Cataclysm Classic Blood Death Knight Leveling
On this page, you will find our level-by-level Blood Death Knight leveling guide for WoW Cataclysm Classic.
Blood Death Knight Level by Level Rotation and Talents
Move the slider below to make the guide update to your level!
Leveling Talents
Unlike other classes, Death Knight starts at level
55, so they have a considerable amount of talent points unlocked as soon as you
create your character and progress through the Death Knight starting area. While
you gain your initial 26 talent points much faster than other classes, it is important to have an idea
of how you should spend them to avoid having to respec.
The majority of points taken up to level 59 will act as passive increases to
both your damage and survivability. Of the talents grabbed, the most important ones will be
Abomination's Might,
Improved Death Strike, and
Butchery, but there are also
some notable abilities gained.
Bone Shield is a great way to mitigate incoming
damage, but more importantly while leveling and paired with
Glyph of Bone Shield, it gives a considerable
movement speed increase. The single greatest weakness as a Death Knight leveling is mobility, so being
able to add to your movement speed in any way will considerably increase your leveling speed.
Vampiric Blood grants
15% maximum health for 10 seconds, but more importantly increases healing received by 25% for the duration as well making it
an incredible tool when pulling large groups of enemies to be able to self sustain and maximize your uptime.
Rune Tap
is a great way to heal yourself in combat or out of combat to minimize the time you would spend eating, so just adding another
button to keep you active is always beneficial.
Increasing the damage dealt by your Death Strike ability which acts
as your primary spender of Frost and Unholy Runes as Blood. This is a great way to both kill enemies quicker
and increase your uptime. Since enemies deal less damage to you, you'll be able to stay in combat longer.
Increasing the damage dealt by your Death Strike ability which acts
as your primary spender of Frost and Unholy Runes as Blood. This is a great way to both kill enemies quicker
and increase your uptime. Since enemies deal less damage to you, you'll be able to stay in combat longer.
Crimson Scourge increases the damage of your
Blood Boil ability by 40% which is one of the few spammable AoE damage
buttons we receive, and as a Blood Death Knight there is little reason to only be fighting one enemy at a time. In
addition to the flat damage increase, Crimson Scourge also gives a 10% chance on melee attacking a
Blood Plague
infected target to make your next Blood Boil free, freeing up a Blood Rune to cast another Blood Boil or
Heart Strike.
Increasing the damage dealt by your Death Strike ability which acts
as your primary spender of Frost and Unholy Runes as Blood. This is a great way to both kill enemies quicker
and increase your uptime. Since enemies deal less damage to you, you'll be able to stay in combat longer.
Crimson Scourge increases the damage of your
Blood Boil ability by 40% which is one of the few spammable AoE damage
buttons we receive, and as a Blood Death Knight there is little reason to only be fighting one enemy at a time. In
addition to the flat damage increase, Crimson Scourge also gives a 10% chance on melee attacking a
Blood Plague
infected target to make your next Blood Boil free, freeing up a Blood Rune to cast another Blood Boil or
Heart Strike.
Dancing Rune Weapon is a great cooldown to both deal extra damage and mitigate incoming damage, as it increases your
Parry rating by 20% while it is active.
Now that are finished with talents found in the Blood tree, we can begin to branch out into the Unholy
tree where we will spend all but one of our remaining Talent points. Unholy Command is an incredible tool which reduces
the cooldown of your
Death Grip ability by ten seconds, but more importantly refreshes the cooldown any time you kill
an enemy that yields Honor or Experience which we will constantly be doing while leveling.
Now that are finished with talents found in the Blood tree we can begin to branch out into the Unholy
tree where we will spend all but one of our remaining Talent points. Unholy Command is an incredible tool which reduces
the cooldown of your
Death Grip ability by ten seconds but more importantly refreshes the cooldown any time you kill
an enemy that yields Honor or Experience which we will constantly be doing while leveling.
Epidemic allows us to focus on casting
Death Strikes as opposed to re-applying our diseases.
Now that are finished with talents found in the Blood tree we can begin to branch out into the Unholy
tree where we will spend all but one of our remaining Talent points. Unholy Command is an incredible tool which reduces
the cooldown of your
Death Grip ability by ten seconds but more importantly refreshes the cooldown any time you kill
an enemy that yields Honor or Experience which we will constantly be doing while leveling.
