Cataclysm Classic Discipline Priest Spell Summary
On this page, we present you with all spells and procs that you need to understand as a Discipline Priest in Cataclysm Classic.
Discipline Priest Spells, Cooldowns and Abilities
Discipline Priest has a
wide arsenal of spells available to them. Knowing your important spells and when
they are best suited to be used is a key part of performing well in any
environment. The sections below aim to show you your most important spells by
each category and give you a brief example of what each spell does.
Healing Spells
As a Discipline Priest,
you will be focusing on healing. These are all of your main healing spells that
all have a different purpose depending on the situation.
Penance — You gain this spell when choosing the
Discipline specialization. This can either heal an ally, or damage any enemy. Typically you will be using this as a heal as it is one of your most powerful healing spells.
Penance will tick 3 times during the channel, with each tick having its own chance to crit, proccing talents and additional healing or damage.
Power Word: Shield — This is the defining spell of the
Discipline specialization and will be your most commonly used ability. Buffs an ally with a shield which absorbs damage and prevents spell push-back while it lasts. Also places
Weakened Soul on the target, preventing them from being shielded again for a short duration.
Prayer of Mending — Whenever the person with this buff takes damage,
Prayer of Mending will heal them for a moderate amount and then bounce to another nearby ally. This spell is great when there is constant damage happening to multiple allies.
Greater Heal — A slow cast, single-target heal. The long cast time is made up by a very large heal, great for healing tanks and players missing high amounts of health.
Flash Heal — A quick, single-target heal useful for healing individual targets that are not missing much health. This should be used often as a way to fill in spots of your rotation.
Binding Heal — Heals you and a friendly ally for a small amount after a quick cast. Useful if you and an ally are both low health and require a quick heal.
Prayer of Healing — Heals the target and their nearby party members for a moderate amount. This is your main way of AoE healing, but has a high Mana cost and cast time, meaning you should only use this when your raid group is taking high amounts of damage.
Renew — Place a heal-over-time on an ally, healing them every few seconds while the buff is active. Great to keep up on tanks as they will constantly be taking damage and anyone else that is frequently taking damage.
Discipline Priest has long
been known as a healer that brings multiple, powerful cooldowns, and this
continues in Cataclysm as you have even more spells at your disposal. Knowing
when and how to use these cooldowns will greatly improve your effectiveness as
a healer and make you a great asset to any raid group.
Power Word: Barrier — 3-minute cooldown. This is your new spell introduced in Cataclysm and is an amazing defensive raid cooldown. Summons a barrier at the selected location; players inside the barrier take 25% reduced damage from all sources and receive 10% increased healing. While inside the barrier spell casts will not be pushed back by taking damage.
Pain Suppression — 3-minute cooldown. You will mostly use this on tanks right before a boss mechanic goes off, or on large trash pulls. Be sure to coordinate this cooldown with your tanks as to not overlap multiple defensive cooldowns at the same time.
Power Infusion — 2-minute cooldown. With such a short cooldown you will want to use this as much as possible depending on the situation you are in. Most of the time you will use this on a DPS to boost them up a bit, but it can also be used in times when more healing is desperately needed. If using this on a DPS player, be sure to coordinate with them to time it together with their offensive cooldowns for addition value.
Divine Hymn — 8-minute cooldown. This is a major AoE healing cooldown and should only be used when your normal AoE healing rotation is not enough to keep the raid alive. Targets the 5 lowest health raid members in range and heals them every 2 seconds over for 8 seconds total.
Hymn of Hope — 6-minute cooldown. This restores 2% Mana to 3 nearby allies with the lowest Mana overall and increases their maximum Mana by 15% temporarily. Ideally you will want to use this cooldown in conjunction with other Mana-restoring cooldowns, such as
Shadowfiend, as the temporary 15% increase to maximum Mana amplifies the effectiveness of abilities that restore a percentage of your Mana pool. Try to coordinate this with your other raid members.
Desperate Prayer — 2-minute cooldown. If you chose to take this talent, this is a personal emergency button. It instantly heals you for a very large amount, making this a great spell to use if you find yourself about to die.
Inner Focus — 45-second cooldown. You will want to use this with your highest Mana costing spells such as
Prayer of Healing or
Greater Heal, saving you a large amount of Mana over an entire fight. In addition to the 100% Mana reduction, it also increases the Crit Chance of the spell by 25%, which is great when you are using an AoE healing spell. With the
Train of Thought talent you will reduce the cooldown of
Inner Focus by 5 seconds every time you successfully cast
Greater Heal.
Shadowfiend — 5-minute cooldown. This one is a very simple Mana-restoration cooldown; use this whenever you are running low on Mana. If possible, you will want to pair this together with
Hymn of Hope for the temporary 15% increase to maximum Mana as
Shadowfiend restores 3% of your maximum Mana every time it attacks. With the talent
Veiled Shadows, the cooldown of
Shadowfiend is reduced by 1 minute.
