Cataclysm Classic Demonology Warlock Leveling

Last updated on Sep 17, 2024 at 12:00 by Abide

On this page, you will find our level-by-level Demonology Warlock leveling guide for WoW Cataclysm Classic.


Demonology Warlock Level-by-Level Rotation, Talents, and Trainer Skills

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Level: 1

Leveling Talents

You don't start getting talent points until you're LV 10.

Dark Arts Icon Dark Arts will be the first talent you spec into. This will significantly boost your demons damage.

Dark Arts Icon Dark Arts will be the first talent you spec into. This will significantly boost your demons damage. Demonic Embrace Icon Demonic Embrace gives you 10% more Stamina, making you much tankier.

Dark Arts Icon Dark Arts will be the first talent you spec into. This will significantly boost your demons damage. Demonic Embrace Icon Demonic Embrace gives you 10% more Stamina, making you much tankier. Fel Synergy Icon Fel Synergy is great to passively heal your Demon. You only need one point in this talent since 50% is more than enough healing for your Demon.

Dark Arts Icon Dark Arts will be the first talent you spec into. This will significantly boost your demons damage. Demonic Embrace Icon Demonic Embrace gives you 10% more Stamina, making you much tankier. Fel Synergy Icon Fel Synergy is great to passively heal your Demon. You only need one point in this talent since 50% is more than enough healing for your Demon. Demonic Rebirth Icon Demonic Rebirth is helpful because this allows you to instantly summon another demon after your current one dies.

Dark Arts Icon Dark Arts will be the first talent you spec into. This will significantly boost your demons damage. Demonic Embrace Icon Demonic Embrace gives you 10% more Stamina, making you much tankier. Fel Synergy Icon Fel Synergy is great to passively heal your Demon. You only need one point in this talent since 50% is more than enough healing for your Demon. Demonic Rebirth Icon Demonic Rebirth is helpful because this allows you to instantly summon another demon after your current one dies. Mana Feed Icon Mana Feed is nice to ensure your Demon never runs out of mana.

Dark Arts Icon Dark Arts will be the first talent you spec into. This will significantly boost your demons damage. Demonic Embrace Icon Demonic Embrace gives you 10% more Stamina, making you much tankier. Fel Synergy Icon Fel Synergy is great to passively heal your Demon. You only need one point in this talent since 50% is more than enough healing for your Demon. Demonic Rebirth Icon Demonic Rebirth is helpful because this allows you to instantly summon another demon after your current one dies. Mana Feed Icon Mana Feed is nice to ensure your Demon never runs out of mana. Demonic Aegis Icon Demonic Aegis increases the amount of Health generated by your Demon and Fel Armor, keeping you healthier while leveling.

Dark Arts Icon Dark Arts will be the first talent you spec into. This will significantly boost your demons damage. Demonic Embrace Icon Demonic Embrace gives you 10% more Stamina, making you much tankier. Fel Synergy Icon Fel Synergy is great to passively heal your Demon. You only need one point in this talent since 50% is more than enough healing for your Demon. Demonic Rebirth Icon Demonic Rebirth is helpful because this allows you to instantly summon another demon after your current one dies. Mana Feed Icon Mana Feed is nice to ensure your Demon never runs out of mana. Demonic Aegis Icon Demonic Aegis increases the amount of Health generated by your Demon and Fel Armor, keeping you healthier while leveling. Master Summoner Icon Master Summoner reduces the cast time of your next summon demon, making it very fast to get another demon out if your current one dies.

Dark Arts Icon Dark Arts will be the first talent you spec into. This will significantly boost your demons damage. Demonic Embrace Icon Demonic Embrace gives you 10% more Stamina, making you much tankier. Fel Synergy Icon Fel Synergy is great to passively heal your Demon. You only need one point in this talent since 50% is more than enough healing for your Demon. Demonic Rebirth Icon Demonic Rebirth is helpful because this allows you to instantly summon another demon after your current one dies. Mana Feed Icon Mana Feed is nice to ensure your Demon never runs out of mana. Demonic Aegis Icon Demonic Aegis increases the amount of Health generated by your Demon and Fel Armor, keeping you healthier while leveling. Master Summoner Icon Master Summoner reduces the cast time of your next summon demon, making it very fast to get another demon out if your current one dies. Impending Doom Icon Impending Doom makes it so that when you cast Hand of Gul'dan Icon Hand of Gul'dan, Shadow Bolt Icon Shadow Bolt, Incinerate Icon Incinerate or Soul Fire Icon Soul Fire, it has a 15% chance to reduce the cooldown of Metamorphosis Icon Metamorphosis. This makes it so you will be able to Metamorphosis Icon Metamorphosis much more often.

