Spine of Deathwing Encounter Guide: Strategy, Abilities, Loot
The Spine of Deathwing is the seveth boss fight inside Dragon Soul. This fight is unique as players will be attempting to damage Deathwings armor itself to bring him down from the skies!
Role-Specific Tips for Spine of Deathwing
DPS Tips
- Do not apply DoTs to the Corruptions, as you want to keep them
alive as long as possible and only break the
Fiery Grip.
- Ranged DPS should always be watching the
Fiery Grip timer and instantly change targets when the channel begins.
- Do not kill the Corrupted Blood via AoE or the raid will take a huge burst of damage.
Healer Tips
- Rotate raid-wide defensive cooldowns while the raid is afflicted by
Grasping Tendrils, and when Hideous Amalgamations gain
Superheated Nucleus.
- Assign one healer to be in charge of dispelling only.
- Use large, single-target heals on players debuffed by
Searing Plasma.
Tank Tips
- Keep the Hideous Amalgamation away from the Blood Pools until it is low health, and there are at least 9 Blood Pools to be absorbed.
- Make sure you always trigger
Nuclear Blast on the same side of Deathwings armor.
- Coordinate AoE stuns as needed to help facilitate the tank in kiting the Corrupted Bloods.
Spine of Deathwing Abilities

- Roll — Deathwing will periodically attempt to Roll
towards whichever of his sides he feels the most raid members on.
Grasping Tendrils
- Corruption
Searing Plasma
Fiery Grip
- Corrupted Blood
- Hideous Amalgamation
Absorbed Blood
Superheated Nucleus
Nuclear Blast
- Exposed Armor Plate
- Burning Tendons
Seal Armor Breach
- Burning Tendons
Strategy for Spine of Deathwing
While Spine of Deathwing is not the final boss of Dragon Soul, nor is it the
final encounter with Deathwing himself, it is nonetheless the
most difficult encounter found in the raid. Strap in and prepare for an extremely
challenging battle as you make an all-out assault upon Deathwings
armor itself. The goal of this encounter is to remove three plates of armor off of
Deathwings back, exposing his weak-spot.
The encounter can be started at any time by speaking with Sky Captain Swayze;
doing so will enter your raid into the fight, where you will parachute down on top
of Deathwings back. Have the raid make a macro to cancel the
/cancelaura Parachute
, to quickly fall down to
Deathwings back and start the fight a few seconds earlier. The
first add to be encountered are the 4 Corruption adds found on
Deathwings back; there will always be at least 1 Corruption
alive, as soon as the last one living dies out a new one will spawn.
Corruptions regularly use Searing Plasma on a
random target, absorbing a large amount of heals while the player is afflicted
and deals damage-over-time; heals must be assigned to quickly heal these targets
to remove the debuff and allow the player to receive healing again.
Corruptions will also use Fiery Grip, channeling
a 30 seconds stun into multiple enemies and dealing 90,000 Fire damage every 3
seconds. To break the channeled stun and free your fellow raiders, you will need
to deal 16% of the Corruptions health in damage to it,
which will interrupt its channel. When doing this, you want to deal as close to
16% of the mobs health in damage as possible to keep the same
Corruption alive as long as possible. Each time a Corruption
dies a Hideous Amalgamation will spawn; we will go over the
Hideous Amalgamations abilities in full detail later in this
guide, for now just know you only need one Hideous Amalgamation
alive at a time.
The first thing you need to do is clear out the 4 starting
Corruptions. Have your DoT DPS spread their damage out, while the
rest of your raid focuses Skull down first. Once Skull is low, Ranged DPS should swap
off to Triangle with the goal of killing it around the same time that Cross dies.
Melee DPS will finish off Skull before moving to Cross, which is the stacking
point for the raid once Skull, Cross, and Triangle are all dead. Tanks will need
to be ready to pick up the Hideous Amalgamations that spawn each
time a Corruption dies.
With Skull, Cross, and Triangle all dead there will be 3 Hideous Amalgamation alive on the tanks, and one more Corruption that should be somewhat low health. As mentioned earlier, we only need one Hideous Amalgamation alive, yet now we have three; luckily Deathwings giant body can be used against him to trick him into aiding us.
Seeing as we are fighting on Deathwings exposed back, he is
able to feel raid members moving around on his body. The raid must be mindful of
this at all times, as Deathwing will attempt to perform a
Roll maneuver whenever he feels too many players on one side of his back
at once, attempting to fling the raid off of his back and to their deaths down
below. To avoid falling to your deaths, your raid will need to stack together on
one of the exposed holes on Deathwings back, where the
Corruptions spawn from. Standing on these exposed areas will
"tether" players to Deathwings back via
Grasping Tendrils,
which deal minor damage-over-time while also slowing down the movement speed of the
afflicted players. Players must make sure they make it to the exposed area before
the roll as you must have the
Grasping Tendrils debuff before
the roll is initiated or you will still fall off. Most notable about the
Roll that Deathwing performs is that the
Hideous Amalgamation adds can not gain the
Grasping Tendrils buff, meaning when a Roll is performed
all Hideous Amalgamations will by flung off of
Deathwings back.
