Cataclysm Classic Restoration Druid Spell Summary

Last updated on Feb 12, 2025 at 12:00 by Mytholxgy

On this page, we present you with all spells and procs that you need to understand as a Restoration Druid in Cataclysm Classic.


Restoration Druid Spells, Cooldowns and Abilities

While not all abilities in your spellbook have the same degree of importance, they all have their uses, which we will try to quickly explain in the following sections.


Core Restoration Druid Abilities

  • Lifebloom Icon Lifebloom is an instant cast that heals the target over a period and stacks up to three times on the same target. When it ends or is dispelled, it bursts, instantly healing the target for a large amount. You can only have Lifebloom on one target at a time, unless Tree of Life Icon Tree of Life is active, but you can refresh it by casting a heal on the target with the Empowered Touch Icon Empowered Touch talent, and having Malfurion's Gift Icon Malfurion's Gift causes its ticks to occasionally grant you Omen of Clarity Icon Omen of Clarity.
  • Rejuvenation Icon Rejuvenation is a heal-over-time effect you can cast on yourself or allies to heal them every few seconds for a while.
  • Wild Growth Icon Wild Growth is a smart heal that hits the most damaged allies near the target you cast on with a powerful heal-over-time effect that diminishes in potency over time.
  • Swiftmend Icon Swiftmend consumes a Rejuvenation Icon Rejuvenation or Regrowth Icon Regrowth effect on the target (unless you have Glyph of Swiftmend Icon Glyph of Swiftmend) to do a large burst of healing and place an Efflorescence Icon Efflorescence healing zone on the ground temporarily.
  • Regrowth Icon Regrowth is a fast and high Mana cost heal with a short cast time that does a burst of healing and puts a healing-over-time effect on the target. You will usually only cast it with Omen of Clarity Icon Omen of Clarity procs.
  • Nourish Icon Nourish is your efficient heal with a long cast time. It heals for 20% more if one of your heal-over-time effects is on the target and is up to 30% faster with the Nature's Bounty Icon Nature's Bounty talent.
  • Healing Touch Icon Healing Touch is a powerful heal with a long cast time. Use it to heal deeply damaged players.
  • Nature's Swiftness Icon Nature's Swiftness is a Restoration talented ability that, when used, causes your next cast to be instant and heal for 50% more. This has a 3-minute cooldown.
  • Tranquility Icon Tranquility is a powerful raid healing cooldown that, while channeled, heals raid members every 2 seconds for 8 seconds on a 3-minute cooldown with Malfurion's Gift Icon Malfurion's Gift.
  • Tree of Life Icon Tree of Life is your main cooldown, providing 15% more healing and a rotational change due to enabling you to use Lifebloom Icon Lifebloom on multiple targets. It also makes Regrowth Icon Regrowth instant and increases the amount of targets hit by Wild Growth Icon Wild Growth by two.

Cat Form Abilities

Cat Form Icon Cat Form is only occasionally used for Prowl Icon Prowl and Dash Icon Dash.


Bear Form Abilities

Bear Form Icon Bear Form is also occasionally used for its extra health and Armor, as well as Bash Icon Bash and Frenzied Regeneration Icon Frenzied Regeneration.


Caster Form Abilities

These are other abilities that all Druids possess and which are part of your utility package. We will list the most important ones at the top, but you can read about all of them if you want to learn more about being a Druid.

  • Stampeding Roar Icon Stampeding Roar is a new Cataclysm ability which makes your nearby raid members much faster for a short duration.
  • Wild Mushroom Icon Wild Mushroom is another new Cataclysm ability that you can pre-position in a place where multiple enemies will be standing shortly for a burst of damage.
  • Flight Form Icon Flight Form and Swift Flight Form Icon Swift Flight Form are unique Druid flying forms which allow for instant air travel. They cannot be cast while in combat.
  • Mark of the Wild Icon Mark of the Wild is a Druid raid buff that increases primary stats by 5% and magical resistances by up to 97. It is equivalent to Paladin Blessing of Kings Icon Blessing of Kings.
  • Thorns Icon Thorns buffs the target for 20 seconds, causing enemies who attack the target to take a small amount of Nature damage for each attack. If multiple enemies are attacking the same target, this can translate into a lot of extra damage!
  • Omen of Clarity Icon Omen of Clarity is a buff that causes your next ability to be Mana, Rage, or Energy free.
  • Barkskin Icon Barkskin is a defensive cooldown that reduces all damage taken by 20% for 12 seconds on a 1-minute cooldown. This is usable while crowd controlled.
  • Innervate Icon Innervate causes the target to regenerate 5% of their Mana over 10 seconds, or 20% if cast on self.
  • Rebirth Icon Rebirth allows you to resurrect a group member while in combat.
  • Remove Corruption Icon Remove Corruption removes a Curse and a Poison from your target. When combined with the Nature's Cure Icon Nature's Cure talent, it will also remove a Magic effect.
  • Hibernate Icon Hibernate is a crowd control ability that puts a Beast or Dragonkin to sleep for 40 seconds. This is usable on enemy Druids while they are in animal forms.
  • Entangling Roots Icon Entangling Roots is a crowd control ability that roots the target in place for a duration.
  • Cyclone Icon Cyclone is a short cast that stuns its target and makes it immune to damage and healing.
  • Nature's Grasp Icon Nature's Grasp puts a 45-second buff on you which roots the next target to damage you.
  • Starfire Icon Starfire is a long cast that will deal a high burst of Arcane damage.
  • Moonfire Icon Moonfire is an instant cast, damage-over-time effect.
  • Wrath Icon Wrath is a short cast ability that deals some Nature damage.
  • Hurricane Icon Hurricane deals damage to targets in an area for every second while you channel.
  • Faerie Fire Icon Faerie Fire creates a magic debuff on its target, lowering their Armor and making them unable to turn invisible or stealth while active.
  • Soothe Icon Soothe removes all Enrage effects from the target.
  • Track Humanoids Icon Track Humanoids allows you to track nearby Humanoids, including players, on your mini-map.