Cataclysm Classic Restoration Shaman Leveling
On this page, you will find our level-by-level Restoration Shaman leveling guide for WoW Cataclysm Classic.
Restoration Shaman Level-by-Level Rotation, Talents, and Trainer Skills
Restoration is not recommended for solo leveling as it is much
slower at killing enemies than the other specializations. If you want to level as
Restoration, we suggest playing almost entirely in dungeons as a
healer. If you are interested in the fastest solo leveling experience with a caster
playstyle, check out our
Elemental Shaman Leveling
Move the slider below to make the guide update to your level!
Leveling Talents
Your first talent point unlocks at Level 10.
Start with Spark of Life for a general
healing benefit, especially when healing yourself.
Start with Spark of Life for a general
healing benefit, especially when healing yourself, and follow up with
Tidal Focus.
Start with Spark of Life for a general
healing benefit, especially when healing yourself, and follow up with
Tidal Focus.
Resurgence is also a powerful talent, although you will likely not
have enough critical strike at low levels to get much benefit from it.
Start with Spark of Life for a general
healing benefit, especially when healing yourself, and follow up with
Tidal Focus.
Resurgence is also a powerful talent, although you will likely not
have enough critical strike at low levels to get much benefit from it. Continue
by allocating points into
Totemic Focus.
Start with Spark of Life for a general
healing benefit, especially when healing yourself, and follow up with
Tidal Focus.
Resurgence is also a powerful talent, although you will likely not
have enough critical strike at low levels to get much benefit from it. Continue
by allocating points into
Totemic Focus and finish the first part
of your journey by grabbing
Nature's Swiftness, a great emergency
Ancestral Healing is extremely strong in
the end game, and you can pick it early on.
Ancestral Healing is extremely strong in
the end game, and you can pick it early on. Take
Nature's Blessing
also to significantly increase your tank healing.
Ancestral Healing is extremely strong in
the end game, and you can pick it early on. Take
Nature's Blessing
also to significantly increase your tank healing.
Soothing Rains should
be skipped at first while going down the tree in favor of
Focused Insight
Healing Rain is only unlocked much further and DPSing in between healing
is recommended while in leveling content.
Ancestral Healing is extremely strong in
the end game, and you can pick it early on. Take
Nature's Blessing
also to significantly increase your tank healing.
Soothing Rains should
be skipped at first while going down the tree in favor of
Focused Insight
Healing Rain is only unlocked much further and DPSing in between healing
is recommended while in leveling content. Finish this part of leveling by picking
Improved Cleanse Spirit to gain a magic dispel.
Spirit Link Totem and
Mana Tide Totem are
significant unlocks.
Spirit Link Totem and
Mana Tide Totem
are significant unlocks, and
Ancestral Awakening is a decent talent in
small group content, although you will not have enough critical strike to make the
most out of it yet.
Spirit Link Totem and
Mana Tide Totem
are significant unlocks, and
Ancestral Awakening is a decent talent
in small group content, although you will not have enough critical strike to make
the most out of it yet. Finish the Restoration tree by picking up
Tidal Waves
for a huge increase in single target healing.
Spirit Link Totem and
Mana Tide Totem
are significant unlocks, and
Ancestral Awakening is a decent talent
in small group content, although you will not have enough critical strike to make
the most out of it yet. Finish the Restoration tree by picking up
Tidal Waves
for a huge increase in single target healing and
Soothing Rains for
Healing Stream Totem benefits.
Spirit Link Totem and
Mana Tide Totem
are significant unlocks, and
Ancestral Awakening is a decent talent
in small group content, although you will not have enough critical strike to make
the most out of it yet. Finish the Restoration tree by picking up
Tidal Waves
for a huge increase in single target healing,
Soothing Rains for its
Healing Stream Totem benefits, and
Riptide to activate Tidal Waves.
Elemental Weapons in the Enhancement tree
is a great way to go forward.
Elemental Weapons and
Improved Shields
in the Enhancement tree are a great way to go forward.
