Morchok Encounter Guide: Strategy, Abilities, Loot

Last updated on Feb 15, 2025 at 00:00 by Abide

Morchok is the first boss that players will encounter inside the Dragon Soul raid, and is found on the far side of the entrance. Be sure to clear all of the trash in the area, as they will come to the bosses aid when he enters battle.


Role-Specific Tips for Morchok


DPS Tips

  • Save all major cooldowns for the 20% health burn phase.
  • Ranged DPS will need to frequently be moving on this fight if assigned to soaking the Resonating Crystal Icon Resonating Crystals. Moving to these as soon as possible is your top priority above all else, failing to do so will result in a wipe.
  • Melee DPS should be aware of the tanks positioning at all times and avoid standing on-top of the tank, unless you are assigned to soaking Stomp Icon Stomp. Your tank will need to move frequently on this fight, so always be on your toes and ready to move.

Healer Tips

  • Stomp Icon Stomp interrupts casts when it goes off, be sure to only use instant cast spells right as it goes off.
  • Both Stomp Icon Stomps and Resonating Crystal Icon Resonating Crystals will be constantly devastating your raids health. Quickly topping up raid members between each of these deadly mechanics is the main challenge healers will be facing here.
  • Be mindful of your tanks health after each Stomp Icon Stomp, especially while the boss is under 20% health, as Stomp Icon Stomp also increases all Physical damage taken by 100%.

Tank Tips

  • This fight has a ton of movement required by the tanks. Be aware of the bosses positioning at all times and be ready to move him to any nearby crytals, or move him away from casters that are getting too close to you.
  • Save defensive cooldowns for under 20%.

Morchok Abilities

  • Summon Kohcrom Icon Summon Kohcrom
  • Phase One
    • Stomp Icon Stomp
    • Crush Armor Icon Crush Armor
    • Resonating Crystal Icon Resonating Crystal
    • Furious Icon Furious
  • Phase Two
    • Earthen Vortex Icon Earthen Vortex
    • Falling Fragments Icon Falling Fragments
    • Black Blood of the Earth Icon Black Blood of the Earth

Strategy for Morchok

Morchok is the first encounter available in Dragon Soul for players to overcome, and is a great introduction encounter to display the many challenges this raid has to offer. This fight will cycle between two phases until the boss dies, or until the 7-minute enrage timer is reached. Summon Kohcrom Icon Summon Kohcrom is a heroic-only ability, if you are doing this encounter on normal difficulty you do not need to worry about the boss splitting apart; instead on normal difficulty your tanks will need to deal with Crush Armor Icon Crush Armor (note that this ability is not used at all on heroic difficulty), requiring a tank swap every couple of stacks.

Morchok Strategy 1 Start off by having your raid split into two equally divided "groups". Each of these groups should consist of one of the tanks, and an equal number of healers and DPS. At 90% health Morchok will split into two, summoning Kohcrom; Kohcrom is an exact copy of Morchok and uses the exact same abilities. One group will be assigned to Kohcrom, while the other group is assigned to Morchok as the bosses must be split away from each other, while still having enough players near each boss to handle the mechanics.

The main mechanic the raid will be dealing with during phase one is Stomp Icon Stomp. Stomp Icon Stomp deals 2,000,000 Physical damage to all nearby targets, divided evenly between all targets hit, and deals double damage to his current target (the main tank) and the ally nearest to the target (whichever player is nearest to the tank). Players hit by Stomp Icon Stomp will also be debuffed, increasing their Physical damage taken by 100% for 10 seconds; this includes the tank who will continue to be auto-attacked by the boss with this debuff. Positioning here is crucial as the raid must be evenly split between the two bosses to ensure the Stomp Icon Stomp damage is divided enough ways to prevent deaths. Be sure that no one is standing in-between the two bosses as they can be hit by the Stomp Icon Stomp from both bosses here and die.

As your two tanks are also not stacking together, you will need DPS players to soak the "double damage" part of Stomp Icon Stomp. This extra damage will always target the current tank, as well as their nearest ally, meaning you can always choose who will eat this extra damage. You will need to coordinate DPS players to stack with the tank and use a personal defensive cooldown before the Stomp Icon Stomp goes out. Stomp Icon Stomp will also interrupt your casts when it goes off, casters should be aware of the timing at all times and stop casting right before the Stomp Icon Stomp to prevent being interrupted.

Morchok Strategy 2 With Stomp Icon Stomp out of the way, the only other mechanic to deal with during phase one is Resonating Crystal Icon Resonating Crystal. Both Kohcrom and Morchok will constantly summon their own Resonating Crystal Icon Resonating Crystal near themselves. The Resonating Crystal Icon Resonating Crystal targets the 7 nearest players with a beam of light that deals damage depending on how far away the target is. Players who are very far away will be debuffed with the red beam Danger Icon Danger and will take a high amount of damage. Players at a mid-distance from the crystal will be targeted with the yellow beam Warning Icon Warning, and players who are near the crystal and will be targeted with a blue beam, Safe Icon Safe.

