Cataclysm Classic Unholy Death Knight Leveling
On this page, you will find our level-by-level Unholy Death Knight leveling guide for WoW Cataclysm Classic.
Unholy Death Knight Level by Level Rotation and Talents
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Leveling Talents
Unlike other classes, Death Knight starts at level
55, so they have a considerable amount of talent points unlocked as soon as you
create your character and progress through the Death Knight starting area. While
you gain your initial 26 talent points much faster than other classes, it is important to have an idea
of how you should spend them to avoid having to respec.
Many of the talents taken throughout the Unholy tree are focused
on maximizing the damage and duration dealt by your diseases be that by directly increasing the damage
in talents such as Virulence or increasing the Magic Damage a target takes by applying the
Ebon Plaguebringer buff to the target. We also focus on bolstering the strength of your ghoul
companion by taking
Shadow Infusion and
Dark Transformation, your ghoul will be a massive
part of your damage dealt while leveling so make sure to utilize Dark Transformation as often as possible.
We also take
Unholy Frenzy which acts as an incredibly powerful personal DPS cooldown but always stay
aware of the health you will be losing while it is active as it deals 2% of your maximum health to you in damage
every three seconds while it is active.
Sudden Doom causes our main-hand attacks to have a chance to
make our next
Death Coil free, allowing us to use our primary Runic Power spending ability more often.
Sudden Doom causes our main-hand attacks to have a chance to
make our next
Death Coil free, allowing us to use our primary Runic Power spending ability more often.
Summon Gargoyle is one of your most powerful DPS cooldowns as an Unholy Death Knight though it can be a bit difficult
to use optimally while leveling. Try to always have it ready for fighting elites or longer encounters but do not hesitate
in using it often as its much better to have on cooldown and have to wait for it than to never use it.
As we venture outside of the Unholy tree, our remaining talent points will be spent in the
Blood tree. Bladed Armor increases our Attack Power based on our current Armor value. As a Plate wearing class,
Death Knight will always have a high amount of armor and will gain even more as we level and improve our gear.
As we venture outside of the Unholy tree, our remaining talent points will be spent in the
Blood tree. Bladed Armor increases our Attack Power based on our current Armor value. As a Plate wearing class,
Death Knight will always have a high amount of armor and will gain even more as we level and improve our gear.
grants Runic Power for every enemy killed that grants honor and experience. While leveling the majority of enemies will yield
honor, giving us a considerable amount of additional Runic Power allowing you to cast
Death Coil more often
and further increase your
Dark Transformation and
Unholy Blight uptime.
As we venture outside of the Unholy tree, our remaining talent points will be spent in the
Blood tree. Bladed Armor increases our Attack Power based on our current Armor value. As a Plate wearing class,
Death Knight will always have a high amount of armor and will gain even more as we level and improve our gear.
grants Runic Power for every enemy killed that grants honor and experience. While leveling the majority of enemies will yield
honor, giving us a considerable amount of additional Runic Power allowing you to cast
Death Coil more often
and further increase your
Dark Transformation and
Unholy Blight uptime.
Improved Blood Tap reduces the cooldown
of our
Blood Tap ability that we should be using as close to on cooldown as possible to maximize
Scourge Strike casts.
As we venture outside of the Unholy tree, our remaining talent points will be spent in the
Blood tree. Bladed Armor increases our Attack Power based on our current Armor value. As a Plate wearing class,
Death Knight will always have a high amount of armor and will gain even more as we level and improve our gear.
grants Runic Power for every enemy killed that grants honor and experience. While leveling the majority of enemies will yield
honor, giving us a considerable amount of additional Runic Power allowing you to cast
Death Coil more often
and further increase your
Dark Transformation and
Unholy Blight uptime.
Improved Blood Tap reduces the cooldown
of our
Blood Tap ability that we should be using as close to on cooldown as possible to maximize
Scourge Strike
casts. For our final talent we will take
Scent of Blood; while leveling you are likely to be taking a lot of hits, giving this a high uptime
especially when fighting multiple enemies at once.
Leveling Glyphs
In your Prime Glyphs we recommend Glyph of Scourge Strike, increasing the damage dealt by your
Scourge Strike ability which will be our primary spender of Unholy Runes.
