End Time Dungeon Guide

Last updated on Feb 18, 2025 at 00:00 by Abide

End Time is the first of three dungeons added in during Phase Four of Cataclysm as an introduction to the new raid, Dragon Soul. Here players will go on a journey to uncover the needed information to challenge Deathwing himself.



End Time is the first of the three new dungeons that introduces Dragon Souls story-line, involving Thrall contacting the Dragon Aspects for aid in uncovering Deathwing's nefarious plans. In this dungeon, you will fight against the echos of the past as time itself fights against you.

End Time is located in the Caverns of Time zone, inside Tanaris. All three of the new dungeons can be found in this zone, allowing the player to complete the entire quest chain quickly between all three dungeons.


First Two Bosses

The first two bosses inside of End Time are chosen (from a list of four bosses in total) each time you do this dungeon, making it possible to see various different boss combinations daily. These bosses share most of the same loot drops, while having a few of their own. They also have their own, special areas that they will need to be engaged in, for their unique encounter mechanics:

  • Echo of Jaina — Azure Dragonshrine;
  • Echo of Tyrande — Emerald Dragonshrine;
  • Echo of Baine — Obsidian Dragonshrine;
  • Echo of Sylvanas — Ruby Dragonshrine.

Shared Loot

All four bosses have a chance to drop these items, in addition to their own, personal loot drops.

Time Traveler's Leggings Icon Time Traveler's Leggings
Gloves of the Hollow Icon Gloves of the Hollow
Cord of Lost Hope Icon Cord of Lost Hope
Dead End Boots Icon Dead End Boots
Echoing Headguard Icon Echoing Headguard
Breastplate of Sorrow Icon Breastplate of Sorrow
Gauntlets of Temporal Interference Icon Gauntlets of Temporal Interference
Girdle of Lost Heroes Icon Girdle of Lost Heroes
Waistguard of Lost Time Icon Waistguard of Lost Time
Dragonshrine Scepter Icon Dragonshrine Scepter

Echo of Jaina

Jaina Fragment Before you are able to engage Echo of Jaina, you must first collect the 16 "Jaina Fragments" around the area. Be sure to clear any nearby trash, especially those that patrol around, as the Echo of Jaina fight involves plenty of movement where she spawns. On these trash packs, kill the Priests first, followed by the Sorceress.

Echo of Jaina
  • Blink Icon Blink
  • Flarecore Icon Flarecore
  • Pyroblast Icon Pyroblast
  • Frost Blades Icon Frost Blades
  • Frostbolt Volley Icon Frostbolt Volley

Flarecore Echo of Jaina does not auto-attack, but instead attacks her target with Pyroblast Icon Pyroblast and frequently will Blink Icon Blink away from her enemies all around the room. She will periodically use Frostbolt Volley Icon Frostbolt Volley, which should be interrupted, and Flarecore Icon Flarecore, which creates a "mine" on the ground (as shown on left).

This mine detonates when stepped on, dealing more damage the longer it takes to detonate, and after 10 seconds it will automatically detonate itself. Players will need to be on the lookout for these when they appear nearby and detonate them early by walking on top of them.

Frost Blades Echo of Jaina's last ability to mention is Frost Blades Icon Frost Blades, which shoots out three expanding blades of Frost out in front of her, stunning anyone hit for 5 second. Be on the lookout for this spell and avoid the blades by standing in-between them.


Echo of Jaina Loot

Ward of Incantations Icon Ward of Incantations
Jaina's Staff Icon Jaina's Staff

Echo of Baine

Echo of Baine
  • Pulverize Icon Pulverize
  • Molten Axe Icon Molten Axe
  • Throw Totem Icon Throw Totem

Echo of Baine is a straight forward encounter; head down towards the lava pit and you will find a pool of lava with four platforms to stand on. Head towards these platforms and avoid the one that Echo of Baine is on, while having your Ranged DPS and healers spread out on the other platforms. Stepping inside the lava will buff players with Molten Fists Icon Molten Fists, adding Fire damage to their attacks; Echo of Baine will also get his own version of this, Molten Axe Icon Molten Axe, whenever he touches the lava. He will also use Throw Totem Icon Throw Totem against a player at range; this totem can be then picked up at the landing location and used against Echo of Baine to increase his damage taken by 50%.

