Ultraxion Encounter Guide: Strategy, Abilities, Loot
Ultraxion is the fifth boss fight inside Dragon Soul, and will fly down directly to the platform the raid is currently on. The Dragon Aspects rush to the players aid to help them survive the onslaught of these twisted Twilight Monstrosities.
Role-Specific Tips for Ultraxion
DPS Tips
- Use your
Heroic Will as late as possible, as both
Hour of Twilight and
Fading Light will instantly return you to the Twilight Realm when they finish.
- Ultraxion can not parry attacks.
- If you are not soaking
Hour of Twilight, save you defensive cooldowns for as late into the fight as possible.
Healer Tips
- DPS Ultraxion as much as possible; there is very little healing in the first few minutes of the encounter. Set up a priority for which healers are focusing more on DPSing, and which will stop DPSing in order to heal when needed. Later on into the fight all healers will be healing, so get as much extra damage in as possible in order to beat the enrage timer. Do not bring more than 5 healers.
- Use
Heroic Will at the beginning of the encounter, right before
Bloodlust is being used. This will allow the healers to avoid the
Bloodlust (and the
Sated debuff), allowing the healers to get a second lust at around 5 minutes into the fight, when healing required is extremely high.
- Save all raid-wide defensive cooldowns for after 5 minutes into the fight. You need to have 1-2 defensives up at all times for the last minute of the encounter.
Tank Tips
- Instantly use all of your defensive cooldowns on the pull. When you
Last Defender of Azeroth, your cooldowns will be reset.
Last Defender of Azeroth doubles the duration of your defensive cooldowns, and makes them available 50% more often; use them a bit more freely on this encounter, as needed.
- The off-tank should be ready to taunt as soon as
Fading Light goes out on the current tank.
Ultraxion Abilities

Unstable Monstrosity
Twilight Shift
Heroic Will
Fading Light
Hour of Twilight
Twilight Burst
Twilight Eruption
- Dragon Aspects Aid
- Alexstrasza
Gift of Life
- Ysera
Essence of Dreams
- Kalecgos
Source of Magic
- Nozdormu
- Thrall
Last Defender of Azeroth
Strategy for Ultraxion
Ultraxion is a 1-Phase boss that is a heavy DPS race. While
the mechanics in this fight are rather easy to handle, they must be handled
correctly every single time; incorrectly dealing with any of the mechanics on
this fight can immediately lead to a wipe, or cause one down the road when the
DPS check is not met. Ultraxion exists inside the "Twilight Realm",
and will pull all players into said realm with Twilight Shift at
the start of the encounter.

For this encounter, all players will gain the Heroic Will "special
action button".
Heroic Will has a 5 second cooldown, costs no
resources, is not on the global cooldown, and can be used while casting. Using
Heroic Will will temporarily remove the player out of the Twilight
Realm for 5 seconds; we will cover
Heroic Will and how it should
be used later on in this guide.
Heroic Will can be key-bound under
the Keybindings Menu > Action Bars > "ExtraActionButton1", can be use through a
/click ExtraActionButton1
, or the button can simply be
Positioning for Ultraxion is extremely easy, simply have the raid
stack up together for AoE healing. There is no movement required at all on this
fight, so the entire raid can stay in this position for the rest of the encounter.
Ultraxion will assault the raid with
Unstable Monstrosity,
dealing damage 1,100,000 damage, split evenly between all targets hit. At the
start of the encounter, Ultraxion will cast
Unstable Monstrosity
every 6 seconds; however, for every 1-minute that Ultraxion is in
combat, he will reduce this timer by 1 second. For example: after 1 minute into
the encounter
Unstable Monstrosity will be used every 5 seconds,
after 2 minutes
Unstable Monstrosity will be used every 4 seconds.
