Discipline Priest Level-by-Level Rotation, Talents, and Trainer Skills
Discipline is not recommended for leveling as it falls behind
the other specializations. If you want to level as Discipline,
we suggest playing almost entirely in dungeons as a healer. If you are
interested in the fastest solo leveling experience, check out our
Shadow Priest Leveling Guide.
Move the slider below to make the guide update to your level!
Level: 1
Leveling Talents
Your first talent point unlocks at Level 10.
Prime Glyphs
Major Glyphs
Minor Glyphs
Select PrimeMajorMinor Glyph
Twin Disciplines gives 6%
increased damage and healing dealt.
Twin Disciplines gives 6%
increased damage and healing dealt. Improved Power Word: Shield increases
the absorb of your Power Word: Shield by 20%.
Twin Disciplines gives 6%
increased damage and healing dealt. Improved Power Word: Shield increases
the absorb of your Power Word: Shield by 20%. Evangelism
increases the damage done by Smite, Holy Fire, and
Penance by up to 20% and reduces their Mana cost by up to
Twin Disciplines gives 6%
increased damage and healing dealt. Improved Power Word: Shield increases
the absorb of your Power Word: Shield by 20%. Evangelism
increases the damage done by Smite, Holy Fire, and
Penance by up to 20% and reduces their Mana cost by up to
30%. When you have 5 stacks of
Evangelism, you can activate Archangel to regenerate
5% Mana and increase your healing done by 15%.
Twin Disciplines gives 6%
increased damage and healing dealt. Improved Power Word: Shield increases
the absorb of your Power Word: Shield by 20%. Evangelism
increases the damage done by Smite, Holy Fire, and
Penance by up to 20% and reduces their Mana cost by up to
30%. When you have 5 stacks of
Evangelism, you can activate Archangel to regenerate
5% Mana and increase your healing done by 15%. Atonement causes
Smite and Holy Fire heal a nearby ally for 100% of the
damage they deal, or heal yourself for 50% of the damage dealt.
Twin Disciplines gives 6%
increased damage and healing dealt. Improved Power Word: Shield increases
the absorb of your Power Word: Shield by 20%. Evangelism
increases the damage done by Smite, Holy Fire, and
Penance by up to 20% and reduces their Mana cost by up to
30%. When you have 5 stacks of
Evangelism, you can activate Archangel to regenerate
5% Mana and increase your healing done by 15%. Atonement causes
Smite and Holy Fire heal a nearby ally for 100% of the
damage they deal, or heal yourself for 50% of the damage dealt.
Power Infusion is a 2-minute cooldown, 20% casting spell and
Mana cost reduction cooldown that you should use whenever available.
Borrowed Time gives you a huge
increase to your spell casting speed for a short time after you cast
Power Word: Shield.
Borrowed Time gives you a huge
increase to your spell casting speed for a short time after you cast
Power Word: Shield. Rapture gives you 7% of your max
Mana back whenever a Power Word: Shield is completely absorbed.
Borrowed Time gives you a huge
increase to your spell casting speed for a short time after you cast
Power Word: Shield. Rapture gives you 7% of your max Mana
back whenever a Power Word: Shield is completely absorbed.
Pain Suppression is a 2-minute cooldown, giving you a defensive ability
to use whenever damage taken is high.
Borrowed Time gives you a huge
increase to your spell casting speed for a short time after you cast
Power Word: Shield. Rapture gives you 7% of your max Mana
back whenever a Power Word: Shield is completely absorbed.
Pain Suppression is a 2-minute cooldown, giving you a defensive ability
to use whenever damage taken is high. Reflective Shield causes your
Power Word: Shield to reflect 45% of the damage it absorbs back
onto attackers, giving you a bit more damage.
Borrowed Time gives you a huge
increase to your spell casting speed for a short time after you cast
Power Word: Shield. Rapture gives you 7% of your max Mana
back whenever a Power Word: Shield is completely absorbed.
Pain Suppression is a 2-minute cooldown, giving you a defensive ability
to use whenever damage taken is high. Reflective Shield causes your
Power Word: Shield to reflect 45% of the damage it absorbs back
onto attackers, giving you a bit more damage. Grace gives you a big
boost to your healing output, which is great when healing dungeons.
Borrowed Time gives you a huge
increase to your spell casting speed for a short time after you cast
Power Word: Shield. Rapture gives you 7% of your max Mana
back whenever a Power Word: Shield is completely absorbed.