The main mechanic of the fight is Pulverize Icon Pulverize, which Echo of Baine will use every 50 seconds, which targets and destroys one of the four platforms available to players in the lava. This limits the amount of time you have to kill Echo of Baine, but with Melee DPS properly using Molten Fists Icon Molten Fists and Ranged DPS using the Throw Totem Icon Throw Totem to increase his damage taken, this should not be an issue.


Echo of Baine Loot

Bloodhoof Legguards Icon Bloodhoof Legguards
Axe of the Tauren Chieftains Icon Axe of the Tauren Chieftains

Echo of Sylvanas

Echo of Sylvanas
  • Calling of the Highborne Icon Calling of the Highborne
  • Shriek of the Highborne Icon Shriek of the Highborne
  • Black Arrow Icon Black Arrow
  • Unholy Shot Icon Unholy Shot
  • Blighted Arrows Icon Blighted Arrows

Start the fight by spreading out to avoid the AoE damage from Black Arrow Icon Black Arrow and Unholy Shot Icon Unholy Shot; players will also need to avoid, and quickly move out of, any void-zones that are created throughout the encounter.

The main mechanic of the fight is Calling of the Highborne Icon Calling of the Highborne, where Echo of Sylvanas will stun the entire party and pull them towards herself. At the same time, she will summon in an army of ghouls to form a circle in the area around her. These ghouls will form a line of magic between themselves, entirely encircling the party that is now near Echo of Sylvanas. Touching or crossing this line will cause you take Shadow damage, quickly killing you. One the party has been pulled towards Echo of Sylvanas, the surrounding ghouls will slowly begin to move towards you, shrinking the safe-zone as they move forward.

Pull Encirclement Opening

To prevent the ghouls from walking all the way on-top of the party and wiping you, you will need to have all of your DPS focus down the same ghoul. If you are able to kill a ghoul, their party in the circle will be broken, allowing players to run through it to the safe area behind the other ghouls until Echo of Sylvanas ends the cast and rejoins the fight.


Echo of Sylvanas Loot

Cloak of the Banshee Queen Icon Cloak of the Banshee Queen
Windrunner's Bow Icon Windrunner's Bow

Echo of Tyrande

Echo of Tyrande
  • Lunar Guidance Icon Lunar Guidance
  • Tears of Elune Icon Tears of Elune
  • Moonbolt Icon Moonbolt
  • Dark Moonlight Icon Dark Moonlight
  • Stardust Icon Stardust
  • Moonlance Icon Moonlance
  • Piercing Gaze of Elune Icon Piercing Gaze of Elune

The trash in Echo of Tyrande's room must be cleared in order to get her to spawn. The trash in this area will also take 90% reduced damage when they aren't exposed to direct light; luckily there are nearby "beams of light" that the trash should be dragged into to make them receive maximum damage.

Tyrande Lightbeam Echo of Tyrande will create a beam of light at the start of combat, decreasing the casting speed of players inside the beam by -50%, while players outside of the beam are unaffected; Healers and Caster DPS will need to stay outside of the beam.

The main abilities Echo of Tyrande will use are Moonbolt Icon Moonbolt on her main-target, and Stardust Icon Stardust. Stardust Icon Stardust deals AoE damage and is interrupt-able, and kicking this cast as often as possible is the main goal of this encounter. Allowing this cast to go off repeatedly will quickly lead to a wipe in combination with her other abilities.

