Icon Fissure Stone Fragments
Neck Amulet of Burning Brilliance Icon Amulet of Burning Brilliance Crit
1250 Valor Points Icon Valor Points
Sold by Jamus'Vaz/Faldren Tillsdale
Shoulder Mantle of Nefarius Icon Mantle of Nefarius Spirit
60 Fissure Stone Fragment Icon Fissure Stone Fragments
Cloak Shroud of Endless Grief Icon Shroud of Endless Grief Haste
80 Fissure Stone Fragment Icon Fissure Stone Fragments
Chest Firehawk Robes Icon Firehawk Robes Mastery
2200 Valor Points Icon Valor Points
Sold by Jamus'Vaz/Faldren Tillsdale
Bracer Emberflame Bracers Icon Emberflame Bracers Mastery
1250 Valor Points Icon Valor Points
Sold by Jamus'Vaz/Faldren Tillsdale
Gloves Don Tayo's Inferno Mittens Icon Don Tayo's Inferno Mittens Crit
Tailoring Icon Tailoring
Belt Soul Breath Belt Icon Soul Breath Belt of the Feverflare Mastery
12 Fissure Stone Fragment Icon Fissure Stone Fragments
Legs Firehawk Leggings Icon Firehawk Leggings Crit
2200 Valor Points Icon Valor Points
Sold by Jamus'Vaz/Faldren Tillsdale
Boots Boots of the Black Flame Icon Boots of the Black Flame Crit
Tailoring Icon Tailoring
Ring 1 Crystalline Brimstone Ring Icon Crystalline Brimstone Ring Mastery
1200 Valor Points Icon Valor Points
Sold by Jamus'Vaz/Faldren Tillsdale
Ring 2 Planetary Band Icon Planetary Band of the Wildfire Mastery
12 Fissure Stone Fragment Icon Fissure Stone Fragments
Trinket 1 Theralion's Mirror Icon Theralion's Mirror
50 Fissure Stone Fragment Icon Fissure Stone Fragments
Trinket 2 Darkmoon Card: Volcano Icon Darkmoon Card: Volcano Mastery
Darkmoon Volcanic Deck
Weapon Masterwork Elementium Spellblade Icon Masterwork Elementium Spellblade Crit
Blacksmithing Icon Blacksmithing
Off-Hand Book of Binding Will Icon Book of Binding Will
15 Fissure Stone Fragment Icon Fissure Stone Fragments
Ranged Trail of Embers Icon Trail of Embers
700 Valor Points Icon Valor Points
Sold by Jamus'Vaz/Faldren Tillsdale

Phase 2 Pre-Raid Best in Slot. This list uses Archaeology Icon Archaeology items. The ring is relatively easy to get. For the 2H-Weapon (low drop rate) Voodoo Hexblade Icon Voodoo Hexblade from the timed run in Zul'Aman HC and Hermit's Lamp Icon Hermit's Lamp (950 Justice Points) make a solid alternative.

Slot Item Reforging Source
Head Lightweight Bio-Optic Killshades Icon Lightweight Bio-Optic Killshades (Engineering)
Collar of Bones Icon Collar of Bones (Non-Engineering)
Engineering Icon Engineering
Zul'Aman HC
Neck Lightning Flash Pendant Icon Lightning Flash Pendant (A) Yellow Smoke Pendant Icon Yellow Smoke Pendant (H) Crit
Wildhammer Clan (A)
Dragonmaw Clan (H)
Shoulder Jan'alai's Spaulders Icon Jan'alai's Spaulders Crit
Zul'Aman HC
Cloak Haunt of Flies Icon Haunt of Flies Crit
1250 Valor Points Icon Valor Points
Chest Firelord's Robes Icon Firelord's Robes Crit
2200 Valor Points Icon Valor Points
Bracer Wristwraps of Madness Icon Wristwraps of Madness Crit
Timed run Reward
Zul'Aman HC
Gloves Firelord's Gloves Icon Firelord's Gloves Crit
1650 Valor Points Icon Valor Points
Belt Dreamless Belt Icon Dreamless Belt
Stratosphere Belt Icon Stratosphere Belt
Tailoring Icon Tailoring
Grand Vizier Ertan
The Vortex Pinnacle HC
Legs Firelord's Leggings Icon Firelord's Leggings Haste
2200 Valor Points Icon Valor Points
Boots Desert Walker Sandals Icon Desert Walker Sandals Haste
Exalted Ramkahen
Ring 1 Signet of Venoxis Icon Signet of Venoxis Haste
High Priest Venoxis
Zul'Gurub HC
Ring 2 Ring of the Boy Emperor Icon Ring of the Boy Emperor Haste
Archaeology Icon Archaeology
Trinket 1 Stump of Time Icon Stump of Time (A)
Stump of Time Icon Stump of Time (H)
Baradin's Wardens (A)
Hellscream's Reach (H)
Trinket 2 Darkmoon Card: Volcano Icon Darkmoon Card: Volcano Mastery
Darkmoon Volcanic Deck
Weapon Staff of Sorcerer-Thane Thaurissan Icon Staff of Sorcerer-Thane Thaurissan Crit
Archaeology Icon Archaeology
Ranged Zulian Voodoo Stick Icon Zulian Voodoo Stick Haste
Edge of Madness bosses
Zul'Gurub HC

For this pre-raid gear set make sure to use Reckless Ember Topaz Icon Reckless Ember Topaz in yellow gem slots and one Veiled Demonseye Icon Veiled Demonseye in your belt, rest red. This will result in slightly more dps than using reds in every gem slot.

