Cataclysm Classic Guide to Shaman's Best Addons
Welcome to our Addons Guide for Shaman where you will find out what the best
addons are for your Shaman in Cataclysm Classic.
Shaman Addons for Cataclysm Classic
As a healing-capable class, Shamans want to have good party / raid frames in order to never let anyone die, be it as main or as off-healer. These, if properly configured, will also help you understand when you should use some of your defensive totems, or warn you when important boss mechanics are incoming. In summary, addons simply help to give your interface a far better overview so you can focus more on playing.
Also, note that World of Warcraft in general has a lot of busywork tasks which can be automated by addons such as Leatrix Plus:
- Accepting and turning in quests;
- Repairing your gear;
- Selling gray items.
Other useful addons include:
Complete UI replacement: ElvUI
ElvUI allows you to replace most elements of the default UI with a customizable, modern set of action bars, unit frames, and most other conveniences you can think of. By using ElvUI you can avoid using a lot of other, narrower, addons.
Alternatively, TukUI lacks some of ElvUI's functionalities but is even cleaner, if you prefer a minimalistic UI.
WeakAuras allows you to configure all types of warnings for yourself with a simple user interface.
Due to its large user base, there is a huge library of auras already created for you to import at Wago; make sure to check it out before starting your adventure!
Details creates a detailed analysis of the combat performance of yourself and your group, allowing you to easily understand who did the most damage, healing, what spells they used to do so, who died and to what, among other useful details! Details also includes the Tiny Threat plugin, which can track threat levels if you are having aggro issues.
ReforgeLite Classic
ReforgeLite Classic makes the process of reforging your gear to hit Hit, Expertise, and Haste caps, as well as stat optimizing as easy and automated as it can be.
Deadly Boss Mods
Deadly Boss Mods is a great addon that has pre-made timers for boss abilities in nearly every PvE encounter in the game. Deadly Boss Mods comes with plenty of customization options, so you can configure it however it works best for you.
Spell Activation Overlay
Activation Overlay creates a special unique effect on your screen when you have,
for example, a Maelstrom Weapon or
Elemental Focus proc.
This can be a visual way to know what to press next, making it a great addon to
help focusing on fight mechanics or PvP combat.
ItemRack allows you to configure and quickly swap between different sets of gear, including doing so automatically based on conditions such as spec or riding status. This is also very useful for easy swapping between PvP and PvE gear.
Party / Raid Frames: VuhDo
While already useful for dungeons, it is in raids that a clickable, customizable raid frame becomes very necessary. VuhDo is precisely that.
Minimal Archaeology
Minimal Archeology is super useful for doing Archaeology as efficiently as possible. It will tell you what solves you are on, how many fragments you have, where to head for the nearest dig site (when combined with the TomTom addon), double click functionality to dig at your current location and many more useful features!
TomTom is a navigation addon which allows you to set waypoints on your map with "/way CoordX CoordY" (replace with the numbers of the coordinates you want to go to). An arrow will then point toward that waypoint, making it easy to reach a set of coordinates.
Whenever you stand in a fire or any similar AoE effect, GTFO will warn you with a loud and annoying repeating sound. That way you will naturally want to move out quickly to stop the sound and also save your character's life in the process.
OmniCC is one of the oldest and most popular addons in the entire history of World of Warcraft. It adds a countdown to your abilities on the action bar, so you can understand exactly when they will be ready for use again.
Questie is a great questing helper addon. It has tons of functions to enhance your questing experience.
TradeSkillMaster (TSM) streamlines and optimizes the process of auction house trading, crafting, and inventory management. It provides powerful tools for automating pricing, posting, and purchasing, making gold-making activities more efficient and profitable.
Shaman Macros
Macros automate sequences of actions, allowing players to execute complex and conditional commands with a single keystroke. Check out our Macros page to learn how to configure them and examples on many of the types of macros available.
This guide has been written by Seksi, original vanilla player and multi-class player, currently playing on Gehennas Horde. You can find him on the Classic Warrior, Mage and Shaman Discords, as well as the Icy Veins Discord.
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