LoD Rapid Fire Demon Hunter BiS Gear, Gems, and Paragon Points

Last updated on Jan 19, 2025 at 09:00 by Deadset 24 comments

Below, we detail the items and gems that you should use for your LoD Rapid Fire Demon Hunter in Diablo 3 and why. We also list your paragon points and Kanai's Cube items. Updated for Patch 2.7.8 and Season 34.


Best in Slot Gear and Alternatives

Since the build is based on the Legacy of Dreams power, you have some flexibility in the items you choose to slot across your gear, provided they are ideally of Ancient quality, have the appropriate stats, and do not form any other set bonuses (meaning you can temporarily run individual set pieces, if necessary).

The Legacy of Dreams power allows you to run any legendary item combination while not losing out on the damage amplification and reduction associated with the traditional 6-piece sets. You can obtain this power in two ways; the older way is equipping the two rings — The Wailing Host The Wailing Host and Litany of the Undaunted Litany of the Undaunted — as your only active set bonus. The newer (and more powerful, since it also opens your ring slots for legendary jewelry) method is the Legacy of Dreams Legacy of Dreams legendary gem.

In a setup with Legacy of Dreams Legacy of Dreams, you will be wearing your two best rolled rings and cubing the third between Convention of Elements Convention of Elements, Unity Unity, and Elusive Ring Elusive Ring. Both Unity Unity and Elusive Ring Elusive Ring provide damage reduction through different conditions. Unity Unity will cut incoming damage in half when paired with another on the follower, along with an immortality relic for them (i.e. Enchanting Favor Enchanting Favor). Elusive Ring Elusive Ring is another massive damage reduction source, as long as you remember to use Shadow Power Shadow Power or Smoke Screen Smoke Screen at least once every 8 seconds (see this build's skills page for more information). Convention of Elements Convention of Elements simply provides a massive damage increase during the Fire cycle of its rotation.

You have two viable options for the amulet slot; either using Squirt's Necklace Squirt's Necklace for an additional damage multiplier, or a Hellfire Amulet of Dexterity Hellfire Amulet of Dexterity for a synergistic fifth passive like Awareness Awareness, Archery Archery or Tactical Advantage Tactical Advantage. The former favorite The Flavor of Time The Flavor of Time should now be slotted on your follower, and its power will be transferred to your character via the Emanate mechanics.

Most of your armor slots can be roughly split into three categories: Fire elemental damage items, Rapid Fire-boosting damage items and Utility items.

  • Cindercoat Cindercoat, Magefist Magefist and Blackthorne's Jousting Mail Blackthorne's Jousting Mail are able to bring up to 20% Fire elemental damage each, greatly amplifying your main damage dealer. While Magefist Magefist is a straightforward elemental DPS item, Cindercoat Cindercoat also brings Resource Cost Reduction value to the build, which brings the initial activation cost of Rapid Fire Rapid Fire down and allows you to maintain a stable Hatred reserve. Blackthorne's Jousting Mail Blackthorne's Jousting Mail provide an elemental damage increase, which is fairly unique for the slot — as long as it does not form its set bonus with another Blackthorne item, thus breaking the LoD bonus, this will be your best-in-slot item.
  • To maximize the damage of Rapid Fire Rapid Fire, you will be using both Mantle of Channeling Mantle of Channeling and Hellcat Waistguard Hellcat Waistguard. The inclusion of Mantle of Channeling Mantle of Channeling is pretty self-explanatory, since your main damage dealer is a channeled skill, and you can use every boost of damage and toughness you can get. Hellcat Waistguard Hellcat Waistguard is more mechanically complex; it has an unlisted 50% chance to proc, irrespective of the skill used or unique affix rolled. The belt increases the number of times grenades "bounce" and deal damage, counting the initial impact as the first bounce (and thus increasing your burst from the get-go). Notably, the final burst is 800% of the base damage, which somewhat lessens the impact of worse (less bounces) belts, and can even make them preferable for speedfarming to reduce the time between a shot and the final burst. This is especially important considering that grenades are very likely to bounce outside of a fight, or even outright disappear upon collision with a wall or a similar object. Nevertheless, for endgame pushing you will be looking for ideal circumstances — open area rifts, where the perfect 5-bounce Hellcat Waistguard Hellcat Waistguard will shine.
  • You will round out your items with some utility extras. Exclusive to the Act 2 bounty cache, Illusory Boots Illusory Boots will bring vital mobility to the build, which is rather slow and immobile compared to DH standards; the removal of enemy collision that these boots provide will be indispensable when positioning for optimal damage. You have some flexibility in your wrist slot; the general recommendation are the Lacuni Prowlers Lacuni Prowlers for their unique Attack Speed bonus.