This process of increasing the frequency of
Unstable Monstrositys
use will continue on (every 3 seconds after 3 minutes, every 2 seconds after 4
minutes, every 1 second after 5 minutes) until 6 minutes into combat. After 6 minutes
in combat, Ultraxion will hard-enrage and cast
Twilight Eruption, instantly wiping the raid. If no player is
in melee range of Ultraxion he will cast
Twilight Burst,
dealing damage to the entire raid and increasing their magic damage taken every
second, making this essentially a wipe.
Every 45 seconds Ultraxion will use Hour of Twilight,
dealing 300,000 unresistable Shadow damage to all players still in the Twilight
Realm at the end of the cast. This is where the special action button
Heroic Will comes into play, as players can use it to temporarily
exit the Twilight Realm and avoid the
Hour of Twilight cast entirely.
While we do want to avoid the
Hour of Twilight damage, the ability
must hit a certain amount of players depending on the difficulty of the
raid (1 player on 10-Normal and 3 players on 25-Normal; 2 players on 10-Heroic
and 5 players on 25-Heroic). If
Hour of Twilight does not hit at
least that many players, the nearby Dragon Aspects will be killed, resulting in
a wipe.
As Hour of Twilights damage is unresistable and deals 300,000
Shadow damage, the only way to soak this and survive is through a powerful
defensive cooldown. Set up groups of players to rotate between soaking, for example:
3 groups of 3 players with defensive cooldowns for 25-Normal, or 3 groups of 5
for 25-Heroic. Simply have these groups use a defensive cooldown while they are
soaking the
Hour of Twilight, then rotate to the next group who
should have their defensive cooldowns available for the next
Hour of Twilight. On heroic difficulty players that soak
Hour of Twilight will be debuffed by
Looming Darkness, which lasts for 2-minutes and instantly kills
you if you soak another
Hour of Twilight. With
Hour of Twilight
only occurring every 45 seconds, rotating between 3 groups of 5 players will allow
you to avoid this all together.
The second ability that players must use Heroic Will to avoid
Fading Light, which will be used twice every 45 seconds,
between each
Hour of Twilight.
Fading Light will always
hit the current tank, and a number of random DPS depending on the difficulty
(1 DPS on 10-Normal and 3 DPS on 25-Normal; 2 DPS on 10-Heroic
and 6 DPS on 25-Heroic). The duration of the
Fading Light debuff
is random between 5-10 seconds, so players will need to be personally responsible
for watching their own debuffs and using
Heroic Will at the end
of the
Fading Light debuff. When the
Fading Light debuff expires, afflicted players will die if still
in the Twilight Realm, and players not in the Twilight Realm will be instantly
returned to it. Upon returning to the Twilight Realm, players will be unable to
generate threat for 10 seconds; this has no real impact on the fight as long
as the off-tank taunts Ultraxion before the current tank uses
Heroic Will.
Behind the raid stands the five Aspects of Azeroth, represented by: Thrall,
Alexstrasza, Ysera, Kalecgos, and Nozdormu; these Aspects are the real target of
Ultraxion, who is attempting to kill them every time he casts
Hour of Twilight if enough players do not soak the damage. These
Aspects will provide the raid with unique buffs, mostly focused on improving the
healers capabilities; these buffs are required to make the fight even possible
rather than simplifying it. Thrall will buff your tanks with
Last Defender of Azeroth shortly after combat begins, greatly
improving the functionality of their defensive cooldowns. Nozdormu will buff
the entire raid with
Timeloop 5-minutes into the fight; this acts
as a cheat death, similar to
Guardian Spirit. When a player with this
buff receives lethal damage, the
Timeloop buff will be consumed
instead, and the player will return to full health. This buff can not be obtained
a second time, meaning that every one only gets a single use of
so make it count! The last 3 buffs provided by Alexstrasza, Ysera, and
Kalecgos are all healer-specifc, and will be discussed next.

