Zul'Gurub Dungeon Guide

Last updated on Jul 30, 2024 at 00:00 by Abide

Zul'Gurub was originally introduced in original World of Warcraft as a 20-man catch-up raid. With phase two of Cataclysm, it has been re-vamped from a raid, down into a 5-man heroic only dungeon. While much of the instance maintains the original Zul'Gurub theme, this dungeon comes with a handful of fun new challenges for players to overcome!


Zul'Gurub Entrance Location

During Cataclysm, Zul'Gurub is now located in the Northern Stranglethorn half of the newly divided Stranglethorn Jungle. On the far Eastern outskirts of the zone, players will find heavy troll opposition here as they make their way towards the dungeon instance portal.


High Priest Venoxis

  • High Priest Venoxis Venomous Effusion Icon Venomous Effusion
  • Word of Hethiss Icon Word of Hethiss
  • Whispers of Hethiss Icon Whispers of Hethiss
  • Toxic Link Icon Toxic Link
    • Toxic Explosion Icon Toxic Explosion
  • Blessing of the Snake God Icon Blessing of the Snake God
  • Pool of Acrid Tears Icon Pool of Acrid Tears
  • Breath of Hethiss Icon Breath of Hethiss
  • Venom Withdrawal Icon Venom Withdrawal
  • Bloodvenom Icon Bloodvenom
  • Poison Cloud Icon Poison Cloud

Have the group stack together behind High Priest Venoxis to save as much space in the area as possible. Be sure to interrupt Whispers of Hethiss Icon Whispers of Hethiss every time it is cast, and whenever two players are targeted with Toxic Link Icon Toxic Link quickly spread apart to break the link. Shortly after entering combat, High Priest Venoxis will gain Blessing of the Snake God Icon Blessing of the Snake God, transforming into a powerful serpent and gaining new abilities.

Continue to avoid the Venomous Effusion Icon Venomous Effusion maze, the Pool of Acrid Tears Icon Pool of Acrid Tears, and quickly move behind High Priest Venoxis whenever he begins casting Breath of Hethiss Icon Breath of Hethiss to avoid the damage. When the Blessing of the Snake God Icon Blessing of the Snake God buff wears off, High Priest Venoxis will return to his altar and cover the area with Poison Cloud Icon Poison Clouds, preventing players from following him. He will then cast Bloodvenom Icon Bloodvenom, spawning tendrils that chase players around the room. Kite these around while avoiding as much poison as possible. After a short duration, High Priest Venoxis will suffer from Venom Withdrawal Icon Venom Withdrawal, stunning him for 10 seconds and increasing all damage taken by 100%; use this time to quickly finish him off.


High Priest Venoxis Loot

Serpentine Leggings Icon Serpentine Leggings
Belt of Slithering Serpents Icon Belt of Slithering Serpents
Breastplate of Serenity Icon Breastplate of Serenity
Coils of Hate Icon Coils of Hate
Signet of Venoxis Icon Signet of Venoxis

Bloodlord Mandokir

  • Bloodlord Mandokir Decapitate Icon Decapitate
  • Level Up Icon Level Up
  • Devastating Slam Icon Devastating Slam
  • Bloodletting Icon Bloodletting
  • Frenzy Icon Frenzy
  • Ohgan
    • Ohgan's Orders Icon Ohgan's Orders
    • Reanimate Ohgan Icon Reanimate Ohgan
  • Chained Spirit
    • Revive Icon Revive
      • Spirit's Vengeance Icon Spirit's Vengeance

Bloodlord Mandokir is a unique encounter, in which players will need to die multiple times to win! Bloodlord Mandokir will periodically Decapitate Icon Decapitate a random target, instantly killing them and gaining a stack of Level Up Icon Level Up, increasing his damage dealt by 20% per stack. After the first Decapitate Icon Decapitate Bloodlord Mandokir will dismount Ohgan, who joins in the fight. Quickly move out of the Devastating Slam Icon Devastating Slam indicated shockwave and heal the Bloodletting Icon Bloodletting victims up after the debuff falls off, Bloodletting Icon Bloodletting deals a percentage of the targets current health, making it pointless to heal them while they still have the debuff.

Players killed by Decapitate Icon Decapitate will be revived shortly after by a one of the 8 nearby Chained Spirits; with only 8 Chained Spirits in the room, this puts a time limit on how long you have to kill the boss before there are no more spirits available to Revive Icon Revive players. When Ohgan joins the fight, he will begin attacking the Chained Spirits, attempting to kill them all and prevent them from ressing your party. For this reason, the party must always focus and kill Ohgan as quickly as possible to save the Chained Spirits; Bloodlord Mandokir will also occasionally use Reanimate Ohgan Icon Reanimate Ohgan to bring Ohgan back to life, simply focus him down again.