The ideal weapon for the build is the one-handed crossbow Dawn Dawn — with Vengeance Vengeance being a universally desired buff, reducing its cooldown up to 65% and achieving permanent uptime through gear is an opportunity you cannot pass lightly. Its companion will be the dedicated Rapid Fire Rapid Fire quiver Sin Seekers Sin Seekers, which has been reworked to include a massive skill damage buff on top of its longtime legendary power, the removal of the skill's channeling cost.


Desired Stats, Breakpoints and Other Notes

For Offense stats, try to obtain Rapid Fire % bonus at least on the boots; your fourth primary helm roll can be dedicated to Life per Hit simply for the sustain needs of the build. Get Fire elemental damage on both the amulet and wrists (maximum of 40%), Crit Chance and Crit Damage within a 1:10 ratio (ideally over 50% and 500%, respectively), and Area Damage of 100%+. You will also be striving to reach a 37% CDR breakpoint for permanent uptime of Vengeance Vengeance, attainable from Paragon points, Flawless Royal Diamond Flawless Royal Diamond in the helm and 3 other items with max CDR rolls, distributed as you see fit (i.e. on shoulders, gloves, and one ring).

For Defense stats, aim for a life pool between 500-600k; dropping as much as you can for offense as you grow accustomed to the build. You will mostly sustain through Life per Hit on gear, with one high roll in your setup (i.e. bracer).

All augmentations on gear should be done with your main stat, Dexterity.

Note that the stat suggestions below portray an ideally rolled item with stats listed in relative order of importance. The first four of them are main stats, and the latter two — secondary stats. If your item lacks and is unable to be rerolled into the primary stats outlined below, especially for a stat higher on the list, strongly consider its replacement. Perfecting Secondary stats is mostly a case of hyper-optimization and is not a case for discarding an item, except where noted.

Slot Pieces Stat Priority
  1. Dexterity
  2. Socket
  3. Critical Hit Chance
  4. Life per Hit or Rapid Fire %
  5. Physical or Lightning Resistance (Secondary Stat)
  6. Pickup Radius (Secondary Stat)
  1. Dexterity
  2. Area Damage %
  3. Cooldown Reduction
  4. All Resistance or Vitality
  5. Pickup Radius (Secondary Stat)
  6. Health Globe Healing Bonus (Secondary Stat)
  1. Dexterity
  2. 3 Sockets
  3. Fire Damage %
  4. Vitality
  5. Physical or Lightning Resistance (Secondary Stat)
  6. Melee or Missile Damage Reduction (Secondary Stat)
  1. Dexterity
  2. Critical Hit Chance
  3. Fire Damage %
  4. Life per Hit or Vitality
  5. Melee or Missile Damage Reduction (Secondary Stat)
  6. Physical or Lightning Resistance (Secondary Stat)
  1. Dexterity (replaced by Area Damage at High Paragons)
  2. Critical Hit Chance
  3. Critical Hit Damage
  4. Cooldown Reduction
  5. Physical or Lightning Resistance (Secondary Stat)
  6. Pickup Radius (Secondary Stat)
  1. Dexterity
  2. Vitality
  3. All Resistance
  4. Life %
  5. Life per Kill (Secondary Stat)
  6. Pickup Radius (Secondary Stat)
  1. Dexterity
  2. 2 Sockets
  3. Vitality
  4. All Resistance
  5. Life per Kill (Secondary Stat)
  6. Pickup Radius (Secondary Stat)
  1. Dexterity
  2. Vitality
  3. All Resistance
  4. Rapid Fire Damage %
  5. Pickup Radius (Secondary Stat)
  6. Health Globe Healing Bonus (Secondary Stat)
  1. Socket
  2. Critical Hit Damage
  3. Critical Hit Chance
  4. Fire Damage %
  5. Physical or Lightning Resistance (Secondary Stat)
  6. Melee or Missile Damage Reduction (Secondary Stat)
Ring #1
  1. Socket
  2. Critical Hit Chance
  3. Critical Hit Damage
  4. Average Damage Increase
  5. Physical or Lightning Resistance (Secondary Stat)
  6. Life per Kill (Secondary Stat)
Ring #2
  1. Socket
  2. Critical Hit Chance
  3. Critical Hit Damage
  4. Average Damage Increase
  5. Physical or Lightning Resistance (Secondary Stat)
  6. Life per Kill (Secondary Stat)
  1. Socket (preferably from Ramaladni's Gift Ramaladni's Gift)
  2. High Weapon Damage
  3. Dexterity
  4. Cooldown Reduction
  5. Area Damage
  6. Life per Kill (Secondary Stat)
  1. Dexterity
  2. Crit Chance
  3. Cooldown Reduction
  4. Area Damage
  5. Health Globe Healing Bonus (Secondary Stat)

To help you with farming the gear you need for your builds, we have two very useful guides that you can access by clicking the links below: a Salvage Guide to help you quickly check whether or not you can safely salvage a piece of gear and a Legendary Farming Guide to help you efficiently farm legendaries and set items.