Slot Item Reforging Source
Head* Lightweight Bio-Optic Killshades Icon Lightweight Bio-Optic Killshades (Engineering)
Helm of the Typhonic Beast Icon Helm of the Typhonic Beast (Non-Engineering)
Engineering Icon Engineering
Halls of Origination HC
Neck Lightning Flash Pendant Icon Lightning Flash Pendant (A) Yellow Smoke Pendant Icon Yellow Smoke Pendant (H)
Wildhammer Clan (A)
Dragonmaw Clan (H)
Shoulder Mantle of the Eastern Lords Icon Mantle of the Eastern Lords
Lord Godfrey
Shadowfang Keep HC
Cloak* Periwinkle Cloak Icon Periwinkle Cloak
Lady Naz'jar
Throne of the Tides HC
Chest* Inquisition Robes Icon Inquisition Robes
Rom'ogg Bonecrusher
Blackrock Caverns HC
Bracer Sand Silk Wristband Icon Sand Silk Wristband Crit
Augh and Lockmaw
Lost City of the Tol'vir HC
Gloves* Flamebloom Gloves Icon Flamebloom Gloves
Exalted The Earthen Ring
Belt Dreamless Belt Icon Dreamless Belt
Stratosphere Belt Icon Stratosphere Belt
Tailoring Icon Tailoring
Grand Vizier Ertan
The Vortex Pinnacle HC
Legs Breeches of Mended Nightmares Icon Breeches of Mended Nightmares
Pensive Legwraps Icon Pensive Legwraps
Tailoring Icon Tailoring
2200 Justice Points
Boots Desert Walker Sandals Icon Desert Walker Sandals
Exalted Ramkahen
Ring 1* Lavishly Jeweled Ring Icon Lavishly Jeweled Ring
Admiral Ripsnarl
Halls of Origination HC
Ring 2* Band of Singing Grass Icon Band of Singing Grass (A)
Band of Lamentation Icon Band of Lamentation (H)
Wildhammer Clan (A)
Dragonmaw Clan (H)
Trinket 1 Stump of Time Icon Stump of Time (A)
Stump of Time Icon Stump of Time (H)
Baradin's Wardens (A)
Hellscream's Reach (H)
Trinket 2 Darkmoon Card: Volcano Icon Darkmoon Card: Volcano
Darkmoon Volcanic Deck
Weapon* Staff of Sorcerer-Thane Thaurissan Icon Staff of Sorcerer-Thane Thaurissan
Elementium Spellblade Icon Elementium Spellblade
Archaeology Icon Archaeology
Blacksmithing Icon Blacksmithing
Off-Hand Hermit's Lamp Icon Hermit's Lamp
950 Justice Points
Ranged Corla's Baton Icon Corla's Baton
Corla, Herald of Twilight
Blackrock Caverns HC

*We need to talk about some items in a little more detail:

  • Head — Lightweight Bio-Optic Killshades Icon Lightweight Bio-Optic Killshades is the recommended helmet if you have gone with Engineering Icon Engineering. It can fit in Quick Cogwheel Icon Quick Cogwheels and Rigid Cogwheel Icon Rigid Cogwheels.
  • Cloak — Ritssyn's Ruminous Drape Icon Ritssyn's Ruminous Drape is a better alternative from World Bosses. However, its drop rate is limited by world boss spawns, making this item very hard to get.
  • Chest — Dizze's Whirling Robe Icon Dizze's Whirling Robe is a better alternative from World Bosses. However, its drop rate is limited by world boss spawns, making this item very hard to get.
  • Gloves — Grips of the Failed Immortal Icon Grips of the Failed Immortal is a better alternative from World Bosses. However, its drop rate is limited by world boss spawns, making this item very hard to get.
  • Ring — Ring of the Boy Emperor Icon Ring of the Boy Emperor is obtained via Archaeology Icon Archaeology, but will take a very long time to get, since it has a very low drop chance. Signet of High Arcanist Savor Icon Signet of High Arcanist Savor is a random world drop and is a very solid option, but it is very rare and will be expensive throughout the expansion.
  • Weapon — The Staff of Sorcerer-Thane Thaurissan Icon Staff of Sorcerer-Thane Thaurissan from Archaeology Icon Archaeology is also very hard to get, because it also has a very low drop rate. If you can take the grind, definately get this weapon, it is by far the best pre raid BiS weapon you can get. Should you not get this Staff, all the other one-handed blue weapons from Heroic Dungeons are basically the same as Elementium Spellblade Icon Elementium Spellblade , take whatever weapon you get first.


  • 14 Feb. 2024: Reviewed for Phase 4.
  • 31 Oct. 2024: Upgrades! So many upgrades! Oh no! I've lost my wrench!
  • 28 Sep. 2024: Reviewed for Phase 3.
  • 17 Sep. 2024: Reviewed for Phase 3.
  • 11 Aug. 2024: Updated for Phase 2 again.
  • 29 Jul. 2024: Updated for Phase 2.
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