Pain Suppression is a 2-minute cooldown, giving you a defensive ability
to use whenever damage taken is high. Reflective Shield causes your
Power Word: Shield to reflect 45% of the damage it absorbs back
onto attackers, giving you a bit more damage. Grace and
Divine Aegis give you a big boost to your healing output, which is
great when healing dungeons.
Borrowed Time gives you a huge
increase to your spell casting speed for a short time after you cast
Power Word: Shield. Rapture gives you 7% of your max Mana
back whenever a Power Word: Shield is completely absorbed.
Pain Suppression is a 2-minute cooldown, giving you a defensive ability
to use whenever damage taken is high. Reflective Shield causes your
Power Word: Shield to reflect 45% of the damage it absorbs back
onto attackers, giving you a bit more damage. Grace and
Divine Aegis give you a big boost to your healing output, which is
great when healing dungeons. Power Word: Barrier is a powerful cooldown
that spawns a barrier at the targeted location, reducing damage taken by players
inside and prevents spells from being pushed back by damage taken.
With the Discipline tree being
completed, you can now grab powerful talents from the Holy and
Shadow trees. Divine Fury gives you a huge boost to
both your damage and healing capabilities by reducing the cast time of spells
such as Smite, Holy Fire, and Greater Heal.
With the Discipline tree being
completed, you can now grab powerful talents from the Holy and
Shadow trees. Divine Fury gives you a huge boost to
both your damage and healing capabilities by reducing the cast time of spells
such as Smite, Holy Fire, and Greater Heal.
Darkness gives you a 3% total Haste increase, further boosting
both your healing and damage.
With the Discipline tree being
completed, you can now grab powerful talents from the Holy and
Shadow trees. Divine Fury gives you a huge boost to
both your damage and healing capabilities by reducing the cast time of spells
such as Smite, Holy Fire, and Greater Heal.
Darkness gives you a 3% total Haste increase, further boosting
both your healing and damage. Improved Shadow Word: Pain increases the
damage of Shadow Word: Pain by 6%, increasing your damage on
bosses and elites.
With the Discipline tree being
completed, you can now grab powerful talents from the Holy and
Shadow trees. Divine Fury gives you a huge boost to
both your damage and healing capabilities by reducing the cast time of spells
such as Smite, Holy Fire, and Greater Heal.
Darkness gives you a 3% total Haste increase, further boosting
both your healing and damage. Improved Shadow Word: Pain increases the
damage of Shadow Word: Pain by 6%, increasing your damage on
bosses and elites. Improved Devouring Plague causes your
Devouring Plague to instantly deal 30% of its total DoT
instantly on application, increasing its damage and allowing you to use it while
moving for burst damage.
Leveling Glyphs
Your leveling glyphs will slightly differ from your endgame glyphs. Glyphs
can be a huge boost to your leveling speed as some glyphs greatly improve the
baseline power of your key abilities. Be sure to check the price of these glyphs
on your server to vastly improve your leveling experience.
Prime Glyphs
Glyph of Penance — Penance is one of your main spells,
making this a great glyph.
Glyph of Power Word: Shield — Adding an additional heal to
Power Word: Shield makes your main healing spell even better.
Glyph of Shadow Word: Death — This is good when leveling solo so
you can spam Shadow Word: Death to execute low health targets.
Glyph of Prayer of Healing — Use this instead of
Glyph of Shadow Word: Death if you are mostly leveling through dungeons.
Major Glyphs
Glyph of Divine Accuracy — This is the most important glyph for
you while leveling, making your Smite and Holy Fire
guaranteed to never miss.
Glyph of Smite — Increases the damage of your Smite
by 20% on targets debuffed by Holy Fire. Since these are your 2
main damage spells, this glyph is mandatory.
Glyph of Spirit Tap — Restores 12% of your maximum Mana
whenever you deal a killing blow with Shadow Word: Death. This is great
for sustaining your Mana, but requires good timing in group play.
Glyph of Prayer of Mending — You may want to replace
Glyph of Spirit Tap with Glyph of Prayer of Mending if you are
mostly leveling in dungeons.
Minor Glyphs
Glyph of Fortitude — Saves a little bit of Mana each time you
rebuff Power Word: Fortitude.
Glyph of Levitate — Removes the resource requirement from
Levitate. This is useful when jumping from a tall location to avoid
taking fall damage.
Glyph of Shadowfiend — Restores 5% of your maximum Mana
if your Shadowfiend happens to die before its timer runs out.