Molten Core Icon Molten Core gives each Immolate Icon Immolate a 6% chance to give you Molten Core Icon Molten Core, which increases the damage of your next 3 Incinerate Icon Incinerates by 18% and the cast time is reduced by 30%.

Molten Core Icon Molten Core gives each Immolate Icon Immolate a 6% chance to give you Molten Core Icon Molten Core, which increases the damage of your next 3 Incinerate Icon Incinerates by 18% and the cast time is reduced by 30%. Hand of Gul'dan Icon Hand of Gul'dan is a powerful ability that does some damage, but most importantly places a purple circle on the ground and any target inside that circle takes an additional 10% increases critical strike chance from your pet.

Molten Core Icon Molten Core gives each Immolate Icon Immolate a 6% chance to give you Molten Core Icon Molten Core, which increases the damage of your next 3 Incinerate Icon Incinerates by 18% and the cast time is reduced by 30%. Hand of Gul'dan Icon Hand of Gul'dan is a powerful ability that does some damage, but most importantly places a purple circle on the ground and any target inside that circle takes an additional 10% increases critical strike chance from your pet. Aura of Foreboding Icon Aura of Foreboding makes it so when your Hand of Gul'dan Icon Hand of Gul'dan lands, it roots all enemies inside that circle for 3 seconds and then stuns them if they're still inside the area after 6 seconds.

Molten Core Icon Molten Core gives each Immolate Icon Immolate a 6% chance to give you Molten Core Icon Molten Core, which increases the damage of your next 3 Incinerate Icon Incinerates by 18% and the cast time is reduced by 30%. Hand of Gul'dan Icon Hand of Gul'dan is a powerful ability that does some damage, but most importantly places a purple circle on the ground and any target inside that circle takes an additional 10% increases critical strike chance from your pet. Aura of Foreboding Icon Aura of Foreboding makes it so when your Hand of Gul'dan Icon Hand of Gul'dan lands, it roots all enemies inside that circle for 3 seconds and then stuns them if they're still inside the area after 6 seconds. Ancient Grimoire Icon Ancient Grimoire increases the duration of your Infernal and Doomguard, which are two very powerful cooldowns.

Molten Core Icon Molten Core gives each Immolate Icon Immolate a 6% chance to give you Molten Core Icon Molten Core, which increases the damage of your next 3 Incinerate Icon Incinerates by 18% and the cast time is reduced by 30%. Hand of Gul'dan Icon Hand of Gul'dan is a powerful ability that does some damage, but most importantly places a purple circle on the ground and any target inside that circle takes an additional 10% increases critical strike chance from your pet. Aura of Foreboding Icon Aura of Foreboding makes it so when your Hand of Gul'dan Icon Hand of Gul'dan lands, it roots all enemies inside that circle for 3 seconds and then stuns them if they're still inside the area after 6 seconds. Ancient Grimoire Icon Ancient Grimoire increases the duration of your Infernal and Doomguard, which are two very powerful cooldowns. Inferno Icon Inferno allows you to channel Hellfire Icon Hellfire while moving as well as makes your Immolate Icon Immolate last 6 seconds longer.

Molten Core Icon Molten Core gives each Immolate Icon Immolate a 6% chance to give you Molten Core Icon Molten Core, which increases the damage of your next 3 Incinerate Icon Incinerates by 18% and the cast time is reduced by 30%. Hand of Gul'dan Icon Hand of Gul'dan is a powerful ability that does some damage, but most importantly places a purple circle on the ground and any target inside that circle takes an additional 10% increases critical strike chance from your pet. Aura of Foreboding Icon Aura of Foreboding makes it so when your Hand of Gul'dan Icon Hand of Gul'dan lands, it roots all enemies inside that circle for 3 seconds and then stuns them if they're still inside the area after 6 seconds. Ancient Grimoire Icon Ancient Grimoire increases the duration of your Infernal and Doomguard, which are two very powerful cooldowns. Inferno Icon Inferno allows you to channel Hellfire Icon Hellfire while moving as well as makes your Immolate Icon Immolate last 6 seconds longer. Decimation Icon Decimation makes it so whenever you Shadow Bolt Icon Shadow Bolt, Incinerate Icon Incinerate or Soul Fire Icon Soul Fire any target that is at or below 25%, the cast time of Soul Fire Icon Soul Fire is reduced by 40% for 10 seconds.