Epidemic allows us to focus on casting
Death Strikes as opposed to re-applying our diseases.
Morbidity greatly increases the damage dealt by our
Death and Decay
ability. Death and Decay deals a considerable amount of our damage in AoE situations so increasing its damage just makes your limited
Runes more damage per Rune spent.
Leveling Glyphs
In your Prime Glyphs slots we recommend taking Glyph of Death Strike,
Glyph of Heart Strike,
Glyph of Death and Decay. These all act as passive increases to your primary damage dealing abilities,
the single largest limiting factor while leveling as a Death Knight is available Runes so getting the most out
of each Rune spent will greatly increase your leveling speed.
For your Major Glyph slots we recommend Glyph of Bone Shield,
Glyph of Dancing Rune Weapon
Glyph of Anti-Magic Shell. The Bone Shield glyph will increase your movement speed allowing you to
get from enemy to enemy quicker, Dancing Rune Weapon is really only beneficial in group/party content but the
extra threat allows you to focus your attention elsewhere. Anti-Magic Shell is much more to avoid any debuffs
being applied to you than actually stopping the incoming damage.
For your Minor Glyphs we recommend Glyph of Death Gate,
Glyph of Horn of Winter, and
Glyph of Resilient Grip.
Glyph of Death Gate greatly reduces the cast time of your
Death Gate ability which throughout the leveling process
you will find yourself back in Ebon Hold several times. Horn of Winter glyph just maximizes the uptime of the buff you will
already be maintaining and Resilient Grip just allows for more Death Grip casts in a situation where you may have otherwise
wasted the cooldown on an immune target.
Leveling Rotation
- Make sure you are in
Blood Presence.
- Apply and maintain diseases using
Icy Touch and
Plague Strike.
- Cast
Death Grip to close the gap between you and enemies as often as possible to maximize uptime.
- Use
Pestilence to spread your diseases in any situation you are fighting more than one target.
- Use
Raise Dead if you are fighting a monster that will survive more than a few seconds but do not hesitate to save your Raise Dead cooldown to pair with
Death Pact should you find yourself pulling large groups of mobs.
- Use
Heart Strike as your primary spender of Blood runes against up to two targets. When fighting more than three targets you should be using
Blood Boil as your primary spender of Blood Runes.
- Use
Death Strike as your primary spender of Frost and Unholy runes. Make sure to constantly keep your Runes on cooldown to maximize your ability usage.
- Use
Death Coil to spend your Runic Power when Runes are unavailable.
- Make sure you are auto-attacking at all times.
- Use
Mind Freeze to interrupt enemy spell casting as often as possible to mitigate incoming damage.
- Use
Strangulate as needed to interrupt enemy spell casting, as this is a blanket silencing effect it can be used preemptively to position enemy spell casters.
- cast
Death and Decay when fighting 3+ mobs and you are confident they will survive most of its duration.
- In situations where you are pulling multiple mobs
or expect to be taking high damage consider using
Icebound Fortitude to help lessen incoming damage. This can also be used to avoid or free yourself from Stuns.
- cast
Blood Tap to refresh your dormant Blood Runes to further maximize your
Death Strike casts as they are converted to Death Runes.
- cast
Horn of Winter on cooldown to maintain the Strength and Agility buffs which will increase your kill speed.
- cast
Rune Strike to spend your Runic Power when you have recently Dodged/Parried an attack and are able to, otherwise spend your Runic Power using
Death Coil if you do not have active Runes.
- cast
Anti-Magic Shell to avoid incoming Magic damage or prevent yourself from being effected by incoming Magic effects like slows.
- cast
Empower Rune Weapon any time the majority of your Runes are inactive. Empower Rune Weapon instantly refresh them and allows you to deal more damage. While leveling DPS increasing cooldowns should be used early and often.
Continue Improving at Level 85
Congratulations on hitting Level 85 in Cataclysm! Now that your
leveling process is over, you can learn more about Level 85 Blood
Death Knight gameplay by reading our fully detailed
guide below.
More Cataclysm Death Knight Guides
More Cataclysm Spec Guides from Other Classes
This guide has been written by Sellin, a former top 10 US raider and current season and several time Gladiator, long time WoW Player and passionate about all things Warcraft and Theorycrafting. You can follow him on Twitter and watch him on Twitch.
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