Zul'Aman Dungeon Guide

Last updated on Jul 30, 2024 at 00:00 by Abide

Zul'Aman was originally introduced in the Burning Crusade as a 10-man catch-up raid. With phase two of Cataclysm, it has been re-vamped from a raid, down into a 5-man heroic only dungeon. While much of the instance maintains the original Zul'Aman theme, this dungeon comes with a handful of fun new challenges for players to overcome!


Zul'Aman Entrance Location

Zul'Aman is still located on the Eastern outskirts of Ghostlands. Similar to TBC, outside of the instance will be a summoning stone, as well as a small camp with helpful NPCs.



  • Akil'zon Static Disruption Icon Static Disruption
  • Call Lightning Icon Call Lightning
  • Amani Kidnapper
  • Soaring Eagle
  • Electrical Storm Icon Electrical Storm

Spread out to avoid the Static Disruption Icon Static Disruption from hitting multiple targets and spreading the debuff around. Akil'zon will summon in waves of Soaring Eagles to deal damage to random targets, as well as a Amani Kidnapper every so often, which stuns and lifts a player while slowly flying away from the battlefield; the Amani Kidnapper must be quickly killed before the affected player dies. Lastly, Akil'zon will target a random player with Electrical Storm Icon Electrical Storm, throwing them into the air and dealing Lightning damage to all players not directly beneath the player targeted by Electrical Storm Icon Electrical Storm; simply stack up quickly once this spell goes out.


Akil'zon Loot

Leggings of Ancient Magics Icon Leggings of Ancient Magics
Feathers of Akil'zon Icon Feathers of Akil'zon
Wristguards of the Predator Icon Wristguards of the Predator
Bracers of Hidden Purpose Icon Bracers of Hidden Purpose
Talonguard Band Icon Talonguard Band


  • Nalorakk Brutal Strike Icon Brutal Strike
  • Surge Icon Surge
  • Lacerating Slash Icon Lacerating Slash
  • Rend Flesh Icon Rend Flesh
  • Deafening Roar Icon Deafening Roar

Nalorakk is a two phase fight where he will alternate between human and bear forms, alternating his abilities and the strategy required. While in his troll form, Nalorakk will periodically deal high damage to the tank with Brutal Strike Icon Brutal Strike. He will also charge the player that is furthest away from him with Surge Icon Surge, dealing moderate Physical damage and increasing their Physical damage taken by 500% for 20 seconds. The debuff from Surge Icon Surge requires that you have 3 players swapping back and forth to each soak only 1 stack of Surge Icon Surge, therefore spreading the damage out and preventing anyone from dying due to the 500% increased Physical damage taken. Simply have the first player soak the first Surge Icon Surge charge, then swap out with the next and keep alternating until Nalorakk returns to his humanoid form.

While in bear form, Nalorakk will periodically silence the party with Deafening Roar Icon Deafening Roar; be sure the tank is healed full as often as possible during the bear phase to avoid a death during this silence, especially as they will have strong bleed DoTs on them while Nalorakk is in his bear form.


Nalorakk Loot

Boots of the Ursine Icon Boots of the Ursine
Armbands of the Bear Spirit Icon Armbands of the Bear Spirit
Pauldrons of Nalorakk Icon Pauldrons of Nalorakk
Jungle Striders Icon Jungle Striders
Spiritshield Mask Icon Spiritshield Mask


  • Jan'alai Flame Breath Icon Flame Breath
  • Fire Bomb Icon Fire Bomb
  • Frenzy Icon Frenzy
  • Amani'shi Hatcher
  • Amani Dragonhawk Hatchling
  • Flame Buffet Icon Flame Buffet
  • Hatch All Eggs Icon Hatch All Eggs

Jan'alai is engaged on a small platform, where players will need to avoid multiple Fire based attacks. Flame Breath Icon Flame Breath will target a random player, causing Jan'alai to turn around and face them, dealing moderate Fire damage to the target and all nearby allies; simply spread around the area evenly to avoid too many players being hit by one breath. Periodically, Jan'alai will teleport to the center of his platform and cover random areas with Fire Bomb Icon Fire Bombs, which will explode after 5 seconds, killing any nearby players. Lastly, Jan'alais will enter a Frenzy Icon Frenzy upon reaching 20% health, increasing his damage and attack speed by 50%; keep the tank alive during this part with any available cooldowns.