Molten Core Icon Molten Core gives each Immolate Icon Immolate a 6% chance to give you Molten Core Icon Molten Core, which increases the damage of your next 3 Incinerate Icon Incinerates by 18% and the cast time is reduced by 30%. Hand of Gul'dan Icon Hand of Gul'dan is a powerful ability that does some damage, but most importantly places a purple circle on the ground and any target inside that circle takes an additional 10% increases critical strike chance from your pet. Aura of Foreboding Icon Aura of Foreboding makes it so when your Hand of Gul'dan Icon Hand of Gul'dan lands, it roots all enemies inside that circle for 3 seconds and then stuns them if they're still inside the area after 6 seconds. Ancient Grimoire Icon Ancient Grimoire increases the duration of your Infernal and Doomguard, which are two very powerful cooldowns. Inferno Icon Inferno allows you to channel Hellfire Icon Hellfire while moving as well as makes your Immolate Icon Immolate last 6 seconds longer. Decimation Icon Decimation makes it so whenever you Shadow Bolt Icon Shadow Bolt, Incinerate Icon Incinerate or Soul Fire Icon Soul Fire any target that is at or below 25%, the cast time of Soul Fire Icon Soul Fire is reduced by 40% for 10 seconds. Cremation Icon Cremation boosts the damage of your Hellfire by 30% and your Hand of Gul'dan Icon Hand of Gul'dan will refresh the duration of your Immolate Icon Immolate on the target.

Molten Core Icon Molten Core gives each Immolate Icon Immolate a 6% chance to give you Molten Core Icon Molten Core, which increases the damage of your next 3 Incinerate Icon Incinerates by 18% and the cast time is reduced by 30%. Hand of Gul'dan Icon Hand of Gul'dan is a powerful ability that does some damage, but most importantly places a purple circle on the ground and any target inside that circle takes an additional 10% increases critical strike chance from your pet. Aura of Foreboding Icon Aura of Foreboding makes it so when your Hand of Gul'dan Icon Hand of Gul'dan lands, it roots all enemies inside that circle for 3 seconds and then stuns them if they're still inside the area after 6 seconds. Ancient Grimoire Icon Ancient Grimoire increases the duration of your Infernal and Doomguard, which are two very powerful cooldowns. Inferno Icon Inferno allows you to channel Hellfire Icon Hellfire while moving as well as makes your Immolate Icon Immolate last 6 seconds longer. Decimation Icon Decimation makes it so whenever you Shadow Bolt Icon Shadow Bolt, Incinerate Icon Incinerate or Soul Fire Icon Soul Fire any target that is at or below 25%, the cast time of Soul Fire Icon Soul Fire is reduced by 40% for 10 seconds. Cremation Icon Cremation boosts the damage of your Hellfire by 30% and your Hand of Gul'dan Icon Hand of Gul'dan will refresh the duration of your Immolate Icon Immolate on the target. Demonic Pact Icon Demonic Pact is a massive buff that will give you 10% more Spell Power.

