Cataclysm Classic Combat Rogue Guide

Last updated on Feb 14, 2025 at 12:00 by Sellin

Welcome to our Combat Rogue guide for Cataclysm Classic, tailored for PvE content. Here, you will learn how all you need to know to play Combat Rogue proficiently. Click the links below to navigate the guide or read this page for a short introduction.


Combat Rogue Guide for Cataclysm Classic

This page contains all relevant information needed for Combat Rogue before the release of Cataclysm Classic. Be sure to check back as we get closer to the release date, as this page will be updated with the latest information as it becomes available.


Is Combat Rogue Viable in Cataclysm Classic?

Yes! With the many changes made in Cataclysm to the raiding system and how buffs and debuffs are provided, Combat rogues fill a crucial part in every group. In a 10-man raid especially it can be difficult to find a source of Physical damage taken and Combat Rogue easily fills this debuff thanks to Savage Combat Icon Savage Combat as well as having Tricks of the Trade Icon Tricks of the Trade which is an incredible tool for not only increasing your parties damage but establishing threat early into encounters. Rogues are also known for their incredible control and any encounter where mobs are vulnerable to crowd controlling effects Rogues will shine.

Strengths icon Strengths
  • +Brings the Savage Combat Icon Savage Combat debuff to the raid, especially strong for 10-man.
  • +Very strong cleave and burst damage.
  • +Can soak and negate raid mechanics with Cloak of Shadows Icon Cloak of Shadows to make fights easier.
  • +Brings the Tricks of the Trade Icon Tricks of the Trade buff to the raid.
Weaknesses icon Weaknesses
  • -Dependent on raid buff/debuffs.
  • -Very gear dependent.
  • -Requires consistent up time for managing Bandit's Guile Icon Bandit's Guile.

Best Races for Combat Rogue

As a member of the Horde you really cannot go wrong with the race you choose. Orc and Troll will provide you the most DPS with Troll being slightly more powerful than Orc, but Goblin is also a great choice thanks to the added mobility with their Rocket Jump Icon Rocket Jump ability helping you close the gap. Undead is a strong choice; while lacking a true DPS increase racial, the crowd control removal from Will of the Forsaken Icon Will of the Forsaken can still be situationaly useful.

As Alliance the default choice will be Worgen thanks their Viciousness Icon Viciousness racial. Critical Strike is an incredible powerful stat for Rogue, and while Human is another great choice you are likely to find the Expertise you would have benefited from being a Human already existing on gear you will incorporate into your best in slot lists.


Best Professions for Combat Rogue

  1. Engineering Icon Engineering — Engineering remains king largely due to Synapse Springs Icon Synapse Springs which synergizes incredibly with any kind of damage increase like Deep Insight Icon Deep Insight. Grounded Plasma Shield Icon Grounded Plasma Shield adds another solid defensive cooldown to help you mitigate incoming damage especially against large bursts of Physical damage as Combat Readiness Icon Combat Readiness can at times be difficult to use. Nitro Boosts Icon Nitro Boosts also provides a ton of movement speed which acts almost as a second Sprint Icon Sprint should you need it.
  2. Blacksmithing Icon Blacksmithing — Lets you add an extra socket to both your Gloves and Bracers thanks to Socket Gloves Icon Socket Gloves and Socket Bracer Icon Socket Bracer. As a Rogue Agility is incredibly valuable compared to most secondary stats and these bonus sockets only become more valuable as the expansion progresses onward and Epic Gems are introduced.

Rogue Addons and Macros

Addons and Macros can greatly improve your quality of life during Cataclysm. Listed below are some of our recommendations on Addons and Macros to help get the most out of your time playing the game.



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