Jan'alai Loot

Jan'alai's Spaulders Icon Jan'alai's Spaulders
Amani'shi Bracers Icon Amani'shi Bracers
Hawkscale Waistguard Icon Hawkscale Waistguard
Boots of Bad Mojo Icon Boots of Bad Mojo
Ring of the Numberless Brood Icon Ring of the Numberless Brood


  • Halazzi Water Totem Icon Water Totem
  • Corrupted Lightning Totem
  • Enrage Icon Enrage
  • Earth Shock Icon Earth Shock
  • Lightning Totem Icon Lightning Totem
  • Spirit of the Lynx

Halazzi is the fourth boss of Zul'Aman, and is the last boss needed to complete the timed run. This encounter is a two phase fight, alternating between Halazzis troll form and his empowered lynx form. In the troll phase, Halazzi will frequently drop Water Totem Icon Water Totems, which heal him quickly overtime they are nearby. Simply drag Halazzi away from any Water Totem Icon Water Totems that spawn to prevent them from healing him.

At both 66% and 33% health, Halazzi will heal to full health and summon the Spirit of the Lynx to aid him. The Spirit of the Lynx must be prioritized and killed quickly to force Halazzi back into his troll form and end the phase. The Spirit of the Lynx does not have an aggro table and will attack random targets; be ready with quick heals or defensive cooldowns if it targets a squishy player, such as a cloth wearer. Halazzi will also constantly drop Corrupted Lightning Totems, which must be quickly killed as they deal high damage to the party. This phase will repeat every 33% health until Halazzi is defeated.


Halazzi Loot

Wristwraps of Departed Spirits Icon Wristwraps of Departed Spirits
The Savager's Mask Icon The Savager's Mask
Shadowmender Wristguards Icon Shadowmender Wristguards
Breastplate of Primal Fury Icon Breastplate of Primal Fury
Shimmerclaw Band Icon Shimmerclaw Band

Hex Lord Malacrass

  • Hex Lord Malacrass Spirit Bolts Icon Spirit Bolts
  • Drain Power Icon Drain Power
  • Siphon Soul Icon Siphon Soul

Hex Lord Malacrass starts the fight off with two random adds at his side; these should either be crowd controlled and ignored, or focused down quickly to remove them from the encounter. Hex Lord Malacrass will periodically cast Spirit Bolts Icon Spirit Bolts, dealing high Shadow damage to the party over time; when this finishes he will cast Drain Power Icon Drain Power, draining the strength from all players and increasing his own damage dealt by the same amount drained.

The main ability of this encounter is Siphon Soul Icon Siphon Soul; with this, Hex Lord Malacrass will copy the soul of a random player, gaining abilities based on the affected class. These temporary spells should be dealt with appropriately, move out of AoE spells, dispell debuffs, interrupt casts and so on; remember that Siphon Soul Icon Siphon Soul as well as Drain Power Icon Drain Power both amplify the damage that these temporary spells will do, making them extremely dangerous.


Hex Lord Malacrass Loot

Shadowtooth Trollskin Breastplate Icon Shadowtooth Trollskin Breastplate
Waistband of Hexes Icon Waistband of Hexes
Pauldrons of Sacrifice Icon Pauldrons of Sacrifice
Hex Lord's Bloody Cloak Icon Hex Lord's Bloody Cloak
Soul Drain Signet Icon Soul Drain Signet
Reforged Heartless Icon Reforged Heartless
The Hex Lord's Fetish Icon The Hex Lord's Fetish


  • Daakara Phase One
    • Grievous Throw Icon Grievous Throw
    • Whirlwind Icon Whirlwind
  • Phase Two
    • Shape of the Bear Icon Shape of the Bear
      • Creeping Paralysis Icon Creeping Paralysis
      • Surge Icon Surge
      • Nearly Overpowered Blow Icon Nearly Overpowered Blow
    • Shape of the Lynx Icon Shape of the Lynx
      • Amani Lynx
        • Feral Swipe Icon Feral Swipe
      • Claw Rage Icon Claw Rage
      • Lynx Rush Icon Lynx Rush
  • Phase Three
    • Shape of the Dragonhawk Icon Shape of the Dragonhawk
      • Flame Breath Icon Flame Breath
      • Pillar of Fire Icon Pillar of Fire
      • Flame Whirl Icon Flame Whirl
    • Shape of the Eagle Icon Shape of the Eagle
      • Lightning Totem Icon Lightning Totem
    • Feather Vortex
      • Storm Icon Storm
      • Zap Icon Zap
    • Sweeping Winds Icon Sweeping Winds