Molten Core Icon Molten Core gives each Immolate Icon Immolate a 6% chance to give you Molten Core Icon Molten Core, which increases the damage of your next 3 Incinerate Icon Incinerates by 18% and the cast time is reduced by 30%. Hand of Gul'dan Icon Hand of Gul'dan is a powerful ability that does some damage, but most importantly places a purple circle on the ground and any target inside that circle takes an additional 10% increases critical strike chance from your pet. Aura of Foreboding Icon Aura of Foreboding makes it so when your Hand of Gul'dan Icon Hand of Gul'dan lands, it roots all enemies inside that circle for 3 seconds and then stuns them if they're still inside the area after 6 seconds. Ancient Grimoire Icon Ancient Grimoire increases the duration of your Infernal and Doomguard, which are two very powerful cooldowns. Inferno Icon Inferno allows you to channel Hellfire Icon Hellfire while moving as well as makes your Immolate Icon Immolate last 6 seconds longer. Decimation Icon Decimation makes it so whenever you Shadow Bolt Icon Shadow Bolt, Incinerate Icon Incinerate or Soul Fire Icon Soul Fire any target that is at or below 25%, the cast time of Soul Fire Icon Soul Fire is reduced by 40% for 10 seconds. Cremation Icon Cremation boosts the damage of your Hellfire by 30% and your Hand of Gul'dan Icon Hand of Gul'dan will refresh the duration of your Immolate Icon Immolate on the target. Demonic Pact Icon Demonic Pact is a massive buff that will give you 10% more Spell Power. Metamorphosis Icon Metamorphosis is the main ability for Demonology, turning you into a massive Demon. When in Demon form you deal 20% more damage, your armor is increased by 600% and you have 6% less chance to be critically hit by melee attacks, making this something you'll want to use as often as possible.

Now that you have all the talents that you need in the Demonology tree, you'll be putting the rest of your points into the Affliction tree. Improved Corruption Icon Improved Corruption will cause Corruption Icon Corruption to deal 12% more damage.

Now that you have all the talents that you need in the Demonology tree, you'll be putting the rest of your points into the Affliction tree. Improved Corruption Icon Improved Corruption will cause Corruption Icon Corruption to deal 12% more damage. Doom and Gloom Icon Doom and Gloom will make your Bane of Agony Icon Bane of Agony have an increased 8% crit.

Now that you have all the talents that you need in the Demonology tree, you'll be putting the rest of your points into the Affliction tree. Improved Corruption Icon Improved Corruption will cause Corruption Icon Corruption to deal 12% more damage. Doom and Gloom Icon Doom and Gloom will make your Bane of Agony Icon Bane of Agony have an increased 8% crit. Improved Life Tap Icon Improved Life Tap will give you some more mana whenever you Life Tap Icon Life Tap.

Now that you have all the talents that you need in the Demonology tree, you'll be putting the rest of your points into the Affliction tree. Improved Corruption Icon Improved Corruption will cause Corruption Icon Corruption to deal 12% more damage. Doom and Gloom Icon Doom and Gloom will make your Bane of Agony Icon Bane of Agony have an increased 8% crit. Improved Life Tap Icon Improved Life Tap will give you some more mana whenever you Life Tap Icon Life Tap. Jinx Icon Jinx will help you apply Curse of the Elements Icon Curse of the Elements to all targets around your current target.


Leveling Glyphs


Prime Glyphs

  1. Glyph of Corruption Icon Glyph of Corruption — This gives your Corruption Icon Corruption a 4% chance to cause you to enter a Shadow Trance. This will make your next Shadow Bolt Icon Shadow Bolt instant cast.
  2. Glyph of Immolate Icon Glyph of Immolate — This increases the DoT portion of your Immolate Icon Immolate by an additional 10%, making your hardest hitting DoT do even more damage.
  3. Glyph of Metamorphosis Icon Glyph of Metamorphosis — This increases the duration of your Metamorphosis Icon Metamorphosis by an additional 6 seconds, allowing you to stay in your Demon Meta form longer and to get an additional use of Immolation Aura Icon Immolation Aura

Major Glyphs

  1. Glyph of Life Tap Icon Glyph of Life Tap — This will reduce the global cooldown of your Life Tap Icon Life Tap by half a second and imporant since you will be Life Tap Icon Life Taping frequently.
  2. Glyph of Soul Link Icon Glyph of Soul Link — This increases how much damage is shared from you to your demon from Soul Link Icon Soul Link by 5%, making you take less damage.
  3. Glyph of Soulstone Icon Glyph of Soulstone — This allows you to resurrect with an additional 40% Health whenever you die and your Soulstone resurrects you.

Minor Glyphs

  1. Glyph of Drain Soul Icon Glyph of Drain Soul — Whenever you kill an enemy that yields experience or honor you gain 10% of your mana back.
  2. Glyph of Unending Breath Icon Glyph of Unending Breath — — This increases the swim speed of targets affected by your Unending Breath Icon Unending Breath by 20%. Helpful for any quests in the water.
  3. Glyph of Curse of Exhaustion Icon Glyph of Curse of Exhaustion — This increases the range of your Curse of Exhaustion Icon Curse of Exhaustion by 5 yards. Can be helpful if you ever want to slow down your enemy or in PvP situations.

