Cataclysm Classic Marksmanship Hunter Leveling

Last updated on Sep 17, 2024 at 12:00 by Impakt

On this page, you will find our level-by-level Marksmanship Hunter leveling guide for WoW Cataclysm Classic.


Level by Level Rotation, Talents, and Trainer Skills

Move the slider below to make the guide update to your level!

Level: 1

Leveling Talent Tree & Build

Your first talent unlocks at Level 10.

Beast Mastery






Prime Glyphs

Glyph of Steady Shot
Glyph of Aimed Shot
Glyph of Kill Shot

Major Glyphs

Glyph of Mending
Glyph of Misdirection
Glyph of Trap Launcher

Minor Glyphs

Glyph of Revive Pet
Glyph of Feign Death
Glyph of Aspect of the Pack

Select PrimeMajorMinor Glyph

  • Glyph of Aimed Shot (Glyph description not yet available) Lv. 25
  • Glyph of Arcane Shot (Glyph description not yet available) Lv. 25
  • Glyph of Explosive Shot (Glyph description not yet available) Lv. 25
  • Glyph of Kill Command (Glyph description not yet available) Lv. 25
  • Glyph of Serpent Sting (Glyph description not yet available) Lv. 25
  • Glyph of Steady Shot (Glyph description not yet available) Lv. 25
  • Glyph of Kill Shot (Glyph description not yet available) Lv. 35
  • Glyph of Rapid Fire (Glyph description not yet available) Lv. 54
  • Glyph of Chimera Shot (Glyph description not yet available) Lv. 69
  • Glyph of Concussive Shot (Glyph description not yet available) Lv. 25
  • Glyph of Disengage (Glyph description not yet available) Lv. 25
  • Glyph of Immolation Trap (Glyph description not yet available) Lv. 25
  • Glyph of Mending (Glyph description not yet available) Lv. 25
  • Glyph of Raptor Strike (Glyph description not yet available) Lv. 25
  • Glyph of Scatter Shot (Glyph description not yet available) Lv. 25
  • Glyph of Freezing Trap (Glyph description not yet available) Lv. 28
  • Glyph of Silencing Shot (Glyph description not yet available) Lv. 29
  • Glyph of Ice Trap (Glyph description not yet available) Lv. 46
  • Glyph of Trap Launcher (Glyph description not yet available) Lv. 48
  • Glyph of Bestial Wrath (Glyph description not yet available) Lv. 49
  • Glyph of Wyvern Sting (Glyph description not yet available) Lv. 49
  • Glyph of Snake Trap (Glyph description not yet available) Lv. 66
  • Glyph of Master's Call (Glyph description not yet available) Lv. 74
  • Glyph of Misdirection (Glyph description not yet available) Lv. 76
  • Glyph of Deterrence (Glyph description not yet available) Lv. 78
  • Glyph of Lesser Proportion (Glyph description not yet available) Lv. 25
  • Glyph of Revive Pet (Glyph description not yet available) Lv. 25
  • Glyph of Feign Death (Glyph description not yet available) Lv. 32
  • Glyph of Scare Beast (Glyph description not yet available) Lv. 36
  • Glyph of Aspect of the Pack (Glyph description not yet available) Lv. 56

Leveling Glyphs

In your Prime Glyphs we recommend Glyph of Steady Shot Icon Glyph of Steady Shot, Glyph of Aimed Shot Icon Glyph of Aimed Shot and Glyph of Kill Shot Icon Glyph of Kill Shot All three of these Glyphs act as passive damage increases to abilities we will already be using in our DPS rotation so they do not require you to do anything differently but will greatly increase your kill speed.

For your Major Glyph slots we recommend Glyph of Mending Icon Glyph of Mending, Glyph of Misdirection Icon Glyph of Misdirection and Glyph of Trap Launcher Icon Glyph of Trap Launcher. These will allow your pet to tank and heal much easier utilizing Misdirection Icon Misdirection, and then the last one is really personal preference, but having a better Trap Launcher is just a nice quality of life buff.

For your Minor Glyphs we recommend Glyph of Revive Pet Icon Glyph of Revive Pet, Glyph of Feign Death Icon Glyph of Feign Death, and Aspect of the Pack Icon Aspect of the Pack. The first two are just nice quality of life buffs to abilities you will be using regularly, the last one is really personal preference, but Aspect of the Pack is great if you are ever going to be in a group.


Leveling Rotation

  1. Arcane Shot Icon Arcane Shot to spend focus;

Continue Improving at Level 85

Congratulations on hitting Level 85 in Cataclysm! Now that your leveling process is over, you can learn more about Level-85 MarksmanshipMarksmanship Hunter gameplay by reading our fully detailed guide below.