Cataclysm Classic Fury Warrior Leveling

Last updated on Sep 17, 2024 at 12:00 by Abide

On this page, you will find our level-by-level Fury Warrior leveling guide for WoW Cataclysm Classic.


Fury Warrior Level-by-Level Rotation, Talents, and Trainer Skills

FuryFury is not terrible for leveling, but it falls behind in speed compared to ArmsArms Warrior leveling speeds. It is also a bit harder to gear for, as you need two 2-handed weapons and need Hit Rating much more. If you are interested in the fastest solo leveling experience, check out our ArmsArms Warrior Leveling Guide.

Move the slider below to make the guide update to your level!

Level: 1

Leveling Talents

Your first talent unlocks at Level 10.

Prime Glyphs


Major Glyphs


Minor Glyphs


Select PrimeMajorMinor Glyph


        Leveling Glyphs

        Your leveling glyphs will differ from your endgame glyphs. Glyphs can be a huge boost to your leveling speed as some greatly improve the baseline power of your key abilities. Be sure to check the price of these glyphs on your server to vastly improve your leveling experience.


        Prime Glyphs

        1. Glyph of Bloodthirst Icon Glyph of BloodthirstBloodthirst Icon Bloodthirst is a main ability of the spec, making this a mandatory glyph.
        2. Glyph of Raging Blow Icon Glyph of Raging BlowRaging Blow Icon Raging Blow is a main ability of the spec, making this a mandatory glyph.
        3. Glyph of Slam Icon Glyph of Slam — You will use frequently use Slam Icon Slam whenever you get a Bloodsurge Icon Bloodsurge proc.

        Major Glyphs

        1. Glyph of Victory Rush Icon Glyph of Victory Rush — You will be using Victory Rush Icon Victory Rush every time you kill a mob. This makes it heal for even more, which should prevent you from ever needing to stop and eat to heal up.
        2. Glyph of Death Wish Icon Glyph of Death Wish — Removes the increased damage taken from Death Wish Icon Death Wish while it is active.
        3. Glyph of Rapid Charge Icon Glyph of Rapid Charge — Reduces the cooldown of your Charge Icon Charge, increasing your mobility between pulls.

        Minor Glyphs

        1. Glyph of Enduring Victory Icon Glyph of Enduring Victory — Gives you an additional 5 seconds to use Victory Rush Icon Victory Rush between pulls.
        2. Glyph of Battle Icon Glyph of Battle — Increases the duration of Battle Shout Icon Battle Shout by 2 minutes, redcuing how frequently you need to refresh it.
        3. Glyph of Berserker Rage Icon Glyph of Berserker Rage — Adds 5 Rage whenever you use Berserker Rage Icon Berserker Rage. This helps keep your Rage up, allowing you to use more abilities.

        Leveling Rotation

        1. Strike Icon Strike any extra Rage.

        Early levels on WarriorWarrior are fairly basic, only having a few abilities to use. Always try to start combat with Charge Icon Charge if it's off cooldown. Keep Rend Icon Rend applied to enemies, and use Victory Rush Icon Victory Rush procs before they expire. Strike Icon Strike will be your main ability until you hit level 10 and replace it with Bloodthirst Icon Bloodthirst.


        Abilities to Skip While Leveling

        While leveling, you will not need to use all of your spells. Many can be skipped to save gold and trained at a later date, when you have more gold available to you. We recommend to not train these spells below, and save your gold for gear, glyphs and mounts instead.

        • Thunder Clap Icon Thunder Clap
        • Taunt Icon Taunt
        • Hamstring Icon Hamstring
        • Shield Block Icon Shield Block
        • Revenge Icon Revenge
        • Challenging Shout Icon Challenging Shout
        • Shield Wall Icon Shield Wall
        • Inner Rage Icon Inner Rage
        • Retaliation Icon Retaliation
        • Spell Reflection Icon Spell Reflection
        • Commanding Shout Icon Commanding Shout
        • Intervene Icon Intervene
        • Shattering Throw Icon Shattering Throw
        • Rallying Cry Icon Rallying Cry

        Continue Improving at Level 85

        Congratulations on hitting Level 85 in Cataclysm! Now that your leveling process is over, you can learn more about Level 85 FuryFury Warriors gameplay by reading our fully detailed guide below.



        • 17 Sep. 2024: Reviewed for Phase 3.
        • 30 Jul. 2024: Page reviewed for phase two.
        • 08 May 2024: Added page.
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