Level by Level Rotation, Talents, and Trainer Skills
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Level: 1
Leveling Talent Tree & Build
Your first talent unlocks at Level 10.
Beast Mastery
Prime Glyphs
Glyph of Steady Shot
Glyph of Aimed Shot
Glyph of Kill Shot
Major Glyphs
Glyph of Mending
Glyph of Misdirection
Glyph of Trap Launcher
Minor Glyphs
Glyph of Revive Pet
Glyph of Feign Death
Glyph of Aspect of the Pack
Select PrimeMajorMinor Glyph
Glyph of Aimed Shot(Glyph description not yet available)Lv. 25
Glyph of Arcane Shot(Glyph description not yet available)Lv. 25
Glyph of Explosive Shot(Glyph description not yet available)Lv. 25
Glyph of Kill Command(Glyph description not yet available)Lv. 25
Glyph of Serpent Sting(Glyph description not yet available)Lv. 25
Glyph of Steady Shot(Glyph description not yet available)Lv. 25
Glyph of Kill Shot(Glyph description not yet available)Lv. 35
Glyph of Rapid Fire(Glyph description not yet available)Lv. 54
Glyph of Chimera Shot(Glyph description not yet available)Lv. 69
Glyph of Concussive Shot(Glyph description not yet available)Lv. 25
Glyph of Disengage(Glyph description not yet available)Lv. 25
Glyph of Immolation Trap(Glyph description not yet available)Lv. 25
Glyph of Mending(Glyph description not yet available)Lv. 25
Glyph of Raptor Strike(Glyph description not yet available)Lv. 25
Glyph of Scatter Shot(Glyph description not yet available)Lv. 25
Glyph of Freezing Trap(Glyph description not yet available)Lv. 28
Glyph of Silencing Shot(Glyph description not yet available)Lv. 29
Glyph of Ice Trap(Glyph description not yet available)Lv. 46
Glyph of Trap Launcher(Glyph description not yet available)Lv. 48
Glyph of Bestial Wrath(Glyph description not yet available)Lv. 49
Glyph of Wyvern Sting(Glyph description not yet available)Lv. 49
Glyph of Snake Trap(Glyph description not yet available)Lv. 66
Glyph of Master's Call(Glyph description not yet available)Lv. 74
Glyph of Misdirection(Glyph description not yet available)Lv. 76
Glyph of Deterrence(Glyph description not yet available)Lv. 78
Glyph of Lesser Proportion(Glyph description not yet available)Lv. 25
Glyph of Revive Pet(Glyph description not yet available)Lv. 25
Glyph of Feign Death(Glyph description not yet available)Lv. 32
Glyph of Scare Beast(Glyph description not yet available)Lv. 36
Glyph of Aspect of the Pack(Glyph description not yet available)Lv. 56
First, Go for the Throat will give your pet
an incredible amount of focus, making it much better at both doing damage and tanking.
First, Go for the Throat will give your pet
an incredible amount of focus, making it much better at both doing damage and tanking.
Efficiency will reduce the focus cost of your major spender, making your rotation
Next, Careful Aim makes leveling through normal enemies much easier
since you'll get a much higher crit chance on your first attack.
Next, Careful Aim makes leveling through normal enemies much easier
since you'll get a much higher crit chance on your first attack. Then, go for Improved Steady Shot
and be sure to maintain it while leveling for the haste buff.
Take Piercing Shots for the massive
damage increase. This is one of the best talents Marksmanship has, and is what makes crit such
a valuable stat.
Take Piercing Shots for the massive
damage increase. This is one of the best talents Marksmanship has, and is what makes crit such
a valuable stat. Next, take
Silencing Shot just to have the interrupt available. This point is flexible though,
but there aren't many other options. Finally, grab Rapid Killing for the mob to
mob bonus while leveling.
Trueshot Aura is a powerful aura and too
strong to pass up.
Trueshot Aura is a powerful aura and too
strong to pass up. Take the only other available DPS talents, Bombardment
and then Termination. These can be picked up in whatever order you prefer,
depending on if you prefer better single target or AoE.
Readiness is just a great button to have
both for damage and for utility.
Readiness is just a great button to have
both for damage and for utility.
This is where you'll finish out the Marksmanship tree.
Grab Marked for Death first.
This is where you'll finish out the Marksmanship tree.
Grab Marked for Death, Posthaste, and then a single point
in Rapid Recuperation. The second point is nice, but not necessary usually.
This is where you'll finish out the Marksmanship tree.
Grab Marked for Death, Posthaste, and then a single point
in Rapid Recuperation. The second point is nice, but not necessary usually.
Finally, take Chimera Shot to finish out the tree. This will be a significant new
rotational ability to start using.
Once you're done with the Marksmanship tree, you have
some options. Generally you can't go wrong wherever you want to go if you have a personal preference,
but One with Nature and Pathing are generically strong DPS choices.
Start with taking 3 points in One with Nature.
Once you're done with the Marksmanship tree, you have
some options. Generally you can't go wrong wherever you want to go if you have a personal preference,
but One with Nature and Pathing are generically strong DPS choices.
Sic 'Em! is going to be your next best
DPS option to make your pet even stronger in the new Cataclysm leveling zones.
Finally, Sic 'Em! and Improved Serpent Sting
are the remaining decent DPS options. Again, these are not set and can be moved around if there
are other options that you prefer.
Leveling Glyphs
In your Prime Glyphs we recommend Glyph of Steady Shot, Glyph of Aimed Shot and Glyph of Kill Shot
All three of these Glyphs act as passive damage increases to abilities we will already be using in our DPS rotation
so they do not require you to do anything differently but will greatly increase your kill speed.
For your Major Glyph slots we recommend Glyph of Mending,
Glyph of Misdirection and Glyph of Trap Launcher.
These will allow your pet to tank and heal much easier utilizing
Misdirection, and then the last one is really personal preference, but having
a better Trap Launcher is just a nice quality of life buff.
For your Minor Glyphs we recommend Glyph of Revive Pet, Glyph of Feign Death,
and Aspect of the Pack. The first two are just nice quality of life buffs to abilities
you will be using regularly, the last one is really personal preference, but Aspect of the Pack
is great if you are ever going to be in a group.
Leveling Rotation
Command your pet to attack the target;
Misdirection on your pet;
Hunter's Mark;
Arcane Shot to spend focus;
Aimed Shot! to spend focus;
Kill Shot when target is below 20%;
Serpent Sting;
Chimera Shot on cooldown;
Fill with Steady Shot.
Do your class quest to get your pet. Once you
have your pet, your kill speed and efficiency should become much better. Make
sure you are careful with your threat, and try to let your pet tank whenever
Feign Death is a great way to
drop threat while fighting enemies. Utilize this if you ever need to reset threat back to your
Continue Improving at Level 85
Congratulations on hitting Level 85 in Cataclysm! Now that your
leveling process is over, you can learn more about Level-85 MarksmanshipHunter gameplay by reading our fully detailed
guide below.
This guide has been written by Impakt, an Officer in BDGG,
the #2 North American guild on retail. In addition to live WoW, he has also
been a classic theorycrafter and enthusiast for many years. You can watch
him stream on Twitch, or
follow him on Twitter.