Monk Sunwuko Exploding Palm Build (Patch 2.4)
Arisen from the latent synergies between the Sunwuko, Uliana and Inna sets, the Sunwuko Exploding Palm Monks have become a regular in high-content farming, as well as Leaderboard pushes.
This strictly multiplayer, glass cannon build relies on the following core set pieces:
- Shoulders:
Sunwuko's Balance
- Gloves:
Sunwuko's Paws
- Amulet:
Sunwuko's Shines
- Helm:
Sunwuko's Crown
After Patch 2.4, The Sunwuko set no longer has any Exploding Palm-related bonuses like it did in the past, destroying this build. We removed it from the menus, but decided to leave it on the site, for documentation purposes.
About the Author
This build is presented to you by Deadset, one of the very few professional Diablo 3 players. Deadset regularly publishes video guides on Youtube and streams on Twitch, where you can see how this and other builds play out in practice.
Active Skills |
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Passive Skills |
Strategy, Skills, and Runes
The build dives into fights directly following the puller support, applying Exploding Palm
either through a triple attack from your generator in speed rifts (when wearing 2 piece Uliana),
or by manual use of the skill in progression (when wearing 2 piece Inna). To safely maneuver
through combat you will channel
Tempest Rush, diving in and out of fights. This is not the be
all and end all of your mobility however, as the Monk staple
Dashing Strike will reposition and
grant you temporary Toughness through the
Blinding Speed rune. While in speed runs you will
have to think little of your
Mantra of Retribution
Transgression, its progression replacement —
Mantra of Salvation
Agility — can bring a nice survivability boost when activated. Last but not
least, keep your
Mystic Ally active throughout the rift, as the
Fire Ally rune provides a
passive buff to your damage.
The primary dynamic in the build will be between your generator, Way of the Hundred Fists
and your spender,
Tempest Rush
Northern Breeze — both used for application of buffs rather than DPS.
Keep in mind that the Sunwuko damage bonus is dynamic, so casting
Exploding Palm prior to
obtaining the
Assimilation or
Tempest Rush damage bonuses will have no impact on the detonation
intensity. Your primary concern is to get a good stack of
Assimilation by fighting big packs, and
Tempest Rush through monsters at least once every three seconds to keep the Sunwuko 4
piece bonus active.
You will use Way of the Hundred Fists as your generator to fulfil many purposes: keeping up damage
buffs (
Focus and
Restraint and its own rune,
Assimilation); maintenance of defensive procs like
Spirit Guards; set synergy with the Uliana 2 piece bonus for the speedrun application of
Exploding Palm.
On top of that, it will fulfill its base function of resource generation with a standard 12 Spirit per hit.
Used for the Sunuwko 4 piece and Focus and
Restraint 2 piece damage bonuses, as well as general
mobility in combat,
Tempest Rush is the preferred spender in the build. This skill is primarily
taken for its
Whirlwind-like maneuverability, ignoring enemy collision and allowing you fast
passage through fights. The rune choice is less impactful, with the cheaper
Northern Breeze and
the faster
Tailwind providing the most utility.
The actual damage dealer of the build is the signature Monk ability Exploding Palm. The rune of
choice is the Cold damage
Impending Doom, towering over its peers with 6305% weapon damage per
detonation, activated by the direct damage dealers in your group and spread with the
Gungdo Gear
unique property. In speed runs, you will not need to manually
Exploding Palm and pay the Spirit
cost, as it will be applied with your generator through the Uliana 2 piece bonus. In progression
however, Uliana will step down to the Inna set and manual application will be needed, putting an
emphasis on careful Spirit management.
Dashing Strike is an excellent, fluid movement tool and one of the best assets in the Monk arsenal;
the Sunwuko EP Monk takes it strictly for survival needs. A charge-based skill on a low cooldown,
it will allow you to skip low populated areas and unfavorable fights. With two charges stored by
default you can cover good distances, or simply maintain the 40% Dodge buff of the
Blinding Speed
rune — just keep in mind the absence of Cooldown Reduction in your build and use it sparingly.
Two passive buffs occupy the last two slots of the build — Mystic Ally
Fire Ally and
Mantra of Retribution
Transgression. With а lackluster active component,
Mystic Ally is primarily
taken for the consistent additive damage bonus from the
Fire Ally rune, doubled both by
The Crudest Boots unique property (as a core piece) and the 2 piece Inna bonus (in progression).
