Holy Paladin PvP Guide for Cataclysm Classic

Last updated on May 31, 2024 at 00:00 by Mytholxgy

Welcome to our PvP HolyHoly Paladin guide for Cataclysm. Here you will learn all you need to know to properly play Holy Paladin in PvP scenarios.


Holy Paladin PvP Overview

HolyHoly Paladin is a very strong healer with not many casted spells, making it much easier to get healing out during difficult windows. It als offers high utility and damage, making it a very strong pick in any form of PvP content.


Strengths and Weaknesses

V Strengths
  • +Extremely powerful utility in the form of Hand of Protection Icon Hand of Protection and Hand of Freedom Icon Hand of Freedom.
  • +Large amount of healing comes from instant casts (Word of Glory Icon Word of Glory and Holy Shock Icon Holy Shock), making it easy to top players health without being interrupted.
  • +Powerful defensives thanks to Divine Shield Icon Divine Shield and Divine Protection Icon Divine Protection.
  • +High synergy with melee comps, helping to cover their weaknesses thanks to Hand of Freedom Icon Hand of Freedom and Hand of Sacrifice Icon Hand of Sacrifice.
  • +Multiple throughput cooldowns to deal with dangerous situations.
X Weaknesses
  • -Low mobility when Divine Protection Icon Divine Protection is on cooldown.
  • -Does not offer as much damage as other healers without consuming high amounts of mana.
  • -Mana costs become intensive when forced into using spells such as Flash of Light Icon Flash of Light.

Talent Build and Glyphs


Prime Glyphs

  • Glyph of Holy Shock Icon Glyph of Holy ShockHoly Shock Icon Holy Shock is one of your strongest ways to heal. Being one of your most cast abilities, extra critical strike chance can add up a lot.
  • Glyph of Word of Glory Icon Glyph of Word of GloryWord of Glory Icon Word of Glory similarly will be cast frequently, making extra healing from it incredibly valuable.
  • Glyph of Seal of Insight Icon Glyph of Seal of Insight — Provides a significant healing boost, making it mandatory in nearly every situation.

Major Glyphs

  • Glyph of Hammer of Justice Icon Glyph of Hammer of Justice — Extra range makes casting Hammer of Justice Icon Hammer of Justice much easier.
  • Glyph of Turn Evil Icon Glyph of Turn Evil — Causes your Turn Evil Icon Turn Evil to have no cast time, removing the difficulty that would typically come with trying to cast it.
  • Glyph of Cleansing Icon Glyph of Cleansing — Allows you to get extra casts of Cleanse Icon Cleanse off without being as concerned about your mana.

Minor Glyphs

  • Glyph of Blessing of Might Icon Glyph of Blessing of Might, Glyph of Blessing of Kings Icon Glyph of Blessing of Kings, Glyph of Insight Icon Glyph of Insight — All fairly unimpactful, but minor glyphs lack competitive options.

Rotation and Playstyle

If you have not already, we recommend reading the Spells Summary Page first. Knowing how each spell and ability works in detail will greatly increase your understanding of the topics discussed on this section. In PvP you will need to react and adapt to different situations, meaning you will not always follow the recommended rotation below. Aim to do whatever allows you to stick on your target the most while dealing as much damage as possible.

  1. Maintain Beacon of Light Icon Beacon of Light on a target at all times.
  2. Cast Judgement Icon Judgement every 60 seconds to maintain the Judgements of the Pure Icon Judgements of the Pure buff.
  3. Holy Shock Icon Holy Shock — Cast as much as possible for efficient healing, extra Holy Power, and no risk of being interrupted.
  4. Spend Holy Power on Word of Glory Icon Word of Glory.
  5. Generate Holy Power through Crusader Strike Icon Crusader Strike when casting is not possible.
  6. Cast appropriate filler spell or deal damage.

The best filler spell will largely come down to Divine Light Icon Divine Light, Holy Light Icon Holy Light, or Flash of Light Icon Flash of Light. You can read about these spells in the section below. While Holy Radiance Icon Holy Radiance is extremely powerful, it has a very high mana cost meaning that you should avoid casting it in many situations. When you have a lot of targets needing healing it can be a viable choice.


Choosing a Filler Spell

Holy Paladin has three core heals outside of Holy Shock Icon Holy Shock and Word of Glory Icon Word of Glory that you will need to decide between: Divine Light Icon Divine Light, Holy Light Icon Holy Light, and Flash of Light Icon Flash of Light. Each spell offers different types of healing with different cast times and different mana costs.