Elemental Weapons and
Improved Shields
in the Enhancement tree are a great way to go forward. While there are many options
for the final talents, we recommend taking
Ancestral Swiftness for
leveling for the extra movement speed and instant
Ghost Wolf.
Elemental Weapons and
Improved Shields
in the Enhancement tree are a great way to go forward. While there are many options
for the final talents, we recommend taking
Ancestral Swiftness for
leveling for the extra movement speed and instant
Ghost Wolf. Finish your
talents with
Acuity for more critical strike.
Leveling Glyphs
Your leveling glyphs are mostly the same as your endgame glyphs. Glyphs can be a huge boost to your healing capabilities as some glyphs greatly improve the baseline power of your key abilities.
Prime Glyphs
Glyph of Earthliving Weapon — a nice passive boost to your
Earthliving Weapon imbue healing.
Glyph of Riptide — huge increase to
Riptide healing and also drastically increases the amount of time you have to use
Chain Heal on it for extra healing.
Glyph of Earth Shield — another passive boost, this time to your
Earth Shield healing.
Major Glyphs
Glyph of Chain Heal — increases the smart healing done by
Chain Heal while slightly reducing healing to the first target, which is often overhealing anyway.
Glyph of Healing Stream Totem — removes the need for using
Elemental Resistance Totem by baking its power into
Healing Stream Totem.
Glyph of Stoneclaw Totem — converts your
Stoneclaw Totem into a strong personal cooldown.
Minor Glyphs
Glyph of Water Walking — allows you to cast
Water Walking without a reagent, saving gold in the process.
Glyph of Renewed Life — removes the reagent requirement from
Reincarnation, saving some gold over time.
Glyph of Astral Recall — lowering the cooldown of your
Astral Recall allows you to move around more frequently, especially if you have your
Hearthstone at your faction's central hub and all its portals.
Leveling Rotation
- Use
Healing Surge for emergency healing only;
- Use
Healing Rain if multiple allies are injured and will be able to stay inside the rain for most of its duration;
- Use
Unleash Elements with
Earthliving Weapon on an injured target;
- Use
Riptide on cooldown for efficient healing and
Tidal Waves;
- Use
Chain Heal to heal group damage, consuming a low duration
Riptide buff if available for extra healing;
- Use
Chain Heal to heal group damage;
- Use
Greater Healing Wave (highly injured target) or
Healing Wave (lightly injured target) to heal single-target damage;
- Use
Healing Wave to heal single-target damage;
- If moving and
Riptide is not available, use
Flame Shock or
Earth Shock to enable
Focused Insight. Use it on
Chain Heal if possible;
- If moving and
Riptide is not available, use
Flame Shock or
Earth Shock to enable
Focused Insight. Use it on
Chain Heal if possible;
- Use
Lava Burst (with
Flame Shock on target) and
Lightning Bolt or
Chain Lightning to DPS.
- Use
Flame Shock and
Lightning Bolt or
Chain Lightning to DPS.
- Use
Flame Shock and
Lightning Bolt to DPS.
- Use
Lightning Bolt to DPS.
Abilities to Skip While Leveling
While leveling, you will not need to use all of your spells. Many can be skipped to save gold and trained at a later date, when you have more gold available to you. We recommend to not train these spells below, and save your gold for gear, glyphs and mounts instead.
Primal Strike
Fire Nova
Frost Shock
Frostbrand Weapon
Far Sight
Elemental Resistance Totem (assuming usage of
Glyph of Healing Stream Totem)
Bind Elemental
Totem of Tranquil Mind
Rockbiter Weapon
Continue Improving at Level 85
Congratulations on hitting Level 85 in Cataclysm! Now that your leveling process
is over, you can learn more about maximum level Restoration gameplay
by reading our detailed guide below.
More Cataclysm Shaman Guides
More Cataclysm Spec Guides from Other Classes
This guide has been written by Seksi, original vanilla player and multi-class player, currently playing on Gehennas Horde. You can find him on the Classic Warrior, Mage and Shaman Discords, as well as the Icy Veins Discord.
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