Cataclysm Classic Shadow Priest Enchants and Consumables

Last updated on Feb 19, 2025 at 12:00 by Abide

On this page, we list the best enchants, flasks, potions, and food you can get for your Shadow Priest in Cataclysm Classic for PvE content.


Best Enchants, Gems and Consumables for Shadow Priest

Cataclysm enchants, gems, and consumables present an additional way to further augment your ShadowShadow Priest. Enchants imbue weapons and armor with potent magical properties to enhance their power. Gems are meticulously socketed into gear, enhancing attributes and rounding gear out to fit your exact needs. Consumables ranging from elixirs to potions, provide temporary boosts to vital stats, granting crucial advantages in the heat of combat. All of these systems play a role in boosting the power of your character when facing Cataclysm's deadly challenges.



Below is a list of the recommended enchants for a ShadowShadow Priest in Cataclysm Classic. If there are multiple viable enchants for a gear slot, they are listed in order of value. Some enchants require a specific profession to use them; if you do not have the profession, simply look at the next enchant shown on the list.

Slot Main Enchantment Secondary Enchantment
Head Arcanum of Hyjal Icon Arcanum of Hyjal
Shoulders Felfire Inscription Icon Felfire Inscription (Requires Inscription Icon Inscription)
Greater Inscription of Charged Lodestone Icon Greater Inscription of Charged Lodestone
Back Lightweave Embroidery Icon Lightweave Embroidery (Requires Tailoring Icon Tailoring)
Enchant Cloak - Greater Intellect Icon Enchant Cloak - Greater Intellect
Chest Enchant Chest - Peerless Stats Icon Enchant Chest - Peerless Stats
Wrist Draconic Embossment - Intellect Icon Draconic Embossment - Intellect (Requires Leatherworking Icon Leatherworking)
Enchant Bracer - Mighty Intellect Icon Enchant Bracer - Mighty Intellect
Socket Bracer Icon Socket Bracer (Requires Blacksmithing Icon Blacksmithing)
Hands Enchant Gloves - Haste Icon Enchant Gloves - Haste
Enchant Gloves - Greater Mastery Icon Enchant Gloves - Greater Mastery
Synapse Springs Icon Synapse Springs (Requires Engineering Icon Engineering)
Socket Gloves Icon Socket Gloves (Requires Blacksmithing Icon Blacksmithing)
Waist Ebonsteel Belt Buckle Icon Ebonsteel Belt Buckle Nitro Boosts Icon Nitro Boosts (Requires Engineering Icon Engineering)
Legs Sanctified Spellthread Icon Sanctified Spellthread (Requires Tailoring Icon Tailoring)
Powerful Ghostly Spellthread Icon Powerful Ghostly Spellthread
Feet Enchant Boots - Lavawalker Icon Enchant Boots - Lavawalker
Ring Enchant Ring - Intellect Icon Enchant Ring - Intellect (Requires Enchanting Icon Enchanting)
Weapon Enchant Weapon - Power Torrent Icon Enchant Weapon - Power Torrent
Off-Hand Enchant Off-Hand - Superior Intellect Icon Enchant Off-Hand - Superior Intellect


Below is a list of the recommended gems for a ShadowShadow Priest in Cataclysm. Be sure to meet your Meta Gem Socket Icon Meta Gem requirements by using at least three Red Gem Socket Icon Red Gems. You will typically want to gem as much Intellect as possible; avoid socket bonuses if they offer less than 10 Intellect or 20 Secondary stats.

Sockets Gems
Meta Socket Burning Shadowspirit Diamond Icon Burning Shadowspirit Diamond — make sure you meet the requirements for it to be active
Red Socket Brilliant Queen's Garnet Icon Brilliant Queen's Garnet
Yellow Socket Reckless Lava Coral Icon Reckless Lava Coral
Blue Socket Purified Shadow Spinel Icon Purified Shadow Spinel
Jewelcrafting Gem Brilliant Chimera's Eye Icon Brilliant Chimera's Eye — Requires Jewelcrafting Icon Jewelcrafting, can use up to 3
Cogwheel Gem Quick Cogwheel Icon Quick Cogwheel & Sparkling Cogwheel Icon Sparkling Cogwheel — Requires Engineering Icon Engineering, can use 2 in helm


Below is a list of the recommended consumables for a ShadowShadow Priest in Cataclysm. Some consumables have multiple options depending on your needs; be sure to choose accordingly.



Your food buff will always be 90 Intellect during Cataclysm, with a few different options you can choose from; pick whichever you can get the cheapest.

  • Fortune Cookie Icon Fortune Cookie
  • Seafood Magnifique Feast Icon Seafood Magnifique Feast
  • Severed Sagefish Head Icon Severed Sagefish Head

Flasks and Potions

You only have 1 flask option for Catalsym, unlike previous expansions.

  • Flask of the Draconic Mind Icon Flask of the Draconic Mind

You only need to worry about bringing 1 potion to raids for both your pre-pull pot, and your in combat pot.

  • Volcanic Potion Icon Volcanic Potion

Profession Items

Compared to past expansions, you will need to carry far less additional consumables on you. We simply recommend keeping some bandages on you for quick, mana-free heals.

  • Dense Embersilk Bandage Icon Dense Embersilk Bandage


  • 18 Feb. 2025: Page updated for Phase 4.
  • 17 Sep. 2024: Reviewed for Phase 3.
  • 30 Jul. 2024: Page reviewed for phase two.
  • 15 May 2024: Added page.
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