Cataclysm Classic Marksmanship Hunter Enchants and Consumables

Last updated on Feb 14, 2025 at 12:00 by Impakt

On this page, we list the best enchants, flasks, potions, and food you can get for your Marksmanship Hunter in Cataclysm Classic for PvE content.


Best Enchants, Gems and Consumables for Marksmanship Hunter

Like most expansions, Cataclysm requires fewer consumables and enchants than Classic or The Burning Crusade. However, each one you can take is extremely important to maximizing your damage output and survivability in any situation, but especially in Raids and dungeons. Below will be a list of the optimal consumables and enchants to help you get the most out of your Marksmanship Hunter.



Slot Enchantment
Head Arcanum of the Ramkahen Icon Arcanum of the Ramkahen — Revered with Ramkahen.
Shoulders Greater Inscription of Shattered Crystal Icon Greater Inscription of Shattered Crystal — Exalted with Therazane
Back Enchant Cloak - Greater Critical Strike Icon Enchant Cloak - Greater Critical Strike
Chest Enchant Chest - Peerless Stats Icon Enchant Chest - Peerless Stats
Bracers Enchant Bracer - Agility Icon Enchant Bracer - Agility
Gloves Enchant Gloves - Major Agility Icon Enchant Gloves - Major Agility
Belt Ebonsteel Belt Buckle Icon Ebonsteel Belt Buckle
Legs Dragonscale Leg Armor Icon Dragonscale Leg Armor
Feet Enchant Boots - Assassin's Step Icon Enchant Boots - Assassin's Step
Melee Weapon Enchant 2H Weapon - Mighty Agility Icon Enchant 2H Weapon - Mighty Agility
Ranged Weapon Gnomish X-Ray Scope Icon Gnomish X-Ray Scope


Agile Shadowspirit Diamond Icon Agile Shadowspirit Diamond is by far the best option for your Meta Gem, as it gives lots of Agility and increases the damage dealt by your critical strikes by 3%. This only requires 3 red gems to activate, so it should be trivial to activate it normally.

Matching gem sockets is usually the correct strategy as many socket bonuses are geared towards stats that you want, but this will all depend on what the socket bonus actually is. In general, if the socket bonus is a DPS stat, it is worth getting. However, keeping your Meta Gem activated is by far the most important rule when deciding what gems to use. Below is a list of the best gems to use in each color socket.

  • In Red Sockets, you will use Delicate Queen's Garnet Icon Delicate Queen's Garnet.
  • In Blue Sockets, Glinting Shadow Spinel Icon Glinting Shadow Spinel if the socket bonus is 10 or more Agility, otherwise Delicate Queen's Garnet Icon Delicate Queen's Garnet.
  • In Yellow Sockets, Deadly Lava Coral Icon Deadly Lava Coral if the socket bonus is 10 or more Agility, otherwise Delicate Queen's Garnet Icon Delicate Queen's Garnet.




Skewered Eel Icon Skewered Eel is the best choice if you need to use personal food, because of the Agility it provides. However, in raids you will usually have access to a Seafood Magnifique Feast Icon Seafood Magnifique Feast, which provides the same 90 Agility bonus.


Flasks and Potions

Flask of the Winds Icon Flask of the Winds is the best choice by far. It is weighted to be significantly better than other elixir options. There is nothing else that comes close to 300 Agility.

Potion of the Tol'vir Icon Potion of the Tol'vir greatly increases your Agility for a short period. Use this both pre-pull and again when it is off cooldown for a considerable DPS increase. Once again, no other potion comes anywhere close to this effectiveness.


Profession Items

The major profession benefits will come in the form of profession-specific bonuses that all professions offer which will offer combat bonuses to your character. These are all *roughly* balanced, with Engineering being noticeably better than the others. The two best professions to choose for maximum benefit will be Engineering for their Synapse Springs Icon Synapse Springs and various other utility tinkers, along with Jewelcrafting for the enhanced gems that give additional stats. Realistically however, you can pick any other non-gathering profession as a second profession along with Engineering and the difference will be negligible.



  • 14 Feb. 2025: Updated with epic gems.
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