Unlike the previous 2 buffs ( Last Defender of Azeroth and
Timeloop, the buffs provided for the healers are not automatically
gained and must be "picked up" manually. Healers can only have one of these three
buffs active at once, meaning the healers will need to pick the buff that is
best for their class/spec and stick with it. At one minute and 30 seconds into
the fight, Alexstrasza will drop 1 "Red Crystal" (2 on 25-man); these Red Crystals
can be clicked by healers only to gain the buff
Gift of Life,
increasing all healing done by 100%. At two minutes and 30 seconds Ysera
will create the same amount of "Green Crystals", which healers can click to gain
Source of Magic, which will essentially "duplicate" your healing
spell to be an AoE spell on the entire raid. Finally, Kalecgos will drop his
"Blue Crystals" at the three minute and 30 second timer, allowing healers to gain
Source of Magic buff, which greatly reduces mana costs and
increases spell haste. These buffs are very limited (1 each on 10-man and 2 of
each on 25-man), meaning you will want to utilize them as best you can. We
recommend the following for healer buffs, as this setup takes best advantage of
each specializations specific toolkit:
Gift of Life
Essence of Dreams
Source of Magic
That's all there is to know about the Ultraxion encounter; it
is a very mechanically simply fight intentionally, as it is meant to be a DPS
check fight. You will need to bring as few healers as possible to beat the enrage
timer, with 5 healers being the recommended amount. Healers will need to provide
as much damage as they possibly can, especially at the start of the encounter,
as there is very little to heal early on. You will want to use Bloodlust
within a few seconds of Ultraxion being attack-able to get the
greatest up-time possible. All healers should be sure to use
Heroic Will
before the
Bloodlust goes out, as this will prevent them from gaining
Sated debuff and allows them to get their own
around the five minute timer, when healing requirements are at the highest.
Healers should also aim to be almost entirely focusing on DPSing Ultraxion
early on, only casting 1-2 heals as needed before returning to DPSing.
Discipline is great for this encounter due to
allowing them to basically DPS for most of the fight, until raid-wide damage
starts to become overwhelming. Overall, this is a tightly-tuned fight, where a
single error will likely turn into a wipe, and DPS is king above all else.
Ultraxion Loot
Below you will find all of the loot available for this boss encounter. Use the different buttons to view the different loot between both Normal and Heroic difficulties.
Normal Difficulty Loot
Item |
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Below you will find all of the loot available for this boss encounter. Use the different buttons to view the different loot between both Normal and Heroic difficulties.
Heroic Difficulty Loot
Item |
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Ultraxion Achievements
Achievement | Description |
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Defeat the encounters leading up to the Fall of Deathwing in the Dragon Soul raid. |
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Defeat the bosses in Dragon Soul while in a guild group. |
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Defeat Ultraxion in Dragon Soul on Heroic Difficulty. |
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Defeat Ultraxion in Dragon Soul on Normal or Heroic Difficulty without any raid member being hit by Hour of Twilight more than once. |
Further Reading
Ultraxion is just one of the eight encounters present in the Dragon Soul raid of Cataclysm. If you would like to learn more about the others, please see our other pages for the raid below.
- 15 Feb. 2025: Page added.
This guide has been written by Abide, TBC veteran for nearly a decade. Abide is a Warrior tank and multi-class expert currently playing on Faerlina as Horde. You can find him in the the Icy Veins Discord. You can also see him live on Twitch.
- Season of Discovery Hotfixes: March 4th
- Nightmare Dragons Update: March 4th
- Guild Reputation Set To Neutral Bug in Cata Classing Being Worked On
- Season of Discovery and Cataclysm Classic Hotfixes: February 21st
- New Cataclysm Classic Valor Cap Set to Week 2 Due to Bug
- Season of Discovery Naxxramas Soft Reset Issue Fix and Warning
- Cataclysm Classic: Hour of Twilight Is Now Live!
- Currency Conversions, New Caps and Ways of Acquiring Them Coming With Hour of Twilight Patch