Solo Leveling Rotation
When you are leveling solo, either questing or farming between dungeon pops,
this is the ideal rotation you will want to follow.
Power Word: Fortitude keep this buff up
before entering combat.
Inner Fire keep this buff up before
entering combat.
Shadow Word: Death only when the mob
is low health, as this is an execute spell. You want Shadow Word: Death
to deal the killing blow, as that will proc your Glyph of Spirit Tap,
giving you a high amount of Mana sustain between pulls.
Smite your target until it is dead.
Smite your target from max range.
Mind Blast your target from max range.
Shadow Word: Pain your target after you
enter combat. Run away from the target while doing this to keep your
Continue using Smite on your target
until it is dead.
Penance your target from max range,
and whenever off cooldown.
Shadow Word: Pain and run away from
the target to keep your distance.
Mind Blast on cooldown.
Continue using Smite on your target
until it is dead.
Continue using Smite on your target
until it is dead.
Archangel between pulls when you
have 5 stacks of Evangelism to restore Mana.
Holy Fire your target from max range,
and on cooldown if they are still healthy.
Power Word: Shield yourself while
running away from the target. This gives you Borrowed Time, letting you
get your rotation off much quicker.
Shadow Word: Pain and run away from
the target to keep your distance. Only do this on enemies with high health, like
Devouring Plague and run away from
the target to keep your distance. Only do this on enemies with high health, like
Penance on cooldown.
Smite any of your open globals.
Mind Blast if Holy Fire is
on cooldown and the damage over time debuff is not up on your target.
Shadowfiend use when running out of
Mana or for extra damage if fighting an elite.
Power Infusion use for extra damage
or if fighting an elite.
Pain Suppression when fighting
multiple enemies, or more dangerous ones such as elite mobs.
Inner Focus use when you are healing
yourself to save some Mana.
You have very few spells early on. At the start
of a pull you will want to be at max range. This helps you get off more damage
before the mob reaches you. Running away from the mob while casting instant-cast
spells like Shadow Word: Pain help keep that distance from the mob,
reducing your damage taken. Overall, this helps reduce how often you
need to drink as you will need to heal yourself less frequently.
Holy Fire will be the ideal spell to
use on pull as it has a long cast time, making it difficult to cast in combat.
Penance deals high damage and should be used on cooldown after this.
Lastly, you will want to use Smite as your main filler as it is buffed
greatly in this spec with Glyph of Smite and Evangelism. That
being said, Mind Blast is still worth using if your Holy Fire
debuff has fallen off but is still on cooldown, and Penance is not
ready yet either.
Holy Fire will be the ideal spell to
use on pull as it has a long cast time, making it difficult to cast in combat.
Penance deals high damage and should be used on cooldown after this.
Lastly, you will want to use Smite as your main filler as it is buffed
greatly in this spec with Glyph of Smite and Evangelism. That
being said, Mind Blast is still worth using if your Holy Fire
debuff has fallen off but is still on cooldown, and Penance is not
ready yet either. When the mob is about to die, try to get the killing blow with
Shadow Word: Death; if you time it properly, this will proc your
Glyph of Spirit Tap, giving you a high amount of Mana sustain between
Holy Fire will be the ideal spell to
use on pull as it has a long cast time, making it difficult to cast in combat.
Power Word: Shield yourself after casting Holy Fire while
running away from the mob if possible. This will give you the
Borrowed Time buff, allowing you to get the rest of your rotation off
quickly. Penance deals high damage and should be used on cooldown after
this. Lastly, you will want to use Smite as your main filler as it is
buffed greatly in this spec with Glyph of Smite and Evangelism.
That being said, Mind Blast is still worth using if your
Holy Fire debuff has fallen off but is still on cooldown, and
Penance is not ready yet either. When the mob is about to die, try to
get the killing blow with Shadow Word: Death; if you time it properly,
this will proc your Glyph of Spirit Tap, giving you a high amount of Mana
sustain between pulls.
Shadow Word: Pain shouldn't be needed
for normal mobs and should ideally only be used on high health mobs like elites.
Try to use it while running away from the target if possible, allowing you to
keep some distance on it. Heal up whenever needed between pulls.
Shadow Word: Pain and
Devouring Plague shouldn't be needed for normal mobs and should ideally
only be used on high health mobs like elites. Try to use these while running away
from the target if possible, allowing you to keep some distance on it. Heal up
whenever needed between pulls.