Similarly lackluster in its activation,
Mantra of Retribution is incorporated for the passive
attack speed bonus of the rune
Transgression, synergistic with the attack speed-dependent HotA
Barbarians and Carnevil Witch Doctors. If
Transgression is already taken by another Monk in the group,
you can swap out for the defensive
Mantra of Salvation
Divine Protection, adding a party-wide "cheat death" on
a decent, 90 second cooldown. Taking
Divine Protection is still considered a more beneficial move overall,
even though taking any runed
Mantra of Salvation will halve the effectiveness of
Mantra of Salvation
coming from an Inna set (say, from your party Healer Monk).
This concludes the overview of the Active Skills, now let us look through the Passives.
A mainstay in the Monk arsenal of passives, Harmony fuels your All Resistance with 40% of the single
elemental resistance per piece of gear. (E.g. 100 Fire Resistance roll on the boots will add 100 to
your sheet Fire Resistance and add 40 to your other resists.) A well geared Monk will usually sport
secondary resistances in all the gear slots that are able to roll them, adding significantly to his
overall Toughness.
To counteract some of the damage spikes the build is exposed to, we will be taking Near Death Experience —
the cheat death passive available to Monks. On the standard 60 second cooldown, it will prevent a lethal
situation and restore you to 35% Life and Spirit instead. The 2 second immunity to damage and crowd control
impairing effects is a nice bonus on top.
Straightforward and reliable for any Mantra-using Monk, the Unity passive will contribute to your damage
with a nice 20% additive bonus in a full 4 man party, and will boost your party members with an additional 5% damage.
Mythic Rhythm is the final piece in the passives puzzle, providing a significant, 40% multiplicative
damage increase to your next
Exploding Palm following a triple attack from
Way of the Hundred Fists.
This is done to maximize your damage in progression, but in lower speedfarming difficulties you can
substitute this passive with the safer
Sixth Sense, or the less fiddly
Best in Slot Gear and Alternatives
The driving engine of the build lies in the Sunwuko 4 piece bonus amplifying your Exploding Palm damage
by 500%, making
Sunwuko's Balance,
Sunwuko's Paws,
Sunwuko's Shines,
Sunwuko's Crown,
core inclusions in the setup. High Crit Chance and Crit Damage are mandatory on both the gloves and the
amulet, while the helm is focused on Crit Chance and
Exploding Palm damage. Since the build relies on the
group for survivability and does not rely on important cooldowns, the shoulder slot is dedicated purely
to Toughness.
Depending on the content you clear — either XP farming or gem upgrading/Leaderboard pushing — you will have to adapt the remaining armor slots to fit the activity.
- The bigger chunk of your playing time in a Season will be spent Paragon and gear grinding in speed rifts,
so we will outline experience farming first. To ease the spread of
Exploding Palm and decrease the time spent fighting individual packs of monsters, incorporate
Uliana's Heart and
Uliana's Burden for the 2 piece set bonus, enabling
Exploding Palm spread through generator attacks.
- For high GR content where additional damage is needed to maximize individual
Exploding Palm detonations, introduce
Inna's Vast Expanse and
Inna's Temperance to the build; the 2 piece set bonus will double the effectiveness of your Mantra and
Mystic Ally damage bonuses.
Either way, the stat focus for all pieces remains on high Toughness.
Not skipping on any of the items required to obtain the 4 and 2 piece set bonuses leaves slots for the
strongest offensive rings in the game: the Bastions of Will set, Focus and
This ring set adds an impressive 2.25 independent damage multiplier as long as you alternate between a primary
and spender attacks; along with the
Assimilation buff, it is a good reason to learn weaving your
generator in between channeling
Tempest Rush. In the stats, aim for double Crit stats, an open Socket
and high Dexterity.
Similarly to the secondary set choice, the belt slot is flexible with the content you are clearing. During
fast clears for XP, you can optimize for convenience and safety of Pools of Reflection by wearing
String of Ears, the strongest melee mitigation belt in the game. When climbing the ladder you will swap out
for the glass cannon powerhouse
The Witching Hour, pushing the limits of your damage per
Exploding Palm.
The inclusion of Gungdo Gear as the bracer of choice is unsurprising in a build that strictly relies
Exploding Palm to deliver its incredible damage. With an effect both simple and devastating, this
item applies fresh
Exploding Palms to enemies caught within the radius of a detonated EP, spreading
like wildfire in an efficient party. The desired rolls are Cold elemental damage, Crit Chance, Dexterity
and Vitality.