Leveling Rotation

Demonology focuses on relying on the power of you Demon, while applying your DoT's like Corruption Icon Corruption, Immolate Icon Immolate and Bane of Agony Icon Bane of Agony, while utitilizing your Hand of Gul'dan Icon Hand of Gul'dan to buff your demon and filling with Incinerate Icon Incinerate or using your free Shadow Bolt Icon Shadow Bolt casts that you gain from your Glyph of Corruption Icon Glyph of Corruption. As for which Demon to use, its either Summon Felguard Icon Summon Felguard or Summon Felhunter Icon Summon Felhunter. Summon Felguard Icon Summon Felguard has some good cleave, as well as Felstorm Icon Felstorm, while Summon Felhunter Icon Summon Felhunter does significantly more single target damage. I like to use the Felguard to use Felstorm Icon Felstorm, then while that's on cooldown, I use Soulburn Icon Soulburn to have an instant cast summon and use the Felhunter for it's powerful single target damage.

  1. Have Demon Armor Icon Demon Armor on you all the time. This increases your armor and the amount of health generated from your spells. Once you hit level 62 you unlock Fel Armor, then use that instead as this supplies a ton of spell damage and causes you to heal for 3% of all single target damage done.
  2. Make sure your Demon is out. Refer to previously mentioned discussion about which demon to use. Make sure Shadow Bite Icon Shadow Bite if using the Felhunter and Legion Strike Icon Legion Strike and Felstorm Icon Felstorm if using the Felguardis on your bars and turned on as that is the bulk of the Demons damage. It can be helpful to have a Weakaura to track if your Demon is attacking.
  3. >Make sure to have a Create Healthstone Icon Create Healthstone made for emergency reasons if you need some health.
  4. If you want, you can make sure to have a Soulstone on you, so you're able to resurrect if you die.
  5. Make sure to use whatever cooldowns you have, like Trinkets and racials such as Blood Fury Icon Blood Fury.
  6. Cast Immolate Icon Immolate and keep it on all enemies that you're fighting.
  7. Cast Corruption Icon Corruption and keep it on all enemies that you're fighting.
  8. Cast Bane of Agony Icon Bane of Agony and keep it on all enemies that you're fighting.
  9. Cast Hand of Gul'dan Icon Hand of Gul'dan
  10. Cast Incinerate Icon Incinerate
  11. Once the target is below 25% Health, cast Soul Fire Icon Soul Fire
  12. Use Death Coil Icon Death Coil to get some healing back from it.
  13. Use Life Tap Icon Life Tap whenever you need mana.
  14. Pay attention to your Glyph of Corruption Icon Glyph of Corruption procs to use your instant cast Shadow Bolt Icon Shadow Bolts
  15. You can use Drain Soul Icon Drain Soul right when a target is about to die and if it dies while you're draining, you will recieve some mana back.
  16. Use Soulburn Icon Soulburn with Soul Fire Icon Soul Fire to gain an instant cast Soul Fire Icon Soul Fire

List of Trainer Skills to Skip While Leveling

Warlocks have a ton of spells and demon Grimoires to buy. It can become daunting to think about which ones are worth getting. To keep it simple, you want to buy all ranks of spells that you find yourself using out in the open world. You can skip a bunch of spells if you want to save gold and make it less confusing. Some spells that you can skip training until level 85 are listed below in order of which they become available on your trainer.

  • Curse of Weakness Icon Curse of Weakness
  • Curse of the Elements Icon Curse of the Elements
  • Eye of Kilrogg Icon Eye of Kilrogg
  • Subjugate Demon Icon Subjugate Demon
  • Soulshatter Icon Soulshatter

Warlock Addons and Macros

Addons and Macros can greatly improve your quality of life while playing. Listed below are some of our recommendations on Addons and Macros to help get the most out of your time playing the game.


Continue to Improve Your Demonology Warlock at Level 85

Once you achieve Level 85, we suggest checking out our Demonology Warlock Guide which goes more in detail of how to play Demonology at max level. Warlock.



  • 17 Sep. 2024: Reviewed for Phase 3.
  • 06 May 2024: Page added.
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