As the Resonating Crystal Icon Resonating Crystal targets the 7 nearest players, you will want to pre-assign 7 players (generally healers and ranged DPS) to quickly move to each new Crystal as it spawns and soak the beam. Changing all 7 beams from red (Danger Icon Danger) to blue (Safe Icon Safe) as quickly as possible should be the priority for these 7 players as the Resonating Crystal Icon Resonating Crystals deal a lot of damage over time. After 12 seconds of being active, the Resonating Crystal Icon Resonating Crystal will explode, dealing damage to the 7 targeted players based on their distance from the crystal, as well as knocking them back a short distance. Any player targeted by a crystal that does not have the Safe Icon Safe mark will likely die from the explosion damage, so be sure the players assigned to "crystal duty" are constantly on the lookout for the next crystal they need to move towards.

Morchok Strategy 3 After 1-minute phase 2 will begin with the bosses using Earthen Vortex Icon Earthen Vortex, forcing all players to burrow underground and pulling them underneath the boss; at the same time, each boss will also be covering the area in large spikes, which act as pillars for line-of-sight. After a few pillars have been spawned, both bosses will begin to channel Black Blood of the Earth Icon Black Blood of the Earth, dealing massive Nature damage to any players within range and within line of sight of either boss. Be ready to quickly move away from the boss after Earthen Vortex Icon Earthen Vortex completes and find the nearest pillar to hide behind and avoid dying to Black Blood of the Earth Icon Black Blood of the Earth. After 15 seconds Black Blood of the Earth Icon Black Blood of the Earth will end and both bosses will return to phase one, with these two phases alternating until 20% health. At 20% health both bosses will become Furious Icon Furious, greatly increasing their damage output. Coordinate raid-wide defensive cooldowns here for each stomp, as well as saving all major offensive cooldowns like Bloodlust Icon Bloodlust to finish the boss off as soon as posible before the damage overwhelms your raid.


Morchok Loot

Normal Heroic

Below you will find all of the loot available for this boss encounter. Use the different buttons to view the different loot between both Normal and Heroic difficulties.


Normal Difficulty Loot

Mosswrought Shoulderguards Icon Mosswrought Shoulderguards
Robe of Glowing Stone Icon Robe of Glowing Stone
Mycosynth Wristguards Icon Mycosynth Wristguards
Underdweller's Spaulders Icon Underdweller's Spaulders
Girdle of Shattered Stone Icon Girdle of Shattered Stone
Sporebeard Gauntlets Icon Sporebeard Gauntlets
Brackenshell Shoulderplates Icon Brackenshell Shoulderplates
Pillarfoot Greaves Icon Pillarfoot Greaves
Rockhide Bracers Icon Rockhide Bracers
Petrified Fungal Heart Icon Petrified Fungal Heart
Hand of Morchok Icon Hand of Morchok
Vagaries of Time Icon Vagaries of Time
Razor Saronite Chip Icon Razor Saronite Chip

Below you will find all of the loot available for this boss encounter. Use the different buttons to view the different loot between both Normal and Heroic difficulties.


Heroic Difficulty Loot

Mosswrought Shoulderguards Icon Mosswrought Shoulderguards
Robe of Glowing Stone Icon Robe of Glowing Stone
Mycosynth Wristguards Icon Mycosynth Wristguards
Underdweller's Spaulders Icon Underdweller's Spaulders
Girdle of Shattered Stone Icon Girdle of Shattered Stone
Sporebeard Gauntlets Icon Sporebeard Gauntlets
Brackenshell Shoulderplates Icon Brackenshell Shoulderplates
Pillarfoot Greaves Icon Pillarfoot Greaves
Rockhide Bracers Icon Rockhide Bracers
Petrified Fungal Heart Icon Petrified Fungal Heart
Hand of Morchok Icon Hand of Morchok
Vagaries of Time Icon Vagaries of Time
Razor Saronite Chip Icon Razor Saronite Chip

Morchok Achievements

Achievement Description
Siege of Wyrmrest Temple Icon Siege of Wyrmrest Temple Defeat the bosses laying siege to Wyrmrest Temple in the Dragon Soul raid.
Dragon Soul Guild Run Icon Dragon Soul Guild Run Defeat the bosses in Dragon Soul while in a guild group.
Heroic: Morchok Icon Heroic: Morchok Defeat Morchok in Dragon Soul on Heroic Difficulty.
Don't Stand So Close to Me Icon Don't Stand So Close to Me Defeat Morchok in Dragon Soul on Normal or Heroic Difficulty without any two players (three players on 25-player mode) ever being within 5 yards of each other while Morchok is channeling Black Blood of the Earth.

Further Reading

Morchok is just one of the eight encounters present in the Dragon Soul raid of Cataclysm. If you would like to learn more about the others, please see our other pages for the raid below.



  • 15 Feb. 2025: Page added.
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