The Crudest Boots will occupy the feet slot, effectively doubling the damage bonuses from the
Fire Ally
rune by increasing your
Mystic Ally summons to 2. Stat-wise, try to obtain high Toughness stats, Resistance roll
in the secondaries, and most importantly —
Exploding Palm %.
Weapon choices are split between Paragon farming and Leaderboard pushing. When aiming to progress, skipping elites
becomes a common tactic, as well as maximizing your damage against trash. The best weapon against normal enemies is Wrath of the Bone King,
rolling with up to 30% additional Cold damage. The preferred weapon for speed runs is
The Furnace, the strongest
generic two-handed weapon in the game. With the high two-hander damage range and rolling up to 50% additional elite
damage as a free fifth affix, it is an optimal choice when efficient leveling is your primary concern, and killing elites is
still considered optimal behavior.
Stat Priorities per Gear Slot
Slot | Pieces | Stat Priority |
Head |
Shoulders |
Torso |
Wrists |
Hands |
Waist |
Legs |
Feet |
Amulet |
Ring #1 |
Ring #2 |
Weapon |
To help you with farming the gear you need for your builds, we have two very useful guides that you can access by clicking the links below: a Salvage Guide to help you quickly check whether or not you can safely salvage a piece of gear and a Legendary Farming Guide to help you efficiently farm legendaries and set items.
Paragon Points
Slot | Paragon Points |
Core |
Offense |
Defense |
Utility |
Your three jewelry sockets will be taken up by the legendary gems Bane of the Trapped,
Zei's Stone of Vengeance
Esoteric Alteration.
Bane of the Trapped is a potent source of additional damage, as it is its own multiplier in your total damage calculation. The gem procs itself with its level 25 property, and is otherwise triggered by the numerous sources of slow and crowd control effects present in a group, making it an excellent fit for this burst oriented spec.
Zei's Stone of Vengeance is another independent multiplier, whose range-dependent amplification can be easily maxed out by
Tempest Rushing out of combat before the
Exploding Palm detonation. The level 25 property will add some minor control and safety to the build, as well as another proc for
Bane of the Trapped.
Esoteric Alteration is the strongest mitigation gem available, and its impact is noticeable in glass cannon builds like the Sunwuko EP Monk. Improving your elemental resistances with every gem level, as well as providing you with a near-impenetrable last line of defense through the level 25 property,
Esoteric Alteration can deliver that extra bit of Toughness when facing hard elemental affixes. An alternative (especially if you are running
Sixth Sense) can be found in
Moratorium, helping a spec that generally struggles with damage spikes.
Slot | Gems |
Jewelry | |
Helm |
Torso and Pants | |
Weapon |
Kanai's Cube
The core Kanai's Cube items are The Fist of Az'Turrasq for the weapon slot and Convention of Elements for the jewelry slot. In speed runs, your armor slot will be taken by a Leoric's Crown, while in progression you will need to cube Spirit Guards.
The Fist of Az'Turrasq increases the on-death explosion damage of
Exploding Palm by up to a 100%; as a true multiplier to the base damage of the skill, it essentially doubles the output of your primary source of damage. Cubing this legendary fist ensures the you get the maximum value of the unique property, and frees your inventory for a hard hitting two hander.
- Bonus experience is top priority in speed rifting, and no other helm will empower a Ruby quite like a
Leoric's Crown cubed in the armor slot. Essentially doubling the effect of the gem slotted in your helm, your cubed
Leoric's Crown will bump your experience up by 82% with a
Flawless Royal Ruby.
- An armor slot alternative for progression,
Spirit Guards will multiply your damage reduction by 40% for 3 seconds after using a spirit generator — another significant reminder to use your
Way of the Hundred Fists on a regular basis. Stacking with your other sources of damage mitigation, these bracers will be a solitary mitigation item in a build that heavily relies on party buffs.
- The jewelry slot will be best taken by the pure damage boost of
Convention of Elements, whose rotation of elemental bonuses you will need to learn and time to maximize the benefits of the short-lived Cold proc. Note that similarly to the Sunwuko damage bonus,
Convention of Elements is a dynamic buff and can be missed, but will still provide substantial damage boost when timed correctly.
- 12 Jan. 2015: Build no longer viable after Patch 2.4.
- 21 Oct. 2015: Updated the guide following community recommendations.
This build is presented to you by Deadset, one of the very few professional Diablo 3 players. Deadset regularly publishes video guides on Youtube and streams on Twitch, where you can see how this and other builds play out in practice.
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