Restoration Shaman PvP Guide for Cataclysm Classic

Last updated on Jun 10, 2024 at 00:00 by Seksixeny

Welcome to our PvP Restoration Shaman guide for Cataclysm Classic. Here you will learn all you need to know to properly play Restoration Shaman in PvP scenarios.


Restoration Shaman PvP Overview

RestorationRestorations has many instant healing tools such as Riptide Icon Riptide, Earth Shield Icon Earth Shield, Healing Stream Totem Icon Healing Stream Totem, Earthliving Weapon Icon Earthliving Weapon, and the new Unleash Life Icon Unleash Life.

It can also heal targets of its new Magic dispels through the Cleansing Waters Icon Cleansing Waters talent, making it a very efficient healer, especially when also considering its new Mastery stat, Deep Healing Icon Deep Healing, which boosts healing on low health targets, allowing you to easily catch up on healing.

Besides its healing capabilities, RestorationRestorations also has a lot of utility they can put to good use in the Arena, such as Tremor Totem Icon Tremor Totem, Purge Icon Purge, Grounding Totem Icon Grounding Totem, Hex Icon Hex, Wind Shear Icon Wind Shear, and the new Spirit Link Totem Icon Spirit Link Totem, making it the most well rounded healer in Cataclysm!


Strengths and Weaknesses

V Strengths
  • +Strongest emergency healing with plenty of instant casts and the Deep Healing Icon Deep Healing mastery
  • +Strong defensive cooldowns such as Spirit Link Totem Icon Spirit Link Totem and Nature's Swiftness Icon Nature's Swiftness
  • +Offensive dispel with Purge Icon Purge and defensive dispel with Improved Cleanse Spirit Icon Improved Cleanse Spirit
  • +Wide array of spells and totems available, with most being instant cast and thus not interruptible
X Weaknesses
  • -Usually gets focused in arenas as the only defensive cooldown is Glyph of Stoneclaw Totem Icon Glyph of Stoneclaw Totem
  • -If faced with high pressure from enemy team becomes vulnerable to interrupts as all healing is from the Nature spell school and casted heals do much more healing than the instants available

Talent Build and Glyphs


Prime Glyphs

  • Glyph of Water Shield Icon Glyph of Water Shield — increases the passive Mana regeneration bonus from Water Shield Icon Water Shield by 50%, granting you a lot of extra regeneration over time.
  • Glyph of Riptide Icon Glyph of Riptide — grants a huge increase to total Riptide Icon Riptide healing over time.
  • Glyph of Earth Shield Icon Glyph of Earth Shield — another passive boost, this time to your Earth Shield Icon Earth Shield healing.

Major Glyphs

  • Glyph of Hex Icon Glyph of Hex — reduces the cooldown of Hex Icon Hex by 10 seconds, making it usable more often.
  • Glyph of Healing Stream Totem Icon Glyph of Healing Stream Totem — removes the need for using Elemental Resistance Totem Icon Elemental Resistance Totem by baking its power into Healing Stream Totem Icon Healing Stream Totem.
  • Glyph of Stoneclaw Totem Icon Glyph of Stoneclaw Totem — converts your Stoneclaw Totem Icon Stoneclaw Totem into a strong personal cooldown.

Minor Glyphs

  • Glyph of Water Walking Icon Glyph of Water Walking — allows you to cast Water Walking Icon Water Walking without a reagent, saving gold in the process.
  • Glyph of Water Breathing Icon Glyph of Water Breathing — removes the reagent requirement from Water Breathing Icon Water Breathing, saving some more gold over time.
  • Glyph of the Arctic Wolf Icon Glyph of the Arctic Wolf — a purely cosmetic option, but there are no other glyphs with any PvP impact.

Rotation and Playstyle

If you have not already, we recommend reading the Spells Summary page first. Knowing how each spell and ability works in detail will greatly increase your understanding of the topics discussed on this section. In PvP you will need to react and adapt to different situations, meaning you will not always follow the recommended rotation below. Aim to do whatever allows you to stick on your target the most while dealing as much damage as possible.

  1. Keep your totems active with Call of the Elements Icon Call of the Elements as they will buff your allies and provide extra healing through Healing Stream Totem Icon Healing Stream Totem;
  2. Make sure Earth Shield Icon Earth Shield is active on the player taking the most damage on your team;
  3. Dispelling with Cleanse Spirit Icon Cleanse Spirit will reduce enemy pressure and also heal the target through Cleansing Waters Icon Cleansing Waters;
  4. Use Unleash Elements Icon Unleash Elements on an injured ally;
  5. Use Riptide Icon Riptide on cooldown for efficient healing and Tidal Waves Icon Tidal Waves;
  6. Use Greater Healing Wave Icon Greater Healing Wave on highly injured targets as a last resort, hopefully not getting interrupted in the process.


Nature's Swiftness Icon Nature's Swiftness is great to respond to emergency damage with Greater Healing Wave Icon Greater Healing Wave.

Spirit Link Totem Icon Spirit Link Totem will stabilize the health of anyone within its radius, and is especially powerful in PvP since enemy players will usually be focusing a single player on your team, rather than the whole team at once. It can also bypass Smoke Bomb Icon Smoke Bomb's effect, making it even more effect against Rogue teams!


Utility Spells

In addition to your main spells and cooldowns, you also have many utility spells that can be game-changing when used in the proper scenario. Make sure you understand each of the spells listed below to fully take advantage of your entire spellbook.

  • Strength of Earth Totem Icon Strength of Earth Totem / Wrath of Air Totem Icon Wrath of Air Totem and similar totems should be used to heavily boost ally damage;
  • Use Spiritwalker's Grace Icon Spiritwalker's Grace if you need to move while casting heavy healing spells;
  • Mana Tide Totem Icon Mana Tide Totem can be used to recover Mana during a match;
  • Earthbind Totem Icon Earthbind Totem to slow nearby enemies and allow for kiting;
  • Tremor Totem Icon Tremor Totem can now be used while you are affected by Fear Icon Fear or other effects it can remove, making it an excellent button to break such effects instantly on yourself and your team;
  • Grounding Totem Icon Grounding Totem should be used to nullify enemy CC and other important casts;
  • Wind Shear Icon Wind Shear can also be used to disrupt caster enemies, by interrupting their casts directly;
  • Purge Icon Purge can be used to remove enemy buffs, such as Druid heals over time or Priest shields;
  • Hex Icon Hex is a hard crowd control spell which can be used to disable an enemy for an extended duration. Take note that it is a Curse effect, making it harder to dispel for some classes, but easier for others.

Best Professions

If you are looking to maximize the potential of your RestorationRestoration Shaman in Cataclysm PvP, these are the recommended professions:

  1. Blacksmithing Icon Blacksmithing — Gives you two additional sockets with Socket Bracer Icon Socket Bracer and Socket Gloves Icon Socket Gloves, enabling you to stack more Resilience in this season.
  2. Jewelcrafting Icon Jewelcrafting — Gives you three powerful gems, in this case Mystic Chimera's Eye Icon Mystic Chimera's Eye, which can boost your Resilience even higher.

Best in Slot

The list linked below includes the best possible gear setup for a RestorationRestoration Shaman in PvP.


Arena Teams and Compositions

When it comes to evaluating RestorationRestoration Shaman's place within the Arena, we have created a number of guides devoted to listing a variety of popular team compositions which you can find below.