Always be mindful of your Evangelism
stacks. When you have 5 stacks you will want to activate Archangel
between pulls, restoring 5% of your maximum Mana.
Always be mindful of your Evangelism
stacks. When you have 5 stacks you will want to activate Archangel
between pulls, restoring 5% of your maximum Mana. Try to use
Power Infusion on cooldown for faster kill times, or save it for an
upcoming elite mob.
Always be mindful of your Evangelism
stacks. When you have 5 stacks you will want to activate Archangel
between pulls, restoring 5% of your maximum Mana. Try to use
Power Infusion on cooldown for faster kill times, or save it for an
upcoming elite mob. Use Inner Focus whenever you need to heal yourself
between pulls to save some extra Mana.
Always be mindful of your Evangelism
stacks. When you have 5 stacks you will want to activate Archangel
between pulls, restoring 5% of your maximum Mana. Try to use
Power Infusion on cooldown for faster kill times, or save it for an
upcoming elite mob. If you are taking a lot of damage from multiple mobs or an
elite, use Pain Suppression on yourself as needed. Use
Inner Focus whenever you need to heal yourself between pulls to save
some extra Mana.
Always be mindful of your Evangelism
stacks. When you have 5 stacks you will want to activate Archangel
between pulls, restoring 5% of your maximum Mana. Try to use
Power Infusion on cooldown for faster kill times, or save it for an
upcoming elite mob. If you are taking a lot of damage from multiple mobs or an
elite, use Pain Suppression on yourself as needed. Use
Inner Focus whenever you need to heal yourself between pulls to save
some extra Mana. Hymn of Hope is a nice bit of Mana restoration you can
use between pulls every 6 minutes.
Always be mindful of your Evangelism
stacks. When you have 5 stacks you will want to activate Archangel
between pulls, restoring 5% of your maximum Mana. Try to use
Power Infusion on cooldown for faster kill times, or save it for an
upcoming elite mob. If you are taking a lot of damage from multiple mobs or an
elite, use Pain Suppression on yourself as needed.
Shadowfiend can be used in combat to restore Mana, or for the extra
damage if figthing a strong enemy. Use Inner Focus whenever you need to
heal yourself between pulls to save some extra Mana. Hymn of Hope is a
nice bit of Mana restoration you can use between pulls every 6 minutes.
Healing Leveling Rotation
Discipline is not the fastest
solo leveling spec, and it is likely that you will want to run dungeons through
the dungeon finder tool while doing regular quests and grinding mobs when waiting
for the queue to pop. Below is the recommended healing rotation for grouped
content while leveling.
Archangel between pulls when you
have 5 stacks of Evangelism to restore Mana.
Penance this is your best heal, use
it on cooldown.
Power Word: Shield use this on the
tank on cooldown, as well as anyone else taking frequent damage.
Prayer of Mending use this on the
tank on cooldown.
Holy Fire use this on cooldown to
heal injured allies with Atonement.
Smite ideally you want to use this
on targets debuffed with Holy Fire, or whenever the tank is not taking
high damage. Will heal injured allies through Atonement.
Renew try to keep this up on the
tank when they are getting hit hard.
Binding Heal use this if you and a
target are both low health.
Flash Heal use whenever someone is
low health and needs a quick heal.
Heal use this to preserve Mana and
heal a moderate amount of damage after a long cast.
Greater Heal only if the target is
taking very high damage.
Prayer of Healing whenever the whole
group is taking high damage.
Holy Nova you can use this if your
whole group is taking damage and there are a lot of mobs nearby that you can
Divine Hymn use this if your normal
rotation is not enough to keep the group alive.
Abilities to Skip While Leveling
While leveling, you will not need to use all of your spells. Many can be
skipped to save gold and trained at a later date, when you have more gold
available to you. We recommend to not train these spells below, and save your
gold for gear, glyphs and mounts instead.
Shackle Undead
Mind Vision
Mind Control
Shadow Protection
Mind Soothe
Mana Burn
Mind Spike
Inner Will
Continue Improving at Level 85
Congratulations on hitting Level 85 in Cataclysm! Now that your
leveling process is over, you can learn more about Level-85 DisciplinePriests gameplay by reading our fully detailed
guide below.
This guide has been written by Abide, TBC veteran for nearly a decade.
Abide is a Warrior tank and multi-class expert currently playing on Faerlina
as Horde. You can find him in the the
Icy Veins Discord.
You can also see him live on Twitch.