Daakara is the only new boss in the dungeon, taking over as the new leader of the Amani tribe. This is a three phase fight in which players will deal with some of the mechanics from each of the previous bosses as Daakara draws his power from the animal spirits that each of boss represents. In phase one players will face Daakara in his troll form; here he only has two abilities to worry about, Grievous Throw Icon Grievous Throw and Whirlwind Icon Whirlwind. Simply move away from Daakara when he uses Whirlwind Icon Whirlwind, and quickly heal the player targeted by Grievous Throw Icon Grievous Throw to full health as the DoT bleed debuff can only be removed by reaching 100% health.

At 80% health Daakara will absorb the essence of either the bear or lynx, granting him a new form based on whichever essence he chose. If using Shape of the Bear Icon Shape of the Bear, Daakara will use Surge Icon Surge on the furthest away player, similar to Nalorakk. He will also periodically cast Creeping Paralysis Icon Creeping Paralysis on the party, stunning everyone after 6 seconds if the debuff is not dispelled. If using Shape of the Lynx Icon Shape of the Lynx, Daakara will summon two Amani Lynx which should be quickly killed; he will also attack random players with Lynx Rush Icon Lynx Rush, dealing moderate damage and causing targets to bleed over time. Lastly he will use Claw Rage Icon Claw Rage on a random target, attacking the player multiple times in a row, dealing more and more damage with each attack.

At 40% health Daakara will enter the final phase, choosing to absorb the essence of the eagle or dragonhawk spirits. If using Shape of the Dragonhawk Icon Shape of the Dragonhawk Daakara will become a large dragonhawk, attacking the raid with multiple fire attacks such as Flame Breath Icon Flame Breath, Flame Whirl Icon Flame Whirl, and Pillar of Fire Icon Pillar of Fire; simply spread out around the room to avoid multiple players being hit by the same spells. If using Shape of the Eagle Icon Shape of the Eagle, Daakara will run to the center of the room and transform into a giant eagle, covering the room with multiple Feather Vortex tornadoes. Lightning Totem Icon Lightning Totems will spawn frequently in random places, simply kill these quickly. The main threat of this phase are the Feather Vortexs around the room; these will Zap Icon Zap nearby players every time they cast, as well as deal moderate damage and knockback anyone that they touch. Kite the Feather Vortexs around the room after Daakara uses Sweeping Winds Icon Sweeping Winds, as this will cause each vortex to chase a random player for a short while.


Daakara Loot

Hexing Robes Icon Hexing Robes
Collar of Bones Icon Collar of Bones
Amani Headdress Icon Amani Headdress
Tusked Shoulderpads Icon Tusked Shoulderpads
Headdress of Sharpened Vision Icon Headdress of Sharpened Vision
Mask of Restless Spirits Icon Mask of Restless Spirits
Legguards of the Unforgiving Icon Legguards of the Unforgiving
Skullpiercer Pauldrons Icon Skullpiercer Pauldrons
Amani Scepter of Rites Icon Amani Scepter of Rites
Mace of the Sacrificed Icon Mace of the Sacrificed

Zul'Aman Quests

  1. The Captive Scouts
  2. The Hex Lord's Fetish
  3. Warlord of the Amani

Zul'Aman Achievements in Cataclysm

Achievement Description
Heroic: Zul'Aman Icon Heroic: Zul'Aman Defeat Daakara in Zul'Aman on Heroic Difficulty.
Heroic: Zul'Aman Guild Run Icon Heroic: Zul'Aman Guild Run Defeat Daakara in Zul'Aman on Heroic difficulty while in a guild group.
Bear-ly Made It Icon Bear-ly Made It Save all four prisoners before they are sacrificed in Zul'Aman on Heroic Difficulty.
Hex Mix Icon Hex Mix Un-hex all of the potential hex victims in Zul'Aman on Heroic Difficulty.
Ring Out! Icon Ring Out! Defeat Daakara in Zul'Aman on Heroic Difficulty without any player leaving the rectangular turquoise stonework inscribed on the floor in the center of his area.
Tunnel Vision Icon Tunnel Vision Defeat Halazzi in Zul'Aman on Heroic Difficulty without killing any of his totems.


  • 30 Jul. 2024: Page added.
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