Angelic Crucible Sanctification

This Season comes with the theme of Angelic Crucibles — consumable items that empower Legendary items with perfected Ancient-level stats, as well as infuse them with one of three unique, powerful, class-specific abilities at random. For this build, we recommend aiming for the Vengeance Vengeance Sanctification, which adds the following power to your build:

  • Vengeance Sanctification: Casting Vengeance unleashes a barrage of rockets that deal damage equal to a percentage of the maximum life enemies possess. The number of rockets fired increases over 30 seconds. Elites and Bosses receive less damage per rocket.

Use Angelic Crucibles on an item that crosses over most (if not all) variants of a build, and is also an item that is relatively harder to perfect than other slots (since sanctifying an item maximizes its stats). In the case of this build, a good candidate for Sanctification is Dawn Dawn, which is present across all variants of this build.

You can read more on Angelic Crucibles and the sanctification process in our dedicated Angelic Crucible Mechanics guide.


Altar of Rites

The former Season 28 theme, the Altar of Rites, has been revised and re-added to Diablo 3 as a permanent character progression mechanic. — For virtually all builds and players of all skill levels — from casual to advanced — we recommend progressing through the Altar tree using the path outlined below. The suggested path is geared towards maximum quality of life first, then amplifying damage, and then mopping up the tree with defensive and edge case utility nodes.

Note that while they require reaching them with a Seal, Legendary Potion Powers are not part of the Seal cost system; Potions unlock with a separate resource called Primordial Ashes, obtained from salvaging Legendary or Set items of Primal (red bordered) quality. Upgrade them as soon as possible, and in the order shown below (courtesy of Caleko's Altar of Rites planner).

Altar of Rites Planner

You can read more on the Altar of Rites, Seals and Legendary Potion Powers in our dedicated Altar of Rites Mechanics guide.


Paragon Points

In the Core section, max out Movement Speed to the 25% cap. Normally this is done by dumping the first 50 Core Paragon points into Movement Speed, but if your boots have an imperfect roll with Movement Speed as a stat that you cannot replace, adjust the necessary point investment accordingly by simply subtracting your roll from the 25% max. After that dump as much as you comfortably can into Dexterity, but feel free to invest into Vitality if you feel yourself lacking in toughness, or Maximum Hatred if you want to play around with a bigger resource pool.

In the Offense section, max out Cooldown Reduction, Crit Damage, Crit Chance, and Attack Speed in that order. In Defense, prioritize All Resistance, then Life %, then Armor, and finish off with Life Regeneration. In Utility, build up Area Damage and Life on Hit first, then finish off with Resource Cost Reduction and Globe Radius.

Slot Paragon Points
  1. Movement Speed up to 25% cap
  2. Dexterity
  3. Maximum Hatred (up to personal preference)
  4. Vitality
  1. Cooldown Reduction
  2. Critical Hit Damage
  3. Critical Hit Chance
  4. Attack Speed
  1. All Resistance
  2. Life %
  3. Armor
  4. Life Regeneration
  1. Area Damage
  2. Life on Hit
  3. Resource Cost Reduction
  4. Globe Radius


Bane of the Trapped Bane of the Trapped is a potent source of additional damage, as it is its own multiplier in your total damage calculation. The gem will be procced by itself due to its level 25 property (AoE slow in close range around you), fitting the melee playstyle of this build perfectly. Note that if you swap away from a Fan of Knives Fan of Knives Bladed Armor Bladed ArmorNumbing Traps Numbing Traps synergy setup (i.e. you opt for a Shadow Power Shadow Power, Smoke Screen Smoke Screen and Caltrops Caltrops variation), you have a strong argument to alter this gem slot to Pain Enhancer Pain Enhancer.

Introduced in Season 4, Bane of the Stricken Bane of the Stricken occupies a firm spot in your jewelry sockets during highest end progression. Building up your damage multiplicatively in prolonged fights and with a level 25 bonus specifically targeting Rift Guardians, this gem is designed to assist AoE heavy builds in 1v1 combat.