Glyph of Raise Dead
which increases your ghouls Stamina and Strength by 40%. Ghoul deals a substantial amount of your damage and is
likely to tank at least some of the time so the bonus Damage and Health will only make your leveling process
easier. For our third and final Glyph slot we will take
Glyph of Death Coil which increases the damage
dealt by our
Death Coil ability which is our primary spender of Runic Power.
For your Major Glyph slots we recommend Glyph of Dark Succor, which causes your next Death Strike when in
Unholy or Frost Presence to heal you for at least 20% of your maximum health when used within fifteen seconds of killing
a target that yields Experience or Honor. While we are not using
Death Strike in a rotation as Unholy, this is still
a great way to regain health and minimize downtime.
Glyph of Blood Boil increases the radius of your
Blood Boil
ability which will be our primary spender of Blood Runes in AoE situations. Lastly for our third Glyph slot we will be using
Glyph of Pestilence that increases the radius that your
Pestilence ability spreads your diseases, a significant
amount of your damage dealt as Unholy will be diseases so this only augments that damage by allowing them to spread to more enemies.
For your Minor Glyphs we recommend Glyph of Death Gate,
Glyph of Horn of Winter, and
Glyph of Resilient Grip.
Glyph of Death Gate greatly reduces the cast time of your
Death Gate ability which throughout the leveling process
you will find yourself back in Ebon Hold several times. Horn of Winter glyph just maximizes the uptime of the buff you will
already be maintaining and Resilient Grip just allows for more Death Grip casts in a situation where you may have otherwise
wasted the cooldown on an immune target.
Leveling Rotation
- Make sure you are in
Frost Presence.
- Make sure your ghoul is alive and active.
- Apply and maintain diseases using
Icy Touch and
Plague Strike.
- Cast
Death Grip to close the gap between you and enemies as often as possible to maximize uptime.
- Use
Pestilence to spread your diseases in any situation you are fighting more than one target.
- Use
Scourge Strike as often as possible to spend your Unholy and Death Runes.
- Use
Death Strike to maintain health as needed, this should not be an ability you use super often but should be used to maintain your health especially when
Glyph of Dark Succor is active.
- Use
Death Coil to spend your Runic Power when Runes are unavailable.
- Use
Unholy Frenzy as often as possible to maximize your kill speed.
- Use
Dark Transformation as often as possible to buff your ghoul to maximize your damage.
- Make sure you are auto-attacking at all times.
- Use
Mind Freeze to interrupt enemy spell casting as often as possible to mitigate incoming damage.
- Use
Blood Boil to spend your Blood Runes when fighting 3 or more enemies.
- Use
Strangulate as needed to interrupt enemy spell casting, as this is a blanket silencing effect it can be used preemptively to position enemy spell casters.
- cast
Death and Decay when fighting 3+ mobs and you are confident they will survive most of its duration.
- In situations where you are pulling multiple mobs
or expect to be taking high damage consider using
Icebound Fortitude to help lessen incoming damage. This can also be used to avoid or free yourself from Stuns.
- cast
Blood Tap to refresh your dormant Blood Runes to further maximize your
Scourge Strike casts as they are converted to Death Runes.
- cast
Horn of Winter on cooldown to maintain the Strength and Agility buffs which will increase your kill speed.
- cast
Anti-Magic Shell to avoid incoming Magic damage or prevent yourself from being effected by incoming Magic effects like slows.
- Use
Summon Gargoyle when fighting enemies that are likely to survive its entire 30 second duration.
- Once you have reached level 70 switch to using
Unholy Presence unless you are consistently fighting 3 or more enemies then consider using
Frost Presence.
- cast
Empower Rune Weapon any time the majority of your Runes are inactive. Empower Rune Weapon instantly refresh them and allows you to deal more damage. While leveling DPS increasing cooldowns should be used early and often.
Continue Improving at Level 85
Congratulations on hitting Level 85 in Cataclysm! Now that your
leveling process is over, you can learn more about Level 85 Unholy
Death Knight gameplay by reading our fully detailed
guide below.
More Cataclysm Death Knight Guides
More Cataclysm Spec Guides from Other Classes
This guide has been written by Abide, TBC veteran for nearly a decade. Abide is a Warrior tank and multi-class expert currently playing on Faerlina as Horde. You can find him in the the Icy Veins Discord. You can also see him live on Twitch.
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