Argaloth Encounter Guide: Strategy, Abilities, Loot

Last updated on May 27, 2024 at 00:00 by Abide

Argaloth is the first boss encounter available for players to fight in Baradin Hold. This boss drops gear equivalent to 359 item level tier sets, as well as season 9 PvP gear.


Role-Specific Tips for Argaloth


DPS Tips

  • Use any personal defensive cooldowns if you are low health before soaking the Meteor Slash Icon Meteor Slash.
  • Quickly get back into position after the Fel Firestorm Icon Fel Firestorm.

Healer Tips

  • Consuming Darkness Icon Consuming Darkness must be dispelled right away.
  • Quickly get back into position after the Fel Firestorm Icon Fel Firestorm.
  • Be aware that the tanks will swap tanking after each Meteor Slash Icon Meteor Slash.

Tank Tips

  • Be ready to taunt for a tank swap after each Meteor Slash Icon Meteor Slash.
  • Quickly get back into position after the Fel Firestorm Icon Fel Firestorm.

Argaloth Abilities

  • Consuming Darkness Icon Consuming Darkness
  • Meteor Slash Icon Meteor Slash
  • Fel Firestorm Icon Fel Firestorm

Strategy for Argaloth

Argaloth Strategy The Argaloth fight is rather simple and mostly plays out as a DPS race. You will need to split your raid into 2 balanced groups, with each group having 1 tank and half of the healers and DPS. Each group will attack Argaloth from opposite sides, allowing you to stay in range of all of the healers.

The group will be split like this to handle the Meteor Slash Icon Meteor Slash, which deals damage to all targets in front of him. The Meteor Slash Icon Meteor Slash damage is split between all targets hit and puts a debuff on enemies hit that increases their Fire damage taken by 100%. This debuff is the reason you need to be split into 2 groups, allowing a tank to taunt after each cast of Meteor Slash Icon Meteor Slash and preventing players from dying from multiple slashes in a row.

At both 66% and 33%, Argaloth will channel Fel Firestorm Icon Fel Firestorm, spawning patches of fire in random places throughout the room. Everyone must run around the room, avoiding running into fire and other players until the Fel Firestorm Icon Fel Firestorm channel ends. Once the cast is over you must quickly get back into your original position to soak the Meteor Slash Icon Meteor Slash once more.

Healers, and anyone else capable of dispelling magic debuffs, must be ready to instantly dispel any Consuming Darkness Icon Consuming Darkness debuffs that go out. These debuffs deal Shadow damage every half-second, dealing increased damage with every tick. If these are not dispelled quickly, they will kill people easily, meaning the next Meteor Slash Icon Meteor Slash will divided its damage between less targets and likely kill even more players. Argaloth has a 5-minute enrage timer before he will Berserk Icon Berserk, wiping your raid.


Argaloth Loot

Argaloth has a very large loot table with over 130 items he can possibly drop. The most desired gear will be the item level 359 PvE set piece gloves and legs he can drop for all classes, such as Earthen Gauntlets Icon Earthen Gauntlets and Earthen Legplates Icon Earthen Legplates. Argaloth can also drop PvP set piece gloves and legs like Vicious Gladiator's Plate Gauntlets Icon Vicious Gladiator's Plate Gauntlets and Vicious Gladiator's Plate Legguards Icon Vicious Gladiator's Plate Legguards; as well as various PvP rings (Vicious Gladiator's Signet of Accuracy Icon Vicious Gladiator's Signet of Accuracy), boots (Vicious Gladiator's Warboots of Cruelty Icon Vicious Gladiator's Warboots of Cruelty), belts (Vicious Gladiator's Girdle of Cruelty Icon Vicious Gladiator's Girdle of Cruelty), trinkets (Vicious Gladiator's Emblem of Cruelty Icon Vicious Gladiator's Emblem of Cruelty) and more.


Argaloth Achievements

Achievement Description
Pit Lord Argaloth Icon Pit Lord Argaloth Defeat the Pit Lord Argaloth.

Further Reading

Argaloth is just one of the three encounters present in the Baradin Hold raid of Cataclysm. If you would like to learn more about the others, please see our other pages for the raid below.



  • 30 May 2024: Added page.
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