Season 24 Compendium for Diablo 3
Season 24 introduces new weapons to the world of Diablo 3 in the form of Ethereals, which are re-introductions of iconic weapons from Diablo 2, along with new rewards to be earnt by completing the Season Journey.
Season 24 Dates and Patch Notes
Season 24 will start on Friday, July 23, 2021, for all regions, at 5 P.M. (PDT/CEST/KST).
For a list of all the changes coming with Season 24 and Patch 2.7.1, you can click the button below.
Season 23 of Diablo 3 ended on July 18, 2021.
For information on Season 25, check out our Season 25 Compendium.
How to Make the Best of Season 24?
This section will explain to you how to make the best of Season 24 and how our content can help you with that.
Step 1: Read our Season Start, Season Journey, and Leveling Guides
Our Season Start and Season Journey guides provide great advice to optimize the start of your season and then your seasonal journey.
You also need to level up your character to Level 70, which you can speed up by using our advised build for your class:
- Barbarian Leveling Build
- Crusader Leveling Build
- Demon Hunter Leveling Build
- Monk Leveling Build
- Necromancer Leveling Build
- Witch Doctor Leveling Build
- Wizard Leveling Build
Step 2: Gearing Up at Level 70 and Preparing for Greater Rifts
Each season in Diablo 3, players are given a "free" set (Haedrig's Gift set) to earn through completing the first 4 chapters of the Season Journey. Therefore, it is highly recommended that you quickly complete these first 4 chapters to earn the free set for your class. For each set, we have a build that you can use to start progressing through the end game.
- Barbarian — Immortal King's Fresh 70 Build
- Crusader — Seeker of the Light Fresh 70 Build
- Demon Hunter — Natalya's Vengeance Fresh 70 Build
- Monk — Uliana's Stratagem Fresh 70 Build
- Necromancer — Trag'Oul's Fresh 70 Build
- Witch Doctor — Spirit of Arachyr Fresh 70 Build
- Wizard — Vyr's Fresh 70 Build
Step 3: Following the Meta
Using builds that perform well is essential to reaching your highest Greater Rifts. To help you in that quest, we have several guides.
The first guide is a Solo Rankings guide, which shows you the best builds for pushing Greater Rifts in Solo mode, putting special emphasis on the best build(s) for each class. While the rankings are mainly focused on a full tier list of all possible builds, Patch 2.7 introduced a new form of leaderboard: set leaderboards. This means that you can now push leaderboards in regards to your chosen set, such as all builds that use the Wrath of the Wastes set for Barbarian.
You can find the "top" builds for each set in the solo push rankings if you wish to push the leaderboards for a certain set.
The second guide is a Group Meta guide, which is more than a simple tier list in that it not only list the best group compositions, but also explain how to form groups for various kinds of content (Greater Rifts, Speed Farming, Experience Farming, etc.) and different group sizes.
The page focuses mostly on the 4-man meta, but we will be adding pages for the 2- and 3- player meta in the near future, which will then be linked here.
The third guide is a Speedfarming Rankings guide, which lists the best Solo Speedfarming builds for each class and then rank them relative to one another.
Speedfarming is an absolutely vital part of Diablo 3's gameplay; if you want to stay competitive, you will need a Speedfarming build to specifically clear bounties for materials and rifts for Greater Rift keys.
Seasonal Theme: Ethereals
The seasonal theme for Season 24 adds a new category of weapon to the game: Ethereals. These new weapons are being brought into Diablo 3 from Diablo 2, with many of them being iconic weapons from the game's history.
You can read more on these on our dedicated page below.
Season 24 Conquests
Each season, a certain set of conquests is available for players to complete. The conquests for Season 24 are as follows, along with links to our guides for each:
- Boss Mode/Worlds Apart —
eliminate the listed bosses at Level 70 and on Torment X in under 20 minutes:
- Skeleton King
- The Butcher
- Zoltun Kulle
- Ghom
- Cydaea
- Rakanoth
- Diablo
- Adria
- Queen Araneae
- Maghda
- Belial
- Siegebreaker Assault Beast
- Azmodan
- Izual
- Urzael
- Malthael
- Curses!/Stars Align — defeat over 350 monsters at Level 70 in any Cursed Chest event on Torment X or higher.
- The Thrill/Superhuman — complete a Greater Rift 45 solo without any Set Items equipped.
- On A Good Day/I Can't Stop — level 3 legendary gems to Level 65.
- Years Of War/Dynasty — reach Level 55 Solo with the full bonuses of 6 class sets.
Season 24 Rewards
As with recent seasons, Season 24 has some rewards that are being reintroduced from previous seasons; however, there is also a brand new frame and pet being brought in for players that complete their season journey. The image below shows the base rewards for each step of the journey.

The image below shows the journey completion rewards:

- 22 Jul. 2021: Guide added.
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