Cataclysm Classic Frost Mage Stat Priority
On this page, you will find out the optimal PvE stat priority for your Frost Mage in Cataclysm Classic. We first present the stat priority, before delving into more complex explanations.
Stat Priority for Frost Mage
The stat priority for Frost Mage is as follows:
- Intellect
- Hit Rating (17% Hit Cap!)
- Critical Strike Rating (until 33.33%)
- Haste Rating
- Mastery Rating
- Critical Strike Rating (after 33.33%)
Intellect becomes our new best stat by far, you can never have enough of it, the more the better. It provides Spell Power, Crit and a Mana pool increase.
Hit Rating
Hit is our second best stat until you reach the cap of 17% hit (16% for Draenei Mages). Once you reach 17% hit chance, any further Hit Rating becomes redundant. Draenei Mages need 1640 Hit Rating to reach the hit cap, whereas other races require 1742 Hit Rating. The best way to get hit rating from Reforging is to reforge Critical Strike Rating to cap, or Mastery Rating into Hit Rating.
At Level 85:
- 102.44 Hit Rating = 1% Spell Hit Chance
Critical Strike Rating
With Shatter, reaching a 33.33% critical strike chance
establishes a soft cap for your Critical Strike Rating. The term soft cap
denotes that further increases in Critical Strike Rating will not yield as
much benefit once this threshold is surpassed. For Frost Mages,
Deep Freeze,
Ice Lance, and
Frostfire Bolt
benefit from
Shatter when triggered by
Fingers of Frost,
leaving only
Frostbolt and
Flame Orb to gain from
additional Critical Strike Rating beyond the cap. Consequently,
Critical Strike Rating becomes less appealing than Haste Rating
or Mastery Rating at this stage.
At Level 85:
- 179.28 Crit Rating = 1% Crit
Haste Rating
Haste Rating is a good stat, once you have reached the crit cap of 33.33% Critical Strike Rating raid buffed.
At Level 85:
- 128.05 Haste Rating = 1% Haste
Mastery Rating
Mastery is the worst stat for Frost Mage. It increases your
damage via
Frostburn, however, the damage increase is too low to
justify stacking Mastery Rating, as it only works versus frozen targets or
Fingers of Frost is up. Reforge this stat to Hit, Crit or Haste
At Level 85:
- 179.28 Mastery Rating = 1% Mastery
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This guide has been written by Wrdlbrmpft aka Arcanaenus, playing Mage since 2008. He is usually found in the Mage Discord, where you may also ask him questions his guides do not answer.
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