Cataclysm Classic Assassination Rogue Rotation and Cooldowns
On this page, you will learn how to optimize the rotation of your Assassination Rogue in both single-target and multi-target PvE situations in Cataclysm Classic. We also have advanced sections about cooldowns, procs, etc. in order to minmax your DPS.
Assassination Rogue Poisons
What Poisons you use as an Assassination Rogue is relatively set in stone, we will always be using
Instant Poison on our main-hand weapon and
Deadly Poison on our off-hand weapon
and Deadly Poison applied to your thrown weapon in a situation you find yourself casting
Fan of Knives.
Assassination Rogue Rotations
If you have not already, we recommend reading the Spells Summary page first. Knowing how each spell and ability works in detail will greatly increase your understanding of the topics discussed on this page.
Single-Target Rotation
Assassination Rogue focuses on applying Poisons to the target in order maximize damage dealt by our
Envenom ability and take full advantage of our
Potent Poisons mastery. Our primary goal
with this rotation is to maximize the amount of
Envenom casts while still maintaining our
on the target. Your rotation as Assassination acts much more as a list of priorities than a true rotation.
- Cast
Tricks of the Trade on cooldown;
- Start combat in stealth and cast
Garrote to fish for
Venomous Wounds procs. Use the Combo Points generated by your Garrote to apply your initial
Slice and Dice;
- Cast
Mutilate to build Combo Points, when the target is sub 35% switch to casting
Backstab to try for
Murderous Intent/
Glyph of Backstab procs;
- Apply
Slice and Dice once you have reached 5 Combo Points. Make sure you always have
Slice and Dice active;
- Apply and maintain
- Cast
Envenom if you have 4 or more Combo Points and
Rupture and
Slice and Dice are active.
Envenom casts will cause
Cut to the Chase to refresh your
Slice and Dice to its maximum duration so you will no longer need to focus on refreshing it, only
Rupture will require your attention.
Boss Opener
You will typically follow the Single-Target rotation highlighted above but it is important to understand how
to initiate combat with the boss as it is crucial to get your Deadly Poison stacks up as quickly as possible
while also putting your cooldowns on cooldown so you can take full advantage of
- Use your
Potion of the Tol'vir pre-pull;
- Open from stealth with
- Cast
Slice and Dice with the points generated from your
- Cast a
- Apply
Rupture to maintain
Venomous Wounds;
- Cast
- Cast
Mutilate until you reach 5 Combo Points;
- Cast
Cold Blood and spend your Combo Points on
- As soon as your
Overkill buff times out cast
Vanish and use
Garrote to begin combat and stick to our single-target rotation highlighted above.
AoE Rotation
Assassination Rogue is incredibly limited when it comes to AoE Damage, the only situation we will be able to contribute
meaningfully in AoE damage is when fighting 5 or more mobs in which case we will spam Fan of Knives, otherwise
stick to your single target rotation on whatever the highest priority kill target is.
Assassination Rogues has some incredibly powerful DPS cooldowns and utilizing them
properly will yield a massive increase in your DPS so it is important to understand how they each function and how they interact
with each other.
Vendetta — increases the damage you deal to the target by 20% for 30 seconds. This should be used on cooldown assuming you will be attacking the same target for 30 seconds continuously.
Cold Blood — increases the Critical Strike chance of your next non-periodic offensive ability by 100%. This should be used on cooldown, but always paired with a 5 Combo Point
Vanish — instantly returns you to
Stealth. This should be used on cooldown to maximize your
Overkill uptime and you should always utilize
Garrote when leaving stealth to take further advantage of your
Venomous Wounds talent.
More Cataclysm Rogue Guides
More Cataclysm Spec Guides from Other Classes
This guide has been written by Sellin, a former top 10 US raider and current season and several time Gladiator, long time WoW Player and passionate about all things Warcraft and Theorycrafting. You can follow him on Twitter and watch him on Twitch.
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