Utility Spells
In addition to your main spells and cooldowns, you also have many utility spells that can be game-changing when used in the proper scenario. Make sure you understand each of the spells listed below to fully take advantage of your entire spellbook.
Leap of Faith — One of the new spells you gain in Cataclysm. Pull the target ally towards your location. A great cooldown to save a group member who is in a bad position or help someone catch up if they are falling behind.
Dispel Magic — Can remove 1 magical buff from an enemy or 2 magic debuffs from yourself or an ally. Use this whenever someone in your group is afflicted with a dangerous magical debuff, or an enemy has a beneficial buff that will hamper your group.
Mass Dispel — An AoE version of
Dispel Magic that removes 1 magical debuff from up to 10 friendly targets, and 1 magical buff from up to 10 enemy targets. Can also remove stronger magical buffs that cannot be dispelled in other ways, such as
Ice Block and
Divine Shield.
Cure Disease — Removes 1 Disease from an ally.
Fear Ward — Makes a friendly target immune to the first fear used against them. Use this whenever you are facing enemies that will use a fear, ideally on the tank or yourself.
Levitate — Allows your target to float above the ground, walk above water, and greatly reduce their falling speed.
Glyph of Levitate removes the reagent cost of
Levitate, making it only cost Mana.
Shackle Undead — Shackles an Undead enemy in place, preventing them from moving, attacking, and casting; this crowd control will break if the target takes any damage. Use this if you ever need to crowd control an Undead enemy.
Fade — Temporarily reduces your threat to 0. This is mostly useful when new adds have spawned as they might not have been picked up yet by the tank. Remember that this is temporary and you will regain the threat back after the effect ends.
Mind Soothe — Reduces the aggro range of a Humanoid or Dragonkin mob, allowing you to more easily avoid aggroing them. This is mostly used for skipping certain trash groups in PvE content and preventing patrolling mobs from randomly walking into you and aggroing.
Buffs are an important part of any party or raid group as they greatly increase your abilities to tank, heal, and deal damage as a whole. Make sure you keep your buffs up at all times to ensure the highest chance of success in whatever content you are in.
Inner Fire — Personal buff only, increasing your Armor and Spell Power as long as this buff remains active. In Cataclysm this spell no longer has charges and can not be dispelled. Can be improved by picking the
Inner Sanctum talent, adding 6% reduced spell damage taken.
Inner Will — One of the new spells you gain in Cataclysm, a personal buff only. Increasing your movement speed by 10% and reduces the Mana costs of instant cast spells by 15%. Can be improved by picking the
Inner Sanctum talent, adding 6% additional movement speed.
Power Word: Fortitude — Buffs all nearby party and raid members, increasing their Stamina for one hour. The Mana cost of this spell can be reduced by 50% if using
Glyph of Fortitude, which is useful if rebuffing a raid member in combat after they have been ressed.
Shadow Protection — Buffs all nearby party and raid members, increasing their Shadow Resistance for one hour. This buff can have its duration increased by 10 minutes if using
Glyph of Shadow Protection.
Other Spells
In addition to all the previously mentioned spells, Priests have a
few more spells with very niche uses that are worth mentioning to help you fully
understand your entire spellbook.
Mana Burn — Burns a portion of the target's Mana based on your maximum Mana. Mostly only useful in PvP, but may have some uses in specific PvE situations.
Mind Control — Take control of the mind of your target, controlling their movement and actions; only works on human targets. Doesn't have many uses in PvE content but can be useful when soloing content like quests or in dungeons.
Psychic Scream — Fears up to 5 nearby enemies for 8 seconds. Mostly just a panic button if you are being attacked in melee range. Typically you will not want to use this in dungeons and raids expect as a last resort as it will send mobs in all different directions, possibly pulling additional trash.
Holy Nova — Deals damage to all nearby enemies and heals nearby party members without causing any threat. Has some uses in dungeons as you can both DPS and heal at the same time with this spell, but overall is not a very strong spell.
Resurrection — Simple res spell; brings an ally back to life outside of combat. Cataclysm also brings the new spell Mass Resurrection, which can be used to res your whole group at once instead of 1 player at a time.
Mind Vision — Allows you to see through the point of view of your target. Mostly just a fun ability to let you scout and see things from a different perspective.
- 17 Sep. 2024: Reviewed for Phase 3.
- 30 Jul. 2024: Page reviewed for phase two.
- 08 May 2024: Added page.
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This guide has been written by Abide, TBC veteran for nearly a decade. Abide is a Warrior tank and multi-class expert currently playing on Faerlina as Horde. You can find him in the the Icy Veins Discord. You can also see him live on Twitch.
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