Fire Mage PvP Guide for Cataclysm Classic

Last updated on Jun 10, 2024 at 00:00 by Wrdlbrmpft

Welcome to our Cataclysm FireFire Mage PvP guide! The following pages will lead you through the basics of Fire Mage PvP.


Fire Mage PvP Overview

FireFire Mage does consistent damage and has a small but powerful toolkit of survivability spells and talents. Sheeping in PVP is now harder, as the cast time has been increased, so you need to be careful when sheeping enemies, not to trigger any spell locks during the long cast time.


Strengths and Weaknesses

V Strengths
  • +Deals huge amounts of damage over a short time.
  • +Has both decent damage over time effects and direct damage.
  • +Can cause havoc in AoE with Combustion Icon Combustion and DoTs.
  • +Survives a killing blow every minute with Cauterize Icon Cauterize.
  • +Decent crowd-control and survivability tools.
  • +Snares are less of a problem with Blink Icon Blink and Blazing Speed Icon Blazing Speed.
  • +Can cast while moving (Firestarter Icon Firestarter).
X Weaknesses
  • -Lower survivability than FrostFrost Mages.
  • -Has less powerful crowd-control than Frost Mages.
  • -Does not have huge burst on demand, more luck related (Hot Streak Icon Hot Streak).
  • -Vulnerable to interrupts, as most of your damage is in the Fire spell school.

Talent Build and Glyphs


Prime Glyphs

  • Glyph of Living Bomb Icon Glyph of Living Bomb — A straight 3% damage increase to your main DoT Living Bomb Icon Living Bomb.
  • Glyph of Mage Armor Icon Glyph of Mage Armor — Enhances the mana regeneration of your Mage Armor Icon Mage Armor.
  • Glyph of Pyroblast Icon Glyph of Pyroblast — A 5% increased critical strike chance for your Pyroblast! Icon Pyroblast!.

Major Glyphs

  • Glyph of Frost Armor Icon Glyph of Frost Armor — Allows your Frost Armor Icon Frost Armor to regenerate 2% of your maximum mana every 5 seconds. If you use Glyph of Mage Armor Icon Glyph of Mage Armor as a Prime Glyph, you may also use Glyph of Dragon's Breath Icon Glyph of Dragon's Breath here, but that is completely optional.
  • Glyph of Blast Wave Icon Glyph of Blast Wave — The slow effect of Blast Wave Icon Blast Wave lasts one second longer.
  • Glyph of Polymorph Icon Glyph of PolymorphPolymorph Icon Polymorph now removes all damage over time effects from the target, so the sheep does not break instantly.

Minor Glyphs

  • Glyph of Slow Fall Icon Glyph of Slow Fall — Removes the reagent cost from Slow Fall Icon Slow Fall.
  • Glyph of Conjuring Icon Glyph of Conjuring — Reduces the Mana cost of conjuring by 50%.
  • Glyph of Arcane Brilliance Icon Glyph of Arcane Brilliance — Reduces the Mana cost of Arcane Brilliance Icon Arcane Brilliance by 50%.

Rotation and Playstyle

If you have not already, we recommend taking a look at the Spells Summary page first. The better you know your abilities, the better and more versatile you are at playing your Mage. There is no real rotation, as what you do always depends on what your enemies do. The following spells are considered most important for FireFire Mages:

