Raid Guides for Cataclysm Classic

Last updated on Feb 17, 2025 at 00:00 by Abide

Raids are the ultimate challenge in Cataclysm Classic, comprising sprawling instances filled with dangerous enemies and bosses. Completing these raids requires teamwork from large groups of players, but those who find success can claim the most prestigious loot of the expansion, including armor sets with unique set bonuses for each class.


Cataclysm Raids Overview

The raids of Cataclysm were originally released over the course of three tiers of content, otherwise known as tiers 11, 12, and 13. Phase Four is the final Phase of Cataclysm, bringing with it the new raid Dragon Soul, three new dungeons, and a whole arsenal of new gear to be obtained!


Phase Four Cataclysm Raids


Dragon Soul

The Dragon Soul raid takes place within the shattered remnants of the Wyrmrest Temple, where players face off against numerous, unique challenges in a desperate attempt to stop Deathwing himself, the corrupted Aspect of Earth, from destroying all of Azeroth. Players will first need to cut through the Old Gods minions, fight their way through an onslaught of twisted and corrupted Twilight Dragons, finally culminating in the dramatic final battle on Deathwing's back as he soars through the sky, threatening to annihilate everything in his wake./p>


Baradin Hold

While the Baradin Hold is not a Phase Four exclusive raid, Phase Four brings an additional boss for players to defeat here. This new boss will drop some Tier 13, 397 item level gear set pieces, as well as tons of Season 11 PvP gear set-gear and off-set pieces. For full information about this raid, including location, raid layout, boss strategies, and loot, be sure to check out our guide below:


Previous Cataclysm Raids



The Firelands is a small window into the fiery planes of the Elemental Realm. Featuring seven unique bosse encounters, this raid is a fan favorite with the many new, fun mechanics originally introduced here. Brave the fiery wastelands and fight your way through an onslaught of elementals to free the land from the grasp of Ragnaros himself!


Blackwing Descent

Blackwing Descent features six bosses located in this new instance wing on the Blackrock Mountain. Here you will fight Deathwings resurrected children, Nefarian and Onyxia, alongside a handful of other challenging bosses. For full information about this raid, including location, raid layout, boss strategies, and loot, be sure to check out our guide below:


The Bastion of Twilight

The Bastion of Twilight hosts four bosses, with one additional boss being available on heroic difficulty only. Here you will assault the stronghold of Cho'gall, the leader of the Twilight Hammer, and try to put an end to their plans. For full information about this raid, including location, raid layout, boss strategies, and loot, be sure to check out our guide below:


Throne of the Four Winds

Throne of the Four Winds is one of the four new raids added in phase one of Cataclysm, hosting two bosses in total. Here you'll face off against deadly Air Elemental foes in the Elemental Plane of Air. For full information about this raid, including location, raid layout, boss strategies, and loot, be sure to check out our guide below:



  • 15 Feb. 2025: Page updated for Phase 4.
  • 01 Oct. 2024: Page updated for Phase 3.
  • 30 Jul. 2024: Page reviewed for Phase 2.
  • 30 May 2024: Added page.
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