Well of Eternity Dungeon Guide

Last updated on Feb 18, 2025 at 00:00 by Abide

Well of Eternity is the third of three dungeons added in during Phase Four of Cataclysm as an introduction to the new raid, Dragon Soul. Here players will go on a journey to uncover the needed information to challenge Deathwing himself.



Well of Eternity is the second of the three new dungeons that introduces Dragon Souls story-line, involving Thrall contacting the Dragon Aspects for aid in uncovering Deathwing's nefarious plans. In this dungeon players will race against the clock to stop the invading demons from corrupting the Well of Eternity. You must have first completed End Time in order to enter this dungeon.

Well of Eternity is located in the Caverns of Time zone, inside Tanaris. All three of the new dungeons can be found in this zone, allowing the player to complete the entire quest chain quickly between all three dungeons.



  • Corrupting Touch Icon Corrupting Touch
  • Fel Flames Icon Fel Flames
  • Fel Decay Icon Fel Decay
  • Endless Frenzy Icon Endless Frenzy

Peroth'arn has a few special abilities to be mindful of. Corrupting Touch Icon Corrupting Touch is a stacking debuff applied to the tank, increasing damage taken per stack. Fel Flames Icon Fel Flames will appear in various locations throughout the room, dealing damage to all players in the area and should be avoided. Fel Decay Icon Fel Decay will debuff a random target and deal moderate Shadow damage over time; healing this target causes the caster to take damage equal to the amount of health healed.

Eyes The main mechanic of the fight will occur when Peroth'arn reaches 70% health, where he will vanish. Illidan will cloak the party as well, forcing Peroth'arn to summon in a plethora of eyes to search for the party. These eyes will quickly move around the room in random directions, and if they come in contact with a player Peroth'arn will enter a Endless Frenzy Icon Endless Frenzy and attack that player. If no player is detected for 40 seconds, Peroth'arn will be weakened by Enfeebled Icon Enfeebled, taking increased damage.


Peroth'arn Loot

Peroth'arn's Belt Icon Peroth'arn's Belt
Girdle of the Queen's Champion Icon Girdle of the Queen's Champion
Horned Band Icon Horned Band
Gavel of Peroth'arn Icon Gavel of Peroth'arn
Trickster's Edge Icon Trickster's Edge
Orb of the First Satyrs Icon Orb of the First Satyrs

Queen Azshara

Queen Azshara
  • Servant of the Queen Icon Servant of the Queen
  • Total Obedience Icon Total Obedience
  • Enchanted Magus

Queen Azshara will not face players herself, but instead send her Enchanted Magi servants to do her bidding. She will however, attempt to assist her servants throughout the fight with two spells. Total Obedience Icon Total Obedience will be cast periodically and must be interrupted, or it is an instant wipe; watch for the emote associated with this cast, or keep Queen Azshara set as your focus target to be sure and never miss this 8 second cast. She will also use Servant of the Queen Icon Servant of the Queen on a random player, mind controlling them; the mind controlled player will have a Hand of the Queen placed on them, which can be killed to set the targeted player free.

Queen Azshara has a total of 6 Enchanted Magi fighting for her, and will send them out 2 at a time. There are three types of Enchanted Magus, each using a different school of magic: Arcane, Fire, or Frost; two Magi from the same school of magic can never be sent out at once, meaning you will always be dealing with two different types of casters at the same time.

  • Enchanted Magus (Arcane)
    • Arcane Bomb Icon Arcane Bomb
    • Arcane Shock Icon Arcane Shock
  • Enchanted Magus (Fire)
    • Blast Wave Icon Blast Wave
    • Fireball Icon Fireball
    • Firebomb Icon Firebomb
  • Enchanted Magus (Frost)
    • Coldflame Icon Coldflame
    • Ice Fling Icon Ice Fling

Spread out to avoid the multiple AoE spells these Magi have. We recommend killing the Arcane Magus first, followed by the Frost, and lastly the Fire. Interrupt and stun the Magi as frequently as possible, and after all 6 have been defeated the encounter is completed.


Queen Azshara Loot

Slippers of Wizardry Icon Slippers of Wizardry
Puppeteer's Pantaloons Icon Puppeteer's Pantaloons
Breastplate of the Queen's Guard Icon Breastplate of the Queen's Guard
Cloak of the Royal Protector Icon Cloak of the Royal Protector
Queen's Boon Icon Queen's Boon
Scepter of Azshara Icon Scepter of Azshara

Varo'then and Mannoroth

Light of Elune Players will first engage with Captain Varo'then, while Illidan handles Mannoroth in the background, who is constantly covering the area in Fel Firestorm Icon Fel Firestorms. Tyrande will also be assisting by killing demons as they attempt to break through nearby portals; periodically two Dreadlord Debilitators will spawn and stun Tyrande, stopping her from killing the demons. The party must turn and kill the Dreadlord Debilitators to set Tyrande free before the demons overwhelm the party and wipe your group; while stunned, Tyrande creates a beam of light nearby for players to stand in and gain the Blessing of Elune Icon Blessing of Elune buff, causing you to deal devastating AoE damage to all nearby demons. Use this buff to quickly clear out the Dreadlord Debilitators and set Tyrande free.

The only ability that Captain Varo'then has is Magistrike Icon Magistrike, which chains to nearby allies; spread around the room to avoid the AoE while avoiding the Fel Firestorm Icon Fel Firestorms. Once Captain Varo'then dies he will drop his sword, which can be interacted with to pick up; this sword can then be thrown at Mannoroth to greatly weaken him, allowing the party to quickly defeat him afterwards.


Varo'then and Mannoroth Loot

Cowl of Highborne Sorcerors Icon Cowl of Highborne Sorcerors
Helm of Thorns Icon Helm of Thorns
Spaulders of Eternity Icon Spaulders of Eternity
Demonsbane Chestguard Icon Demonsbane Chestguard
Legguards of the Legion Icon Legguards of the Legion
Annihilan Helm Icon Annihilan Helm
Helm of Power Icon Helm of Power
Mannoroth's Signet Icon Mannoroth's Signet
Foul Gift of the Demon Lord Icon Foul Gift of the Demon Lord
Varo'then's Brooch Icon Varo'then's Brooch
Pit Lord's Destroyer Icon Pit Lord's Destroyer
Thornwood Staff Icon Thornwood Staff


These quests take place inside this dungeon and are apart of the quest chain that expands across all three of the new Dragon Soul dungeons:

  1. In Unending Numbers
  2. The Vainglorious
  3. The Path to the Dragon Soul
  4. Documenting the Timeways
  5. The Hour of Twilight

Upon accepting The Hour of Twilight, you will be able to continue the quest chain in the next and final dungeon, Hour of Twilight.



Achievement Description
Lazy Eye Icon Lazy Eye Defeat Peroth'arn in Well of Eternity on Heroic Difficulty without any party member being detected by an Eye of Peroth'arn.
That's Not Canon! Icon That's Not Canon! Defeat Mannoroth in Well of Eternity on Heroic Difficulty after dealing enough damage to Mannoroth while Varo'then is still alive to cause him to sacrifice Varo'then to heal himself.


  • 17 Feb. 2025: Page added.
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