Your final slot is best occupied by the Legacy of Dreams Legacy of Dreams legendary gem, which provides a scaling bonus for each legendary item equipped, as long as you have no set bonuses equipped. This bonus is multiplied for Ancient or Primal quality items, and when the gem is maxed out, it matches the Legacy of Nightmares (The Wailing Host The Wailing Host and Litany of the Undaunted Litany of the Undaunted rings) set bonus. This potent bonus allows you to play around with all your gear slots for synergistic legendary powers at the cost of a gem slot. In the older LoN setup, or Seasons with an extra 4th slot in Kanai's Cube, this socket would be occupied by Pain Enhancer Pain Enhancer.

When it comes to gear gems, you will start out progression by slotting the highest available level of Emeralds in the chest and pants sockets. Ideally, these will all be Flawless Royal Emerald Flawless Royal Emeralds as soon as possible. As you grow in Paragon (bulking up Dexterity in the Core section) and aim for higher tier and more dangerous GRs, you will transition those gems into the defensive Flawless Royal Diamond Flawless Royal Diamond. There is no specific breakpoint where you do that; the rule of thumb is to make the change as soon as you feel the lack of toughness impede your progress. Since you are chasing a specific CDR breakpoint, slot a Flawless Royal Diamond Flawless Royal Diamond in your helm. In your weapon, use a Flawless Royal Emerald Flawless Royal Emerald for the Crit Damage boost.

Slot Gems
Torso and Pants

For more information about gems, please refer to our guide on gems.


Kanai's Cube

Tucked away in the Cube, Wojahnni Assaulter Wojahnni Assaulter is a cornerstone piece of Rapid Fire Rapid Fire builds due to its scaling damage as you channel the skill.

Stone Gauntlets Stone Gauntlets are one of the most effective protective pieces in the game, bumping your armor by 50% at a significant (and stacking) mobility penalty — one which you will completely negate with the crowd control immunization aspect of Vengeance Vengeance.

Your jewelry Cube slot is best filled by Elusive Ring Elusive Ring, which greatly reduces incoming damage as long as you remember to use Shadow Power Shadow Power at least once every 8 seconds; in a facetanking build like the LoD Rapid Fire DH, this comes almost naturally from gameplay.

The Kanai's Cube can be used for much more than simply extracting Legendary powers from items. Please refer to our Kanai's Cube guide for more information.



The recommended follower for this build during solo GR progression is the Enchantress, due to her cooldown reduction- and increased attack speed bonuses, both of which are helpful to the needs of an attack speed- and CDR-heavy build such as this one.

For more information regarding followers, we advise you to read our Follower Guide, which contains detailed advice for choosing the skills and the gear of your follower.


Legendary Potion

The preferred potion for this build is Bottomless Potion of the Leech Bottomless Potion of the Leech due to its Life per Hit bonuses, which synergize perfectly for the high attack speed and sustain-through-attacks playstyle of the build.



  • 19 Jan. 2025: Added Season 34 Angelic Crucible recommendations.
  • 22 Oct. 2024: Added Season 33 advice for 4th Kanai slot.
  • 09 Jul. 2024: Added Season 32 advice for ethereal weapons.
  • 10 Apr. 2024: Added Season 31 advice for the unbound Kanai's Cube slots.
  • 08 Jan. 2024: Revised guide for the permanent addition of the Altar of Rites, and added Season-specific Soul Shard recommendations.
  • 13 Sep. 2023: Added Season 29 Paragon Cap and Gearing recommendations.
  • 22 Feb. 2023: Added Season 28 Altar of Rites recommendations.
  • 26 Aug. 2022: Added Season 27 Angelic Crucible recommendations.
  • 13 Apr. 2022: Guide reviewed for Season 26.
  • 09 Dec. 2021: Added Season 25 Soul Shard recommendations.
  • 21 Jul. 2021: Added S24 Ethereal recommendation.
  • 01 Apr. 2021: Minor gearing revision and added follower recommendation.
  • 18 Nov. 2020: Added S22 Cube recommendation.
  • 30 Jun. 2020: No changes required for Season 21.
  • 12 Mar. 2020: No changes necessary for Season 20.
  • 20 Nov. 2019: Reviewed for Season 19. Added detailed explanations to the Stat Priorities, Paragon Points, and Gems sections. Added a Potion section.
  • 23 Aug. 2019: Revised item recommendations for Season 18.
  • 16 May 2019: Guide added.
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