Conclave of Wind Encounter Guide: Strategy, Abilities, Loot
The Conclave of Wind has you facing off against a trio of elemental lords, wielding Water, Life and Wind. This encounter requires your raid to be split apart across three different platforms to engage a different boss and stop them from reeking havoc.
Role-Specific Tips for Conclave of Wind
DPS Tips
- Prioritize AoEing the adds on Anshals platform if you are a ranged DPS assigned to this job; they must die quickly.
- Save major DPS cooldowns for when you gather on Nezirs platform as there are no DPS players here normally.
- Be vocal about boss health as you might need to swap platforms to help lower the health of other bosses if they are too high.
Healer Tips
- Coordinate cooldowns for the Sleet Storm channels to reduce the incoming raid damage.
- You will need to often dispel the DoT debuff from the add tank on Anshals platform.
- Be ready to overheal the Nezir tank before and during each Permafrost cast.
Tank Tips
- Do not move off of Nezirs platform before the replacement tank arrives from Anshals platform or you might kill your healer or DPS.
- Be ready with personal defensive cooldowns when tanking Anshal after the Zephyr channel, as he will be dealing 225% increased damage.
- You will need to frequently move the bosses out of AoE on the group while keeping them faced away from the raid group at all times.
Conclave of Wind Abilities
Anshal starts the fight with zero energy. He gains 1 energy every second, and when he reaches 90 energy, he will cast Zephyr.
Nezir starts the fight with zero energy. He gains 1 energy every second, and when he reaches 90 energy, he will cast Sleet Storm.
Rohash starts the fight with zero energy. He gains 1 energy every second, and when he reaches 90 energy, he will cast Hurricane.
Strategy for Conclave of Wind
To start the fight off you will need to split the raid up between the three platforms. Each platform has one of the three bosses of the encounters on it and must be handled in different ways; you can travel between the platforms by walking, not jumping, into the air lifts on the edge to get boosts to the adjacent platform. Rohash on the East platform should have 2 healers and a handful of ranged DPS. Nezir on the North platform should have 1 tank and 2 healers. Anshal on the East platform should have 2 tanks, 2 healers, melee DPS and a few ranged DPS with strong AoE.
On the East platform you will deal with Rohash. He does not have an auto attack, but instead will attack random enemies with Slicing Gale. He will frequently summon Tornados around him, dealing very high damage and knocking back anyone they hit, be sure to avoid these. Lastly he will use Wind Blast, a frontal cone attack dealing damage to enemies hit and knocking them back. This boss is difficult to melee attack safely, which is why we send only ranged DPS here; avoid being near the boss and keep an eye out for any Tornados. At 90 Energy Rohash will cast Hurricane, knocking everyone on his platform into the air, dealing damage to them every second.
Nezirs platform to the North will need to be tanked. Keep him faced away from allies as he uses Permafrost, dealing very high Frost damage to all enemies in front of him over 3 seconds. He will also place Ice Patchs under the feet of random targets, be ready to quickly move out of these. The main threat on this platform however is the Wind Chill debuff that will stack up overtime, increasing your Frost damage taken by 10% per stack. To counter the stacks of Wind Chill, the tank and healer on this platform must periodically swap places with the off-tank and 1 healer from Anshals platform to reset these stacks. At 90 Energy Nezir will cast Sleet Storm, dealing massive damage to all enemies on his platform, but the damage is divided between all enemies hit.
Anshal spawns 5 Ravenous Creepers which apply Toxic Spores, a stacking poison DoT to any nearby enemies. These must be picked up by a tank and moved away from the rest of the raid, while the debuff gets dispelled frequently. Anshal will also periodically spawn a Soothing Breeze patch on the floor, healing himself and any adds in the area every second; be ready to quickly move him or the adds out of this circle. At 90 Energy Anshal will cast Zephyr, healing himself and any remaining adds; be sure to finish off any Ravenous Creepers that are alive before this cast goes off. After the channel ends he will also deal 225% more damage for 15 seconds.
The main mechanic of the fight is the Wind Energy that all three bosses share. All three bosses will will gain 1 Energy a second, meaning they will use their "ultimate" abilities every 90 seconds. Properly handling these abilities is the main part of the fight and will be the primary focus of the group. For Anshal casting Zephyr, you will simply need to be sure that you finish off all adds before the Zephyr channel begins, or they will be healed to full and have their damage dealt greatly increased. Rohashs Hurricane must simply be healed through, and people must be kept healthy enough to survive the fall damage afterwards. The main threat is Nezirs Sleet Storm, which requires the majority of the raid to move to his platform before this channel starts to evenly split the damage between as many players as possible.
When the bosses reach 80 Energy, have all the DPS leave Rohash and Anshals platforms and move to Nezir. Use all major defensive cooldowns here to to survive the Sleet Storm. After the 15 second channel ends you will want to return to your starting platforms, evenly damaging the 3 bosses as much as possible. Save your major DPS cooldowns for when the bosses are around 15%, as all 3 bosses much die within 60 seconds of each other or they will revive with full health, causing a wipe.
Conclave of Wind Loot
Below you will find all of the loot available for this boss encounter. Use the different buttons to view the different loot between both Normal and Heroic difficulties.
Normal Difficulty Loot
Item | Affix | Type/Slot |
Soul Breath Belt | ...of the Wavecrest +233 Intellect, +160 Mastery, +160 Spirit ...of the Feverflare +233 Intellect, +160 Haste, +160 Mastery ...of the Fireflash +233 Intellect, +160 Crit, +160 Haste ...of the Undertow +233 Intellect, +160 Haste, +160 Spirit |
Cloth Waist |
Gale Rouser Belt | ...of the Wavecrest +233 Intellect, +160 Mastery, +160 Spirit ...of the Feverflare +233 Intellect, +160 Haste, +160 Mastery ...of the Fireflash +233 Intellect, +160 Crit, +160 Haste ...of the Undertow +233 Intellect, +160 Haste, +160 Spirit |
Leather Waist |
Wind Stalker Belt | ...of the Zephyr +233 Agility, +160 Haste, +160 Mastery ...of the Windflurry +233 Agility, +160 Crit, +160 Haste ...of the Stormblast +233 Agility, +160 Hit, +160 Crit ...of the Windstorm +233 Agility, +160 Crit, +160 Mastery |
Leather Waist |
Lightning Well Belt | ...of the Wavecrest +233 Intellect, +160 Mastery, +160 Spirit ...of the Feverflare +233 Intellect, +160 Haste, +160 Mastery ...of the Fireflash +233 Intellect, +160 Crit, +160 Haste ...of the Undertow +233 Intellect, +160 Haste, +160 Spirit |
Mail Waist |
Star Chaser Belt | ...of the Zephyr +233 Agility, +160 Haste, +160 Mastery ...of the Windflurry +233 Agility, +160 Crit, +160 Haste ...of the Stormblast +233 Agility, +160 Hit, +160 Crit ...of the Windstorm +233 Agility, +160 Crit, +160 Mastery |
Mail Waist |
Sky Strider Belt | ...of the Earthfall +233 Strength, +160 Crit, +160 Haste ...of the Faultline +233 Strength, +160 Haste, +160 Mastery ...of the Landslide +233 Strength, +160 Hit, +160 Expertise ...of the Earthshaker +233 Strength, +160 Hit, +160 Crit |
Plate Waist |
Tempest Keeper Belt | ...of the Wavecrest +233 Intellect, +160 Mastery, +160 Spirit ...of the Feverflare +233 Intellect, +160 Haste, +160 Mastery ...of the Fireflash +233 Intellect, +160 Crit, +160 Haste ...of the Undertow +233 Intellect, +160 Haste, +160 Spirit |
Plate Waist |
Thunder Wall Belt | ...of the Bedrock +233 Strength, +160 Mastery, +160 Parry ...of the Rockslab +233 Strength, +160 Mastery, +160 Dodge ...of the Bouldercrag +233 Strength, +160 Dodge, +160 Parry |
Plate Waist |
Mistral Circle | ...of the Zephyr +190 Agility, +127 Haste, +127 Mastery ...of the Windflurry +190 Agility, +127 Crit, +127 Haste ...of the Stormblast +190 Agility, +127 Hit, +127 Crit ...of the Windstorm +190 Agility, +127 Crit, +127 Mastery |
Finger |
Permafrost Signet | ...of the Bedrock +190 Strength, +127 Mastery, +127 Parry ...of the Rockslab +190 Strength, +127 Mastery, +127 Dodge ...of the Bouldercrag +190 Strength, +127 Dodge, +127 Parry |
Finger |
Planetary Band | ...of the Wavecrest +190 Intellect, +127 Mastery, +127 Spirit ...of the Feverflare +190 Intellect, +127 Haste, +127 Mastery ...of the Fireflash +190 Intellect, +127 Crit, +127 Haste ...of the Undertow +190 Intellect, +127 Haste, +127 Spirit ...of the Wildfire +190 Intellect, +127 Hit, +127 Crit ...of the Flameblaze +190 Intellect, +127 Mastery, +127 Hit |
Finger |
Below you will find all of the loot available for this boss encounter. Use the different buttons to view the different loot between both Normal and Heroic difficulties.