Bloodlord Mandokir Loot

Deathcharged Wristguards Icon Deathcharged Wristguards
Hakkari Loa Drape Icon Hakkari Loa Drape
Amulet of the Watcher Icon Amulet of the Watcher
Bloodlord's Protector Icon Bloodlord's Protector
Touch of Discord Icon Touch of Discord
Armored Razzashi Raptor

Cache of Madness

  • Cache of Madness Hazza'rah
    • Earth Shock Icon Earth Shock
    • Wrath Icon Wrath
    • Sleep Icon Sleep
    • Nightmare Illusion
      • Consume Soul Icon Consume Soul
  • Renataki
    • Deadly Poison Icon Deadly Poison
    • Vanish Icon Vanish
      • Ambush Icon Ambush
    • Thousand Blades Icon Thousand Blades
    • Frenzy Icon Frenzy
  • Wushoolay
    • Lightning Cloud Icon Lightning Cloud
    • Forked Lightning Icon Forked Lightning
    • Lightning Rush Icon Lightning Rush
      • Lightning Rod Icon Lightning Rod
  • Gri'lek
    • Rupture Line Icon Rupture Line
    • Avatar Icon Avatar
      • Pursuit Icon Pursuit
      • Entangling Roots Icon Entangling Roots

The Cache of Madness encounter in Zul'Gurub can only be started by someone with a level 225 or higher Archaeology profession. Once the nearby artifacts have been examined, one of four random bosses will appear: Hazza'rah, Renataki, Wushoolay, or Gri'lek.

Hazza'rah will frequently summon in Nightmare Illusions, which target a random player, stun them and walks towards them. If the Nightmare Illusion reaches the targeted player, it will instantly kill them; the Nightmare Illusions have very low health however and should always be quickly killed. When Hazza'rah reaches either 66% or 33% health, he will Sleep Icon Sleep the entire party except for 1 random player and summon 4 Nightmare Illusions; the player who was not affected by Sleep Icon Sleep must quickly kill all 4 Nightmare Illusions to save the party. Interrupt Wrath Icon Wrath whenever he casts it and casters should stay at max ranged to avoid the Earth Shock Icon Earth Shock.

Renataki is a Rogue-type enemy, stacking up Deadly Poison Icon Deadly Poison on the tank and periodically slipping away from combat with Vanish Icon Vanish. After using Vanish Icon Vanish Renataki will use Thousand Blades Icon Thousand Blades, charging a random player and spinning around, dealing deadly Physical damage to all nearby players. Run away from him while he is in Vanish Icon Vanish until he Ambush Icon Ambushs a random player and re-appears. At 30% health Renataki will Frenzy Icon Frenzy, greatly increasing his attack speed.

Wushoolay is the easiest of the four bosses, spread around the room to avoid Forked Lightning Icon Forked Lightning from hitting everyone and move out of any Lightning Cloud Icon Lightning Clouds that appear. Periodically Wushoolay will Lightning Rush Icon Lightning Rush to a random player and start casting Lightning Rod Icon Lightning Rod, killing anyone still in the area at the end of the cast; quickly move away from his charge location until Lightning Rod Icon Lightning Rod ends.

Gri'lek frequently smash the ground, creating Rupture Line Icon Rupture Lines that move towards players and knocks up anyone caught in the area; avoid these if they are heading towards you. Throughout the fight Gri'lek will gain Avatar Icon Avatar, greatly buffing his damage output, but slowing his movement speed down; take advantage of the reduced movement speed and kite him while he has this buff. Gri'lek will then fixate a random player and Pursuit Icon Pursuit them, using Entangling Roots Icon Entangling Roots on his target to root them in place; these must be quickly dispelled or Gri'lek will reach his target and easily kill them.


Edge of Madness Shared Loot

Handguards of the Tormented Icon Handguards of the Tormented
Plunderer's Gauntlets Icon Plunderer's Gauntlets
Lost Bag of Whammies Icon Lost Bag of Whammies
Zulian Voodoo Stick Icon Zulian Voodoo Stick

Hazza'rah Loot

Thekal's Claws Icon Thekal's Claws
Gurubashi Destroyer Icon Gurubashi Destroyer

Renataki Loot

Renataki's Soul Slicer Icon Renataki's Soul Slicer
Arlokk's Claws Icon Arlokk's Claws

Wushoolay Loot

Kilt of Forgotten Rites Icon Kilt of Forgotten Rites
Troll Skull Chestplate Icon Troll Skull Chestplate