To recap where we are in the fight: Skull, Cross, and Triangle are dead. The raid has stacked on Triangles' "exposed area" and baited a Roll to fling the 3 Hideous Amalgamations off of Deathwings back. The 4th Corruption from the start of the fight is now dead (after the Roll) and there is a new Corruption alive (can spawn in any of the exposed areas), as well as a new Hideous Amalgamation.
Now the raid will need to start dealing with the third and final add of this
fight, Corrupted Bloods. Early on into this fight, these adds will
slowly start to spawn from the nearby exposed areas on Deathwings
back, and will begin to spawn more frequently the longer that the fight lasts.
These Corrupted Bloods must be picked up by a tank and killed
on at a time, as each add will use
Burst upon death, dealing
moderate damage to the entire raid. Whenever a Corrupted Blood dies,
it will create a "Blood Pool" on the ground; this Blood Pool does nothing but
slowly move to the nearest exposed area, reforming again into a new
Corrupted Blood upon reaching one. To entirely remove
Blood Pools from the fight, you must drag a Hideous Amalgamation on
top of them; this will cause the Hideous Amalgamation to absorb
the Blood Pool, gaining a stack of
Absorbed Blood in the
Deathwings plated armor is being held in place by
Burning Tendons, an attackable enemy that when killed, will cause a
chunk of Deathwings armor to fly off of his body. In order to
expose the vulnerable Burning Tendons however, the raid will need
to cause a Hideous Amalgamation to become
Superheated Nucleus
before killing it. Killing a Hideous Amalgamation while it has
Superheated Nucleus will cause it to cast
Nuclear Blast
upon death, an explosion powerful enough to lift Deathwings
armor off of his body temporarily and expose a Burning Tendons. The
raid will need to damage the same Burning Tendons tendon down twice
per armor plate to cause the plate to be removed.
Get the Hideous Amalgamation low, but do not kill it, stopping
ideally around 10% health; this will allow us to quickly kill it later on,
greatly reducing our tank and raids damage taken. Your Ranged DPS will need to
frequently attack the Corruption to break the Fiery Grip
channel; remember that you only need to do 16% of the Corruptions
health after it has started channeling
Fiery Grip in order
to stop the cast. Do not use damage-over-time debuffs on the Corruption
here as you want them to live as long as possible; try to deal as little damage
over 16% as possible. Your second tank will be grabbing all of the
Corrupted Bloods that spawn and tank them near, but not on top
of, the Hideous Amalgamation that the other tank is tanking.
Single target the Corrupted Bloods down with the goal of building
up 9 Blood Pools on the ground.
Whenever a Hideous Amalgamation walks over a Blood Pool, it
will gain a stack of
Absorbed Blood (up to 9 stacks total), and
remove that Blood Pool. Each stack of
Absorbed Blood grants the
Hideous Amalgamation 20% attack speed and 10% damage
dealt, and upon reaching 9 stacks of
Absorbed Blood,
the Hideous Amalgamation will gain the
Superheated Nucleus
buff. The increased attack speed, all damage dealt, and the powerful AoE from
Superheated Nucleus make it a bad idea to absorb the Blood Pools
before getting the Hideous Amalgamation low health. Tank it out of
range of the Blood Pools until there are at least 9 on the ground, clumped near
each other.
Once there at least 9 Blood Pools, simply drag it over the pools until the
Hideous Amalgamation has 9 stacks of Absorbed Blood
and gains the
Superheated Nucleus buff. Quickly drag it to
one of the sides of Deathwings armor plates and kill it, causing
it to start casting
Nuclear Blast. When the cast completes, any
nearby players will die, and Deathwings plate armor will temporarily
expose the Burning Tendons underneath. You will need to do this
process of "feeding" 9 Blood Pools to a Hideous Amalgamation twice
per Burning Tendons as they have very high health and you only
get a few seconds to damage them.
Deathwings plated armor is being held in place by
Burning Tendons, an attackable enemy that when killed, will cause a
chunk of Deathwings armor to fly off of his body. In order to
expose the vulnerable Burning Tendons however, the raid will need
to cause a Hideous Amalgamation to gain
Superheated Nucleus
before killing it. Killing a Hideous Amalgamation while it has
Superheated Nucleus will cause it to cast
Nuclear Blast
upon death, an explosion powerful enough to lift Deathwings
armor off of his body temporarily and expose a Burning Tendons. The
raid will need to damage the same Burning Tendons tendon down twice
per armor plate to cause the plate to be removed.
