The Bastion of Twilight Raid Guides for Cataclysm Classic

Last updated on May 26, 2024 at 00:00 by Abide

The Bastion of Twilight is one of the two "main" raids of phase one in Cataclysm. Here you will venture into the heart of the Twilight's Hammer cult's stronghold, battling through corrupt minions and twisted experiments orchestrated by Cho'gall, the powerful ogre magi and servant of the Old Gods.


Getting into The Bastion of Twilight in Cataclysm

The Bastion of Twilight can be found in the Southwestern part of the Twilight Highlands, high up in the sky.


The Bastion of Twilight Layout

The layout of The Bastion of Twilight is very linear, with only one real path for players to follow. In this first section you will face off against Halfus Wyrmbreaker and the twin dragons Valiona & Theralion.

This next section contains the Elementium Monstrosity and Cho'gall encounters.

If you are on heroic difficulty, you can head into this last section to engage Sinestra.


The Bastion of Twilight Boss Strategies

The Bastion of Twilight is a linear raid, making you fight each boss in order. In addition to these 4 bosses, players challenging this raid on the heroic difficulty will find 1 additional heroic only boss at the end.


The Bastion of Twilight Loot

With a total of 5 bosses, The Bastion of Twilight has a wide quantity of loot available for players to earn. Below you can find all of the loot available in the raid, including trash loot, all on one page for easier viewing.


The Bastion of Twilight Achievements

Achievement Description
The Only Escape Icon The Only Escape Defeat Halfus Wyrmbreaker after defeating two drakes within 10 seconds of each other. The Emerald Whelp pack counts as one drake for this purpose.
Heroic: Halfus Wyrmbreaker Icon Heroic: Halfus Wyrmbreaker Defeat Halfus Wyrmbreaker in the Bastion of Twilight on Heroic Difficulty.
Double Dragon Icon Double Dragon Kill 6 Twilight Fiends in the Twilight Realm and then defeat Valiona and Theralion in the Bastion of Twilight.
Heroic: Valiona and Theralion Icon Heroic: Valiona and Theralion Defeat Valiona and Theralion in the Bastion of Twilight on Heroic Difficulty.
Elementary Icon Elementary Defeat the Elementium Monstrosity in the Bastion of Twilight while only allowing it to create a single Liquid Ice patch.
Heroic: Ascendant Council Icon Heroic: Ascendant Council Defeat the Ascendant Council in the Bastion of Twilight on Heroic Difficulty.
The Abyss Will Gaze Back Into You Icon The Abyss Will Gaze Back Into You Defeat Cho'gall in the Bastion of Twilight before any raid member earns more than 30% Corrupted Blood.
Heroic: Cho'gall Icon Heroic: Cho'gall Defeat Cho'gall in the Bastion of Twilight on Heroic Difficulty.
Heroic: Cho'gall Guild Run Icon Heroic: Cho'gall Guild Run Defeat Cho'gall in the Bastion of Twilight on Heroic difficulty while in a guild group.
I Can't Hear You Over the Sound of How Awesome I Am Icon I Can't Hear You Over the Sound of How Awesome I Am Defeat Sinestra in the Bastion of Twilight on Heroic Difficulty on the first attempt without letting any raid members die.
Heroic: Sinestra Icon Heroic: Sinestra Defeat Sinestra in the Bastion of Twilight on Heroic Difficulty.
Realm First! Sinestra Icon Realm First! Sinestra First guild on the realm to defeat Sinestra in the Bastion of Twilight on Heroic difficulty while in a guild group.
Heroic: Sinestra Guild Run Icon Heroic: Sinestra Guild Run Defeat Sinestra in the Bastion of Twilight on Heroic difficulty while in a guild group.
The Bastion of Twilight Icon The Bastion of Twilight Defeat the bosses in the Bastion of Twilight.
The Bastion of Twilight Guild Run Icon The Bastion of Twilight Guild Run Defeat the bosses in the Bastion of Twilight while in a guild group.


  • 30 May 2024: Added page.
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