Gri'lek Loot

Fasc's Preserved Boots Icon Fasc's Preserved Boots
Amulet of Protection Icon Amulet of Protection

High Priestess Kilnara

  • High Priestess Kilnara Phase One
    • Lash of Anguish Icon Lash of Anguish
    • Shadow Bolt Icon Shadow Bolt
    • Tears of Blood Icon Tears of Blood
    • Wave of Agony Icon Wave of Agony
    • Wail of Sorrow Icon Wail of Sorrow
  • Phase Two
    • Camouflage Icon Camouflage
    • Ravage Icon Ravage
    • Rage of the Ancients Icon Rage of the Ancients
    • Vengeful Smash Icon Vengeful Smash
    • Pride of Bethekk
      • Gaping Wound Icon Gaping Wound

High Priestess Kilnara starts out the fight in her troll form, mostly focusing on casting Shadow magic spells. Interrupt Tears of Blood Icon Tears of Blood whenever she casts it, if you have additional interrupts try to stop some her Shadow Bolt Icon Shadow Bolts, but Tears of Blood Icon Tears of Blood should be your interrupt priority. Wave of Agony Icon Wave of Agony by quickly running behind High Priestess Kilnara before the cast finishes, so make sure you are standing near her. Dispel the Lash of Anguish Icon Lash of Anguish debuff or simply heal through it whenever it goes out.

The area surrounding High Priestess Kilnara is full of panthers which must be killed before reaching phase two as they will all come to the bosses aid then. Either have your tank grab a few at a time, or use cooldowns to AoE large packs of them at a time.

At 50% health High Priestess Kilnara will enter her panther form, gaining new abilities. Use all major DPS cooldowns here to quickly burn down the boss and end the fight before Rage of the Ancients Icon Rage of the Ancients buffs her damage greatly and overwhelms the party. Avoid the Vengeful Smash Icon Vengeful Smash areas and be ready to quickly heal a Ravage Icon Ravage target whenever High Priestess Kilnara uses Camouflage Icon Camouflage.


High Priestess Kilnara Loot

Claw-Fringe Mantle Icon Claw-Fringe Mantle
Sash of Anguish Icon Sash of Anguish
Leggings of the Pride Icon Leggings of the Pride
Roaring Mask of Bethekk Icon Roaring Mask of Bethekk
Arlokk's Signet Icon Arlokk's Signet
Swift Zulian Panther Icon Swift Zulian Panther


  • Zanzil Zanzili Fire Icon Zanzili Fire
  • Terrible Tonic Icon Terrible Tonic
  • Voodoo Bolt Icon Voodoo Bolt
  • Zanzili Zombie
  • Zanzili Berserker
  • Zanzil's Graveyard Gas Icon Zanzil's Graveyard Gas

Throughout Zanzils room are 3 cauldrons, which grant players a unique buff depending on which is consumed. The Frostburn cauldron causes the players next attack to stun the target for 15 seconds and inflict 65% of their maximum health. The Burning Blood cauldron deals fire damage to all nearby enemies, as well as the player. The Toxic Torment cauldron causes the player to take 90% reduced Nature damage for the duration. Utilizing the proper cauldrons at the correct times is key to defeating this encounter.

Zanzil will constantly be shooting a line of Zanzili Fire Icon Zanzili Fire in front of him, requiring the tank to frequently reposition to avoid the flames. Interrupt Voodoo Bolt Icon Voodoo Bolt as often as possible and spread out for Terrible Tonic Icon Terrible Tonic.

Zanzil will periodically consume one of three elixirs, each causing a different effect. The Red Resurrection Elixir will teleport a player to the nearby graveyard and resurrect a huge wave of Zanzili Zombies to attack them. The Blue Resurrection Elixir will resurrect a Zanzili Berserker which will fixate on a random target, knocking them and chasing them down, killing the targeted player if they reach them. Lastly, if Zanzil uses Zanzil's Graveyard Gas Icon Zanzil's Graveyard Gas rather than an elixir, he will fill the entire area with deadly poison, dealing 20% of players health every second for the duration.

To counter the elixirs players must use the proper cauldron. If Zanzil uses the Red Elixir, players should grab the Burning Blood cauldron to help AoE the Zanzili Zombies down as soon as possible. If Zanzil uses the Blue Elixir, one or two players should grab the Frostburn cauldron to stun the Zanzili Berserker and deal massive damage. Finally, to survive Zanzil's Graveyard Gas Icon Zanzil's Graveyard Gas, the entire party must take the Toxic Torment cauldron for the Nature damage reduction buff.