  • Fireball Icon Fireball — Cast when not at risk of being interrupted.
  • Scorch Icon Scorch — Filler spell that can be cast while moving (Firestarter Icon Firestarter talent) and to fish for Hot Streak Icon Hot Streak procs. Also applies the 5% crit debuff from the Critical Mass Icon Critical Mass talent.
  • Living Bomb Icon Living Bomb — Apply and maintain on all (up to 3) targets that will not be crowd-controlled.
  • Pyroblast! Icon Pyroblast! — Only hardcast Pyroblast when you are absolutely certain that you will not be interrupted. Use the Hot Streak Icon Hot Streak instant Pyroblast! Icon Pyroblast!s to further increase your dps or burst down players.
  • Combustion Icon Combustion — Use to increase preassure from DoT damage on enemies. Can be spread to all nearby enemies with an Impact Icon Impact proc and Fire Blast Icon Fire Blast.
  • Fire Blast Icon Fire Blast — Use to dps and to stun or spread your DoTs, if Impact Icon Impact procs.
  • Blast Wave Icon Blast Wave — A useful targeted AoE slow, can also be used to uncloak stealthed enemies and to hinder them from fleeing.
  • Dragon's Breath Icon Dragon's Breath — AoE damage and 5-seconds disorient CC.
  • Cone of Cold Icon Cone of Cold — AoE damage and 4-seconds freeze CC. Works well together with Shatter Icon Shatter, which triples your critical strike chance versus frozen targets.
  • Frost Nova Icon Frost Nova — Freeze CC. Has the same Shatter Icon Shatter interaction as Cone of Cold Icon Cone of Cold above.
  • Ring of Frost Icon Ring of Frost — Freeze CC that works with Shatter Icon Shatter and can be used to create distance between you and enemies or to set a trap.
  • Flame Orb Icon Flame Orb — A high damage ability, useful if you seek to nuke one target to oblivion.

Utility Spells

In addition to your main damaging and CC spells, you also have important utility spells:

  • Invisibility Icon Invisibility — Used to flee from combat.
  • Time Warp Icon Time Warp — Alternative to Bloodlust Icon Bloodlust/ Heroism Icon Heroism, offers 30% increased attack/casting speed for you and your group for 40 secons.
  • Spellsteal Icon Spellsteal — Steal beneficial magic effects from your enemies.
  • Polymorph Icon Polymorph — Transforms your enemies into a pet, removing all dots on them, thanks to Glyph of Polymorph Icon Glyph of Polymorph.
  • Mirror Image Icon Mirror Image — Minor DPS increase.
  • Mana Shield Icon Mana Shield — Absorbs Damage at the cost of mana.
  • Mage Ward Icon Mage Ward — Absorbs Fire, Frost or Arcane damage, gives you Blazing Speed Icon Blazing Speed, after dissipating from absorbing damage.
  • Ice Block Icon Ice Block — Makes you immune to all attacks for 10 seconds, but can be cleansed by spells like Mass Dispel Icon Mass Dispel
  • Remove Curse Icon Remove Curse — Cleanse 1 curse from a friendly target. Especially useful when dealing with Warlocks.
  • Slow Fall Icon Slow Fall — This ability can be key to ambush attacks, or surviving jumps from high above.
  • Blink Icon Blink — Teleports you 20 yards forward, even out of most stuns/snares.
  • Counterspell Icon Counterspell — Interrupts enemy casts and can spell lock the cast spell scool for 7 seconds. With the talent, it also silences enemies for 4 seconds. Off global cooldown.
  • Frost Armor Icon Frost Armor — The armor you want to use versus melee enemies. It slows melee attackers and provides additional armor, while also regenerating mana through the Glyph of Frost Armor Icon Glyph of Frost Armor.
  • Mage Armor Icon Mage Armor — Used against casters. Provides resistance versus all spell schools and regenerates mana, whilst also reducing the duration of harmful Magic effects against you.

Best Professions

If you are looking to maximize the potential of your FireFire Mage in Cataclysm PvP, these are the recommended professions:

  1. Tailoring Icon Tailoring — is great for the Lightweave Embroidery Icon Lightweave Embroidery cloak enchant.
  2. Jewelcrafting Icon Jewelcrafting — Gives you three powerful from Chimera's Eye Icon Chimera's Eye, giving you a 3x stat boost, compared to normal gems.

While Engineering was a very strong profession in the past expansions, in Cataclysm we prefer Jewelcrafting and Tailoring.



The list linked below provides you with the Best-in-Slot gear setup for a FireFire Mage in PvP.


Arena Teams and Compositions

To learn in which setups FireFire Mages are typically strongest, please read the guides we have prepared below: