Cataclysm Classic Restoration Druid Guide

Last updated on Feb 12, 2025 at 12:00 by Mytholxgy

Welcome to our Restoration Druid guide for Cataclysm Classic, tailored for PvE content. Here, you will learn how all you need to know to play Restoration Druid proficiently. Click the links below to navigate the guide or read this page for a short introduction.


Restoration Druid Guide for Cataclysm Classic

RestorationRestoration is a flexible healer with tools to handle all types of damage at all ranges, making it one of the few Cataclysm healers capable of good spread raid healing through their heal over time effects, such as Rejuvenation Icon Rejuvenation. They also have powerful cooldowns to help them heal better with Tranquility Icon Tranquility and Tree of Life Icon Tree of Life, and are the only healer capable of combat resurrecting allies with Rebirth Icon Rebirth.


Is Restoration Druid Viable in Cataclysm Classic?

Originally, Restoration Druid was one of the best healers in Cataclysm until the final Dragon Soul raid phase. Unfortunately we will be getting the final phase, which includes a Wild Growth Icon Wild Growth 20% healing nerf and 2 sec extra cooldown introduced to Glyph of Wild Growth Icon Glyph of Wild Growth, but Restoration's throughput should still be fairly good, especially in encounters requiring lots of mobility or heavy raid spreading.

Strengths icon Strengths
  • +Excellent mobility as you can do most of your healing while moving;
  • +Shared gear with Balance allows for easy swapping between healing and damage between encounters;
  • +Extremely Mana efficient tank healing through applying and refreshing Lifebloom Icon Lifebloom and using Omen of Clarity Icon Omen of Clarity procs;
  • +Heals-over-time such as Rejuvenation Icon Rejuvenation can be spread across raid members within 40 yards, making Druid an excellent spread raid healer.
Weaknesses icon Weaknesses
  • -Comparatively weak stacked raid healing and low burst healing in general;
  • -Utility brought tends to either be weak or able to be brought by more meta classes;
  • -No damage reduction or absorption effects and Lifebloom Icon Lifebloom has a significant ramp time, which is significant for tank swaps.

Best Races for Restoration Druid

Trolls can now play as Druid. They are the best Horde race, bringing Berserking Icon Berserking which has no equivalent counterpart on Taurens.

Alliance Druids should roll Worgen as they are vastly superior to Night Elf due to Darkflight Icon Darkflight and Viciousness Icon Viciousness.


Best Professions for Restoration Druid

All professions are viable for healers, but if you want to go the extra mile, we recommend taking the best DPS professions for when you need to off-spec Balance or Feral: Engineering and Tailoring.


Druid Addons and Macros

Addons and Macros can greatly improve your quality of life during Cataclysm. Listed below are some of our recommendations on Addons and Macros to help get the most out of your time playing the game.



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