Zanzil Loot

Spiritbinder Spaulders Icon Spiritbinder Spaulders
Zombie Walker Legguards Icon Zombie Walker Legguards
Plumed Medicine Helm Icon Plumed Medicine Helm
Bone Plate Handguards Icon Bone Plate Handguards
Zulian Slasher Icon Zulian Slasher

Jin'do the Godbreaker

  • Jin'do the Godbreaker Phase One
    • Deadzone Icon Deadzone
    • Shadows of Hakkar Icon Shadows of Hakkar
  • Phase Two
    • Shadow Spike Icon Shadow Spike
    • Gurubashi Spirit
      • Body Slam Icon Body Slam
      • Frenzy Icon Frenzy
      • Sunder Rift Icon Sunder Rift
    • Twisted Spirit
    • Hakkar's Chains Icon Hakkar's Chains
      • Brittle Barrier Icon Brittle Barrier

Jin'do the Godbreaker will create a Deadzone Icon Deadzone that reduce magic damage taken and casting speed by 90% while inside. Simply move the boss out of the bubble, but stay nearby as you will need to enter the Deadzone Icon Deadzone whenever he casts Shadows of Hakkar Icon Shadows of Hakkar.

At 70% health Jin'do the Godbreaker enters phase two, transporting the entire party into the Spirit Realm. He will continuously attack the party with Shadow Spike Icon Shadow Spikes for the rest of the fight, shooting a project at the location of a random player; be quick to move away from the indicated areas. In the Spirit Realm Jindo is harnessing his powers from the Spirit of Hakkar, who is chained in place by three Hakkar's Chains Icon Hakkar's Chains. Freeing the Spirit of Hakkar is not so easy however as the Hakkar's Chains Icon Hakkar's Chains are protected by Brittle Barrier Icon Brittle Barrier.

To break the Brittle Barrier Icon Brittle Barriers and expose the chains, your tank must engage a nearby Gurubashi Spirit and bring it near one of the chains. The rest of the party must then stand on top of one of the chains and wait for the Gurubashi Spirit to use Body Slam Icon Body Slam on a random player, who should be standing on top of the nearby chain. Wherever Body Slam Icon Body Slam lands, it leaves a Sunder Rift Icon Sunder Rift at that location; if this is done properly, the Sunder Rift Icon Sunder Rift will temporarily remove the Brittle Barrier Icon Brittle Barrier, exposing the Hakkar's Chains Icon Hakkar's Chains and allowing you to destroy them. Destroy all 3 chains to finally return to the normal realm and finish off Jin'do the Godbreaker himself.


Jin'do the Godbreaker Loot

The Hexxer's Mask Icon The Hexxer's Mask
Vestments of the Soulflayer Icon Vestments of the Soulflayer
Twinblade of the Hakkari Icon Twinblade of the Hakkari
Twinblade of the Hakkari Icon Twinblade of the Hakkari
Jin'do's Verdict Icon Jin'do's Verdict
Legacy of Arlokk Icon Legacy of Arlokk
Shield of the Blood God Icon Shield of the Blood God
Zulian Ward Icon Zulian Ward
Mandokir's Tribute Icon Mandokir's Tribute

Zul'Gurub Quests

  1. Secondary Targets
  2. Break Their Spirits
  3. Putting a Price on Priceless
  4. The Beasts Within
  5. Break the Godbreaker
  6. Booty Bay's Interests

Zul'Gurub Achievements in Cataclysm

Achievement Description
Heroic: Zul'Gurub Icon Heroic: Zul'Gurub Defeat Jin'do the Godbreaker in Zul'Gurub on Heroic Difficulty.
Heroic: Zul'Gurub Guild Run Icon Heroic: Zul'Gurub Guild Run Defeat Jin'do the Godbreaker in Zul'Gurub on Heroic difficulty while in a guild group.
Gurubashi Headhunter Defeat Gub, Mortaxx, Kaulema, Mor'Lek, the Florawing Hive Queen, a Lost Offspring of Gahz'ranka, Tor-Tun, and the Gurubashi Master Chef in Zul'Gurub on Heroic Difficulty.
It's Not Easy Being Green Icon It's Not Easy Being Green Do not get hit by Bloodvenom, Pool of Acrid Tears, or Venomous Effusion in the High Priest Venoxis encounter in Zul'Gurub on Heroic Difficulty.
Ohganot So Fast! Icon Ohganot So Fast! Defeat Bloodlord Mandokir in Zul'Gurub on Heroic Difficulty without killing Ohgan.
Spirit Twister Icon Spirit Twister Defeat 20 Twisted Spirits within 15 seconds during the Jin'do encounter in Zul'Gurub on Heroic Difficulty.


  • 30 Jul. 2024: Page added.
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