Tyrande Fight Piercing Gaze of Elune Icon Piercing Gaze of Elune will create a ball of white light that moves around in random directions outside of the beam of lights visible area; Casters should be aware of these and avoid them if they come near as they silence nearby targets. Echo of Tyrande will also use Moonlance Icon Moonlance, throwing a spear of light in a random direction; when this spear of light reaches the edge of the beam of light, it will fracture into three smaller spears of light and continue traveling in a slightly altered trajectory. Echo of Tyrande will buff herself as the fight continues on, gaining the following:

  • 80% — Lunar Guidance Icon Lunar Guidance;
  • 55% — Lunar Guidance Icon Lunar Guidance (2nd stack);
  • 30% — Tears of Elune Icon Tears of Elune.

Lunar Guidance Icon Lunar Guidance buffs will stack, reducing Echo of Tyrande's cast time by 50%. This will make it more difficulty to interrupt Stardust Icon Stardust, but this should still remain the parties top priority. Tears of Elune Icon Tears of Elune at 30% will cause stars to drop down at the feet of players; avoid these if possible, but the priority should be ending killing Echo of Tyrande as quickly as possible to end the fight.


Echo of Tyrande Loot

Whisperwind Robes Icon Whisperwind Robes
Crescent Moon Icon Crescent Moon


  • Temporal Blast Icon Temporal Blast
  • Distortion Bomb Icon Distortion Bomb
  • Infinite Breath Icon Infinite Breath

Hourglass Murozond is a unique encounter, in which players will need to control time itself in order to defeat him. In the nearby area is an hourglass that players will need to use during the battle with Murozond. The hourglass itself can only be used 5 times, as shown by the encounters unique interface mechanic. Using the hourglass will reset all players cooldowns, reset the area (removing any mechanics), revive any dead party members, and fully restores health and mana.

Distortion Bomb Murozond himself has a very large health pool and uses three main abilities. Infinite Breath Icon Infinite Breath is a simple frontal-cone breath attack, the tank should keep Murozond faced away from the party at all times. Temporal Blast Icon Temporal Blast damages all players every 15 seconds and applies a stacking debuff, increasing the damage taken by subsequent casts of Temporal Blast Icon Temporal Blast. Lastly, Distortion Bomb Icon Distortion Bomb will throw a large explosion at a Ranged player and leave a "damaging time-zone" in the area; these must be avoided and will quickly take over the room.

Hourglass Mechanic Using the hourglass will remove any stacks of Temporal Blast Icon Temporal Blast, as well as the Distortion Bomb Icon Distortion Bombs left on the ground. With lower DPS groups, you will need to use the Hourglass whenever the parties damage taken becomes overwhelming. With a higher DPS group, you can choose to use the Hourglass earlier on to reset your cooldowns and deal more damage. Either way, remember that you only have 5 uses in total to reset the bosses room, so use them sparingly as is appropriate.


Murozond Loot

Mantle of Time Icon Mantle of Time
Robes of Fate Icon Robes of Fate
Time Twisted Tunic Icon Time Twisted Tunic
Timeway Headgear Icon Timeway Headgear
Distortion Greaves Icon Distortion Greaves
Breastplate of Tarnished Bronze Icon Breastplate of Tarnished Bronze
Chrono Boots Icon Chrono Boots
Crown of Epochs Icon Crown of Epochs
Temporal Pauldrons Icon Temporal Pauldrons
Time Altered Legguards Icon Time Altered Legguards
Arrow of Time Icon Arrow of Time
Jagged Edge of Time Icon Jagged Edge of Time


These quests take place inside this dungeon and are apart of the quest chain that expands across all three of the new Dragon Soul dungeons:

  1. Murozond
    • Archival Purposes
  2. The Well of Eternity

Upon accepting The Well of Eternity, you will be able to continue the quest chain in the next dungeon, Well of Eternity.



Achievement Description
Moon Guard Icon Moon Guard Engage the Echo of Tyrande in End Time on Heroic Difficulty after surviving her Shadow Gauntlet without allowing the party's healer to take any damage.
Severed Ties Icon Severed Ties Defeat two Risen Ghouls during Echo of Sylvanas' Calling of the Highborne phase, then defeat the Echo of Sylvanas in End Time on Heroic Difficulty.


  • 17 Feb. 2025: Page added.
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