When exposed, the Burning Tendons will begin to cast
Seal Armor Breach, attempting to pull the armor plate back down
and covering itself back up. All DPS should save their cooldowns for attacking
the Burning Tendons to ensure you are able to deal at least 50%
of its health each time it is exposed. Be sure that you trigger the
Nuclear Blast on the same side of the armor plate each time, as
there is a different add on the left and right sides of the plates with separate
health pools. You only need to kill one of the Burning Tendons per
plate, so choose a side that you will always bring the
Nuclear Blast
When a Burning Tendons is killed, the armor plate it is attached
to will detach from Deathwing, expanding the combat area and
adding 2 additional "exposed areas" for players to deal with. These exposed areas
will have a Corruption add spawned on them, in addition to the
previous one you had before. From here on out the fight essentially repeats itself
for the next 2 armor plates: damage the Hideous Amalgamation until
around 10%, interrupt
Fiery Grip by
dealing 16% of Corruptions health, heal targets
debuffed by
Searing Plasma to remove the debuff, single target
the Corrupted Blood as needed for Blood Pools, drag the
Hideous Amalgamation over 9 Blood Pools and trigger the
Nuclear Blast to expose the next Burning Tendons.
Remember that Corrupted Blood spawn from the Exposed Areas, meaning as you remove plates more and more Corrupted Bloods will spawn in, in addition to spawning in more rapidly the longer the encounter lasts.
As mentioned earlier, the second and third plates play out the same as the first.
The only difference in the fight at this point is that you now have 8 Exposed
Areas, all spawning Corrupted Blood. By now there will be so many
Corrupted Bloods alive, and more constantly spawning in, that your
tank will need to kite them around. Use AoE stuns as frequently as possible on
the Corrupted Blood, in addition to helping your tank create distance
with spells such as
Leap of Faith. Have a DPS player taunt one of the
low health Corrupted Bloods over if you need more Blood Pools;
you may also choose to have a third tank for this, a
Feral DPS
swapping to
Bear Form is a great choice here.
Use major DPS cooldowns such as Bloodlust when exposing the
Burning Tendons for the first time on the 3rd plate, aiming to
use half of the
Bloodlust to burn the Burning Tendons,
and the other half to damage the next Hideous Amalgamation. Once
the third Burning Tendons has died, the last armor plate will be
removed and the encounter will instantly end.
On heroic difficulty, the raid will be debuffed by a stack of
Degradation whenever a Hideous Amalgamation dies, reducing
maximum health by 5% per stack. A stack is not gained when a
Hideous Amalgamation is thrown off of Deathwings
back due to a Roll. Healers will also need to deal with
Blood Corruption: Death, a debuff that bounces to a random target when
dispelled; after 15 seconds the
Blood Corruption: Death will detonate,
wiping the raid. When dispelled,
Blood Corruption: Death has a chance to
change into
Blood Corruption: Earth, which grants the target -20%
damage taken per stack, up to 2 stacks total. Have 1 healer assigned to managing
the dispels of this debuff; They should spam their dispel quickly until they can
get a
Blood Corruption: Earth change, ideally on the tanks. As your tanks
will be debuffed by multiple stacks of
Degradation, getting this 40%
damage reduction on them is crucial for surviving this fight. Do your best to
Blood Corruption: Earth on the tanks, but remember that each dispel
brings a chance for the
Blood Corruption: Earth to transform back into a
Blood Corruption: Death, which will wipe the raid if allowed to expire.
The healer in charge of dispels will need to make a judgment call depending
on the remaining timer on
Blood Corruption: Earth if they can risk trying
to get the buff on the tanks.
Spine of Deathwing Loot
Below you will find all of the loot available for this boss encounter. Use the different buttons to view the different loot between both Normal and Heroic difficulties.
Normal Difficulty Loot
Item |
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Below you will find all of the loot available for this boss encounter. Use the different buttons to view the different loot between both Normal and Heroic difficulties.
Heroic Difficulty Loot
Item |
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Spine of Deathwing Achievements
Achievement | Description |
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Defeat the encounters leading up to the Fall of Deathwing in the Dragon Soul raid. |
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Defeat the bosses in Dragon Soul while in a guild group. |
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Emerge victorious from the Spine of Deathwing in Dragon Soul on Heroic Difficulty. |
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Defeat the Spine of Deathwing encounter on Normal or Heroic Difficulty after tricking Deathwing into performing the following roll sequence: Left, Right, Left, Right. |
Further Reading
Spine of Deathwing is just one of the eight encounters present in the Dragon Soul raid of Cataclysm. If you would like to learn more about the others, please see our other pages for the raid below.
- 15 Feb. 2025: Page added.
This guide has been written by Abide, TBC veteran for nearly a decade. Abide is a Warrior tank and multi-class expert currently playing on Faerlina as Horde. You can find him in the the Icy Veins Discord. You can also see him live on Twitch.
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