Fire Druid Build BiS Gear and Runes for Diablo 2 Resurrected

Last updated on Sep 19, 2021 at 12:00 by MrLlamaSC 7 comments

Below, we detail which items and stats you should prioritise for your Fire Druid and Mercenary in Diablo 2.


Damage Build

This is the standard high damage build for the Fire Druid.


Magic Find Build

This build is suited for a Magic Find Druid.


Budget Build Items

This is a variety of cheap gear sets to get you started.



You can either choose a Defensive (Holy Freeze Holy Freeze) or Offensive (Might Might) Act 2 Nightmare Mercenary here depending on if you prefer a slower pace and safety, or want your Mercenary to have added Damage to help take care of Fire Immune enemies. I prefer Might Might Mercenary for this character. If running Phoenix I would not recommend Holy Freeze Holy Freeze since it diminishes the viability of Redemption Redemption.


Mercenary Gear


Optimal Mercenary Gear

This is one of the best Mercenary Gear setups for your Character.


Budget Mercenary Gear

This is a cheap gear set to get your Mercenary some easy damage and survivability.



  • 19 Sep. 2021: Page added.
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