  1. Divine Light Icon Divine Light — Offers you a very large amount of healing but comes with a slow cast time and very high mana cost.
  2. Holy Light Icon Holy Light — Has the lowest mana cost of your three filler spells, but offers the least healing on a moderate cast time.
  3. Flash of Light Icon Flash of Light — Has the quickest cast time but has a very high mana cost and offers less healing than Divine Light Icon Divine Light.

In order to succeed in PvP, you will need to balance keeping your party alive while also sustaining your mana. Casting significant amounts of Divine Light Icon Divine Light and Flash of Light Icon Flash of Light will cause you to run out of mana very quickly and thus shouldn't be spammed. That being said, Holy Light Icon Holy Light offers very little healing and shouldn't be relied upon to heal very heavy incoming damage. You will need to choose the best spell to cast based on your mana levels, incoming damage, and overall depends on the situation you are in. Each spell will likely be cast at some point in a PvP setting.



HolyHoly Paladins has a number of personal cooldowns, mostly focused on increasing your Healing or Survivability.

  • Avenging Wrath Icon Avenging Wrath — 2-minute cooldown. Increases both your healing and damage for 20 seconds. With a fairly short CD and long duration, you will want to make sure you are making frequent use of this cooldown.
  • Divine Favor Icon Divine Favor — 3-minute cooldown. While it has a long duration, it also has a longer cooldown meaning that you will need to use it carefully since you won't be able to use it often. That being said, extra casting speed and critical strike chance can be very useful.
  • Guardian of Ancient Kings Icon Guardian of Ancient Kings — 5-minute cooldown. While it may have a long cooldown, it also has a long duration but goes away after 5 heals. You should aim to use this when you have a player in sigificant danger and need a little extra healing to help keep them alive. With a long cooldown you will need to use it carefully.
  • Aura Mastery Icon Aura Mastery — 2-minute cooldown. Not overly impactful, but increases the effect of your selected Aura.
  • Divine Protection Icon Divine Protection — 30-second cooldown. Reduces the damage taken for 10 second, with such high up time you should be aiming to use it as often as possible.
  • Divine Shield Icon Divine Shield — 5-minute cooldown. Makes you immune to damage. With such a long cooldown you will need to use this very cautiously and for emergency situations only.

Utility Spells

In addition to your main spells and cooldowns, you also have many utility spells that can be game-changing when used in the proper scenario. Make sure you understand each of the spells listed below to fully take advantage of your entire spellbook.

  • Hand of Protection Icon Hand of Protection — Causes a player to become immune to physical damage but during the duration they also cannot use physical spells. This should be used primarily on caster DPS and those who do not deal physical damage. In situations where a player might die, you can choose to use this on any player just keep in mind the fact it may stop their damage entirely.
  • Hand of Sacrifice Icon Hand of Sacrifice — Transfers 30% of the damage that a player takes to you. This can massively help reduce the likelihood of a player dying, but it adding extra damage onto yourself can be scary. You should aim to use this with Divine Protection Icon Divine Protection active or during dire situations.
  • Hand of Freedom Icon Hand of Freedom — Causes a friendly player to become immune to movement impairing effects for the duration. Generally very useful when a player is slowed.
  • Turn Evil Icon Turn Evil — Fears an enemy, providing you with a decent form of crowd control.
  • Hammer of Justice Icon Hammer of Justice — Stuns an enemy; is your strongest form of crowd control.
  • Lay on Hands Icon Lay on Hands — Heals a player for your maximum health. Should be used in emergency situations only due to the very long cooldown.

Best Professions

If you are looking to maximize the potential of your HolyHoly [Paladin] in Cataclysm PvP, these are the recommended professions:

  1. Blacksmithing Icon Blacksmithing — Gives you 2 additional sockets with Socket Bracer Icon Socket Bracer and Socket Gloves Icon Socket Gloves, giving you even more Resilience.
  2. Jewelcrafting Icon Jewelcrafting — Gives you 3 powerful gems, Mystic Chimera's Eye Icon Mystic Chimera's Eye, giving you a large Resilience boost.

Best in Slot

The list linked below includes the best possible gear setup for an Paladin in PvP.


Arena Teams and Compositions

When it comes to evaluating HolyHoly Paladin place within the Arena, we have created a number of guides devoted to listing a variety of popular team compositions which you can find below.



  • 31 May 2024: Added Guide.
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