Heroic Difficulty Loot
Item | Affix | Type/Slot |
Soul Breath Belt | ...of the Wavecrest +266 Intellect, +181 Mastery, +181 Spirit ...of the Feverflare +266 Intellect, +181 Haste, +181 Mastery ...of the Fireflash +266 Intellect, +181 Crit, +181 Haste ...of the Undertow +266 Intellect, +181 Haste, +181 Spirit |
Cloth Waist |
Gale Rouser Belt | ...of the Wavecrest +266 Intellect, +181 Mastery, +181 Spirit ...of the Feverflare +266 Intellect, +181 Haste, +181 Mastery ...of the Fireflash +266 Intellect, +181 Crit, +181 Haste ...of the Undertow +266 Intellect, +181 Haste, +181 Spirit |
Leather Waist |
Wind Stalker Belt | ...of the Zephyr +266 Agility, +181 Haste, +181 Mastery ...of the Windflurry +266 Agility, +181 Crit, +181 Haste ...of the Stormblast +266 Agility, +181 Hit, +181 Crit ...of the Windstorm +266 Agility, +181 Crit, +181 Mastery |
Leather Waist |
Lightning Well Belt | ...of the Wavecrest +266 Intellect, +181 Mastery, +181 Spirit ...of the Feverflare +266 Intellect, +181 Haste, +181 Mastery ...of the Fireflash +266 Intellect, +181 Crit, +181 Haste ...of the Undertow +266 Intellect, +181 Haste, +181 Spirit |
Mail Waist |
Star Chaser Belt | ...of the Zephyr +266 Agility, +181 Haste, +181 Mastery ...of the Windflurry +266 Agility, +181 Crit, +181 Haste ...of the Stormblast +266 Agility, +181 Hit, +181 Crit ...of the Windstorm +266 Agility, +181 Crit, +181 Mastery |
Mail Waist |
Sky Strider Belt | ...of the Earthfall +266 Strength, +181 Crit, +181 Haste ...of the Faultline +266 Strength, +181 Haste, +181 Mastery ...of the Landslide +266 Strength, +181 Hit, +181 Expertise ...of the Earthshaker +266 Strength, +181 Hit, +181 Crit |
Plate Waist |
Tempest Keeper Belt | ...of the Wavecrest +266 Intellect, +181 Mastery, +181 Spirit ...of the Feverflare +266 Intellect, +181 Haste, +181 Mastery ...of the Fireflash +266 Intellect, +181 Crit, +181 Haste ...of the Undertow +266 Intellect, +181 Haste, +181 Spirit |
Plate Waist |
Thunder Wall Belt | ...of the Bedrock +266 Strength, +181 Mastery, +181 Parry ...of the Rockslab +266 Strength, +181 Mastery, +181 Dodge ...of the Bouldercrag +266 Strength, +181 Dodge, +181 Parry |
Plate Waist |
Mistral Circle | ...of the Zephyr +215 Agility, +143 Haste, +143 Mastery ...of the Windflurry +215 Agility, +143 Crit, +143 Haste ...of the Stormblast +215 Agility, +143 Hit, +143 Crit ...of the Windstorm +215 Agility, +143 Crit, +143 Mastery |
Finger |
Permafrost Signet | ...of the Bedrock +215 Strength, +143 Mastery, +143 Parry ...of the Rockslab +215 Strength, +143 Mastery, +143 Dodge ...of the Bouldercrag +215 Strength, +143 Dodge, +143 Parry |
Finger |
Planetary Band | ...of the Wavecrest +215 Intellect, +143 Mastery, +143 Spirit ...of the Feverflare +215 Intellect, +143 Haste, +143 Mastery ...of the Fireflash +215 Intellect, +143 Crit, +143 Haste ...of the Undertow +215 Intellect, +143 Haste, +143 Spirit ...of the Wildfire +215 Intellect, +143 Hit, +143 Crit ...of the Flameblaze +215 Intellect, +143 Mastery, +143 Hit |
Finger |
Conclave of Wind Achievements
Achievement | Description |
Stay Chill | Defeat the Conclave of Wind in the Throne of the Four Winds while everyone in the raid has at least 7 stacks of Wind Chill. |
Heroic: Conclave of Wind | Defeat the Conclave of Wind in the Throne of the Four Winds on Heroic Difficulty. |
Further Reading
Conclave of Wind is just one of the two encounters present in the Throne of the Four Winds raid of Cataclysm. If you would like to learn more about the others, please see our other pages for the raid below.
- 30 Jul. 2024: Page reviewed for phase two.
- 26 May 2024: Added page.
This guide has been written by Abide, TBC veteran for nearly a decade. Abide is a Warrior tank and multi-class expert currently playing on Faerlina as Horde. You can find him in the the Icy Veins Discord. You can also see him live on Twitch.
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